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Praise God



 Your prayers was a great help to us in that we just ended a three days youth conference from Thursday 25th of August to 27th this year. We blessed god for the provisions and protections.

May the God Almighty help us as we work for his coming. The conference was well attended, and many of the young people gave their lives to Christ. Please remember that this conference is every year.


God bless you



From Liberia

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It Seems to Me ... Prayer is a collaborative experience.


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Another airport, another stop at the "news" store to look the latest issues of Macworld, Newsweek (I subscribe to Time), and Sporting News (my copy of Sports Illustrated is already in my briefcase) . . . but as I peruse the display, the cover of the July-August issue of the Harvard Business Review catches my eye:  Build a culture of trust and innovation. COLLABORATE

Even at $15.99 (the check out clerk warned me before she rang it up), it was a no-brainer. 

The Holy Spirit is moving across the Body of Christ with a John 17 message of unity.

"I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me" (vv 22-23).

An admonition with a clear and direct application to evangelism that is empowering the city-reaching movements in communities large and small across the nation. Congregations, ministry organizations, marketplace leaders of influence, are asking "what can we do better, more effectively, together, than separate?" A movement from isolation, not merely in reaction to the social culture but from other Christ-centered churches and ministries, toward community impacting collaboration.

My excitement grew as I began to scan and read the feature articles:

--Are You a Collaborative Leader? . . . how great leaders keep their team connected
--Building a Collaborative Enterprise . . . how to create a culture of trust and teamwork
--Bringing Minds Together . . . collaboration among people who previously had no reason to work together

Each article had immediate benefit to my work of coordinating the coaches of Loving Our Communities to Christ, a catalytic and cooperative process of demonstrating and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ across cities and communities. Sadly, especially the third one listed.

Fast forward a few weeks. Sitting on the sand facing the Atlantic ocean, trying to read the HBR in the blazing sun, suddenly it occurred to me. The prayer movement needs collaboration too. Joining forces, teaming up, banding together is not only for citywide evangelism, it is equally vital for the local church prayer leader in his or her approach to corporate prayer. After all, corporate means "to form into a body" and shouldn't each corporate prayer experience transform individuals, by the filling and leading of the Spirit, into a one-mind, one-voice choir of praise? [see: Acts 4:24: "they raised their voices together in prayer to God."]

When I facilitate a consultation or round table gathering, I often use the 20-20-20 format. Twenty minutes of presentation followed by 20 minutes of small group discussion then concluding with 20 minutes of all-group feedback (often called a debrief). Perhaps this format would help us turn around-the-circle and down-each-list corporate prayer into a dynamic experience ("a process or system stimulating development or progress"). How would it work?

Prayer is a collaborative experience

  • 20 minutes of collaborating through conversing. Begin by seeking to discern together what the Spirit saying to the group that should serve as the focal point of your praying. Seeking prayer utilizes questions. Instruct the pray-ers to ask for direction and wisdom and revelation, and to avoid making requests or supplication; that will take place in the second segment.

    Whether the gathering is a small fellowship group or a large congregation, the prayer leader facilitates a time of both vertical prayer and horizontal dialog. Some of the time the group is in a listening prayer mode. Some of the time the facilitator is asking if anyone has a scripture (for example, this may surface in a group that is devoted to praying for lost persons or serving needs in the community -- "Pray that I may proclaim the gospel clearly, as I should" [Colossians 4:4]) or a statement (in a study group -- "The Bible was written to change our lives, not increase our knowledge" could focus prayer on "Being transformed by the renewing of our minds" [Romans 12:2])

    Is the Lord speaking through silence or calling for silence (listening prayer)?

    "Father, are there "pslams, hymns or spiritual songs" you want us to sing to you or to sing as our petitions or declarations?

    Is there a story (testimony) of someone who has experienced a trial or testing or tirumph that would encourage the group and become a headline for prayer?

    While the first segment qualifies as prayer, the primary aim is to collaborate toward receiving the inspiration and instruction of the Spirit for the second segment by simply talking to God and one another.


  • 20 minutes of collaborating through communing

    The prayer leader facilitates a transition from seeking to speaking and singing and the praying of scripture.

    Clearly identify the headline or focus the group has discerned in the first segment and ask everyone to launch their prayers from that scripture or statement or story. Set the course.

    As the group presents their requests to the Lord, the prayer leader needs to help the corporate body stay on course. Remind them of the path, if they take an off-ramp. Redirect them gently if they somehow detour. Refocus their attention if they head in a totally different direction.


  • 20 minutes of collecting through commenting

    While this will be a horizontal discussion (participants are asked to share their experience), it is still, technically, prayer. Listening to one another is a way to hear what the Spirit has said through our prayers in the second segment. We asked questions, discerned what to pray, then prayed what we heard. But, whenever we pray what is on God's heart, we discover in our response new depths of the mind of Christ or an unexpected passion in our petitions. Debriefing what we experienced (heard, said, leaned, observed, a new question or fresh insight) always cements learning and takes us on a new adventure.

    This segment has much "vertical" potential even though participants will not have every eye closed and every head bowed.

    The prayer leader makes certain the group discusses (and hopefully determines) what God has said as we spoke to Him and what He intends us to do about it--action steps that may make us the answer to our own prayers.

    Consider collecting everyone's thoughts as they comment on a white board or on a computer projected on a screen. This information may be a good beginning to the next prayer gathering.

It seems to me, many of those missing from our prayer gatherings (or silent when they are present) would welcome conversing with the Lord, communing with open another, and ollecting spiritual insights-- if only they knew we believe that prayer is a collaborative experience.

Pastor Phil

Originally published by the Church Prayer Leaders Network


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Lord, You are truly the Christ…truly the Son of the living God. This is s who I say You are in me and to me. You are love longing to be poured out. Lord, You are Hope fulfilled. You are the one and only water walker and enable me to walk on the waters of my life in the power of Your name as I set my face on You. Winds obey the sound of Your voice as You speak peace over my life. All My fountains are in You. No frigid circumstance…no fiery trial…no howling wind has power over You. When you tell me to speak peace to the upheavals of my life, I will with the expectation of seeing those upheavals respond to Your Word.

I am the vessel You have chosen to use for Your Glory. I am the love of Your life. I am Your most favorite one. You are pleased with me and I bring a smile to Your face as You set Your gaze upon me. I am Yours in the good and the bad. I receive strength as I eat from Your hand. I am fed.

I will not hide from Your Presence in fear, for Your perfect love casts out all fear within me. Help me to grow in the revelation of You as Christ in me the hope of Glory. No, I will not hide from You my Lord but, I will rest in Your strength.

