
My father sent me to the market that morning. I was in no hurry. He left at the same time to sail for Athens on business. My mother and sisters left the week before to visit family in Troas. They took the house servants with them. I was the only one left at home. As I came near the market I saw a group of my friends going somewhere together.

Timothy, who was leading them, called out to me. “Jason, come with us! We are going to meet Paul and Barnabus. Have you heard of them?” I had not, and neither had the others in the group before that day. 

As I joined them, Timothy began to explain. “Barnabus and Paul are Jews like my mother’s family. They came to Asia to tell people about Jesus, who rose from the dead after being crucified.” I did not know what to say about this. He continued as we walked along, “They came to Antioch and told about Jesus in the synagogue there. The people begged them to speak again the next week. Evidently the power of God was with them to heal people in the town as they told about Jesus through the week. 

“Nearly the whole city showed up at the synagogue the next Sabbath. The synagogue leaders were jealous. They began to oppose Barnabas and Paul before the crowd. Still, many Jews and Greeks from the city believed what Paul and Barnabas taught about Jesus. I have heard that they intend to come this way and I am hoping they will get here this morning.” As we came to the edge of town we saw men coming toward us on the road from Antioch. Timothy called to them, certain they were Barnabas and Paul. Sure enough, they were the apostles. When they saw us they decided we were the audience they were looking for. They led us off the road and began teaching. 

We were all stunned at their message. They told us Jesus was the Son of the only true God. This was strange to our ears, but somehow what they were saying rang true. They did not sound like trained orators. That was part of why they were so convincing. I was moved as Barnabas spoke. There was no question that he cared deeply about us. I found myself hoping that what he said was indeed true. After Barnabas finished, Paul stood to speak. As he spoke about true righteousness and faith and the love of God, I fell to my knees and cried out for the forgiveness and grace bought for me by Jesus on a Roman cross. 

We all followed the apostles back into the city. We had not seen any miraculous signs while they preached to us on the outskirts of town. But I was not surprised when Barnabas prayed for a sickly child who was wistfully watching the other children play. Immediately the child grinned and rose up to join the others. 

Just outside the market at the center of town they gathered a crowd and began to preach. As Paul preached he moved through the throng. He came near the young man that we have always called Solus. I am not sure if that is really his name, but like everyone else in the crowd, I knew his story. He was born lame. His feet and legs were shriveled. He could not walk at all. Paul reached out and took him by the hand to raise him to his feet. Right there in front of everyone his feet and legs were restored. All the people were amazed.

By then, a group had arrived from Antioch to stop Paul and Barnabas from teaching about Jesus. They had already been stirring up people to oppose Paul and Barnabas. They were enraged that the man was publicly healed. They immediately seized Paul. We managed to hustle Barnabus away as they dragged Paul out of town. Adonis and his younger brother took Barnabas to their home to save him from the same fate as Paul.

To the rest of us Timothy said, “We need to follow them and see what they have done to Paul.” When we caught up to the crowd they were throwing stones at the apostle. We watched in horror as several stones struck his head. He crumpled to the ground. We were fairly certain that they had killed him. They congratulated one another as they turned back toward the city.

Timothy led the way to Paul before they were out of sight. We were not going to leave his body out there on the side of the road. But when Timothy laid his hand on his body, Paul moved and shook his head. His head was bleeding profusely. After a moment he stood and began trudging back into town. I rushed to his side to support him. The rest of us surrounded him and would have fought anyone who tried to attack, but the men who stoned him had disappeared up the road. We didn't see them as we came into town. They may have started back to Antioch lest the magistrate question them. We took Paul to the home of Adonis where Barnabus was waiting anxiously. After his wounds had been dressed, Paul gathered us all together to encourage us to remain faithful to Jesus.

Leonides, who was older than the rest of us, asked why those people had been so angry. I was wondering the same thing. We listened intently as Paul explained.

