conflict (5)

Weekly Prayer - May 6, 2020
Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Middle East and has faced decades of instability. Civil war has gripped the country and left the people in desperate need of humanitarian aid. More than 9,000 Yemenis have been killed, over 50,000 injured and 3 million people have fled their homes. Millions of people face shortages of food and water, and less than half the country's health facilities are operational. Approximately 16.4 million people currently have no access to healthcare.

Cities are continuing to be bombed and the infrastructure is collapsing. There is severe famine in parts of the country. Its few oil fields are not producing. Cholera is epidemic, the currency is collapsing, prices are soaring, and many in the public sector haven't been paid in over a year. There is also fear that school age boys will be recruited to fight for the Houthis who control large areas of the country. The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is severe as many are starving or on the verge of having nothing to eat. Malnutrition and infant mortality is becoming normal.
Prayer Request
Pray that the UN and the Saudi-led coalition will work together to reopen ports and resume the delivery of food, medicine and humanitarian aid 
Pray that God will protect the Yemeni people, bring an end to the conflict, and establish His peace in their land 
Pray that Christian brothers and sisters in Yemen will stay firm and make strong ties with other believers to bring many to Christ 
(praying with Window International Network)

PTAP's Vision
"To see the global church praying for the Arabian Peninsula so that the gospel and churches will be planted for every indigenous people in the Arabian Peninsula"
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There are a lot of ideas on how to address our problematic issues in the USA, namely:

  • Racial Fairness
  • Political Tension
  • Employment Disparities
  • Etc.

From my little perch in Midtown Atlanta, GA, I see the numerous arguments, and the emotional intensity on opposite sides of each issue! They are evident in both the world and the church.

May I give you a simple solution from Scripture?

First, my message here is not for the unsaved. Why? Because spiritual things are spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:14). The only message I have to the unsaved through all of this is, “Get saved!”

But, what is the message to the Christian, to each of us individually?

It comes from Jesus, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39).

I think that means:

  • Be obedient unto love, not hate, no matter how different someone’s views or looks are from you. And;
  • Be obedient unto forgiveness, no matter what was done and by whom.

Too simple?

Maybe so, but isn’t that just like God?

PS. Don’t confuse simple with “easy.” It’s not easy. . .which is why we have the Holy Spirit.

I look forward to serving with all y’all.


Mark S Mirza
Common Thread Ministries/Founder
National Day of Prayer/Georgia State Coordinator

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"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12
Our battle, our fight, is not against flesh and blood. There is a tremendous battle going on in the heavily realms over people that do not know the Lord Jesus Christ. There are spiritual forces that are battling. The Muslims in the Arab Gulf are not the enemy of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Muslims in the Arab Gulf are not our enemy. Satan (and his forces) is the enemy. Satan has blinded the minds of all unbelievers so they cannot see the Living God.
Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
Pray for believers in the Arab Gulf to see the spiritual battle raging over the lives of the Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula. They people are caught up behind the false religion of Islam. Pray for Islam to loose its grip over the Arabian Peninsula.
Pray that believers in the Arabian Peninsula and around the world would increase the work in the battling in the heavenlies to see Arab Gulf Muslims released and enter into His great Kingdom.
Pray for Arab Gulf Muslims to repent and turn to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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PTAP: Prayer for Yemen amid War

We pray for grace and strength for those in the community who have lost love ones in the civil war in Yemen, for strength for all the mothers as they continue with their responsibilities even in the middle of war times, for them to nurture and teach their children in the community in the ways of the Lord, being an example of strength and grace to their children.
We pray for those who teach, mentor and disciple regularly with the new believers, to seek the Lord as they prepare their lessons as they meet regularly. We pray for the Holy Spirit to speak to their hearts as they discover the Word of God.
Also, pray for those organizing retreats to hear the voice of the Lord, study, and prepare for the different activities, lessons and fellowships, that they will be building trust, and strengthening each other.
Pray for the leadership team as they make difficult decisions. Pray for the peace of God to be their guide as they make those decisions. Pray for them to discern the true followers, from those who may want to harm them. Pray against the plans of the enemy against the lives of the community families. Pray to send help to the leaders to support them, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
Pray for the situation to improve, for those who have the power to stop the war to come to a peace term. Pray for the different villages where the conflict has increased. Pray for the protection of their families.
Pray for provision of food and water where the help has not arrived. Pray that the Lord would remove any obstacles from the roads for supplies to be able to reach their community, for them to have their needs met. Pray for the different AID projects, water, food, electricity, communication, education, transportation, media, and we pray for those who are providing, giving, organizing, leading, and working in the different projects. May the Lord multiply resources, for each and every project.
Pray for people not to lose hope but to put their eyes on the Lord, the only one that can solve conflicts, hunger, and any lack. Instead, pray that they would use that energy to work, to study, to help and encourage one another.
We pray for those who are seeking the Lord, to meet regularly with those who speak Truth and to open their spiritual eyes to understand, believe and make decisions to follow Him.
Pray for those who fear as their faith weakens, to focus on the Lord and nothing else. Pray that the Presence of God will be more real than the reality the community is experiencing through the war.
Pray Psalm 27:3-4 - "Though an army besiege me my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident. One thing I ask form the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple"
Pray that the different believers will be able to meet once again, to strengthen each other, and encourage each other and most important to pray for one another, and to pray for the community of believers.
Pray 1 Corinthians 12 for the church--that there may not be divisions in the body of Christ, but that the members may have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.
Pray for a country that continues to be plagued by war. Starvation is a reality to many who live there. Pray especially for those who don't know where their next meal will come from. Ask that embargos will be lifted and that food will be brought to those who need it. Pray for crops to grow well and for farmers to be able to get food to market. Ask for God's mercy on this country.
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PTAP: Politely Hearing


Pray for the people who are living in cities where there is much hardship right now. They hear bombs dropping and face great danger. They have had no electricity and supplies are running low. They are filled with fear. Ask for God to give them comfort and speak to them in visions and dreams, for He never stops loving them. Pray that a peaceful solution for their country will be found.

An isolated, local believer has, for years now, lived under great pressure and scrutiny from her family and has never had the freedom to fellowship with others. Please pray that she will remain strong in her faith and find all her needs met by His presence.

This is the rainy season in a southern AP country. This country is also facing some water shortages in some cities due to fighting. Ask that the rains will be plentiful this year and that people will have the water they need.

Pray that relief efforts to help those in a country torn with strife, will be successful. Pray that humanitarian aid will get to the people who need it and that in the process, the people will know that others around the world are concerned for them and are praying for them.

"Muna" listened politely as "Carl" illustrated the meaning of Jesus' death for us guilty sinners.  "That's beautiful!" Muna responded.  But Carl was aware that it was only a tender story for Muna, not registering as her personal need.  So many hear only politely.  Pray for the convicting Spirit of God to impress upon each listener their personal need of repentance.
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