Yes, I rejoice in You forever and thank You for the continual transformation of my life as I continually move from dust to Glory and become a beautiful garden in the midst of Your Presence. Amen.  Shared from ... Journals of the Heart


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The Problem with Prayer Promises

I have a problem with "prayer promises" in the Bible.  Don't get me wrong - I believe in the truth of all Scripture.  And that's exactly the problem.


Prayer promises take encouraging, bite-size truths about prayer out of the larger contexts in which they are written.  As a result, they present partial truths; the verses themselves are true, but they are not all of the truth.  And basing my prayer life on these incomplete truths seems to me to miss the point.


Take John 15:7 for example.  In the NIV, this verse reads, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."  We name this verse and claim it over all sorts of things, from health issues to financial needs to relational struggles.  We assume that, because we are saved, we've met the "condition" - that is, remaining in Christ and his words in us.  So the promise becomes a formula for "successful" prayer.


But when we look at the context of John 15, we realize that this is not a passage primarily about prayer.  The main theme of the passage is fruit-bearing, and the main requirement of the passage is that we "remain" in Christ and in his love.  We're not told exactly how to do that, but we are told that apart from Christ, we can do nothing.  God is the gardener, and occasionally he will see fit to prune the branches (us) for greater fruitfulness.  But unless the branches are constantly nourished by the vine, there will be no fruitfulness at all.


The passage goes on to talk about remaining in Christ's love, which is tied closely to keeping his commands and loving each other.  Remaining in Christ's love leads to becoming friends (rather than servants) of Christ.  After all, servants don't know their master's business. We, however, have been chosen by Jesus to be about the Father's business and to bear fruit to his glory.


In the middle of all this, we see John 15:7.  Taken in context, we see that Jesus is picturing prayer as part of an overall relationship with him - a relationship in which we remain in him, obey his commands, bear fruit to the Father's glory, and show love for one another. 


This passage makes the most sense when understood in its original context.  Jesus is giving his disciples their final instructions prior to his betrayal and crucifixion.  Much of what he says they don't understand at the time, but they do understand later.  At the center of everything he wants to convey to them is the importance of remaining in him - staying faithful, still believing - even after he is put to death.  There is great hope in these words - hope that the disciples can continue to bear fruit for the kingdom and can continue to have a relationship with Jesus after his death.


Another clue to understanding John 15:7 is (not surprisingly) John 15:8.  "This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."  What is the "this" referred to in this verse?  The most natural reading is that "this" is the answered prayer spoken of in John 15:7.  God brings glory to himself by answering our prayers for fruitfulness. 


As it turns out, John 15:7 is not about asking God for our personal needs at all.  There are other places where Jesus encourages prayer for personal needs (Matthew 7:7; Luke 11:5ff; Luke 18:1-8; also in the Lord's prayer, Matthew 6:11), but this is not the meaning of John 15:7.


No one verse or passage expresses all that prayer is meant to be.  Scripture taken as a whole teaches us about relating to God, and prayer is part of that relationship.  To call out "sound bites" about prayer and make formulas out of them is to lose the meaning of prayer altogether and often to wrongly apply the verses themselves.


So let's pray.  Let's pray to our faithful, sovereign God with confidence and trust.  But let's not pretend that prayer is an isolated activity that has no reference to the rest of our lives.  Let's not make it into a formula where we provide the right inputs and God is obliged to grant the output.  Instead, let's remain in Christ, bearing fruit for the kingdom, growing in love for him and for each other.  In that context, let's pray.

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Mark 1

1The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God;

2As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

3The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

4John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

5And there went out unto him all the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins.

6And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey;

7And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.

8I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.

9And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.

10And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:

11And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased

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Please join with us in faith as we unite in prayer for those along the East Coast of the USA.

Father, we acknowledge You as Lord over the United States. You reign above all gods. All power belongs to You. We thank You for Your protection and that, in spite of forecasts that have predicted many devastating storms, there has not been a single hurricane hit the USA in several years.

Today we bring the East Coast of America to You. Lord, we are not just asking for this hurricane to veer out to sea, but that the people on the East Coast turn to You during this time. We are asking that the kingdom of God would advance into the consciousness of backsliddened Christians, atheists and sinners. Lord let this be an evangelistic hurricane. Let it stimulate Wall Street to cry to You. Father, we ask for this storm to be instrumental in igniting a prayer movement on the East Coast.

Finally Lord, we humble ourselves and ask that You please forgive our many sins, our disobedience, rebellion, greed, unbelief and lusts. Lord, help us to be a nation that truly can say, "In God we trust."

We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.


Please also remember to keep the Bahamas in prayer. According to the National Emergency Management Agency(NEMA), even though New Providence and Grand Bahama largely avoided Irene's impact, the central and southeastern regions were pulverized by the storm.


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I would like you to open your mind and be very attentive, as you read this message. Don’t allow the enemies to make you miss one sentence from what you are about to read now. This message discusses the problems that are not from the enemies. A careful search of the word of God will make us to understand that there are five sources of sufferings for a Christian.

1. It could be due to satanic activities: Job 2:7 confirms this, "So went Satan forth from the presence of the Lord and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown" Job’s problem therefore was as a result of satanic activities. The woman in Luke Chapter 13 that Jesus healed; the woman called the daughter of Abraham was bound up by the devil for 18 years. Jesus himself confirmed the fact. It is an established fact therefore that Job as well as the daughter of Abraham were both afflicted by Satan.

2. Ungodly men: 2 Timothy Chapter 4 verse 14 says, “Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil; the Lord reward him according to his works”. It is certain therefore that a believer’s suffering could come from ungodly men like Alexander the coppersmith.

3. The world system: 2 Peter Chapter 2 verse 8 says, "For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds." The world system too could constitute a problem for the righteous men. They really harass the souls and spirits of believers everyday.

4. A believer’s suffering could come from man’s fallen nature: Roman Chapter 7 verses 14 and 15 say, "For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do, I allow not: for what I would that do I not; but what I hate, that do I”. Man’s fallen nature without any doubt, could give him problems.

Carnal Christianity: Philippians Chapter I verses 15 and 16 say, "Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of goodwill. The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds. "2 Timothy Chapter 4 verse 10 says; "For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica."

Beloved reader, the five sources of believers’ sufferings as far as the Bible is concerned, are what you have just read. It is important to locate the source of one’s problems. Remember the story of a farmer in Matthew, who planted wheat on his farmland, but from nowhere, tares started growing amidst it. The farmer knew straightaway that the enemy performed the wicked task. Whenever God plants good things in a place, the enemy or Satan is usually unhappy. It does not come as a surprise therefore that the enemy will make moves to destroy, pollute or choke them.

