Finding time to Pray

Finding time--a difficult matter for some--especially time to pray--take a moment--just one minute to listen to the attached 'Prayer Minute', then consider the following reflections and sharing your throughts.  Those thoughts may help someone else:



*Consider the following and share your thoughts on some of these reflection questions:


*It is important to have time or quietness, or both time and quietness to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking?  Share what you sense is important and why.


*Why is writing down a vision important (Hab 2:2)?


*What are examples of time robbers that take our time and keep us from reading God’s Word and  Prayer?  Are there some things that will help us find time for God’s Word and Prayer?


*How does having time for praise and worship of God help us?

        What ways might we praise and worship God?


*Question—does praise and worship of God have to be spoken, or could it come from one playing a music instrument?

PM#0510 Finding Time to Pray.wmv

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