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Julie Stahl

Christians Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem


JERUSALEM, Israel -- Millions of Christians around the world joined the Global Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem on Sunday.  
Hundreds of Christians in Jerusalem joined participants from 175 nations and more than 300,000 churches for this year's event.

"This is the Day for Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem," Rev. Dr. Robert Stearns, with Eagles' Wings, told the crowd that gathered on the Haas Promenade overlooking Jerusalem.

The inspiration comes from Psalm 122:6, which says to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They shall prosper who love you."

Organizers say the event is the largest Jerusalem-focused prayer initiative in the world.



 Prayer is Urgent

Stearns told CBN News that prayer is especially important now because of growing tension between Israel and its neighbors and enemies.

"Right now I believe it's vital for Christians to pray for truth to come to the forefront. The amount of lies that so surround these issues with Israel and the Middle East -- incredible amounts of media distortion, are all over the place," Stearns said.

"We've got to pray to for truth and discernment, and that's why I encourage people to become educated on these issues," he said.

Knesset Member Gila Gamliel, deputy chair for the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, said she came to bless the Christians.

"This support brings us -- as the leaders of Israel -- to feel we are not alone. We have a lot of support from all over the world," Gamliel said.

"I want to thank all of them about all their support and prayer, and this is why we are very strong here in Israel to stand very strong about keeping Jerusalem united forever," Gamliel told CBN News.
Columnist Michael Freund, director of Shavei Israel, said it's very moving to see such strong solidarity with Christians around the world.
"We know that Jewish-Christian relations over the past 2,000 years have had some very rough spots. So to be standing here now and to see Christians praying for the Jewish state, for the capital of the Jewish state, is something historical," Freund told CBN News.

"And this country, my country, my people, we face some very difficult challenges," he said.

"And all of us who love Israel and support Israel, now is the time to turn to the Creator and to plead with Him to have mercy on His people Israel," he said.

Committed to Pray

Christians also told CBN News of their commitment to pray for Jerusalem and the Jewish people.
Lotof Jammal is one of the directors of Christian Union in the Holy Land, a ministry that is working to unite local Arab Christians here.
"I am here to pray for the peace of Jerusalem as an Arab Christian in Israel. We want peace in the city, in the holy city that's for Christians of course," Jammal said.

Dr. Bambang Susanto co-pastors the World Transformation Church near Jakarta, Indonesia. The country has no diplomatic relations with Israel, yet every year tens of thousands of Indonesian Christians visit.

"Every year we come here from Indonesia and we pray and we bless Israel because [it] particularly state[s] in the Bible that those who bless Israel will be blessed," Susanto said.

Rev. David Pileggi, rector of Christ Church in Jerusalem's Old City, said God loves the Jewish people so Christians should, too.

"I'm here today basically because I'm a firm believer in what Paul says in Romans chapter 11. In that chapter Paul says God loves the Jewish people for the sake of the patriarchs," Pileggi said.

"And if God loves the Jewish people, I think we, as Christians, need to love the Jewish people as well," he continued.

"And probably one of the most important things we can do for the Jewish people and one of the most practical things we can do is pray," he added.

Fulfilling Prophecy

Stearns said the way the world looks at Jerusalem every day is almost lifted from the pages of scripture.

"The most significant thing we look at is that the prophetic scriptures regarding Jerusalem, which wouldn't even have made sense 100 years ago, 150 years ago," Stearns said. "I mean Jerusalem was hardly a topic of conversation among the nations of the world [then]."

Stearns said it was almost a forgotten city except among Jewish people who prayed every year to return to it.
"Now you can't build an apartment building in Jerusalem without having it be a global controversy," he added.

"I certainly believe we're living in prophetic times," Stearns said. "Surely part of what God is saying to the Church today in the world has to do with the city of Jerusalem." 

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Timothy, an Example of Generational Faith

Timothy, an Example of Generational Faith

The only time Timothy’s grandmother Lois is mentioned in the Bible is that she passed on her faith to her daughter and grandson. Paul writes that she was a godly grandmother and gives us a glimpse of what caused Timothy to become a godly man, serving the Lord with Paul and writing two books of the Bible. It appears that Paul was his spiritual father.


“I have been reminded of your sincere faith,

which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice

 and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” (II Timothy 2:5)


When Timothy left his home to travel with Paul and minister in the churches, he left with his own faith, not his mother, or his grandmother’s. If we are godly grandparents that should be our goal. Our children and grandchildren do not inherit our faith but we can pray they will accept our faith, grow in their relationship with the Lord, and pass it on to their future generations.


In her book Living the Lois Legacy, Helen K. Hoosier writes, “Eunice and Lois must have rejoiced as they saw Paul’s mantle fall upon this much-loved young man. Never let anyone say that family religion is not of importance. . . And never let anyone try to tell you that an inheritance of godly traditions cannot be passed on.” ₁


Today’s children need a model to follow of those who have gone before them, not just surviving but also overcoming in the journey of life. I am very grateful that I have had the privilege of having a godly faith passed down to me by those who have gone before me. My prayer is for my children and grandchildren will accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior, grow into an intimate relationship, and pass a godly faith on to their future generations. If you are a first generation believer in Jesus Christ, you have the opportunity to pass on your faith to your future generations.


Let’s pray that we as grandparents will pray intentionally, nurture our grandchildren, and model a godly life before them so they will pass a godly faith to their generation.

What is your goal for your children and grandchildren? (Comment below)


₁  Helen Kooiman Hosier, Living the Lois Legacy, (Wheaton, IL, Tyndale House, 2002), p 5.

© Lillian Penner 2010



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Jesus' Prayer Life

An old church chorus that we used to sing back in the early days of our salvation is called “To Be Like Jesus”. Simple lyrics with profound truth more relevant to today’s Christians than ever. “To be like Jesus, to be like Jesus, all I ask is to be like Him, all through life’s journey, from earth to glory, all I ask is to be like Him”.

No doubt, thousands upon thousands of believers have sincerely sang that song from their hearts in moments of glorious worship when the presence of Christ was so near and so real. I am one of them. The question is: in what way are we to be most like Him? An earnest look at Jesus’ life in the four gospels gives us the answer. It’s His prayer life.

