pearling (1)

PTAP: Bahrain National Day.

Bahrain's National Day is December 16.

BAHRAIN (December 16)
Bahrain is a small country made up of 33 islands in the Arabian (Persian) Gulf.  It has been a Kingdom since 2000, but was recognized as a nation in 1971.  Bahrain has been, at various periods in history, known for its lush spring-fed vegetation, the civilizations of Dilmun (where the epic hero, Gilgamesh, goes to discover the key to eternal life) and Tylos, Portuguese forts and monasteries, and a vibrant pearling industry.  The majority of its citizens are Shi'ia Muslims, with a Sunni ruling minority.  There is often tension between the two groups.  
Recently, citizenship has been granted to foreigners, some from nearby countries, including Arabic-speaking Christians (Coptic, Syrian, etc...) who are free to worship, as are expatriate Christians living in the country.
  • Please pray for peaceful relations within the country between the Sunni and Shi'ia and with neighbors in the Gulf and beyond.  There are often protests from the Shi'ia minority that are not reported in the media.  Pray for the Prince of Peace to bring peace to the hearts of the Bahraini people, both peace from the slavery of works righteousness found in Islam, and peace for their country.  
  • Pray for an authentic Christian witness, continued tolerance for the church to worship freely, and for an openness to the Good News.  Pray that God would use these new foreign citizens to be a bright testimony to Jesus.  Pray especially for Christian-background believers from Egypt and Jordan for example who have become citizens of Bahrain.  May God use them greatly as a witness for Him.  
  • Pray for the handful of local believers, that they would grow in maturity and faith.  Pray that they would get together regularly to worship with and encourage one another in Christ.  Pray against the fear of persecution.  Pray for boldness in their witness and outreach

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