“You all need to understand this. We follow a crucified Savior. As people hated him, they will hate us. Our speaking to them about Jesus will be a kind of judgment. It will reveal what is in their hearts. Some will gladly receive you and repent. Some will be enraged because they hate the true God and His Son Jesus. But Jesus has given the Holy Spirit of God to His followers. This includes you. The Spirit strengthens all of us and will empower us to be faithful.” I asked if that was how he recovered from being stoned. Paul thought for a moment and said, “Possibly.”

Hector, standing behind the rest of us, asked, “Is that how you healed the lame man?”

“In a way,” Paul answered. Then he said, “Actually, I did not heal him at all. Jesus did that. I saw that the man had faith to be healed. But yes, Jesus works through the Holy Spirit.

“God’s Spirit will bear witness of Jesus. The Spirit will speak through you. Sometimes he will even break the hearts of those who oppose Jesus. I was one of those people. I thought I was serving the God of my fathers by arresting and charging those who followed the way. I was on my way to another city to arrest the followers of Jesus who had fled there. On my way Jesus appeared to me in a light brighter than the sun. He called me to repent. By this undeserved grace everything in my life was changed. I now preach the One whom I hated and blasphemed.


This story is based on what Jesus said in John 15:18-27.



Father, make us faithful even in the face of fierce opposition.













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PTAP: Mental Health in Arabia

Pray for individuals currently receiving treatment for mental health conditions.  Pray for freedom from their illness, and for their hearts to feel heard and loved.  Pray for their safety and for cultural acceptance despite acknowledgement of their need for help, especially at this time where many of the Gulf countries are under quarantine.
Pray that God would heal the stigma that exists around mental health in the Arabian Gulf culture.  Pray for families to come around those with mental health challenges instead of push them away.
Pray for a particular local teenager, we will call her Sarah.  Pray that Jesus would completely heal her from the depression she has faced for the last several years.  Pray that suicidal thoughts would cease completely.  Pray for her to have dreams and visions of the Healer while she is receiving inpatient care.  

Pray for professionals working in the mental health arena in the Arabian Gulf.  Ask for wisdom, cultural insight, and innovation as they seek to provide care.  Ask for people with influence to be emboldened to share facts, to quash lies/taboos, and to point people to places they can receive treatment from these professionals. 
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God's Chosen Fast

Fasting from all, one day at a time.

The body grows weak, dreams come to mind.

All food abandoned, an annual fast.

We’re seeking forgiveness and healing that lasts.


Forty days pass, like Jesus I fast.

Temptations and trials start to attack.

Breakthrough will come, if only I win.

Could fasting help us all overcome sin?


Abstaining from pleasure, I walk Daniel’s path:

Rich foods forgotten, in this partial fast.

I yearn for my homeland: a vision revealed.

The future unfolds; the Scripture unsealed.


Demons must flee, as I starve my old flesh.

Evil must leave! I passed the test!

Mercy increases, I yearn to be right.

The journey’s been long, but the end is in sight.


Transform my hunger to faith in the Lord.

Refraining from comfort as I bear the Sword

Of the Spirit to vanquish my foe and pierce

Through the dark: no lusts, no pride, and no fears.

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Prayer Requests - June 17, 2018
Dylan (pseudonym) asked when the "night of power," a particular night at the end of Ramadan in which it is thought more clout is earned with Allah for praying through the night, was to a few young Gulf men. This question led to a sharing of thought in which three young Gulf men heard about the grace that comes through Jesus apart from works. Please pray that the discussion will continue and that these young men will turn their hearts to Him.

An indigenous family has welcomed visits and prayers of Christians for their adult son who has been paralyzed for over a year from the neck down even though his condition worsened after believers prayed for him. Please pray that God will reveal Himself to this family, granting them faith and repentance toward His truth. The Gospel was explained to the paralyzed man, who showed great emotional response to it in his face, although he cannot speak.  Despite the "failed prayers" for healing, the Christians are now invited to meet the rest of the family during Eid (holiday that follows Ramadan).  Please pray for boldness to follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit, and that God would stretch forth His hand to heal this man as a testimony to the Truth.
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Life Changes

