Merton J. Hershberger's Posts (223)

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PTAP has been asked and is pleased to pray for our colleagues who are currently getting ready for outreach projects in Europe this summer.  Believers will be reaching out to the many Gulf Arabs who vacation in Europe every summer.  Please pray with us as the projects are currently being organized.

Pre-project Prayer Requests:
There are a number of European cities this summer that will see tens of thousands of visitors, nationals from the Arabian Gulf.  While in these cities, they allow themselves to see and experience things they might shy away from in their home cities.  There will be close to 100 volunteers who will take the Gospel to these visitors.  

Please pray:
Laborers.  For the Lord of the Harvest to call out the trainable, moldable volunteers to come to these cities to share the Gospel.  This summer, some new concepts will be introduced to the volunteers, who in turn, will go out on the streets and share the Gospel with lost Arabs.
Follow-up.  A new follow-up stream was launched last summer.  The summer ended with more than two dozen people to follow-up.  About five of those people are still in touch today.   Right now, apps are being programmed and the system is being modified to be more effective.  Pray that the apps will be put into the Apple App Store and Google Play Store with little challenge.  Pray for the developer to have wisdom as the system is further developed.  Pray for the volunteers to embrace the new technology.
Reception of a New Concept.   We want to move into 'multiplication' mode where the Gospel flows into and THROUGH families to their extended families and tribes.  This will require a different approach by the volunteers as well as a different level of receptivity by the hearers.  Pray for God to make volunteers super sensitive to identifying Persons of Peace who will be conduits of the Gospel.  Pray now for God to prepare the 'soil' to be receptive and productive.
Ask the Heavenly Father for fruit that lasts, that is, individuals who will receive the Gospel and share Christ with their families and for multiplying groups of followers to form.
Pray for the Father to prepare the hearts (and bodies) of the leadership who will have eight very challenging weeks of preparation and work.
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"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12
Our battle, our fight, is not against flesh and blood. There is a tremendous battle going on in the heavily realms over people that do not know the Lord Jesus Christ. There are spiritual forces that are battling. The Muslims in the Arab Gulf are not the enemy of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Muslims in the Arab Gulf are not our enemy. Satan (and his forces) is the enemy. Satan has blinded the minds of all unbelievers so they cannot see the Living God.
Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
Pray for believers in the Arab Gulf to see the spiritual battle raging over the lives of the Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula. They people are caught up behind the false religion of Islam. Pray for Islam to loose its grip over the Arabian Peninsula.
Pray that believers in the Arabian Peninsula and around the world would increase the work in the battling in the heavenlies to see Arab Gulf Muslims released and enter into His great Kingdom.
Pray for Arab Gulf Muslims to repent and turn to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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PTAP: Prayer for Saudi Arabia

PTAP is partnering with Saudi Advocacy Network (SAN) to encourage people to pray for Saudi Arabia during Saudi Prayer Week (March 29 - April 6, 2018).
Watch the video below of our Saudi brother in Christ who is leading this week of prayer and fasting. More information on why they chose March 29 - April 6 as a week of prayer and fasting for Saudi Arabia is in the video, so don't miss it!
You can also click HERE for the video script.
Let's continue to pray as the global church for the Lord to keep visiting Saudi Arabia with his saving grace and steadfast love in Christ alone.
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PTAP: Confession of Faith

This week in a worker's class, the worker was speaking of a musical instrument that is used in a religious service. Afterwards a front row student asked about it, saying he had seen it in a church. This made the worker wonder. The worker asked the student if he is a Christian. The student replied, 'yes.' When the worker inquired further, he learned that the student and his sister are former Muslims who had recently become believers in Jesus. The student appreciated that the worker was sensitive in asking and talking with him before others, as the student's parents are not keen on this belief.

The student seems bold and eager. He wants to get together with the worker, as he has questions that he wants to ask about the Bible. The worker would like to know the student's story. Pray that the student would have grace to continue growing, become united with a worthy group of believers, and become strong in knowledge and faith.

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PTAP: The Yeast of the Kingdom

He told them still another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough."
-Matt 13:33

The kingdom of God is like yeast, moving all throughout the dough. Believers in the Arabian Peninsula are like that yeast with dough all around. May the Lord move His people by His great will through the Arabian Peninsula.

