Each Month several Prayer Minutes will be shared on a topic to help us turn to the Lord in prayer.  These Prayer Minutes are short encouragements to pray.  Take time to consider them, and work the reflection questions. 

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  • Malva,

    I looked at the Video--It shares about helping Israeli's have the opportunity to have the New Testament- and to hear testimonials of what it is doing for them-

    Thank you for encouraging us to see it.

  • Lord, thank You that You see us and encourage us, in Jesus Christ's Name, amen.


    'This video is for Christians' is a spoken word poetry poem for christian motivation, encouragement, mental health and passion. Get set on fire for Jesus and remember why we do this, let's glorify Him.

  • 2483476913?profile=original

    Today's Prayer Scripture:

    Matthew 6:6 Amplified Bible (AMP)

    But when you pray, go into your [most] private room, and, closing the door, pray to your Father, Who is in secret; and your Father, Who sees in secret, will reward you in the open.

  • Great Statment--Virtuous Lady!

  • 2483476872?profile=original

  • 2483476996?profile=originalThis past year I read Mark Batterson's book The Circle Maker. It was such an inspiration to keeping pressing in through prayer.

  • Britany,


    Many of us have brought hurts on ourselves.  What is important to remember that:


    1. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ—even if we messed up. Romans 8: 38-39.  “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
    2. The Lord is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse I John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”


    I share these—they are ones that have helped me when I mess up—and I do mess up—I hate to admit that.


    Sometimes, it is difficult to correct a hurt, especially when it involves someone else.  Go to the Lord first, and ask His forgiveness, and if someone else is involved, be willing to go to them in humility, asking forgiveness.


    Then there is one more thing that should be done, which I have found to help me not bring past issues up, and that is to bless the other person.  I do not know why, but when I bless someone, where there has been a wrong, it helps me not to have to be bringing that past issue up.  


    I don’t know if the above will help you, but consider it.  Most of all, remember, Jesus loves you very much.  You are important to Him.


    May God help you through that hurt.

  • Im dealing with hurt that i brought amongst myself
  • Sally--very interesting insight in what keeps us from inviting God to help us.  If that is true of us, what should we do about that thing called pride that seems to keep us from seeking God's help?
  • As this New Year enters, I will be praying that we all will find ways to encourage and lift each other here and others elsewhere - up to the Lord inprayer.


    Have a Blessed New Year

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May the Lord uphold us and protect us, so we can mature in Him.  Help us Lord to keep our eyes on You, and to give You praise as Jehoshaphat did in Israel when faced with an impossible battle.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.   PM#0551 Based on: II Chronicles 20 and Isaiah 9:6 –‘Prince of Peace’   Note:  A prince ‘upholds’ (taken from the study on Prince of Peace, in Day 18 in the book 31 Names of God)

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PM#001 Praise for God's Thoughts to Us

This was the first Prayer Minute that I wrote and recorded.  Today we are also blessed by Lilian Long's translation of the words into Spanish.  Here is the English version: PM#0001 Praise:  for God"s Thoughts to US  Jer 29:11               Someone is constantly thinking about you---that's right—about you!             The Bible says that God"s thoughts to us are numerous.  His thoughts are to give us a hope and a future.  Jer 29:11 says  "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord,…

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Bless Them That Curse You Matthew 5 vs 44

PM#0424 Bless Them that Curse You Matthew 5: 44   When you have been falsely accused, can you respond in a manner that says I love you?   Most of us when falsely accused will respond defensively, and desire to set the record straight.  Is this the way Christ has taught us to respond?   Christ showed us another way in Matthew 5: 44.  It says: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you;”    This is a difficult command…

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Are we Blessing Others?

PM#0400 Blessing Others Heb 3:13   Have you ever met a person who is having a bad day?   Probably most of us have met a person like that.  You know, there a many ways we could respond to them, but I would like you to consider the following.  Find a way to bless the other person and help them smile.  It just may bring a ray of encouragement and sunshine to them.   There is a song that says “Make me a blessing to someone today”.  Think about it.  Perhaps that should be our prayer.    Father, I…

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