Life changes and is never stagnant, if you allow yourself to grow. Growing takes effort. Reading His Word and applying His principles to your life. They are good principles, adding value to life. This does not mean you’re going to hop on a fluffy soft cloud and float through life with no heartache or pain. It does mean that you have God to lean on. It means when you seek Him, He will answer. When you follow His principles the hardships in life can be overcome. He cannot always keep you from harm, but He can help you heal from it. He does not control anyone. He is not a control freak. He is here to guide you when you ask but you must listen when He answers. He is your healer, but not always in the way you expect. You only think in the ways of man. You cannot always comprehend what He is doing in your life. This is where trust comes in. If you are following Him, reading His word, praying and soaking in His presence you will have greater understanding and greater healing from life’s hurts.


He is here for His people! The one’s who choose to follow Him. Being a follower of His Son Jesus does not make you weak. Instead it makes you strong. Spiritually strong. Align yourself with the Holy Bible. Align yourself with a Bible believing church that teaches Agape Love above all else. Learn of His ways. Learn to love others and His Son. Learn to love yourself. Many people have done so much wrong, been taught wrongly, or mistreated so badly, even by those who call themselves Godly, that they are confused and refuse to hear His Word. But know that I do not control them and they can choose to misconstrue His Word, or twist it for their own glory or excuses. He is the ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD who love’s your soul. Who forgives your sins and longs to guide you to the truth of the Word. He is peace when there is no peace around you. He is Love when there is no one to love you and even when you do have people to love you. He is the Great I AM, here to guide and save His people. You must choose Him as He has already put you on the list of HIS Chosen. He has given you the opportunity and the right to follow Him and seek His peace in your life.



Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to me you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

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The Bible clearly draws us not only to believe in healing, but to believe in Jesus. Let my share my own testimony. I have had numbers of people pray very formally for my healing, including some who anointed me with oil. And frankly, I am encouraged when someone tells me they're praying I will be healed of my cancer. Some years ago now, I told one of my oncologists,”The reason I am alive longer than you thought I would be, is because people are praying for me.” He was silent a moment and then he said, “That's right.”

But I also need to say that everytime I think about praying for God to completely heal me of my cancer a scripture verse comes to my mind. Hebrews 9:27 reads,

“And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,”

You may have noticed that the sentence does not end with this verse. Verse 28 concludes the thought.

“so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.”

I do not believe that God is using this passage, necessarily, to tell me I am not going to be healed. But I do believe He is giving me a broader perspective on faith in Jesus Christ. I am not just trusting him for the here and now. I'm trusting Him for the forever. And I am waiting for Him to bring it about.

And in this God has been giving me a peace about life and death. And He has used that to bear witness to people in a world where all of us will die. And I certainly believe that is more important than immediate healing.











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Please pray for the salvation of Dr. D's summer course student, Andy (pseudonym). Although from the Gulf, Andy once lived in Los Angeles, where he became involved with a gang. Thankfully, Andy was able to leave that situation left that situation, and he has shared some of his life with Dr. D. They have, in fact, become confident friends. Pray for meaningful conversations about the gospel in the next few weeks, and for the Spirit of God to convince Andy of the Truth.

There was a group in one AP country that specifically did campus ministry at a local university. The girls of that group started to find that many of the local female students had questions about who Jesus is. So, they started having Bible studies with these students, and in the end, about 13 female students began to meet regularly and read through the Bible together. They continued to disciple the students for some time, but the group ended up leaving altogether. They did, however, hand the girls off to other believers. Please pray for spiritual fruit among these university students. Pray that the seeds of the gospel sown in them will grow into full salvation in Jesus Christ. Pray that they would continue to be hungry for the Word and find Jesus to be sufficient and satisfying.

Pray for a local man who has been hospitalized for a year since last Ramadan. He is wasting away and cannot communicate but is conscious and can hear. A member of his Muslim family happened to sit next to a Christian on a bench. Although they were total strangers to each other, the Muslim struck up a conversation and directly invited the Christian to pray specifically for a divine healing for the man. Such an invitation was certainly seen as a divine appointment by the believer! Pray for God to be glorified in healing and salvation of the man, his family, and those who hear the testimony! Pray for the fame of the Lord to spread and draw multitudes to Him through the Son.