Pray, O Lord and sovereign God, send us where You will, move us as You desire, and lead the believers in the Arabian Peninsula by Your Spirit. May Your kingdom come and increase throughout this entire Arabian Peninsula as yeast does in dough. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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A Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon." But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, "Send her away, for she is crying out after us." He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." But she came and knelt before him, saying, "Lord, help me." And he answered, "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." She said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Then Jesus answered her, "O woman, great is your faith!
-Matt: 15:22-28

I love this story. The woman recognizes Jesus as Lord and pursues Him. Jesus first ignores her and then refuses her, but she persists in faith. And because she does, the Lord commends her. Imagine if you were the woman speaking with Jesus in this story. Would you have stopped at the first barrier, or the second?

Ask God to give us faith like the Canaanite woman. Help us to persevere in prayer, especially as we pray for the Good News to be spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula, especially Yemen during this month. 

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PTAP: Faltering steps forward

A young woman who has been reading the Word has been called back to her village by her father who wants her to become the second wife of a man who already has children. It would mean dropping out of school and being trapped in a life she doesn't want. After an attempt to reason with her father, he has given her the ultimatum of marrying or quitting school, getting a job in the village and turning all her income over to him. Please intercede for her freedom, not only from this undesirable situation but that she will be free to pursue her desire to know more about Jesus.

Please pray for "Jennifer" whom we have prayed for in the past.  She is the local woman who is suffering from the effects of black magic.  The good news is that her believing friends continue to love her and share the gospel with her.  The bad news is that she has been moving away from them recently.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to work in her life, bringing her back to her friends so that the light of Christ would continue to shine in her dark life.  Pray that the Father would speak to her through the Bible which she owns and also through dreams of Christ which she has had in the past.  Let's continue to pray for her salvation!

Also pray for a local man in the same country as Jennifer who is reading the Bible with a believer. This is a big step and an answer to prayer after many years of prayer for this man.  Both of these locals need the Holy Spirit to break through and change their hearts and minds completely.  Pray that God would do so.
Thank you for praying over cities in the Arabian Peninsula!
With Jizan, Saudi Arabia, we have come to the end of praying for key cities throughout the AP.  We started 16 months ago by praying for one city per month.  We started with Al Hasa, Saudi Arabia and have now concluded with Jizan.
Thank you so much for praying for these cities!  God has heard and has already answered our prayers by recently sending laborers to several of these cities where there were none before.  This is a big answer to prayer.  The harvest is there and the laborers have been sent.  Let's keep praying for more laborers for the harvest."
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PTAP: February Focus: Yemen

With the evil and hardships in Yemen, workers from Yemen have worked to help create a prayer guide for the country. Leaders in the AP have initiated a focus on prayer for Yemen during the month of February. We trust that many of you will pray and call others to prayer for Yemen during February.
CLICK HERE for a 4 week prayer guide.
Please feel free to edit it, translate it, and send it on to others. PTAP has put this together and give people permission to reuse this information in their own formats.
On the PTAP website, you can also find a word.doc version of this and also a powerful PowerPoint about what is going on in Yemen.
We are seeking the peace of the Lord to come to Yemen! Please pray with us and call others to prayer.
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Jizan is a port city located in the Southwest corner of Saudi Arabia. Surrounded by rich planes, forests and mountains, Jizan is one of the Kingdom's richest agricultural regions. Coffee, grains and many varieties of tropical fruits are locally grown.
Off the coast of Jizan, clusters of scattered islands bear the silent traces of the ancient church. The crumbling ruins of old churches are still visible on some of the islands.
The economic downturn in Saudi Arabia has greatly affected the region, and has set back many large scale development projects previously planned by the city. 
Prayer Points
  • Pray a blessing for the Jizani people, that they would have their physical needs met and that they would have a spiritual hunger to know God through Jesus Christ.
  • Pray that a new generation of Jesus followers will rise up out of the foundations of the ancient church to bring Him unique worship from this land.
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In November, we asked for prayer for a local brother whose wife has been very ill.  She is doing much better and so thank you for your prayers!
Here are his words:  "Thank you so much for your prayers.  Over the last two weeks, we have seen tremendous improvement in my wife's health.  Her bleeding has almost stopped completely and her red bloodcell count is going up and up!  The doctors have no explanation for this (they were recommending surgery, but now it may not be needed).  But we know who our Great Physician is and we are so grateful for the prayers of all the saints all over the world who have partnered with us in intercession.  May God bless you as you continue to labor for our King and his Kingdom."
Pray for a local brother whose wife we have been praying for.  Praise God for the progress she has made in her health.  Let's continue to pray for him.  Nowadays, he has much more time and flexibility to meet with local people and to share at many places during the week.  He is very encouraged by how the Spirit has been working in the lives of locals and believers from around the world.

