Tears-Grief-when Billows Roll

Tears-Grief-When Billows Roll

PM#0520--listen to the Attached Video (the words of the Video are below)

Matt 2:18, Heb 4:16, Ps 56:8


There are times when grief like billows roll;

At these times no tongue can express the deep pain of heart;

Nor can words can wipe the tears away.

When these times come, our emotions are so ragged,

that we do not know where to turn, or even turn to God.

Still we must remember there is one, who sees those tears--God.

Though we may not see Him, His is present bottling up all those tears,

--your tears and my tears.

Can we ever pray?  When we are so stunned and numb—

Perhaps maybe just a few broken words but that is all.

God understands, so go ahead and ask Him for His help.

It truly is a time of need, and God’s Word says to come to Him.

Consider this prayer:  Father, I do not understand what is going on.  I ask you help.  Be near and help me.  Thank you, In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



Perhaps the best reflection maybe for you to share with others is to share a time in a moment of deep grief—a moment when you sensed God’s presence and help.

PM#0520 Tears Matt 2 vs 18 Heb 4 vs16.wmv

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