
May the Lord uphold us and protect us, so we can mature in Him.  Help us Lord to keep our eyes on You, and to give You praise as Jehoshaphat did in Israel when faced with an impossible battle.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Based on: II Chronicles 20 and Isaiah 9:6 –‘Prince of Peace’


Note:  A prince ‘upholds’ (taken from the study on Prince of Peace, in Day 18 in the book 31 Names of God)

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  • Ps 68:19 BSB 

    Blessed be the Lord,

    who daily bears our burden,

    the God of our salvation.

    Jesus, our Prince Leader

     Heb 12:2 Weymouth New Testament ... Jesus, our Prince Leader in the faith...

    Col 3:1 NLT Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand.

    Isa 9:6 NIV And He will be called ... Prince of Peace.  

     Lord Jesus Christ, You are our Leader in the faith. You had perfect faith in Your Heavenly Father that He would do what He had promised You - and He did. He raised You from the dead and granted You the position of highest honor at His right hand. You are the Prince of Peace, soon coming to be King of kings over all of creation. We have been raised to new life too, with You, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Please help us to fix our eyes on the realities of heaven, on You. Then we'll be able to finish the race we are running, and we'll finish triumphantly. We praise You! Amen.

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