You cannot read the four gospels without seeing Jesus alone with His Father, drawing new strength and faithfully interceding for His apprentice disciples that would come to turn the world upside down. Christ’s public ministry lasted only 3 ½ short years, but it began with a full 40 days of intense prayer which was crucial for Him to fulfill His divine mission! The following four passages display the fundamental source of Christ’s spectacular power in preaching the Kingdom, healing the sick, opening blind eyes and deaf ears, cleansing the lepers, casting out devils, raising the dead, defending the helpless and restoring the fallen. These verses have had a profound effect upon my own personal prayer life as they do on all who desire to “be like Jesus”!

“And when he had sent the multitudes away, Jesus went up into a mountain apart to pray; and when the evening was come, He was there alone” (Matthew 14:23)

  “And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, Jesus went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” (Mark 1:35)

“And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” (Luke  6:12)

“These words spoke Jesus, and lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said, And this is life eternal, that they might know You, the only true God…” (John 17:1)

All four of these verses indicate four central factors concerning Christ’s prayer-life:

1. He found a quiet, isolated place- Jesus went out and departed into a solitary place

2. There was no one with Him as He prayed- (And when the evening was come, Jesus was there alone)
3.He spent much time in prayer- (Jesus continued all night in prayer to God)

4. He prayed for others- (I pray not for the world, but for them which You have given to Me; Neither do I pray for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word; that they all may be one)

So there you have it—Jesus, the Son of God, kept in constant communication with His Father in order to have clear revelation of His calling and a continual supply of anointing power to accomplish victory over the devil and His enemies. How much more do you and I need to be privately on our knees with the world shut out, much alone with God interceding for others? Then, and only then, brothers and sisters, will we obtain the same miracle working power to transform lives, that was perpetually activated in Christ, the Man of Prayer, our awesome Intercessor!

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Faith Ministry


       This Almighty being lives within me. That's enough to keep me clapping, singing,

shouting, laughing, whistling, skipping, jumping, dancing, from hear on through enernity.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Knowing who our commander-in-chief is, we now ask who our enemy

is, our enemy is nothing more than a fallen angel doomed to eternal destruction. I refuse 

to be impressed with that status. God obviously isn't. If we fear the Devil, we have become

impressed with him. Let not overestimate Saton's abilities. He has no ability to create, so 

he used the same old tatics he;s used since Genesis. God's word says that we're to fear

only the one who has the authority to determine our eternal destiny     

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** OCTOBER CD Track Listing  **
Click 1- or 2-minute ZIP icon to download 
an entire month's programs.

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(Satellite, CD, Zip File) Click HERE

DonBrendaJacobson10-3 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Tragedy – Don Jacobson

For Don Jacobson a tragic gun accident altered his walk with God …as well as his goals in life. He shares his story on today’s Lighthouse Report. (Don shown with wife Brenda)NicoleBromley

10-4 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Life-Change – Nicole Bromley

Seeing people respond to the gospel really is exciting … and as Nicole Bromley explains … she’s seen lives transformed, firsthand.AbbyRike

10-5 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Loss– Abby Rike

For Biggest Loser contestant Abby Rike losing her entire family in a car accident was absolutely devastating. But …her whole outlook changed when she realized God could use her tragic story to bring healing to others. Listen as she tells us how on today’s Lighthouse Report.

LeeStrobel10-6 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Prayers Answered– Lee Strobel

How have you seen prayers answered in your life? Lee Strobel joins Steve Douglass on today’s Lighthouse Report to share a story about prayer.

KennyLuck10-7 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Fathers – Kenny Luck

Fatherhood … it’s an important role that God (as our heavenly father) models for us. On today’s Lighthouse Report, Kenny Luck, of Saddleback Church discusses what he’s seen.

ArtRorheim10-10 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Remain Active – Art Rorheim

No matter where we are in life … “being active” for the Lord should be our main goal. AWANA Founder Art Rorheim joins us today on the Lighthouse Report to give us some encouragement.

WendyBlight10-11 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Life’s Obstacles– Wendy Blight

You know, it seems we’re all too busy. But what about the mission field all around us -right in our own neighborhood? Wendy Blight has some thoughts about that on today’s Lighthouse Report.

ChrisFabry10-12 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Adversity – Chris Fabry

Imagine leaving your home … and all your possessions behind due to illness. Well, that’s exactly what happened to Chris Fabry and his family. Hear their amazing story … and how God carried them through it on today’s Lighthouse Report.

CharlesStanley10-13 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Conversation – Charles Stanley

Maintaining conversation with God is crucial to our spiritual growth. On today’s Lighthouse Report, Charles Stanley describes the correlation between prayer and our relationship with Christ.RyanRush

10-14 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Life Lessons – Ryan Rush

Ryan Rush experienced a number of life lessons resulting from his daughter's many illnesses. He shares his personal journey on today’s Lighthouse Report.

JohnTesh10-17 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Purpose, Passion, Service – John Tesh

Are you passionate about making a difference for Christ in the world? Or apathetic? John Tesh challenges us on today's Lighthouse Report to find our personal ministry.

TerriBlackstock10-18 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Struggles – Terri Blackstock

Sometimes, as parents, we go through some pretty dark times. But through Christ, there's light at the end of the tunnel. Today on the Lighthouse Report, Terri Blackstock talks about her daughter's struggle with drugs.

10-19 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Bad Stuff – Steve Douglass

What do you say if someone doesn’t know if they’re going to heaven? Host Steve Douglass has some timely advice on that subject on today’s Lighthouse Report.

JohnWaller10-20 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Music and Lyrics – John Waller

For musician John Waller writing songs about his struggles helps him move past them. Today on the Lighthouse Report, he gives an example.

StacyDelisle10-21 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Hardships – Stacy Delisle

Imagine … knowing you are going to lose your child. What would you do? Well, today on the Lighthouse Report, Stacy Delisle, who experienced that very scenario, shares her story.

JeremyRiddle10-24 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Following God – Jeremy Riddle

So, what desires has God placed in your heart? Today on the Lighthouse Report, musician Jeremy Riddle talks about following after God.

RegiCampbell10-25 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Junk in Life – Regi Campbell

Isn’t it great how God loves us and cares for us despite all the junk we have in our lives? On today’s Lighthouse Report, Regi Campbell explains.