I don’t know whether you will like what I’m about to say. It is very tempting to blame everything that goes wrong on the devil. When things go wrong, people complain bitterly and say that it is the devil that pushed them to do it. The question is why did such people supply their backs for Satan to ride on? God does not at any point in time expect you you supply your back to the devil. He does not expect you to turn your back to the enemy and run. He expects you to wage war against him.

A long time ago in England, there was a cartoon in one of the major newspapers. It was the picture of a church and of the devil. The devil was standing outside the church, crying bitterly. Then somebody came to Mr. Devil to find out why he was crying bitterly. The devil responded tearfully that he was usually blamed for all the evil taking place in the church. The devil then narrated what happened at a christian naming ceremony. He the devil had afflicted the food to be served there, He said that a greedy brother who was supposed to have only one plate of food collected three rations. The brother became greatly afflicted by his own greediness, he had serious cholera. The devil said that the brother in question was responsible for the affliction that visited him.

The problem in our lives, in many instances are not always demonic in their source, no matter how we sometimes claim to be innocent. The blunt truth is that most people are the cause of their problems. Many of man’s problems will disappear if he can just remove selfishness from his life. He will also get freedom if he thinks first before acting. The selfishness of a man or a woman can land the whole of his or her family in trouble. A lot of problems would disappear from your life if selfishness is removed from your marriage. Many people shut themselves off from blessings, they are concerned only about their own comfort.

You must know this fact, that most of those that were blessed in the bible by God, had always blessed others first, both in cash and in kind. Have you ever thought of the fact that if Jesus was selfish, he would not have come to die for us. The bible says that one might even offer to die for a good man. But when a person decides to die for somebody who is evil, then there is need to think of the selflessness of that person. You and I are saved today because Jesus was not selfish. Selfish people often harm themselves.

There was this story of a man, who had an accident and was rushed to the hospital. The nurse on duty was supposed to close at 8.00 p.m. For the simple reason that the man who had an accident was brought to that hospital at about 8.00 p.m. the nurse refused to attend to him. She chose instead to paint her lips and change her clothes. The fact that the situation was an emergency one did nothing to change the heart of the lady. All pleas to make her change her mind fell on deaf ears. She insisted on going home. She went home only to discover that her husband was not at home. By the time she ran around to know where her husband was, she found out that her husband was the injured man to whom she refused to give the necessary service the previous night. The man died thereafter. Now if I may ask you this question, was the devil responsible for the woman’s affliction?

Many Christians may not like to face this fact, but a lot of believers are very selfish. Majority of the prayers that most Christians pray are for themselves. All forms of anger that most people engage in, are motivated by selfishness. Most people are angry because somebody has violated their rights. May be you are fond of saying, ’A whole me’, the big question is "who are you?" If God withdraws your breath for five minutes, where will you be? When you are bitter against somebody because he or she has done something to harm your pride, you are undoubtedly a selfish person. Although this is very difficult for many people to admit, many problems are of people’s own making and a lot of people have specialised in what is called "Blame shifting". Try to accept blame for your own wrong doing and stop putting the blame on someone else.

Many problems we bring on ourselves are as a result of our words and/or deeds. When you speak words carelessly in an angry way, those words could be missiles that have irrevocable result. The principle that the Bible highlighted in Galatians Chapter 6 verse 7, can never be defeated. It says that, "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." You cannot push it aside. David sowed a seed of family destruction, took another man’s wife, and killed the man. David then reaped the harvest of family destruction from his son, Absalom. If you must throw mud at others you would first of all have to stain your own hands. You must therefore not throw mud at people. It is just a simple law of repercussion.

God Himself can also be the source of our problems. Therefore, not all problems are bad problems. God can design problems that will make you come closer to Him and also make you more prayerful. Naaman was a proud person who didn’t get his healing until he dumped his pride and moved closer to God.

The flesh is another source of problem. Our own carnal nature could be the source of our problems. It is the old man. The demons and the evil spirits are like vultures that eat our flesh or our carnal nature. That is why problems from evil spirits can be solved by expelling the evil spirits. But if the problem is from your own flesh, death is the only solution. That flesh must be crucified.

I remember the story of a serious Christian brother who boarded a bus and somebody gave him a dirty slap. Although the other commuters wanted the brother to retaliate, he refused bluntly. He said he would not slap the man back as his hands have been nailed to the cross. In essence, the brother was saying that his hands and indeed his entire body have been nailed to the cross.

Beloved reader, the question you need to answer is this, can you do what that brother did? I am quite sure some Christians would rather deal countless blows on the person involved. Such people have not crucified their flesh. Satan will always send his demons into an already bad situation, if you are not weary. All you have to do is to avoid certain things. Every bit of anger that you put up could be your problem activator. Every exercise in worry that you engage in, could be your problem activator. A good prayer point is for you to know your problem activator. Sometimes, by memorising and confessing scriptures that speak to certain life’s problems, Satan and his agents will stay away from you. You have to determine to do this or else, the flesh will keep you away from confessing the scriptures.

Most things posing as problems to Christians cannot withstand regular bombardment of prayers, but the flesh will not do the regular bombardment of prayers. By the time people come to church and they are able to absorb the word of God, they will be able to deal with spirit of worry, discouragement, impatience, etc. They will also be able to repent, and resist temptations. The problems would then disappear. By the time you come to the house of God and you refuse to work on other people’s agenda, 90% of the problems are over.

It will interest you to know that not all problems require casting out demons from believers’ lives. For example, if the enemy has removed a part of somebody’s body, such a person does not need deliverance, he needs a creative miracle. So it is a great prayer to ask for creative miracle where it is necessary in your life. Deliverance will not restore or replace any part of the body that is lost. Somebody that is not feeding well and becomes sick as a result of this does not need deliverance. He needs to feed very well. Sometimes it is after a situation has gone bad and terrible, that the devil will send his demons there, meanwhile, the demons were not there originally. A creative miracle is required in those kinds of cases.

Let me tell you one big truth today, most Christians need to check what they eat. You will find that the food recommended by the bible is not expensive, but the problem is that what most people need is not what they eat. Mark 12:30-31 says, "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these" There are three groups of people for you to love; you must love God, you must love your neighbours, then you must love yourself. Many would say they don’t need a lecture on how to love themselves.