He asks for prayers for discernment in their ministry towards locals, so that they invest their resources strategically for the Kingdom according to Christ's leadership and not their own understanding. He also asks for prayer for the salvation of his family, especially his siblings, both brothers and sisters.
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Pray for Seekers and Lone Believers

Give praise that a new, local believer was able to share with a couple of family members in a celebration of Christ's birth, even though they are not yet aware of her decision to follow Jesus. Pray that the many who have heard the gospel story will receive and accept confirmation of its truth by revelation, signs, wonders, dreams or visions.

A young woman told her believing friend, "I need a new life." Please pray that she and many others will open their hearts to the Lord and be able to experience Him for who He truly is, and will find new life in Him.

As two men continue in study of the the Word, pray that their eyes will be open to its truth and they will desire to know more of Him. May they accept His gift of salvation and be witnesses for Him in their community.

Continue to pray for those lone believers who have no opportunity for communal worship, study, and fellowship. Pray that they will grow stronger in faith and trust in the Lord. Pray that they will find ways to safely share their faith with others and become His church where it is not yet established.

A couple of university students are on a spiritual journey together seeking to know more about Jesus. Pray that nothing will prevent them from continuing this journey and surrendering to Him as Lord and Savior.

Please pray for "Jennifer" whom we have prayed for in the past.  She is the local woman who is suffering from the effects of black magic.  The good news is that her believing friends continue to love her and share the gospel with her.  The bad news is that she has been moving away from them recently.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to work in her life, bringing her back to her friends so that the light of Christ would continue to shine in her dark life.  Pray that the Father would speak to her through the Bible which she has access to and also through dreams of Christ which she has had in the past.  Let's continue to pray for her salvation!

Also pray for a local man in the same country who is also hearing a lot of the gospel from a believer.  Both of these locals need the Holy Spirit to break through and change their hearts and minds completely.  Pray that God would do so.

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Yanbu is a beautiful city located on the shores of the Red Sea. The name Yanbu comes from the Arabic word for a spring. The city dates back some 2,500 years when it was a trading and caravan stopping post. Spice and incense traders would have been common.
In more recent years, the city has grown because of the oil refineries, petrochemical industry, and a large desalination plant. Being on the Red Sea and also a port city, Yanbu is a strategic outlet. It has direct access to the Suez Canal. In addition, King Fahad Industrial Port is the largest oil and petrochemical exporting complex on the Red Sea. It is this port that has transformed the city.
There are around 500,000 people that live here. This is because the Saudi government designated Yanbu to be one of the country's two new industrial centers. Otherwise, it would still be a sleepy village. As a result, Saudis and others from around the world come here to make a living.
Prayer Points
•We can pray for the Juhayna, Harb and Ashraf tribes that are prevalent in the Yanbu area. Pray that God would reveal himself to them in dreams and visions of Jesus. Pray that God would break through the thick wall of Islam so that the people can read the Word and learn about who Jesus really is. Pray that whole tribes would come to faith.
•Pray that Yanbu's name would come true spiritually, that the people would believe and receive the Holy Spirit, the river of living water (John 7:38, 39). Pray that Springs of Living Water would flow through this land, and that many Saudis in Yanbu would come to faith in Christ.
•Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send believers to work in the Yanbu Industrial area to be witnesses for Him.
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Yemen has felt the burden of injustice for the past three years with war, famine and epidemics which have ravaged the country. Please pray Psalm 12:5 over the people of Yemen: "Because of the devastation of the afflicted, because of the groaning of the needy, now I will arise," says the Lord; "I will set him in the safety for which he longs." (NASB).

