Pray for Protection and Victory in the Battlefields of Life
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the whole armor of God so that you may take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:10, 11).
A grandfather understands the nature of warfare and that our grandchildren are prime targets for the enemy who is seeking to devour them (and us). Gentlemen, we are soldiers engaged in the battlefield of war for the hearts, minds, and souls of our grandchildren. If we fail to engage in battle, then we set the enemy loose to do whatever he wants with our children and grandchildren.
Our grandchildren need grandfathers who are good soldiers—soldiers who understand they are not on vacation but at war. Men who grasp their calling, committed to fulfilling it and pleasing our Commanding Officer (Christ). Men who have learned how to endure hardship with courage and faith, and clothed themselves with the full armor of God and are engaged in fervent prayer on their grandchildren’s behalf.
Such soldier grandfathers will pray that for their grandchildren to grow strong in their walk with the Lord. They will pray for and show them the importance of the armor of God to stand firm against schemes of the devil who will tempt them to lie, to cheat, to disobey their parents, and to follow all the ways of the world. The enemy is cunning, deceptive, and powerful. He will do everything he can to distract our grandchildren from walking with the Lord and seek, instead, to gratify the sinful desires of the flesh.
Grandfathers, pray that your grandchildren will:
1. Recognize the deception of the world and resist temptation.
2. Gird themselves with the belt of truth (God’s Word) and stand firm in the truth
3. Take up the shield of faith so that they may stand firm against and extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
4. Put on the helmet of salvation by the Holy Spirit will guard their hearts and minds, and fill them with hope and courage
to live life to the fullest in Christ Jesus, their Lord and Savior.
5. Be alert, self-controlled, and firm in faith—faith in God and the work of Christ on the Cross.
6. Persevere and endure hardship in the face of hostility and ignorance.
7. Take up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, as their only weapon against which Satan cannot stand.
Pray that they will hide the Word in their hearts through study and memorization.
8. Be alert, self-controlled, and firm in faith—faith in God and the work of Christ on the Cross.
9. Persevere and endure hardship in the face of hostility and ignorance.
10. Live a life worthy of the calling they have received as a child of God.
One final thought for grandfathers…
Men, soldiers are not supposed to fight the battle alone. They fight as a company or platoon, part of unit watching out for each other’s back. The Scriptures are clear as well that we are to fight this battle as a unit—we are the body of Christ. I urge you, therefore, to band with two, three, or more brothers who will stand shoulder to shoulder with you, and you with them, to do battle for the hearts and minds of our grandchildren (and children). A band of righteous men gathered to pray is a powerful force against our enemy.
Decide right now to ask other grandfathers to form a band of grandfathers who will pray together and develop a strategy for fighting in the power of God on the battlefield for life. Grandparent’s Day of Prayer is a perfect staging area for this purpose. Talk to a few other men in your church, neighborhood or place of work, and ask them to join you to form a Grandfather’s G@P group—a band of brothers who will do battle for the souls of the next generations. Our Commander In Chief has issued the call. Will you respond?
I would also like to invite you to join “Grandparents @ Prayer” on this Pray! Network.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, go to or contact me at
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” III John 1:4.
Guest Blog by Cavin Harper, Executive Director of Christian Grandparenting Network