DaveFitzgerald10-26 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Insecurities – Dave Fitzgerald

Do you ever struggle with insecurities in your life? Well, music artist Dave Fitzgerald does sometimes. On today’s Lighthouse Report, he discusses what he’s learned regarding that.

SteveSjogren10-27 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Buying Their Coffee – Steve Sjogren

Sometimes it's very simple to *stir up* a godly conversation with others in a very nonthreatening way. It may begin by buying them a cup of coffee. Listen for more details from Steve Sjogren on today's Lighthouse Report.ClaytonKing

10-28 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * God’s Presence – Clayton King

So, how can you experience God’s presence in your life? Well, on today’s Lighthouse Report, Clayton King discusses what he’s learned.prayingwoman

10-31 * MP3 1-MIN 2-MIN * Protective Power of Prayer – Steve Douglass

Too often we neglect to pray and simply forget the power of God behind prayer. And praying for someone's protection is one of the greatest privileges we can have in the life of a loved one. Steve Douglas tells a woman's story on today's Lighthouse Report.

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Passion for His Presence

James 4:8 "Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded."


I am so thankful, that when I draw near to God and He draws near to me, that I am not be graded on the total perfection of my sentence structure, inflections of speech, posture, position, how I am dressed or not dressed, I am so thankful, that when I draw near to God and He draws near to me, that I am not be graded by, the color of my skin, the girth of my waist, the size of my shoes, bald head or thick hair, tattoos, fair skin or tanned. I am so thankful, that when I draw near to God and He draws near to me, that I do not have to apologize for: the denomination I belong to, the translation of Holy Scriptures I use. I am so thankful, that when I draw near to God and He draws near to me no consideration is given as to whether I like contemporary Christian music, Southern Gospel music, Traditional Christian music, or Gospel Christian music. I am so thankful that when I draw near to God and He draws near to me that it only has to do with the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, on my behalf. In his sovereign will He decided to save me from my sin and shame, transform me from sinner to saint, and adopt me into the family of God.


Thank you Lord for saving my soul!


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9651004874?profile=originalIDOP  Official Website:


Sunday 13 November 2011


12 Hour Prayer Call

for IDOP for the Persecuted Church


8 am – 8 pm (EDT)


Dial: 712.432.0031

Access is 452614#


Hosted by: The Persecution Watch


In collaboration with:



     Greater Calling Ministries

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) on November 13th is a global day of intercession for persecuted Christians worldwide. Its primary focus is to encourage intercessory prayer on behalf of persecuted communities of the Christian faith.


Place and power of prayer:

  • 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3 - Prayer is desired and required for persecuted believers.
  • Romans 15:30-33 - Our prayers help struggling believers.
  • 2 Corinthians 1:10-11 - God works as we pray.
  • 2 Corinthians 10:3-4; Ephesians 6:10-18 - Spiritual battle requires spiritual weapons.
  • James 5:16b-18 - The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.


By Elizabeth Kendal International Religious Liberty Analyst and Advocate

Every Christian who has ever suffered persecution knows what it is to be tempted to doubt God's faithfulness. The wicked scoff and boast, prosper and advance. God's children suffer and die under the blows of tyrants and terrorist who have no conscience and no fear of God (Psalm 10:2-11). We cannot help but cry: "Why Lord?" (Psalm 10:1).

Yet Jesus warned us that persecution would come (John 15:18-16:33), indeed, that tribulation/pressure would be inevitable in this world (John 16:33a). "But," he added, "take heart! I have overcome the world" (v33b).

Our omnipotent (all-powerful) eternal God Yĕhovah is omnipresent (ever-present). He does not hide himself and is never far off, having promised: "Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20b). (See also: Deuteronomy 31:8; Hebrews 13:5-6). And all his interventions are defined and motivated by righteousness, justice and everlasting love (Hebrew: hesed).

When trouble rolled in, threatening life and liberty, King David exercised radical faith in his faithful God. He petitioned Yĕhovah (Psalm 10:12-18), confident that Yĕhovah would hear and not ignore the cry of the afflicted/humble (`anav) (Psalm 9:12).

You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry. (Psalm 10:17 NIV)

Our English translation is very soft compared to what this verse is actually saying, which is: Our eternal God (Yĕhovah) hears the desire / longings (ta'avah) of the afflicted / helpless / humble (`anav); he strengthens / makes firm / establishes (kuwn) their hearts, and always remains keenly, sharply attentive with ears pricked (qashab) to hear (Psalm 10:17).

It is in arrogance, folly and faithlessness that we invest our hopes in human beings (that are mortal), human institutions (that cannot save), human works (that are insufficient), political power (that is self-interested), military might (that is limited) and money (which can only buy what is unprofitable and useless).

If we will but petition our faithful God, then even if our cry is but a whispered prayer, delivered with heavy heart and failing breath from a dark and lonely place, our faithful Yĕhovah will hear because he has inclined / extended (natah) his ear toward us (Psalm 116:1-2). Sometimes, in wisdom and providence, God waits1 / tarries (chakah) to show grace and mercy (Isaiah 30:18a). That does not mean he has not heard. "Blessed are all who wait (chakah) for him" (Isaiah 30:18b). He has promised salvation. Cry / petition / pray / intercede with confidence to our faithful God who hears, and wait / keep watch (tsaphah) in faithful expectation (Psalm 5:1-3).


1 Wait: as in "remain inactive in expectation (of something)" (Collins Concise Dictionary, Fifth Australian Edition)


Bible Readings pertaining to persecuted:


Prayers for Worldwide Persecuted Church:



Learn More Get Involved: 

Bible League
P.O. Box 28000
Chicago, IL 60628
Phone: 866-825-4636

Christians in Crisis
P.O. Box 293627
Sacramento, CA 95829
Phone: 916-682-0376  

International Christian Concern
2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW #941
Washington, DC 20006-1846
Phone: 301-989-1708    

Iranian Christians International
P.O. Box 25607
Colorado Springs, CO 80936
Phone: 719-596-0010  

Jubilee Campaign USA
9689-C Main Street
Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone: 703-503-0791 

Open Doors
P.O. Box 27001
Santa Ana, CA 92799
Phone: 949-752-6600

The Voice of the Martyrs
P.O. Box 443
Bartlesville, OK 74005
Phone: 918-337-8015 

World Evangelical Alliance
P.O. Box 1530
Wheaton, IL 60189-8004
Phone: 630-668-0440  

World Help
P.O. Box 501
Forest, VA 24551

Phone: 434-525-4657  

Christian Solidarity Worldwide USA
P.O. Box 50608
Casper, WY 82605-0608
Phone: 307-235-4800  

Christian Freedom International
PO Box 535
Front Royal, Virginia 22630
Phone: 800-323-2273 

Gospel for Asia
1800 Golden Trail Court
Carrollton, TX 75010
Phone: 800-WIN-ASIA  


The Persecution Watch hosts a call for the persecuted church each week on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at 8 pm (CST). You are welcome to dial in and participate.