Young men are forced to join militias in Yemen due to threats and needing the money given them, to feed their families. Displaced people flee from their bombed out homes. Pray for the people who are burdened by fear. Pray that they will hear about the Savior who can give them peace and even joy, in the midst of fearful times.

In fact, the sin of hatred is strong in a land where tribes are fighting one another. Please pray that hatred will be replaced with forgiveness and love. This can only be done through Christ. Pray for the people, Ephesians 4: 31-31: "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ, God forgave you."

Furthermore, humanitarian tragedies have permeated. Each statistic represents a person who has suffered grief, heartache and hopelessness. Please pray that everyone will hear about a loving Savior who will take away pain and will comfort those who mourn. Pray that the physical needs of the people will also be met, that food and supplies will be allowed into the country and will be given to those who need them.

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PTAP: Bahrain National Day.

Bahrain's National Day is December 16.

BAHRAIN (December 16)
Bahrain is a small country made up of 33 islands in the Arabian (Persian) Gulf.  It has been a Kingdom since 2000, but was recognized as a nation in 1971.  Bahrain has been, at various periods in history, known for its lush spring-fed vegetation, the civilizations of Dilmun (where the epic hero, Gilgamesh, goes to discover the key to eternal life) and Tylos, Portuguese forts and monasteries, and a vibrant pearling industry.  The majority of its citizens are Shi'ia Muslims, with a Sunni ruling minority.  There is often tension between the two groups.  
Recently, citizenship has been granted to foreigners, some from nearby countries, including Arabic-speaking Christians (Coptic, Syrian, etc...) who are free to worship, as are expatriate Christians living in the country.
  • Please pray for peaceful relations within the country between the Sunni and Shi'ia and with neighbors in the Gulf and beyond.  There are often protests from the Shi'ia minority that are not reported in the media.  Pray for the Prince of Peace to bring peace to the hearts of the Bahraini people, both peace from the slavery of works righteousness found in Islam, and peace for their country.  
  • Pray for an authentic Christian witness, continued tolerance for the church to worship freely, and for an openness to the Good News.  Pray that God would use these new foreign citizens to be a bright testimony to Jesus.  Pray especially for Christian-background believers from Egypt and Jordan for example who have become citizens of Bahrain.  May God use them greatly as a witness for Him.  
  • Pray for the handful of local believers, that they would grow in maturity and faith.  Pray that they would get together regularly to worship with and encourage one another in Christ.  Pray against the fear of persecution.  Pray for boldness in their witness and outreach

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PTAP: Qatar, National Day

QATAR (National Day: December 18)
Modern Qataris:
Qatar is a young country that gained independence from the British in 1971. It was initially unified in 1878 and this is now celebrated each year on December 18th. Qatar is under stress these days from the regional blockade from its neighbors, Saudi Arabia in particular. There is belt tightening from low oil and gas prices, as well as secularization and modernisation. Qatar is youthful, both the expat men and women brought in for labour and management, and the 4+ children born to its citizens. Qatar nationals are a minority, at most 12% of the population, and supported by the wealthiest state in the world.
Psalm 67:4 - May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth.
Pray for the young Emir, Tamim Al Thani, and the nation's leaders as they guide policy and seek peace. Pray for the nation to rejoice in its sovereignty but to put their trust in the King of Kings. Pray Ps 67:4, that Qatar would rejoice in God and that He would guide and rule Qatar for the glory of His own name. Pray that Emir Tamim would submit to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!
Pray for modern openness to extend beyond tolerating expats and building new businesses to the hearing of the Gospel. Pray that the Gospel would spread rapidly and be honored (2 Thessalonians 3:1). This nation is hungry for money, not God. Pray that God would do the impossible and save the wealthy (Mark 10:24-27). Pray that the rich, young rulers of Qatar would not walk away from Christ!
Pray for the handful of local believers in Qatar - that they would grow in maturity and faith. Pray that they would get together regularly to worship with and encourage one another in Christ. Pray against the fear of persecution. Pray for boldness in their witness and outreach.
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A person who was healed physically after a believer had prayed for him is studying the Word with a believer. This person has also invited a friend to join him in the study. Praise the Lord for this healing and pray that hearts may be open, given spiritual understanding, and come to faith as they study the Word with the believer. Pray also for protection and wisdom over the believer.