The truth is that a lot of people have intense hatred for themselves. God made the body, soul and spirit. God is undoubtedly interested in every department of your life. You are the temple of God. So if you are destroying the temple of God which is your body, or you are misusing it, you will have problems with God. It is destruction and you will think it is witches and wizards not knowing that it is God.

God is interested in what you eat. A lot of Christians consume terrible poison everyday. When you over eat flesh, sugar, butter, etc they would overtax your digestive organ, because your body cannot process the food fast enough and unless you use up that energy supply that you have, you will begin to have problems which you will think is demonic, whereas there is no demon involved. A lot of Christians kill themselves daily because of what they eat. Some people have become tea addicts, soft drink addicts, canned food addicts, chocolate addicts, e.t.c. Some hate fasting in any form, not knowing that it is another way of purifying their systems.

God sometimes calls people fools, because they don’t know what they are supposed to know. And right now, even as you are reading this message, do you know that you could be your own enemy? You may be fighting actively against yourself. But one thing is certain, malfunctioning in anybody’s life, is not God’s fault. People don’t like facing the truth. A lot of people have turned themselves to masquerades. They are the ones pursuing themselves.

How long will you run away from yourself? When will you stand up and acknowledge the truth about yourself? Acknowledging the truth about yourself is the first step in the school of spiritual maturity. For how long will you repeat the mistake of Adam? Adam did not point at himself, he said ’the wife thou gavest to me, she gave to me and I did eat.’ As far as you do not want to face the truth about yourself, you will give your enemies a hiding place in your life. The person then becomes a student in the dangerous school of self-deception, then you will be fighting against yourself.

A person cannot succeed in christian life when he or she is lazy. A spiritual sluggard cannot pray and cannot read the Bible. A lazy christian would listen to music for three hours, watch television for four hours and pray for fifteen minutes. A lazy Christian would come to the house of God only to collect blessings, and not to really do according to God’s words. So a lot of people are battling against themselves, while they think they are battling against the enemy.

Apart from the devil, a man has only one other enemy; that enemy is his own self. When self is at work, God’s work will cease, and man’s work will continue. The enemy or the devil knows that you are doing your own will and not God’s will. The devil will then move in and contaminate you. God’s work has ceased in many people’s lives. Anything you do for God that is not energised by His spirit is of little value. So the subject with the highest mark in God’s school, is deliverance from self.

A lot of people are in bondage to themselves. They are spoiling themselves and pampering their own lives. The subject with the highest mark in the devil’s school is self exaltation. Pride is exaltation of self. Every postponement of repentance is pride and is tantamount to wrestling against God. The senior prefect in the school of self-exaltation will rather die than to ask for forgiveness or to apologise. Such people are fighting actively against themselves. Failure to carry our self analysis, or coming to terms with yourself is dangerous. It may lead to fighting against yourself. The bible says ’examine yourself, whether you be in the faith or not.

You need to turn the searchlight of the Holy Spirit on yourself now. You need to ask yourself questions like, ’am I not proud?’ Do I not tell lies? Am I not impatient? Do I really like fasting and praying or am I doing it because other are doing it? Do I not love Jesus for the bread and butter that he supplies? Do I really love Jesus? Can I die for him? Supposing ten people are asked to go for evangelism in a village that is demonic, how many will be willing to go? Am I serious with God when I am rich? Is it not when I am broke that I am serious with praying? Am I not lazy in prayers? Do I not keep malice? Do I have love? Do I like being told the truth about life, or do I avoid those who tell me the truth about my life? Do I enjoy being criticised or do I hate criticism in any form? Do I have faults?

Am I fully obedient to God? Am I the kind of person who likes to be noticed? Do I really have the baptism of the Holy Spirit or I’m still relying on one funny dream I had a long time ago? Do I tell lies against God? Do I say God said when He didn’t say anything? Do I think or meditate on immorality? What do you think when you are on your bed alone at night, as a bachelor or as a spinster? Do I like committing secret sins?

Face the truth, beloved, if not, you are fighting yourself. Except you do this, you will be making a mistake fighting against all the forces of darkness. It is like that boy who was preaching a message on putting on the whole armour of God. In order to make people understand the message, he brought physical helmet, shield to church and was wearing them one after the other. He put on the helmet, shield, and everything he brought to the people. Then he asked the members of his congregation where the devil can attack from now after wearing all that. Then one old man of God who was sitting there told the young man, that the devil could come from inside!

If you are wearing the armour of God, and the devil is already inside , you are just using the armour to cover him inside. What have you done about the one inside of you? It is that one that constitutes your greatest problem. The bible says, touch not my anointed, if you are being touched, then carry out self analysis. The enemy will use your weak point and the unconfessed sin in your life to attack you. Those who don’t want to carry out self analysis are running away from themselves, they are fighting themselves, and God likes sincere people.

How can God invest so much in a person and the person is not yeilding any fruit? What type of fruit is your life bearing? Or have you forgotten that Jesus does not put value on fruitless Christians. He however does not want you to be cut down. Remember that God is continuously crying that He saved many people, filled them with the Holy Ghost, brought them to His sanctuary, yet, they are not bringing any fruit. It is useless for you to be fighting witches, wizards and herbalists when you are not bearing fruits for God.

Things cannot move for you until you allow God to possess you and your fruits. Do you want God to replace you? My prayer is that you will not be replaced in Jesus’ name. I also pray that you will bring forth fruits, such that God’s heart will be filled with joy.

Many Christians will get into trouble because of their families. The bible says pour your anger on the family that calls not on the name of the Lord. If your own family does not come together every morning and every night to worship God and to pray to Him, then you can be convinced that you are on your own. May God have mercy on you. What fruits are you producing for the Lord with all your intelligence, academic success, good job, financial position, influential personality, capacity to communicate, and your natural leadership ability. Of what use are you putting it to further the course of the Kingdom? A fruitless Christian is fighting against himself. Many keep saying, "I will fully participate when the Lord solves my problem." What a pity, you cannot blackmail God.

Do not allow God to push you into where there is utter darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth. God can do it if you refuse to use the talents He gave to you. If you keep on burying your talents, you are giving your enemies opportunities to destroy you. Think about it. If you engage in strife, then you are giving enemies a chance to plant a stronghold in your life. You will also be hindering your own blessings. If you are keeping demonic invasions.

You cannot attack demons successfully when you have their properties in your body or house. All the amulets and the waistband will only strengthen the battle against you. If you obtained partial deliverance and you are attacking the enemies, you are only attacking yourself because part of the enemy is still in you.