Dial: 712.432.0031

Access is 452614#


Need more information?

Contact Blaine

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When We Are Wrong

When We Are WrongBy Rick Ezell"Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear" (Isa. 59:1-2 NIV).When our prayers aren't answered whom do we blame? Most often, if we are honest, we blame God. We wonder what is wrong with God for not granting our requests. When, many times, we are the problem.Let's face it, sometimes we are wrong. We may be the wrong employee for the promotion, the wrong candidate for office, the wrong boyfriend to marry. Sometimes we are in the wrong: An error in judgment, a poor decision, a thoughtless mistake. Sometime we are wrong when it comes to our praying. And, when that happens we stand in the way of our prayers being answered.While at times we point our forefinger at God, laying the blame on him for not answering our prayers. We need to observe the three fingers pointing back at us. We may be the reason our prayers are not being answered. God saying "No" can be our own fault. "Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear" (Isa. 59:1-2 NIV). Or as The Message states it: "Look! Listen! God's arm is not amputated-he can still save. God's ears are not stopped up-he can still hear. There's nothing wrong with God; the wrong is in you. Your wrongheaded lives caused the split between you and God. Your sins got between you so that he doesn't hear" (Isa. 59:1-2 The Message). The Psalmist echoes that thought: "If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened" (Psa. 66:18 NIV). Again, The Message paraphrases, "If I had been cozy with evil, the Lord would never have listened" (Psalm 66:18 The Message). Personal sin hinders prayer.Over thirty times the Bible reveals instances where God didn't answer someone's prayer. Usually it was because of unrepentant sin. What are some of those sins?Broken relationships. (Matthew 5:23-24). Relationships are vitally important to God. In fact, he desired a relationship with us that he sent his Son, Jesus, to die for our sins to make it possible for us to live in relationship with him. God is intensely committed to building and maintain a loving family. When our relationships are out of whack our prayers will be out of touch. When we get in right relationship with our brothers and sisters, then we are in a position for God to hear our prayers. There's no point in praying if we are engaged in ongoing conflict with a family member, a co-worker, a neighbor, a friend.Husbands dishonoring their wives. (1 Peter 3:7). Honoring our spouse opens the door for God to hear our prayers. Actually, if we are honest, too often we pray for our spouses something like this: "God, please change that person I live with!" It's perfectly appropriate to pray that someone will change. After all, we are to pray for people's conversions, for bad habits to be broken. But too often the motive behind such a request is not authentic concern for the other person. Maybe we need to change.Pride. (James 4:6). Pride is what got Lucifer into trouble. Pride is everyone's downfall. Pride is the exact opposite of what is needed when coming to God in prayer. In fact, the prideful person sees no reason to come to God. God loves the humble. It is the prayer of the humble that God listens to and answers.Selfishness. (James 4:2-3). Eugene Peterson paraphrases the last sentence of James 4:3: "You're spoiled children, each wanting your own way" (James 4:3 The Message). God does not answer self-serving, "me" only prayers. He does answer prayers that glorify his name.Uncaring attitudes. (Proverbs 21:13). God is committed to developing a people who will reflect his character in the world, and his character always expresses concern and compassion for the afflicted. When our focus and our actions are directed toward others, especially the poor and less fortunate spiritually, then our prayers will be more apt to be answered.Make no mistake about it: Our sin can close the spigot of God's flow to answer our prayers. If you are tolerating sin and disobedience in your life, don't waste your breath praying unless it's a prayer of confession. Your sin may very well be the hindrance to answered prayer.When Norman Vincent Peale, the pastor and author, was a boy, he found a big cigar, slipped into an alley, and lit up. He knew he shouldn't. His parents had told him many times about the ills of smoking. But he puffed on it nevertheless. It didn't taste good, but it made him feel very grown up, until he saw his father coming. Quickly he put the cigar behind his back and tried to be casual.Desperate to divert his father's attention, Norman pointed to a billboard advertising the circus. "Can I go, Dad? Please, let's go when it comes to town."His father's reply taught the future preacher a lesson he never forgot. "Son," he answered quietly but firmly, "never make a petition while at the same time trying to hide a smoldering disobedience."God answers the prayers, not of perfect people, but of repentant people.Copyright 2011, Rick Ezell.
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Praying for Teens ... Youth ... Students

10 Things to Pray for Today's Teenager

10 Things to Pray for Today's Teenager
Terrace Crawford shares important things youth workers can pray for this generation.


Terrace Crawford

I've seen the Lord doing some amazing things in the lives of teenagers this year. I know its because of the work of God and the result of prayer. Call me crazy, but I believe this generation of students will have an amazing impact on our world and will pursue God with a greater zeal and passion than the generations before them. I invest more time now in prayer for young people than I ever have. Today I want to share with you 10 things that I pray for today's teenager:

1. Purpose - I believe God has a plan and purpose for every student. I speak this over teenagers and ask God to remind them that no matter what their circumstances are, to give them passion and a deep-seated purpose for living. (Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 139:13-16; 2 Cor. 5:20; Jeremiah 1:5; John 14:13; Rom 8:28-29)
2. Friendships - I spend more time talking about the friendships young people develop more than other topics because I know the truth that you are (and become) who you hang out with. I pray God will give today's teenager wisdom in choosing their friends and that God will bring people into their lives who will point them to Christ. I also pray that He will use students to encourage and build up each other like never before. (1 Cor 15:33; Heb 10:25; 1 Thess. 5:11; 1 Sam 16:7)
3. Character - Today's teen is bombarded with every temptation known to man and the enemy is seeking to destroy their character. I pray that this generation of students may experience an ongoing transformation by having their minds renewed and that they will be examples to the world in their speech, lives, love, faith and purity. I also ask for more great Christ-like role models for our students, particularly among their own peers. (1 Tim 4:12; Rom 12:1-2; Psalm 24:4)
4. Purity- I pray that God would give our students more of a hunger for righteousness than a sexual appetite and that they would see through the enemies lies. I ask God to strengthen them and give them the drive to flee sexual immorality and help them reserve the gift of sex for marriage. (John 8:32; 1 Peter 1:5; Heb 13:4; 1 Cor 6:18; 1 John 4:4; James 1:12-14)
5. Passion - May God grant this generation of teenagers an anointing of the power by the Holy Spirit to be the greatest witnesses for Christ Jesus than we've ever known. I also pray that their zeal for obedience would supersede any other human desire that they have. (Acts 1:8; Luke 4:18-19; 1 Peter 3:15; Matt 28:19-20; Gal 5:24)
6. Money - The root of all evil is the love of money. I pray that God would give spiritual eyes to today's teen and help them to view money as a great resource for Kingdom purposes. May God grant them contentment in plenty or when poor because of their richness in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:19; Matt 6:24; Eccl 5:10; Heb 13:5; 1 Tim 6:10)
7. Submission and Honor - I pray that this generation would submit to Christ and to those in authority over them. May he give them grace to love, respect, and honor their parents, teachers, spiritual leaders and governing officials. (Eph 6:2-3; Heb 13:17; Mk 12:17)
8. Spiritual growth - I pray that God nurtures soil of the hearts of young people and grants them a greater sensitivity to their spirit so that they may grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ. I also pray for more passionate workers for the harvest of youth ministry. (Luke 2:52; Gal 2:20; 2 Cor 5:17; Eph 3:16)
9. Discernment - I pray God would give our teenagers the knowledge of the truth of God and spiritual eyes to see so that the enemy would not be able to deceive them. I pray they may also be able to discern between the teachings of the Living God and false gods or prophets. (1 Tim 3:9; 2 Cor 2:11; Jn 17:17; Eph 6:14)
10. Hope - May God help today's teen take every thought captive for Christ. I pray He would also fill every young person with the hope of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and protect their mind and heart from hopelessness. May God also help them to cling to Christ during discouragement and soak up His strength when offering this same hope to others. (Gal 6:9; Eph 6:13; Phil 4:8; 2 Tim 2:13; Heb 10:23; 1 Peter 5:8-9)
Join me in prayer for today's teenagers and share this with your ministry leaders. endslug_533550574.gif
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AwakenUs: 40 Days to Fast and Pray

See to learn about nation-wide fasting & prayer event!  We're calling prayer warriors and churches all across America to unite in prayer for a Spiritual Awakening in our land Nov 21 - Dec 31, 2011. Thousands have already joined the effort nationwide. Millions will be hearing about this united season of prayer over the next month. Please spread the news!
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Passion for His presence!

James 4:8 "Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded."


In the New Testament there are many stories of those who wanted and needed to draw near to Jesus. Zacchaeus was so eager that he ran ahead and climbed a tree just so he could see Jesus. The woman with the issue of blood believed if she could just touch the hem of his garment she would be healed. So their proximity was physical and of course personal and do we draw near to the living Savior today? Through prayer, reading of Holy Scripture, quietly listening, giving thanks and praise and seeking the daily presence of the Holy Spirit.


Good morning Father,

 Thank you for Your daily presence offered in various ways! Help us seek to be ever closer to You as we read your Word allowing it to be alive for us, in us, and through us. Help us to recognize the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and give us ears to hear and recognize Your voice and be obedient to you in all things.


In the Grip of God's Amazing Grace!


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Praying for the Pastor

The highly successful London Pastor, Charles Haddon Spurgeon was once asked, “What is the secret of your great influence?” Spurgeon replied, “My congregation prays for me.” How often do you pray for your Pastor? How specifically do you pray for your Pastor? Do you pray for his spiritual growth? Do you pray for his time management? Do you pray for his sermon preparation and delivery? Do you pray for his counseling sessions? Do you pray for his hospital visits? Do you pray for his community relationships and influence? Do you pray for his family? Do you pray for his accountability? Do you pray for his resistance of Satan? The list goes on. The Internet is full of articles on “How to” pray for your Pastor, including scriptures to use. My question is, do you? Knowing how is not enough. In his Pastoral letters, Paul asked for prayer (Eph. 6:18-19 and elsewhere). So when should you pray for your Pastor: Saturday nights when Satan attempts to rob sleep; Sunday mornings when the congregation must be faced and fed; Monday mornings when the adrenalin rush is over and vulnerability sets in; any other time God brings the Pastor to your mind. It was Spurgeon who also said, “A prayerless church member is a hindrance. He is in the body like a rotting bone or a decayed tooth. Before long, since he does not contribute to the benefit of his brethren, he will become a danger and a sorrow to them. Neglect of private prayer is the locust which devours the strength of the church.” So get busy this week, praying for your Pastor.Subscribe to "Dr. Dan's Monday Morning Memo" and receive this one paragraph, spiritual jump-start each Monday morning via E-mail. It's free.
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Peace in the Middle East?

Today, while catching up on some work around the house, I happened to flick on the TV and to my much delight, the news network was broadcasting live the UN meetings held in New York City. The timing was perfect as Israel`s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was just beginning his anticipated speech to the assembly of world leaders. I’ll confess that I’m not up on the political scene like some people I know, but I am self-informed enough as a hopeless news junkie to get by without appearing like I’m from another planet in the eyes of friends, associates and acquaintances who upon opening their mouths, are accurately studied and fluent in conversation around world events.

As I listened to the Prime Minister’s words spoken in calm but firm assurance of facts and truth, I admired him for taking such a bold stance in the very midst of his, and his people’s enemies. He was evidently not looking for popularity or approval among the crowd of delegates, and yet he was strongly applauded several times throughout his impassioned speech, not by all but by many. I have no doubt that Benjamin Netanyahu is a good man who truly cares about the people of Israel, and all people in the Arab nations. His very presence demanded the respect of his audience of peers as he presented himself with dignity and integrity which are attributes that I respect greatly. He did not act as a spineless dictator threatened by anyone who opposes him as other did among him. He does not seek to please people but stands fearless for the right as any great leader should. He did not waver as he spoke of truth and his desire for peace between Israel and Palestine. He called a spade a spade as he extended the olive branch to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. My heart was stirred just listening to him. What a great leader.