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A Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon." But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, "Send her away, for she is crying out after us." He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." But she came and knelt before him, saying, "Lord, help me." And he answered, "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." She said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Then Jesus answered her, "O woman, great is your faith!
-Matt: 15:22-28

I love this story. The woman recognizes Jesus as Lord and pursues Him. Jesus first ignores her and then refuses her, but she persists in faith. And because she does, the Lord commends her. Imagine if you were the woman speaking with Jesus in this story. Would you have stopped at the first barrier, or the second?

Ask God to give us faith like the Canaanite woman. Help us to persevere in prayer, especially as we pray for the Good News to be spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula, especially Yemen during this month. 

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A group of near culture believers who have moved to the Arabian Peninsula for work have a passion to share and are meeting regularly to encourage each other as they ask the Father for opportunities to share and disciple. Please pray that the Lord will move mightily in and through them.

A country with very few indigenous believers is slowly beginning to see some fruit, as those who have begun to follow Jesus are giving testimony to their friends and family. Give praise for these bold ones and pray that they will continue to share with great joy, continued boldness, and great wisdom. Pray that many will be added to the Kingdom.

R, a self-proclaimed agnostic, admitted to a follower of Jesus that he too once decided to follow the teachings of Jesus after coming to the conclusion that His message is the true one. Since then, he has fallen away and admits his feeling of emptiness. Please ask that R will once again have a hunger to walk with Jesus, that he will surrender his life to His Lordship, that his family will be restored to him, and that they also will come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Even after seeing the truth in the Word and realizing that Jesus is so much more than just a prophet, it is difficult for someone from the Muslim faith to embrace the Gospel as the way to God.  A young woman exclaimed, "How could I ever believe that the Quran is not from Allah?" Pray that the beloved people of the Arabian Peninsula will be freed from the chains that bind them to falsehood. Pray that they will be given faith by the Holy Spirit to repent and confess that Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life.

A woman with stage 4 cancer is reading the Word with her mother. May they receive the faith to embrace the truth of the Good News and surrender their lives to Jesus. Pray also for divine healing in accordance with His will and for His glory.

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PTAP: Lord, Open their Eyes.

A very sweet and intelligent mother of three young children has received a copy of the Word with eagerness to explore what it says. Pray that she will read with hunger and understanding and her eyes will be opened to the truth. 

Pray that the veil over the eyes of locals would be removed and that they would see the truth for what it is. Many miraculous healings are happening among the locals, but it goes nowhere because they are blinded to the truth behind the miracle! Pray that these miracles will lead to salvation in Jesus!

Pray for Sammy, a woman who received pray for her back and was healed. Pray for an open door of friendship with the one who prayed for her and that she will hear and receive the truth.

Amy heard the Good News but was rather uncomfortable with it, even after she received healing from the Lord. Ask that the barriers in her heart will come down, that she will be given great understanding and will surrender to the Lord with joy.

When Sarah shared her deep loneliness with her believing neighbors, they prayed for her. She told them she felt much lighter and peaceful, acknowledging that it was a result of their prayers. Ask for an open door to share the good news with her, that her heart will continue to soften and that she will accept it.

There are many foreign, believing workers in the AP (Pakistanis, Filipinos, Indians, etc.) Pray that their love and testimony of Jesus will impact the hearts of the locals. Many of them are servants in the homes of locals and could have a major impact on entire families. Ask that they will be strengthened to stand firm in their own commitment and be given open doors to share.

Pray that more people will have dreams and visions of Jesus. Many turn to him after experiencing such an encounter with Him, so ask for more of it! And pray that those people who have had dreams/visions will seek out people of faith in Jesus to give them more information.
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Healing Hearts & Opening Eyes

A very sweet and intelligent mother of three young children has received a copy of the Word with eagerness to explore what it says. Pray that she will read with hunger and understanding and her eyes will be opened to the truth. 