All those engaging in sexual immoralities cannot win any war against the enemy. It does not matter whether or not the person is your fiancee. You may think you are enjoying yourself now, but you are actually waging a serious war against your own life. The bible says that children that are disobedient to their parents are only inviting short life and they are fighting themselves. Those who are seeking worldly pleasure are killing themselves because they are strengthening their enemies. Why should you be strengthening your enemies? Why should you be fighting against yourself? Why should you not face the truth about yourself?

Why not say "Lord here am I". I want to be free from sins. Not all problems are caused by the enemies. Many play serious roles in their own problems. Before you bind a problem, examine it carefully so as to be sure that you are not binding your own self. I want you to face the truth because one thing is certain, if you are blameless and you pray fire prayer, no witch from the bottom of hell fire can stand against you. If you then notice that something is hindering you, self analysis must be carried out. Ask yourself questions, and make confessional prayers. Now if you know that after reading this message, you have an adjustment to make with God, just put your hand on your chest and speak to the Lord yourself about that particular area.

Face the truth, do it now and don’t allow the enemy to be using your weakness against you, so that when you spit fire in your prayers the fire will function. Make sure you do it very well. What you are doing now is tantamount to taking legal action against the devil, by removing his stronghold. By so doing, the devil would not be able to operate successfully in you.

Pray the following prayers points for the week with fire in your spirit.

Prayer Points

1. Let every evil desire and expectation of the enemy concerning my life collapse now in the name of Jesus.
2. I challenge every department of my body with the fire of God (Lay your right hand on the head and the other one on the stomach) in the name of Jesus.
3. Let every stolen organ from my body be restored now in the name of Jesus.
4. I reject every counterfeit blessing, I claim the correct blessings in the name of Jesus.
5. O Lord, reveal to me who I am (a lot of people are masquerades to themselves, they don’t know themselves. Yet they want to be attacking their enemies).
6. O Lord, I repent from everything that I have done to aid the enemy.
7. O Lord, deliver me from every accusation of the evil one against me in the name of Jesus.
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“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children

        are walking in the truth” III John 1:4.


For PRESCHOOLERS, pray they will:

  1. Develop a well-balanced personality.
  2. Learn problem resolution skills.
  3. Play well with others.
  4. Learn to obey quickly; respect authority
  5. Explore and create without fear of failure.
  6. Develop a soft heart toward Jesus.
  7. Develop confidence and independence.
  8. Learn to control their emotions and anger.
  9. Develop an awareness of God’s love for them.
  10. Build positive friendships.


For ELEMENTARY-AGE children, pray they will:

  1. Discover their God-given gifts and talents.
  2. Develop a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment using their skills.
  3. Be motivated, disciplined and challenged in their learning experiences.
  4. Treat others with respect.
  5. Stand firm for what is right and refuse the wrong with a positive attitude.
  6. Choose friendships wisely.
  7. Obey their parents.
  8. Understand their need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and invite him into their heart.
  9. Develop a strong and healthy self-esteem and self-confidence.
  10. Have a safe, healthy classroom environment.
  11. Be protected from the deception of the enemy.
  12. Develop a hunger for God’s Word


As TEENAGERS, pray they will:

  1. Be motivated, disciplines and challenged to apply themselves and excel in their academic studies.
  2. Experience the reality of Jesus Christ in their lives, as they grow strong in their faith.
  3. Recognize the deception of the world.
  4. Be covered with God’s safekeeping physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
  5. Date wisely (which leads to a spouse for a lifetime).
  6. Be sexually pure.
  7. Have communication and a good relationship with their parents.
  8. Choose friends who will have a positive influence.
  9. Grow spiritually with a hunger for God’s Word.
  10. Have a balanced view of their beauty, charm, and strength.


As COLLEGE STUDENTS, pray they will:

  1. Be motivated, disciplined, and challenged to apply themselves in their studies to excel academically.
  2. Seek God’s wisdom and direction in their management of time, money, and talents.
  3. Think creatively and live with integrity.
  4. Recognize their gifts so they can find their God-given assignment.
  5. Provide the resources to fulfill their God-given assignment.
  6. Find a spouse with a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
  7. Be sexually pure.
  8. Be willing to accept responsibility and make wise financial decisions.
  9. Have open communication and a good relationship with their parents. 

By Lillian Penner, National Prayer Coordinator

Christian Gandparenting Network

For additional grandparenting resources go to


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Reach Unreached People through Prayer

MARIETTA, Ga. (BP) -- With both anticipation and nostalgia I listened to Bryant Wright, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, tell how he and Tom Elliff, the International Mission Board's new president, each had been led by the Spirit of God to challenge Southern Baptist churches to embrace the world's remaining 3,800 unengaged, unreached people groups at the 2011 SBC annual meeting in Phoenix.While many think embracing a people group will entail an immediate trip overseas, quite often the first step is commitment followed by much prayer.The nostalgia at the SBC meeting came because in 1989 Bill O'Brien, a vice president of the then-Foreign Mission Board, visited Johnson Ferry Baptist Church to talk to our pastor, Bryant Wright. I remember being called into the conference room to hear the discussion because we had established a focused prayer ministry a few years earlier and I was the prayer coordinator. If this commitment was made, the prayer ministry would help carry the responsibilities to ensure church-wide participation.The more I heard, the more intently I listened. This was no ordinary prayer request.We were looking at committing to a people group that was not only unreached, but also unreachable due to the "Iron Curtain" in place at the time. This was an opportunity to be stretched into believing that God was up to something and was inviting us to join Him in prayer. With growing excitement, I agreed to do whatever it would take to help get everyone praying for our new group.When we got our people group assignment, we couldn't even pronounce their name, let alone spell it. So we got out a world map to find where these people lived. While they seemed strange at first, over time and with faithful installments of information from the mission board about our group, we became more familiar with them.At least once a month as we received information, we printed a bulletin insert and took a special time during worship services to pray for our people group. We prayed for them around the clock in our 24-hour prayer room. And we began to discuss them and pray in our Sunday School classes.The World Day of Prayer and Fasting for World Evangelization on June 1, 1990, focused our people group, the Kirghiz people of Asia. We were praying but we were not alone, and it was exciting to realize that adopting a people group is indeed a "group" project. When we responded to our God-sized assignment, He was simultaneously calling out others as well.With all the extraordinary prayer God was drawing from people around the world, He granted the fall of the Soviet Union. That new open door allowed for an exploratory trip to be taken from Johnson Ferry in 1991. Groups began to go, including medical teams to host clinics and business training teams looking for open doors for the Gospel. By the fall of that year, interns from Kyrghizstan were invited and brought to Atlanta to have hands-on training with business men and women in our church. With all this interaction, our people group really became tangible to our church and God opened many doors for the Gospel to be shared.Fast forward to 2011, and the ripple effect is still being felt in Kyrghizstan where indigenous, growing churches are reaching their own country for Christ. We are so glad we stepped out in faith to pray for what God wanted us to do and obeyed His call to adopt and partner together to reach an unreached people group. Just the other day at lunch a church friend told me that two Kirghiz women, both Christians now studying in the United States, came to Christ on one of our mission trips to their people group. They are eternally grateful that we cared about them.Now with this new call to the SBC, our Sunday Bible study class is praying about embracing a people group. We are large enough to be a small church and interested enough to trust God to do it again!I hope you, too, will pray about embracing an unengaged, unreached people group and see what God will do through you and your church.--30--Elaine Helms was the national prayer coordinator on staff at the North American Mission Board from 2000–10. She is the author of "Prayer 101" and is now director of Church Prayer Ministries ( in Atlanta. To learn more about the International Mission Board's call to embrace an unengaged, unreached people group, go to or call toll-free 1-800-999-3113.© Copyright 2011 Baptist Press
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My big blooper --