As I continued in my work, a reality check set in regarding peace between Israel and her relentless foes. As Christians, we know what the ultimate end, according to the Bible, will be in the coming years in the Middle East. Peace will only come when the Messiah returns to establish His Kingdom on earth during the thousand years of peace, also known as the Millennium. But there will be no lasting peace in Israel until then, for “when men say peace and safety, then sudden destruction shall come upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape”(1Thess 5:3)

The Church today is on the very verge of seeing a man prophesied in the book of Revelation rise up from the economic turmoil and the international tension among the masses in the midst of war and This man will be the “man of peace” who will miraculously restore global security and financial stability back to the world. The Antichrist—the false Messiah who orchestrates a seven year pact of peace with Israel and her enemies, only to be broken after 3 ½ years when he shows his true colours as the “abomination of desolation” spoken of by Daniel the prophet.
This “man of perdition”, who sets himself up as God in the temple, will diabolically devise horrendous persecution and unthinkable tribulation against Israel during the latter half of his satanic reign, finally leading all nations to the battle of Armageddon against the people of God as prophesied in Zechariah  14:2-3,

“For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle”

Christ Himself, the King of Kings and the Lord of lords will suddenly come from the sky to the swift aid of Israel, with all His saints with Him, defeating their enemies with the sharp sword of His mouth and the glorious brightness of His coming! Hallelujah!

So while we are exhorted to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”, according to Psalm 122:6, we are painfully aware that true, world peace can never be established until God answers the prayer of Revelation 22:20, “Even so, come Lord Jesus” when the true Prince of Peace shall return, “and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (Rev 21:4)

Pray that Prime Minister Netanyahu would have a supernatural encounter with Christ, the resurrected Messiah, even as Saul of Tarsus had, and that his spiritually blinded eyes would be opened to the liberating truth of God’s Word concerning salvation through none other, “for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12)
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God Uses People to Bridge the Gap

 The Bible describes prayer as “Standing in the Gap” or “Bridging the Gap” the channel through which God’s will is brought to earth. We are going to look in God’s Word to see some examples of people he useto stand in the gap so his purpose could be accomplished.


God chose or appointed Moses to stand in the gap between His people, the Israelites and Pharaoh. Esther stood in the gap for her people, the Israelites with prayer and fasting when Haman wanted to destroy the Jews.


After God created the earth, He said, “It was very good.” (Genesis 1:31) There was no gap between God and the earth, however, after Adam and Eve sinned, sin created a gap between God and what He had planned for the earth.  


Fortunately, God stood in the gap for us by sending His Son, Jesus to the earth to live as a man, die for our sins, and arise from the dead so we could have a personal relationship with Him. 


God is our source of power and He chose us to be intercessors, a channel for His power to bridge the gap between himself and the earth. Daniel knew that prayer was the means that would bring God’s will from heaven, causing His will to be activated, releasing His power for His purpose on earth.


God chose us, as grandparents to partner with Him in behalf of our children, grandchildren and future generations to share in His work and blessings.  Jennifer Kennedy Dean writes in her Bible study, Live A Praying Life, “Prayer is the most aggressive, offensive, pro-active, invasive work you can ever engage in.” ₁


Paul writes in Ephesians 6:10-18, we are to be strong and firm in our relationship with the Lord. We are to stand firm against Satan’s well- thought-out plans and agenda for our children, grandchildren, and ourselves.  


Just as Jesus, Moses, Esther, Daniel and many others in the Bible stood in the gap, we as grandparents have the privilege to stand in the gap with prayer for our families.  Satan is very active in the world today; he knows his time is short. Let us urgently and intentionally pray for God’s will and protection for our family members. 


It is not only important to pray for our families individually, it is important that we meet with other grandparents to pray together for our families in these crucial times. As Prayer Coordinator for Christian Grandparenting Network, I would like to encourage you to join other grandparents praying for their families in the Pray! “Grandparents @ Prayer” group to pray for their grandchildren  


As grandparents, let us be the channels through which God’s will is brought down to earth for our children, grandchildren, future generations and ourselves.


₁ Jennifer Kennedy Dean, Living A Praying Life, (Birmingham, AL: New Hope, 2003).

 p 60.


© 2010 Lillian Penner

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Passion for His presence!

James 4:8 "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands you sinners; and purify your hearts you double-minded." (NASB)

My dear friend, Dr. Ralph I. Tilley just published a book entitled "Thirsting for God" on page 67 he wrote "Come Near to God" He used Hebrews 10:19-22 and then wrote the following poem:


"Come near to God,

How can that be?

I've sinned,

the Law I've broken--

there's no hope for me.


Come near to God,

The way is now open:

Jesus has died,

the Lord crucified--

the veil has been torn.


Come near to God.

With a heart sincere,

Faith fully assured

and heart made clean--

the conscience now clear.


Come near to God.

Your Priest intercedes,

Your Father's arms open,

Your need brings you near--

The Spirit with you pleads."


Thank you Father for the gifts that You give us that draw us near to You. Thank you for drawing near to us. Though in and of our selves we don't deserve the nearness to You, Your Son, our Savior made a way! Praise be to God!

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Wearing Someone Else's Armor

Johnathan is four years old; he is my "temporary adopted son". His mom, a good friend of mine is in the Navy. She has entrusted her child in my hands while she defends our freedoms. As I have no children, I have been doing a lot of research on understanding/ teaching children and I came across this:

"When we try to force children into a cookie-cutter prayer mold, they may become so discouraged that they abandon their faith altogether because they never learned how to connect with God in a personal way. They were always just copying someone else’s prayer style. Trying to imitate another person’s style of praying may very well end up being a Saul’s armor!" - Prayer Saturated Kids

When I read that I just felt that we as adults have been fighting battles with other peoples armor! How often I hear people say I don't know how to pray or I can't pray like her! Well that's because your not supposed to. 