Give praise that after much resistance to spiritual conversations, a local lady is suddenly showing interest in hearing more about the truth. Please ask the Lord to continue to soften her heart, take away fear, and draw her into His Kingdom. Ask too that believers will persevere in sharing even when met with resistance time and again.

Please pray that those who have had dreams or visions of Jesus Christ would not be fearful or dismissive but would experience great joy and a desire to know more. Ask God to connect them with believers who can help answer their questions and guide them to the way of salvation and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Many adherents to Islam live with an attitude of simply accepting the culture, traditions, and religion without question. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will stir their hearts and minds with questions and dissatisfaction and set them on a journey to find true the Peace.

The relative affluence of the Gulf, as does affluence anywhere, can cause a sense of entitlement as well as a lack of awareness of the needs of the less privileged. Pray for humble hearts that will receive the great love offered by our Heavenly Father and in turn bring radical change in the culture.

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Prayer Requests - October 25, 2017
PTAP is joining WIN1040 ( this month in praying for unreached countries of the world. October 25 is the day to pray for Oman. Let's continue to lift up Oman with thousands of people around the world that God would build the local church there.

Praise Report
Praise God that the government of Oman wants to see more Omanis join the work force and is trying to help educate and employ them to be successful (The Bible, Psalm 111:6). ...

Prayer Request
Pray for more Omanis to be willing to work in the low and mid-level job positions. These are not as attractive but are key to the countries growth (The Bible, Proverbs 14:23).

Transformational Prayer
Pray for the Omani people to be transformed from a proud people blessed by oil wealth to those humbly seeking to find Jesus (The Bible, Matthew 19:26).

Call to Salvation
Pray that the very few believers in the Lord Jesus will not be ashamed of the Gospel but will tell their families and friends about His saving power. (The Bible, Romans 1:16).

Source: More expats than Omanis hired last year: Central Bank of Oman

Continue to Pray for Sohar
In fact, earlier this month, you received prayer points about Sohar--a city in Oman. Please continue to pray for Sohar as you watch the following video.

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PTAP: City Focus - Sohar, Oman

Sohar is the largest city in the north of Oman.

History records that the Bishop of Sohar was one of the delegates at the Council of Nicaea in AD 325.  At this council, the deity of Jesus Christ was affirmed.
In the past, Sohar served as a port and the capital of Oman. With one of the largest ports in the country now, the Omani government is investing in this area to strengthen the economy by looking to other industries besides oil.  Copper has been mined here for years and there is a growing steel and aluminum industry.  Any development brings jobs, expatriates, larger malls, hospitals and universities. This is all part of Sohar's growth.
Many Omanis love to claim that Sinbad the Sailor was born here.  But other cities claim him as well.
Prayer points:
- Pray that as Sohar grows in importance, the gospel would also grow and spread throughout the whole city (Col 1:6).
- Pray that God would build his church in Sohar among the Omani people and that the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matt 16:18).  Pray that there would be a church just like in the days of the Bishop of Sohar. 
- Pray that with more expats coming to Sohar, pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send more workers.  
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PTAP: Prayer for Seekers

Pray for a young man who is asking many questions about Jesus Christ. May he embrace the truth and surrender his life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Pray for a Muslim national that has been attending a service of expatriate believers for some time. She has asked many questions comparing various religions, so it's not clear yet that she has decided to trust in Christ. However, she continues to have a warm relationship with believers. Please pray and ask God to draw her to Him. 
Pray that God will show Himself in supernatural ways and demonstrate His perfect love and kindness to those who live in fear of Him. Pray that those who have had encounters with Jesus through dreams and visions would be insatiably curious and hungry and seek out believers to find out more about Him.

Ask the Lord to give believers opportunities to share stories from the Word and to open the hearts and minds of hearers to believe and long to hear more.
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Saudi Day of Prayer - Sept 23, 2017

Praying Through the Arabian Peninsula: PTAP is pleased to join the International Saudi Global Day of Prayer in praying for Saudi Arabia on September 23, 2017.  Please visit this website to get more information on how to pray for Saudi.  You can sign up for an hour time slot as a small or large group and also find prayer resources to help you pray.  The Lord is doing great things in Saudi.  Let's press on in our prayers for Him to do even more!

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