GDOP - Day Four

This is Day Four of Ten Days of Constant Prayer, leading up to the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, June 12. Forward this e-mail and invite others to join in praying for the glory of Jesus Christ to be known throughout your city and the earth!


Day Four Theme: Transform
May Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven...


Pray with us for the following: 
  • for God's people to bring the influence and blessing of Christ into every aspect of commerce, arts, education and governance in ways that bring lasting transformation.
  • for God's wisdom to be upon our government leaders, bringing changes that increase righteousness and justice.
  • for the righteousness, peace and joy of Christ's kingdom to be a reality by the power of the Holy Spirit.

 Scripture: Read Joel 2:15-17: A Call to GATHER


"Gather the people...and let them say, 'Spare Your people, O LORD...'Why should the peoples say, 'Where is their God?'"         (vs. 16-17)


 To repent as a people we must come before God together. He wants to encounter us as a people. That's why He's summoning us to break normal routines in order to assemble before Him in gatherings large and small. It's a time to interrupt daily habits of life, fasting from our normal diet, even moving from familiar rituals of worship to assemble in special ways.

Why this urgency? Because something great is at stake for God's glory. Let's allow our hearts to be grieved by what we, as God's people, have done to bring shame upon His name. To the watching world, it can appear as if we have no God. Consider what brings sorrow to the heart of God, and pray that He will transform us to bring Him the glory He deserves.*


                                                    *Reprinted from GDOP Ten Days of Prayer booklet

For His Glory,

Bob Bakke, Global Day of Prayer


Use the Prayer for the World  in your church service on Pentecost Sunday, June 12.

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