Like David, we are supposed to use what we are comfortable with, If your favorte way to express yourself is music; sing your prayers, if its art paint, draw or sculpt your prayer, if your a planner write your prayers! If you chose some one else's way and it doesn't fit you, your prayer life will never be satisfying to you. I prefer action comedy movies dislike horror if you put me in front of a horror movie I'll be bored, unfocused, maybe even fall asleep. Basically I will not be satisfied. It is the same with prayer. How often do you fall asleep during prayer? Or while praying the time on the clock seems never to change. Oooh and the wondering mind "bless the pastor Jesus - did I pack the kids lunch? - Keep him safe Lord" These things I have all done. Perhaps its time to try another method? 

THERE IS NO ONE WAY TO PRAY, just as there isn't just one kind of human or one kind of flower. We so often forget how creative our God is and we fall into someone else’s prayer life style. Leaving you dissatisfied. So dissatisfied that our faith starts to dwindle and pretty soon we don't even bother to pray anymore, saying things like; "Whats the point?" or 'Does He even hear me?"

OF COURSE HE DOES! God is not forcing you to pray in one particular way He encourages us to be different and creative. Most importantly he looks forward to hearing what you have to say.

I challenge you to ask God to show you different ways to pray. Go on a new journey with him see where he takes you. I'm sure you wont fall asleep. 


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Hollywood Prayer Network Logo
  September 2011 Newsletter
Happy September,
It’s a beautiful September in Southern California and yet there are so many hurting people here needing our prayers. We want to remind you that you are making an eternal difference by praying for the people, the projects and the powerful influence of Hollywood and we look forward to your prayers this month…
• Praise God for the fabulous Sept. 8th Quarterly HPN Prayer and Praise night
•  Oct. 6th is the first ever, collaborative friend/fund raiser with other ministries
• Let’s pray for Justin Bieber, and his girlfriend Selena Gomez
• Pray for Steve Jobs, who just resigned as CEO of Apple in August
• The Toronto International Film Festival, or TIFF, opened this year on Sept. 8th
• Pray for the damage that runaway production has caused our industry
• Let’s pray for the new 2011-2012 TV season that starts this week
• HPN offers “REMOTE PRAYER STICKERS” to put on your remotes
• Start praying for the people involved in the 2012 Academy Awards
•  Pray for Melissa and Jessica, who are on the writing staff of "Hawaii Five-0" 
•  Please pray for change in the way the press and the public treat celebrities
• Pray for the recipients of The HUMANITAS awards tomorrow 
• 63rd annual Emmy Awards, 9/18
• Pray for the authors of “The Cat Lover's Devotional”
• APU has announced the opening of the new Galileo Studio
• Praise God for the fabulous Sept. 8th Quarterly HPN Prayer and Praise night. We partnered with Radiance International, a new 24/7 prayer room in Hollywood and focused our prayers on industry families with professional kids. It was awesome. The prayer was powerful and we heard back that it was life-changing for so many. There is even a new group coming out of that evening, connecting the Christian families on a more regular basis. Thank you for your prayers and keep praising God for all that He’s doing here!
•  Oct. 6th is the first ever, collaborative friend/fund raiser for three Hollywood ministries. Would you continue to join us in praying that the Lord will use it to expand our vision, build our team of volunteers and donors, and that it will bring more strength and unity to our community.
• In our ongoing commitment to pray for Justin Bieber, this month let’s pray for him and Selena Gomez and their relationship! Justin is 17 and Selena is 19 and we want to ask the Lord to give them wisdom and discernment in all of their choices.  
Steve_Jobs.jpg• Let’s pray for Steve Jobs, who just resigned as CEO of Apple on August 24th, due to his struggle with pancreatic cancer. Steve was born to an unwed mother and adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs in 1955. He was a college dropout when he founded Apple. By the age of 25, Steve had Apple go public and he became an instant millionaire. Now, 31 years later, his successor Tim Cook, who has stepped in for Jobs during his past leave of absences, takes the helm. Let’s ask the Lord to bring both men closer to Him as Steve battles cancer and Tim steps into leadership at Apple; the company that has more available cash than our Federal Government!
• The Toronto International Film Festival, or TIFF, opened this year on Sept. 8th and runs 10 days, through 9/18. Many of our leading American stars, directors, producers and film executives are there to promote their films, try to get distribution or connect with other filmmakers with the hope of work! Would you pray that God will be present at the event venues, in conversations and that He will guide the decisions that are being made? These decisions will all impact our future movie-going experiences. The Festival’s mission statement is “To transform the way people see the world.” Shouldn’t followers of Christ have that mission statement? For more info go HERE.
• Pray for the damage that runaway production has caused on our film industry and the LA based filmmakers. Runaway production is a term for film and TV productions that have been shot overseas, instead of in America, in order to save money. America, and especially Los Angeles, have lost millions of dollars of income, location fees, production costs and jobs in the past decades, because of the need to cut production expenses by shooting overseas. Would you pray that we can begin to start re-building our American and Los Angeles productions so that more of our local community can earn a living again in their area of expertise?  For more info. on Runaway Production, click HERE.
• Let’s pray for the new 2011-2012 TV season that starts this week. This year let’s look at the new line-up of shows as an opportunity to pray into the lives of all of the people involved with each series and movie, on each network, both in front of and behind the camera. These people need the power, wisdom and love of the Lord and most of them don’t know it. Our prayers can make an eternal difference in their lives, their relationships and their work. For a list of the new TV schedule, click HERE.
prayer_sticker.jpg• HPN offers “REMOTE PRAYER STICKERS” that can be stuck on the front of your TV Remote. It’s a reminder to pray for the people on the shows that you’re watching as you channel surf or turn ON and OFF your TV. Let us send you a free sticker by emailing so that you can join us in praying remotely for the TV professionals. Click HERE to learn more about our Remote Prayer Stickers.
• Please start praying for the people involved in the 2012 Academy Awards (On Feb. 26, ’12). Our industry is revving up with more screenings and publicity for the films that they hope will be nominated for an Oscar. And just recently Eddie Murphy was chosen to host this year’s televised ceremony. Would you pray for Eddie, that he can be transformed from the inside out, to reflect the love, hope, peace, purity and salvation of God as he prepares for this huge event. For more info on the event click HERE.