Pray that the veil over the eyes of locals would be removed and that they would see the truth for what it is. There is much healing happening among the locals, but it goes nowhere because they are blinded to the truth behind the miracle! Pray these miracles will lead to salvation in Jesus!

Pray for Sammy, a woman who received prayer for her back and was healed. Pray for an open door of friendship with the one who prayed for her and that she will hear and receive the truth.

Amy heard the Good News but was rather uncomfortable with it, even after she received healing from the Lord. Ask that the barriers in her heart will come down, that she will be given great understanding and will surrender to the Lord with joy.

When Sarah shared her deep loneliness with her believing neighbors, they prayed for her. She told them she felt much lighter and peaceful, acknowledging that it was a result of their prayers. Ask for an open door to share the good news with her, that her heart will continue to soften and that she will accept it.

There are many foreign, believing workers in the AP (Pakistanis, Filipinos, Indians, etc.) Pray that their love and testimony of Jesus will impact the hearts of the locals. Many of them are servants in the homes of locals and could have a major impact on entire families. Ask that they will be strengthened to stand firm in their own commitment and be given open doors to share.

Pray that more people will have dreams and visions of Jesus. Many turn to him after experiencing such an encounter with Him, so ask for more of it! And pray that those people who have had dreams/visions will seek out people of faith in Jesus to give them more information.

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Update on the October 28 Woman
For many Muslims, it is a long journey to faith with many ups and downs along the way.  On October 28, we shared about a local woman who is a victim of black magic and who also saw a vision of a red cross on the wall of her bedroom.  Praise God that Christian women continue to meet with her and minister to her needs.  This woman, whom we will call "Jennifer" from now on, is currently suffering from much fear and anxiety due to the black magic in her life.  She is calling upon God in the name of Jesus but also continues to read the Quran to find any relief from its power.  The core problem is that her family practices black magic in the home.  Strange things happen.  For example, last week, she found her maid completely naked and dazed in her home.  Needless to say, this shocked Jennifer.   She also suffers from physical ailments which she believes come from this evil.  She lives in fear and paranoia believing that people and demons are after her.  She is desperate and needs our prayers.  Ultimately, she needs Jesus Christ to save her from her sins and regenerate her in the Holy Spirit.  Then and only then, will the demons leave her forever.  So please continue to pray with us for her and her family's salvation.  Pray that Jesus would free all of them from the tyranny of this evil.  Pray that the Son of God would destroy the works of the devil in their lives (1 John 3:8) and pray that she would read the Bible and be released and have no more fear but only the love and peace of God in her heart. 
Praise Reports
Praise God for saving two, Muslim South Asian men recently!  There are millions of South Asians in the Arabian Peninsula and God is moving among them as well. 

The first one is from Bangladesh.  He has been attending an expat church for three to four months now.  He has made a profession of faith, but is afraid of what his mother and father will say when they find out.  Please pray for him and his parents.  Pray that he will be strong in the faith and will love his parents into the Kingdom despite any opposition. 

The second man is from India.  He has been a seeker and has had ties with members of an expat church who have been sharing with him.  He has also made a profession of faith and immediately asked these believers to share with his father and three brothers.  His father is an imam (an Islamic leader).  The believers traveled a long distance to meet his family and in due time, the father and three brothers came to faith too!  So praise God that He is working through entire families.  Because the father is an imam, there will certainly be challenges ahead (2 Timothy 3:12).

Pray that the Lord would keep these new believers strong and vitally connected with Him and other believers so that they do not revert back to Islam.  Unfortunately, this is not uncommon.  Pray that they would continue in what they have learned and be discipled well in a community of believers that love and support them (2 Timothy 3:14).
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PTAP: Ramadan Prayer for Kuwait

Ramadan Prayer
As Muslims pray and fast during Ramadan, we pray for them.
June 13, 2016
"'Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.' After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken.  And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly."  -Acts 4:29-31 (NIV)
Pray for the believers in Kuwait to speak with boldness. Pray the Lord would continue to heal, especially Muslims.  Pray that recognized signs and wonders would be taking place in Jesus' name. Pray God would "shake" His places of prayer and worship. Pray God would fill local believers in Kuwait with the Holy Spirit.