Well I joined pray network and the 1st thing I tried to do was to blog about my independent prayer time... what do you think happened? After several hours of writing, my computer froze and I lost several hours of writing.

My thoughts on resolving that will be to write in word and then transfer it to my blog later...

So Lord though it is lost, the words written - the thoughts on how I spend my time in communication with You -- You are still my God and the one I turn to for solace and grace. Thank you Lord. May I grow to love you more and more and deeper each day.

I want to thank you also Lord for the many prayers for these many years You have answered. Whether it was a yes or no, You have answered.


Lord you be in the details.

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Lord, my heart is overwhelmed by Your goodness toward me. It is astonishing to know I am engraved on the palm of Your hand. You saw every day of my life before I existed. You have restored me at great cost. Help me to realize and come to know intimately the beauty You see in me.

Let every gift in me come to fullness as I inhale Your words of love and grace. I am flawless in You. confess my sins and You cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Past failure has no power over me for each day begins with new mercies. I receive new mercy today to walk in all You say I am. I confess my unbelief and let go of any guilt or shame. I step into the rivers of forgiving grace, for I am the righteousness God in Christ Jesus. I. I Am L9651004084?profile=originaloved. Amen

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The Wind beneath my Wings

I said it again last week that the heart and soul of my ministry abides in my prayer partners. To use a line from a not-so-recent, popular song, they are the “wind beneath my wings.” It has been estimated that approximately 85% of the prayers in the Bible, where we know what God’s answer was, were intercessory prayers – prayers for others. Praying for self is not un-biblical. Jesus prayed for Himself. Paul did likewise for himself. But praying for others is clearly a major teaching of the Bible. I don’t actively recruit more prayer partners because I think God is impressed with my numbers, nor because I think sheer numbers will win some favor with God. I recruit prayer partners so they can be blessed by being a part of what God does in and through me and because I need all the “wind” I can get “beneath my wings.” Strangely, “wind” is often used in the Bible as a symbol of the presence of God. Ezekiel stood over a valley full of dry bones and was told to call for the “wind” to breathe life into the bones (Ezekiel 37:9). When Jesus was trying to help Nicodemus understand God he used the wind as a symbol (John 3:8). When God’s presence filled the place where the disciples were gathered, it was described as “a rushing mighty wind” (Acts 2:2). So thanks to my prayer partners, who assist me in understanding God’s presence, directions, blessings, and favor in my ministry. The last line of the song says, “Thank you, thank you, thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings.”Dr. Dan's Monday Morning Memo is sent free via E-mail every Monday morning. To subscribe go to and click on "Subscribe."
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Grandfathers - Spiritual Warriors

 Pray for Protection and Victory in the Battlefields of Life

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the whole armor of God so that you may take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:10, 11).

      A grandfather understands the nature of warfare and that our grandchildren are prime targets for the enemy who is seeking to devour them (and us). Gentlemen, we are soldiers engaged in the battlefield of war for the hearts, minds, and souls of our grandchildren. If we fail to engage in battle, then we set the enemy loose to do whatever he wants with our children and grandchildren.

      Our grandchildren need grandfathers who are good soldiers—soldiers who understand they are not on vacation but at war. Men who grasp their calling, committed to fulfilling it and pleasing our Commanding Officer (Christ). Men who have learned how to endure hardship with courage and faith, and clothed themselves with the full armor of God and are engaged in fervent prayer on their grandchildren’s behalf.

      Such soldier grandfathers will pray that for their grandchildren to grow strong in their walk with the Lord. They will pray for and show them the importance of the armor of God to stand firm against schemes of the devil who will tempt them to lie, to cheat, to disobey their parents, and to follow all the ways of the world. The enemy is cunning, deceptive, and powerful. He will do everything he can to distract our grandchildren from walking with the Lord and seek, instead, to gratify the sinful desires of the flesh.

 Grandfathers, pray that your grandchildren will:

1.   Recognize the deception of the world and resist temptation.

2.   Gird themselves with the belt of truth (God’s Word) and stand firm in the truth

3.   Take up the shield of faith so that they may stand firm against and extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

4.   Put on the helmet of salvation by the Holy Spirit will guard their hearts and minds, and fill them with hope and courage

       to live life to the fullest in Christ Jesus, their Lord and Savior.

5.   Be alert, self-controlled, and firm in faith—faith in God and the work of Christ on the Cross.

6.   Persevere and endure hardship in the face of hostility and ignorance.

7.   Take up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, as their only weapon against which Satan cannot stand.

            Pray that they will hide the Word in their hearts through study and memorization.

8.   Be alert, self-controlled, and firm in faith—faith in God and the work of Christ on the Cross.

9.   Persevere and endure hardship in the face of hostility and ignorance.

10. Live a life worthy of the calling they have received as a child of God.

 One final thought for grandfathers…

Men, soldiers are not supposed to fight the battle alone. They fight as a company or platoon, part of unit watching out for each other’s back. The Scriptures are clear as well that we are to fight this battle as a unit—we are the body of Christ. I urge you, therefore, to band with two, three, or more brothers who will stand shoulder to shoulder with you, and you with them, to do battle for the hearts and minds of our grandchildren (and children). A band of righteous men gathered to pray is a powerful force against our enemy.

Decide right now to ask other grandfathers to form a band of grandfathers who will pray together and develop a strategy for fighting in the power of God on the battlefield for life. Grandparent’s Day of Prayer is a perfect staging area for this purpose. Talk to a few other men in your church, neighborhood or place of work, and ask them to join you to form a Grandfather’s G@P group—a band of brothers who will do battle for the souls of the next generations. Our Commander In Chief has issued the call. Will you respond?

