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Luke 18:1 was written to encourage us to pray. Listen to the attached 'Prayer Minute' then consider--is prayer important to relationship with Jesus?
Then, take a moment and answer one of these reflection questions.
Do you spend time in prayer e
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Take a minute and listen to the attached 'Prayer Minute', then consider the following reflection questions.
If repentance is a key to prayer being answered, then why do you hardly hear of repentance?
Why is repentance difficult?
Have you seen whe
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Consider the attached Video and then share a thought answering a reflection question:
*Why is it important to look on things that encourage or lift you up?
*Have you let yourself take a few moments to enjoy something beautiful?
PM#0532 Consider Some
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What happens if we take time to learn and obey God's Word?
What is your experience that may share how learning God's word has helped you obey it?
Why is commitment to take time to learn God's word so important?
PM#0535 Obedience.wmv
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The attached 'Prayer Minute' asks an interesting question--Is our focus on the "I" factor, or is in on encouraging others?
Take a minute and listen to the attached "Prayer Minute" and give some thought to the reflection questions below. Consider sh
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..There is a hymn with the words: Let go and let God have his wonderful way
?How many of us are willing to let go
Take a minute and listen to the attached Prayer Minut.
?If we do let go, do we feel that things are ou
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President's Day is a good time to remind ourselves of the importance of prayer for our leaders. As we do take time to pray for them, did you realize that some took the time to pray and seek God's wisdom? That should encourage us to pray for our lea
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Take a minute and listen to the Prayer Minute that is attached.
Consider the action this Prayer Minute has shared, and the results after that action. Then take a look at what Nehemiah did. Could he have moved forward without that prayer? In that
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Take a moment and listen to the attached video. Then consider the reflection below. Hurt, Pain, and Woundedness are issues that many of us deal with frequently.
Do you have hidden pain?—some may say not, but in reality it is possible t
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Take a moment and listen to the attached video, and consider the following reflection questions:
*Have you ever considered why God’s Word is given to us to help us in our praying? Take a moment and share your thoughts on this question.
*Why would
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Take a minute and listen to attached video adn then consider the following refelction questions.
Reflection questions:
What happens if we do not make a resolution?
Why is it important to ask the Lord’s help?
As we draw closer to the Lord—how d
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Take a moment and listen to the attached video on Praying Together and Encouragement, then consider the following reflection questions:
Why is prayer personal to you?
What do you understand about heart groanings?
Why would heart groanings be pe
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Tears-Grief-When Billows Roll
PM#0520--listen to the Attached Video (the words of the Video are below)
Matt 2:18, Heb 4:16, Ps 56:8
There are times when grief like billows roll;
At these times no tongue can express the deep pain of heart;
Nor can w
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Take a minute and listen to the attached video. Have you ever taken the time to really understand 'God With Us' means?
Christ coming to earth had tremendous significance, and what He did was an act of God's Love that gave us the opportunity to allo
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PM#0514 is based on Ps 46:10, Prov 3:6. Take a minute and listen to the attached video and then consider the following reflection questions:
Reflection questions:
How often do you have to rush from one item to the next? That rushing includes g
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Listen to the attached video on Encouraging Others and consider the following reflections, and take the time to share a thought.
Reflection questions:
Think deeply about this question—Are you really interested in others?
Do you know anything ab
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Have you ever looked at the Promises of God and recognized that there are conditions to the promise?
Consider sharing a response to the following statement: The condition of Promises of God are there to help us focus on the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Are you Connecting or are you devoid of Relationship?
Listen to the attached ‘Prayer Minute’.
The following questions is a personal self examining question:
Do I really understand what others around me need in a relationship that wi
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Finding time--a difficult matter for some--especially time to pray--take a moment--just one minute to listen to the attached 'Prayer Minute', then consider the following reflections and sharing your throughts. Those thoughts may help someone else:
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