Kuwait is a divided society. There is a large conservative Salafist population that is constantly at odds with the government. The Salafists previously controlled the elected Parliament, but have been marginalized politically more recently. Pray for the government of Kuwait. Pray that in this climate of division, that Kuwaitis would be open to seek the truth of the Bible.

One ministry worker explains: We have a sense that a real breakthrough with Kuwaitis is near. Many are open and we have had the opportunity to pray for many for healing and for freedom from demonic oppression. The handful of Kuwaiti believers, need to be strengthened.
Source: Christian workers in Kuwait
Bless You Lord for sending rain to Kuwait and allowing this to nourish the land.  Bless them with the ability to know how to live in these evil days of Daesh (IS) and to stand against it.  Bless the small number of Kuwaiti believers with fellowship together and with a joy in You, Lord.
The Lord bless you, Kuwait, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. (Prayer based on Numbers 6:24-26, the Holy Bible)
Source: WIN International Network
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PTAP: The Kingdom of God

In Matthew 10 and in Luke 10, Jesus sends out the disciples to do ministry. They are to heal the sick, cast out demons and preach the Kingdom of God. The disciples are to find a man of peace or a house where peace remains. Can you just imagine the places they went, what was the buzz going on in the villages and cities? This was before TV and the internet, so these disciples and the work they were doing became the talk of the town. The news about them must have been great, and they must have kept having to say, "No it is not us, it is Jesus." There is no way this was a stealth ministry. The villages knew what was happening. "Grandma was healed and is up on her feet." "What! Our uncle who had that demon is now walking around in his right mind." That really is good news. Jesus sent out His disciples to be and to tell good news.



Pray for a greater increase in the doing and telling of the Good News in the AP.

Pray that as believers say to their local friends, "Peace be to this house" and "The Kingdom of God has come near to you", that they too would enter into the Kingdom of God and experience the peace that passes understanding that can only be found in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:7).

Pray that God would raise up men of peace all throughout the AP who will welcome believers into their homes and communities. This way, many doors will open to the Gospel message of salvation and hope in Jesus alone.

Pray that the Kingdom of God would manifest itself through spiritual salvation and the meeting of physical, felt needs. Pray for wholeness and restoration of all things in Christ (Acts 3:21).

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Give God Your Brokenness

“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34.18)

Once there was a man, and he had a broken heart. He heard God was coming to dinner. So he gathered the shards of his scattered heart and taped them together. He hoped the adhesive would hold.

After all, when God comes to dinner, you have to put yourself together (at least he thought).

The man made it through the greeting and the first course. He made it halfway through the second. But it was too much to hide. The man’s hobbled heart wasn’t holding.

So he said, “I have something to tell you. My heart is broken, see.” And he placed the pieces on the table. “You can leave if you want to.”


God placed his hand on the broken pieces and said, “I knew it was broken. That’s why I came.”

The man began to cry. “But God,” the man said, “Why didn’t you say something?”

“Because,” God said, “you needed to tell me first. That’s how the healing begins.”

And the man began to heal.

Give your broken pieces to God so he can heal you. Lay them out; don’t be ashamed. It’s for healing that he comes near, so he can put the pieces together.

Let’s pray: “God, your word says you’re close to the brokenhearted. I give you my shards and my pieces and ask you to make something beautiful from them.”

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WHY PRAY? Part 2 - We Trust!


Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him(James 5:14-15)


The Lord promised that "in this world you will have tribulation (or trouble), but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world" (John 16:33b). How does someone do that when the enemies of God are systematically destroying His people....when many are losing hope....when the numbers of "nones" (those who believe in nothing) grow exponentially....etc. etc..

These are the Biblical end times which are in view, primarily, to those who are saved and called by Christ into the Kingdom. We are seeing a plethora of incurable diseases, deadly viruses and inexplicable things all around us. Cancer is on the rise due to the many different things - lifestyle, quality of food and environment etc. In fact, if you act even the dearest Christian, there seems to be a sense of resignation and defeat.