 I would also like to invite you to join “Grandparents @ Prayer” on this Pray! Network.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, go to or contact me at


“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” III John 1:4.

Guest Blog by Cavin Harper, Executive Director of Christian Grandparenting Network





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Today's Gospel Truth ~  "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after , they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.  But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.  Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called , and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses."   1 Timothy 6:10-12   



In this passage of scripture we like our brother Timothy are encouraged to be very careful of how we handle money.  While money is a gift from God which requisite for the necessities of life, as Ministers (those sharing the Word of God) we must be especially careful not to ever give our love to the gift but always to the Giver.  As we see around our world today many Ministers get caught up in falling in love with the gift more which results in them falling out of love with the Giver.  When this happens it has a huge negative effect on the Kingdom of God.  While in many cases some are  independent financially, it pleases God more and prove to others when we show that we rely completely on God for supplying our needs rather for us to appear as self sufficient.  In the Kingdom of God we know that our truth is that God is the one who supplies all of our needs, even when we may receive a promotion, we know that it is our God who is solely behind it. 


As we remain steadfast in the faith we'll happily pursue a righteous life - a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, and courtesy.  Then we'll be better able to  keep the Kingdom Mindset concerning Money which is: God is the Source of all our Money.  Be obedient in giving our Money freely and liberally to God as he desires it. And be more concerned about storing up treasures in heaven than worldly riches.  Are we to live a poor lifestyle because we are Kingdom Citizens?  Not at all, but God want us as a people to be like the Good Samaritan who refused to pass a hurting stranger on the road.  It was because of his love for God he picked up the stranger, brushed him off, and took him to a hotel to be cared for.  As if that wasn't enough, the Samaritan kept his word and went back for the stranger and paid all his expenses out of his own pocket.  God is so kind to us and he loves when we have, but I'm sure it makes him smile when Give as we fight the good fight of faith.  AMEN





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Prayer of Anselm

This prayer is written in old English, but don't let that dissuade you, it is very good.

Prayer of Anselm:

O wretched lot of man, when he hath lost that for which he was made! O hard and terrible fate! Alas, what has he lost, and what has he found? What has departed, and what remains? He has lost the blessedness for which he was made, and has found the misery for which he was not made. That has departed without which nothing is happy, and that remains which, in itself, is only miserable. Man once did eat the bread of angels, for which he hungers now; he eateth now the bread of sorrows, of which he knew not then. Alas! for the mourning of all mankind, for the universal lamentation of the sons of Hades! He choked with satiety, we sigh with hunger. He abounded, we beg. He possessed in happiness, and miserably forsook his possession; we suffer want in unhappiness, and feel a miserable long, and alas! we remain empty.

Why did he not keep for us, when he could so easily, that whose lack we should feel so heavily? Why did he shut us away from the light, and cover us over with darkness? With what purpose did he rob us of life, and inflict death upon us? Wretches that we are, whence have we been driven out; whither are we driven on? Whence hurled? Whither consigned to ruin? From a native country into exile, from the vision of God into our present blindness, from the joy of immortality into the bitterness and horror of death. Miserable exchange of how great a good, for how great an evil! Heavy loss, heavy grief heavy all our fate!

But alas! wretched that I am, one of the sons of Eve, far removed from God! What have I undertaken? What have I accomplished? Whither was I striving? How far have I come? To what did I aspire? Amid what thoughts am I sighing? I sought blessings, and lo! confusion. I strove toward God, and I stumbled on myself. I sought calm in privacy, and I found tribulation and grief, in my inmost thoughts. I wished to smile in the joy of my mind, and I am compelled to frown by the sorrow of my heart. Gladness was hoped for, and lo! a source of frequent sighs!

And thou too, O Lord, how long? How long, O Lord, dost thou forget us; how long dost thou turn thy face from us? When wilt thou look upon us, and hear us? When wilt thou enlighten our eyes, and show us thy face? When wilt thou restore thyself to us? Look upon us, Lord; hear us, enlighten us, reveal thyself to us. Restore thyself to us, that it may be well with us, --thyself, without whom it is so ill with us. Pity our toilings and strivings toward thee, since we can do nothing without thee. Thou dost invite us; do thou help us. I beseech thee, O Lord, that I may not lose hope in sighs, but may breathe anew in hope. Lord, my heart is made bitter by its desolation; sweeten thou it, I beseech thee, with thy consolation. Lord, in hunger I began to seek thee; I beseech thee that I may not cease to hunger for thee. In hunger I have come to thee; let me not go unfed. I have come in poverty to the Rich, in misery to the Compassionate; let me not return empty and despised. And if, before I eat, I sigh, grant, even after sighs, that which I may eat. Lord, I am bowed down and can only look downward; raise me up that I may look upward. My iniquities have gone over my head; they overwhelm me; and, like a heavy load, they weigh me down. Free me from them; unburden me, that the pit of iniquities may not close over me.

Be it mine to look up to thy light, even from afar, even from the depths. Teach me to see thee, and reveal thyself to me, when I seek thee, for I cannot seek thee, except thou teach me, nor find thee, except thou reveal thyself. Let me seek thee in longing, let me long for thee in seeking; let me find thee in love, and love thee in finding. Lord, I acknowledge and I thank thee that thou hast created me in this thine image, in order that I may be mindful of thee, may conceive of thee, and love thee; but that image has been so consumed and wasted away by vices, and obscured by the smoke of wrong-doing, that it cannot achieve that for which it was made, except thou renew it, and create it anew. I do not endeavor, O Lord, to penetrate thy sublimity, for in no wise do compare my understanding with that; but I long to understand in some degree thy truth, which my heart believes and loves. For I do not seek to understand that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand. for this also I believe, --that unless I believed, I should not understand.

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The Harvest Field


Beloved in Christ,


God is aspecting every one of us to bear fruits, not just fruit, but the one that will last. The Team here was asked to sent two persons to the Republic of Benin for a conference. By the grace of God, I went with a sister from Nimba county in Liberia. We were blessed by the teaching of some faithful servents of God from other parts of Africa.


I also went to Tori Bossito, closer to Togo border, where I has asked to speak to some youth that was camping.

The Lord also heped me to conduct a deliverance of a woman who has being control by demoms when she was seven. She was free from that demons on Sunday 8th of August 2011 in Cotonou Benin.


I am back to Monrovia Liberia to continue the work. Please keep me in your prayers that I will be strong to work for God.