•  Pray for two HPN members, Melissa and Jessica, who are on the writing staff of the hit TV series, "Hawaii Five-0."  Pray for them to be salt and light, to be incredible writers, friends, co-workers, and ambassadors for Christ, as they use their gifts and talents as staff writers. Hawaii Five-0 returns Monday, Sept. 19 at 10/9c on CBS. Click HERE for more info on this season of Hawaii Five-O.

•  Please pray for change in the way the press and the public treat celebrities. We, at HPN, want to honor the people here, regardless of their status, fame, money, beliefs or success. May we be the first ones to not exploit, gossip about or judge anyone in Hollywood, especially the celebrities who have the most difficult lives. Here is an exploitive news blurb that broke our hearts:  "After J. Lo and
Marc Anthony's super split (a new term we've coined for major celebrity breakups ), we've all been waiting breathlessly (breathlessly!) to see who Jenny from the Block would ensnare next." May we not join the insensitive buzz about an entertainment star, but pray for them instead, as God’s children who feel deeply. J.Lo and Marc are hurting, broken and wanting privacy like the rest of us do during painful experiences. May we pray for them, and ask the Lord to do a miraculous work in their hearts as He protects them from stabs from the press.
• Pray for the recipients of The HUMANITAS awards tomorrow, 9/16. The Humanitas Prize was created 37 years ago to honor television and film writers for telling stories which truly and deeply explore the human experience in a way that both entertains and enlightens. It is one of the secular awards ceremonies that has a heart of goodness, truth and inspiration. Let’s pray for this year’s winners, that the award encourages them to continue to seek truth and beauty in their work and lives. 
•  Pray for the winners, losers and all involved, behind the scenes and in front of the camera in this Sunday's Primetime  63rd annual Emmy Awards, 9/18.  The Awards program will air live on FOX TV from the Nokia Theatre LA LIVE.  This
year's awards are hosted by Jane Lynch, from GLEE! and it involves everyone connected with Primetime Television.  What a great opportunity to pray for all of the stars, directors, writers, producers, crew and staff of the world's most watched medium - Television.  Would you ask the Lord to touch these people's hearts and lives in a miraculous way and they they will all experience His love, joy, peace, healing, hope and salvation.  For more info on the show, click HERE.


• Three writers and friends of HPN, Marion Wells, Connie Fleishauer, and Dottie Adams have found a nitch with their new book, “The Cat Lover's Devotional,” in bringing the truth of the Gospel to people through stories of their pets. They have asked us to pray for them. Would you pray that the Lord will use them to move readers closer to Jesus who read this Devotional. God uses the arts in so many creative ways. For more info click HERE.
• HPN member Barbara asked us to pray for her as she launches the Galileo Studio at Azusa Pacific University. APU has announced the opening of the new Galileo Studio - a production facility in Azusa that is run by believers and available for production. Let’s pray that this soundstage and green screen room can bring in people from all over the industry and that they will be treated with love, respect from servant hearts. For more information check out -

Ralphs_copy.jpg• Be sure to sign up to donate to HPN automatically as you shop at Ralphs. Just register at, click on “Services”, then “Community Contributions”, then “Enroll.” Be sure to type in Hollywood Prayer Network as the Organization Name that you want to support!  Thanks so much for supporting HPN as you food shop! It will only take a minute to register and we all win!

• If you’re new in town, be sure to come the Hollywood Connect Navigation Session, on Sept. 24th, that welcomes new Christian professionals into Hollywood. Get insight into our industry, meet people, get help in navigating your life and work in Hollywood while receiving prayer! For more information or to register, click HERE.
• For other upcoming events in our industry for our community, click HERE.

Thanks for praying with us,
Karen and Caren
Reflections on 9/11 as an artist, by Mako Fujimura.  Click HERE.

“Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue.” ~Eugene O'Neill

“We need more glue.” ~Jack Perry
LAST MONTH”S WINNING QUOTE OF THE MONTH (From HPN’s Twitter and Facebook): Have you seen the bumper sticker "Honk if you love Jesus. Text if you want to meet him"?  Anonymous
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”                                                                                        Psalm 46:1-3
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Passion for His presence!

James 4:8 says: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded." 


It is in our nearness to God that are able to have the cleansing that is offered through the blood of Jesus. Purified hearts allow us to be more Christ like, and eliminates the double-mindedness that tends to invade us through our culture.


Lord, as I feebly attempt to draw near to you I ask that you draw near to me and wrap your arms of forgiveness, grace and love around me. Your healing is what I desire.


In the Grip of God's Amazing Grace!

John Abbott 

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Free Ebook on the Lord's Prayer Just Released



I’m pleased to announce the release of our newest free ebook. You can download my book And When You Pray: The Deeper Meaning of the Lord’s Prayer in Kindle, Nook, and PDF formats. Click on the link to download your free ebook.  

Please note that the free version is only available at the KBM website. If you go to the Kindle store or the Nook store, you’ll have to pay for it. But we believe so much in the message of this book that we’re making it available for free on our website. 
When I first preached through the Lord’s Prayer, I discovered what Christians have known for centuries. This is truly a prayer for all occasions. It is so simple that a child can understand it but so deep that you can study it for a lifetime and never come to the end of it.
Here are the chapter titles:
1. Invitation to the Heart of God
2. God Our Father
3. Taking God Seriously
4. Kingdoms in Conflict
5. Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else
6. Daily Bread Living
7. Unless You Forgive
8. Does God Lead His Children into Temptation?
9. Deliver Us From Evil
10. Praying From the Footnotes
A Final Word
Epilogue: Singing Through the Lord’s Prayer

The book contains a built-in study guide with question embedded in each chapter and additional questions at the end of each chapter. The questions make the book very suitable for Bible study groups, discipleship groups, and Sunday School classes.
I actually wrote the Epilogue on “Singing Through the Lord’s Prayer” after the manuscript had been turned in. But I felt so strongly about it that the publisher agreed to include it. 
Because the book is out of print, the only printed copies are quite expensive. We’re hoping to acquaint a new audience with the deeper meaning of the Lord’s Prayer by giving away the free ebook. 
Just go to our digital download page, look for the image you see above this blog entry, and then download the version you want. It’s as simple as that. 
And if you’d like to help us out, help us spread the word about this new ebook version of “And When You Pray.”
Note: If that link doesn’t work for you, try this one instead.


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