This is both understandable and wrong at the same time. We see an exhortation from James here which is hardly called upon, in times of need, even by those who call themselves strong believers.....and that includes pastors. On average, you hear pastoral prayers about "Lord heal so and so, touch brother X, remember sister Y....etc.." But is there the strong biblical prayer system for healing, whether Body, Soul or Mind, which lines up with James 5:14, 15? Not really!  This sort of healing and restoration requires Faith and Trust in the Promise AND persistence in prayer.

Too many modern seminaries, and thus, the pastors they put out, have removed the spirit of this Scripture which says that such faith for healing, anointing with oil and restoration "is only for Bible times" and not now! I have heard that so many times, I don't even listen to it anymore. Because the Living Word who abides in the Christian testifies that the entire Word of God - all 66 books - are for now and for you and I. Therefore, even if the elders don't pray for the church and the sick as they should - YOU DO IT!

To drive home that point, the Lord gave us the account of the man of God - Elijah - who was sent to a place of famine and a poor woman in Zarephath. 
Read the full account here from the flowing narrative of God's Word Translation:  8 Then the Lord spoke his word to Elijah: 9 “Get up, go to Zarephath (which belongs to Sidon), and stay there. I’ve commanded a widow there to feed you.”

10 He got up and went to Zarephath. As he came to the town’s entrance, a widow was gathering wood. He called to her, “Please bring me a drink of water.”


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Healing Our Wounded Hearts

“The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

I doubt if very many of God’s people wake up in the morning with the amazing thought, “I am made in God’s image!” Instead quite the opposite often occurs—many feel down about themselves with feelings of insecurity, insignificance, and a lack of self worth. If we want the freedom to pray wholeheartedly, we must understand some of the things that are hindering our wholeheartedness in prayer. When there is negative traffic in our hearts, we are distracted in prayer. We are consumed with our own needs. We are not free to fully serve God in every area of life, especially in prayer.
How did we get into such a difficult place?
Let’s look back to creation and the garden where it all started. Yes, we are made in God’s image. The very origin of relationship was the Trinity. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were in perfect relationship—they were in perfect harmony, with perfect communication and respect. And they said, “Let us create man in our own image.” 
God’s original intention for our world was that our needs would be met through our family, society, and creation. Our parents are supposed to represent God’s character. Children are to know they are loved, cared for, and provided for in every way. They are to be secure in who they are (identity), who they will be (destiny), and in their relationships (belonging). Even in society our relationships and government should be characterized by love, unselfishness, wisdom, mutual respect, and appreciation. There should not be injustice, greed, and abuse.

Unfortunately this is not true. We see the breakdown of society and the family in every dimension of life. Many of us are appalled by what is happening with human trafficking, murder within families, school shootings, and the rise of immorality and pornography worldwide. The nearly 300 young girls recently kidnapped from their Nigerian school by terrorists, many who are probably being sold into human trafficking, has shocked the world. Over 9000 girls are kidnapped annually in sub-sahara Africa!

This is not what God desires. In creation everything should work together in harmony under His Lordship. Can you imagine our world with no disease, no abuse, and no disasters? This is how God made the earth and what He wanted. 
But man rebelled and everything changed. Our world went completely out of control, and what once was a perfect world is now one in complete disarray because of sin.
The fall brought serious disruption to everythingthe family, society, and all of creation. The result was woundedness—we now have broken relationships, fragmented nations, and decay and disorder everywhere.  I once heard it said, “Be kind to everyone for everyone is going through some kind of battle.” The truth is that everyone struggles because we live in a fallen world.
Many people hop from one job to another, from one marriage to another, or from one church to another, hoping to find fulfillment and completeness. The truth is that we won’t be fully satisfied until Heaven. We are made for something so far greater than what earth can offer. We are made for eternity, and God has set it in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
Imagine a secure and perfect world without sin. If we felt secure we would have a greater ability to withstand difficulty in life. It would be far easier to make long-term friendships and have good relationships with parents and authority figures. We would be able to trust on a far deeper level. We would have a good self-esteem with a positive and hopeful belief system about ourselves, our family, and about society.
But the problem is that many, if not most of us, feel very insecure in a broken and wounded world. Our basic human needs are often unmet, and there is a huge increase of fear all around the world. 
Our Basic Human Needs
We all have the same basic human needs. These needs are God-given. They are the need for:

  • A sense of worth - We need a sense of identity and self-esteem. Everyone is worth loving and has intrinsic value. We are made in God’s image.

