Most teaching positions in schools across the Arabian Peninsula are filled with expats from all over the world. As head counts are being considered and new hires are being made for the 2019-2020 school year, pray that God would bring in a wave of believers to work as teachers and administrators of schools in the Arabian Peninsula. Pray that the Father would use this sphere of influence to have profound Kingdom impact in this region.
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Prayer Requests - October 25, 2017
PTAP is joining WIN1040 ( this month in praying for unreached countries of the world. October 25 is the day to pray for Oman. Let's continue to lift up Oman with thousands of people around the world that God would build the local church there.
Praise Report
Praise God that the government of Oman wants to see more Omanis join the work force and is trying to help educate and employ them to be successful (The Bible, Psalm 111:6). ...
Prayer Request
Pray for more Omanis to be willing to work in the low and mid-level job positions. These are not as attractive but are key to the countries growth (The Bible, Proverbs 14:23).
Transformational Prayer
Pray for the Omani people to be transformed from a proud people blessed by oil wealth to those humbly seeking to find Jesus (The Bible, Matthew 19:26).
Call to Salvation
Pray that the very few believers in the Lord Jesus will not be ashamed of the Gospel but will tell their families and friends about His saving power. (The Bible, Romans 1:16).
Source: More expats than Omanis hired last year: Central Bank of Oman
Continue to Pray for Sohar
In fact, earlier this month, you received prayer points about Sohar--a city in Oman. Please continue to pray for Sohar as you watch the following video.