Anyone can sent their prayers points for prayer, I have this gift to use for the body of Christ. Call 002316442990 or email



Goah Samuel Gbadyu

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[16] Then King David went in and sat before the LORD and said, “Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far?

 [17] And this was a small thing in your eyes, O God. You have also spoken of your servant's house for a great while to come, and have shown me future generations, O LORD God!

[18] And what more can David say to you for honoring your servant? For you know your servant.

[19] For your servant's sake, O LORD, and according to your own heart, you have done all this greatness, in making known all these great things.

 [20] There is none like you, O LORD, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

 [21] And who is like your people Israel, the one nation on earth whom God went to redeem to be his people, making for yourself a name for great and awesome things, in driving out nations before your people whom you redeemed from Egypt?

[22] And you made your people Israel to be your people forever, and you, O LORD, became their God.

[23] And now, O LORD, let the word that you have spoken concerning your servant and concerning his house be established forever, and do as you have spoken,

 [24] and your name will be established and magnified forever, saying, ‘The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, is Israel's God,’ and the house of your servant David will be established before you.

 [25] For you, my God, have revealed to your servant that you will build a house for him. Therefore your servant has found courage to pray before you.

 [26] And now, O LORD, you are God, and you have promised this good thing to your servant.

[27] Now you have been pleased to bless the house of your servant, that it may continue forever before you, for it is you, O LORD, who have blessed, and it is blessed forever.”
(1 Chronicles 17:16-27 ESV)

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Praying From Victory



Not for victory. JESUS ALREADY WON FOR YOU.  If you pray the answer, your Faith Will Grow while you are Praying. If you pray the problem, your fears will grow while you are praying. Don't let your prayers destroy your faith. Prayer is to obtain the answer--'Whatsoever Things Ye Desire'. You don't desire the problem, so don't pray the problem. (Ref: Faith & Confession, Charles Capps)


Today We Are Declaring The Way Has Been Opened For: Total Restoration Over Suffering and Broken Lives * For A Harvest of 1 Million Souls for each Slain Minister * Unity in Personal and Church Families * Favor on Jobs, in Businesses and Finances * Academic Increase * God's Love to Surface on our Streets ……….. This We Declare and Decree in Jesus Name!  Please feel free to add your needs to this list and Let  All ATMOSPHERIC CHANGERS DECREE Around the World Over the Next Seven Days!!!!!!


God says, "I Have Opened The Way AND When I Open It No Man Can Shut It."  - - - Today We Unite Together And We Decree In Abundance!!!!




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Grandmothers - Spritual Role Models

GRANDMOTHERS – SPIRITUAL ROLE MODELS If Timothy’s grandmother Lois had not been faithful in passing on her faith to her daughter Eunice and grandson Timothy we would not have the books, First and Second Timothy in the Bible today. This is a good generational example of the importance of passing on the faith to future generations. Lois is our forerunner who modeled grand mothering for us. (II Timothy 1:5) Isn’t it interesting that nowhere in the Bible does it say that the church has the primary responsibility to pass on our faith to the next generation. It makes clear that parents and grandparents are the principal conduit to instruct their children and grandchildren about God and his love for them.

Many grandparents are greatly concerned their children are not passing on the values and faith by which they were raised. Therefore, grandparents have a crucial role to fill if faith is to be found on earth when Jesus comes back for his own. The demonstration of a faithful walk with the Lord and prayers for our grandchildren is a powerful way to pass on the love of Christ to the next generation.


Grandmother’s Role The role of godly grandparents is to communicate their faith in Jesus Christ and pray diligently for their grandchildren. We are also to tell future generations how God has walked with us and demonstrated his mighty works in our lives. God is waiting for us to ask Him for opportunities if we are overwhelmed with how to be a godly influence on your grandchildren. God has given us the responsibility and power to set a positive example. We do affect our grandchildren one way or another, in a positive or negative fashion. In Proverbs 27:19, we read, “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person” (NLT). What does the reflection of our “real person” look like? When we are committed to read and meditate on God’s Word, we reflect a life transformed into his image. As we invest in our own walk with the Lord, we are spiritually investing in the lives of our grandchildren by modeling a godly example. As spiritual role models, we demonstrate the reality of our faith by walking with God through both the stormy and sunny days of our lives.


We, as grandmothers love to give gifts to our grandchildren, however, the greatest and most lasting gift we can give them is to be their prayer intercessor, affecting and imprinting their generation with God’s faithfulness. The material things we leave our grandchildren are temporary; however, our prayers and examples can make a significant impact on them for a lifetime. Our greatest blessings will come when we observe the results of our answers to prayer in the lives of our grandchildren. Even though we may go to heaven before God answers our prayers, our prayers will be deposits in their spiritual trust fund. With the pressure on families today, grandchildren need our hugs, reassurance, and wisdom more than ever. It is also imperative for us to communicate to our grandchildren our love for them and accept them, even though we may not accept their behavior. In today’s broken world, Satan’s purpose is to destroy the family. It is imperative that we pray God will give the mothers and fathers of our dear grandchildren godly wisdom in the monumental task of teaching and guiding them in the ways of the Lord.


Do your grandchildren see an authenticity and sincerity about you in your relationship with God? What a blessing it would be for me to hear my grandchildren say, “I want to have a relationship with the Lord like my grandmother modeled for me.” I hope I can say in the years to come, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children and grandchildren are walking in the truth” (3 John 1:4).


Ask yourself:

• What kind of memories will my grandchildren have of me when I pass away? • Is my walk with the Lord what I want reflected in the lives of my grandchildren?

• Do I want my grandchildren to imitate my spiritual life?

• Will they want my Jesus? • Will my love for God keep on living through my grandchildren, even after I am deceased?


Prayer: Dear Lord, forgive me when I have not taken the time to be in your Word or modeled the life of a godly grandparent. Help me to take the time to read and meditate on your Word every day so I will reflect Your face in the heart of my grandchildren. Help me to be a godly example, teaching my grandchildren to live lives of truth with integrity, authenticity, and seriousness. Help me to give sound, wise, wholesome counsel and guidance, encouraging my grandchildren to know and follow Christ wholeheartedly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Note: Christian Grandparenting Network is forming Grandparents@Prayer (G@P) groups all over the United States. I would like to ask grandparents to join me to stand in the G@P to pray for your dear grandchildren on a virtual G@P group on Pray! Network. Please share your prayer requests and we will join you in interceding for your grandchildren.

Lillian Penner

National Prayer Coordinator

Christian Grandparenting Network

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