    So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27).

  • A sense of significance - We all need meaning and purpose in our life. We need to feel that we matter and our contribution is valued. God has promised us an abundant life.

    “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10a).

  • A sense of belonging and security - We need to know we are loved and accepted. We need a family. God has said that we are His children. We belong in His family.

    Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12).

Unmet needs become apparent in our relationships. When our needs are unmet, there is a lack of security, a lack of significance, and a lack of self-worth. When we are insecure we can have a sense of rejection, a sense of not belonging, and of feeling unloved and insecure. When we lack significance, we can doubt our purpose and meaning. If we lack personal self-worth, we can have self-doubt, self-rejection, and self-hated. 
Look around your world. How many feel this way in their secret heart? Why is there so much violence in families and society?  
The Wounded Spirit
 “A man’s spirit sustains him in sickness but a wounded spirit who can bear?” (Proverbs 18:14)
Our unmet needs lead to wounds. A child who is not cherished, fed, and affirmed will have wounds. The spirit is impacted by neglect, rejection, and maltreatment. Having a wounded spirit leads to physical illness and disease, emotional and personality disorders. Wounds lead to isolation, a sense of rejection, abandonment, or violation. This can lead to the conclusion, “There must be something wrong with me.” 
What is the answer to our broken hearts? Who can heal our deepest wounds?
Jesus Came to Heal the Wounded Heart
“The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).
God is the answer through Jesus. His love has become visible through Christ. God gives us a purpose for living, a job to do (Gen. 1:28, Jn. 15:16). We are sons and daughters with God being our Father. We are a chosen race and a royal priesthood. We belong to God and are made in His image (Genesis 1:26). We are accepted by God and are not condemned (Romans 8:33,34). God demonstrates a heart of compassion and a desire to restore us. Jesus has come to give us an abundant life (John 10:10).
We can come to God and ask Him to heal our wounded hearts. Take time to be still before God and let Him touch your heart. Put on some soft worship music and let Him speak to you. Tell God about any wounds in your heart. With pen and paper beside you, write down anything that comes to mind. Here are some things you can do that will help facilitate God's healing in your heart:

  • Face your pain with Jesus and bring it to the cross - You can transfer your pain to Jesus. He went through everything on the cross and he understands all your hurts (Isaiah 53:4).

  • Forgive those who have hurt you - Healing always involves forgiveness. Forgive and ask God to forgive you for any way you have hurt others. Receive His forgiveness (1 John 1:9).

  • Know and meditate on God’s Word - God’s truth sets us free (John 8:32).

  • Develop a daily dialogue with the Holy Spirit - He will teach you the truth about your life and about others. The Holy Spirit helps us to deal with our past and our unmet needs (John 14:16, 26).

  • Ask God for a revelation of His heart - Listen to His voice. He may speak through a verse, a word, or a picture. When you get a revelation of His heart for you, everything changes (John 10:27).

  • Make a new commitment to seek intimacy with God - Discover your redeemer in a deeper way (Meditate on Psalm 42).

Be encouraged because God is in the process of healing our wounded hearts. We have so much to live for and all eternity is before us. In God and through Jesus we have worth and identity, significance and purpose, and security and acceptance. We can be wholehearted in prayer. We are children of God and in His family. Our God wants to heal our wounded hearts!

This video will bless you - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGFBYuCdQ-8

"There is nothing that transforms our hearts and satisfies us more than when the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to us." Mike Bickle

Intercessors Arise News

Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International
International House of Prayer (IHOP) KC Staff

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