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Fight for Joy

Fight for Joy

I love that phrase.  It is not original with me, it comes from my friend John Piper.  But I love it because it characterizes every day for me.  Each day I get up and face a day that has tremendous challenges.  Challenges to fight for a strong and healthy marriage, challenges to fight to raise godly kids, challenges to fight temptation and lust, challenges to fight disappointment, challenges to fight suffering, challenges to lead people to a greater understanding of God’s grace.  These challenges can seem overwhelming at times but that is why we have to fight.

I use three main weapons to fight for joy.  The first is God’s Word.  The Bible brings me the true truth about life, God, who I am and how I am supposed to live.  The Bible tells me the unbelievable story of God’s relentless pursuit of me and His unconditional grace He floods my life with everyday through Jesus.  Thanks to my old Young Life leader, Casey Dunn, I memorized Psalm 119:9,11 in high school and I still remember it today.

“How can a young man keep his way pure?...I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”  Hiding God’s Word in my heart enables me to fight for joy and to believe that the promises of God are far better than the promises of the world.

The second weapon I use to fight for joy is prayer.  I am terrible at prayer.  I can’t sit still for more than 35 seconds.  Prayer is hard work but it pays great dividends.  I try and pray throughout my day, attempting to constantly keep the Lord on my mind.  Asking the Holy Spirit to fight for me when I am tempted or frustrated or feeling down.  Sometimes I put these two weapons together and pray through a passage of Scripture.

The third weapon I fight for joy with is friendships.  I have a couple of guys that I can share absolutely anything with.  I can call them day or night, ask them for help, advice or prayer. They have always been there for me.  If I am feeling like a complete failure then I know I can call one of them to help me work through it.

So, my challenge to you is simple, grab your Bible, speak directly to God and make sure you have some buddies that will fight this battle with you.  The battle is of utmost importance, it has eternal consequences.

All for Jesus,


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HOO-Me? Yes You! (Discipleship Paradigm)

This blog is first published at Yapdates here



I am constantly intrigued by a weirdness in churches. Many people I have met are quick to tell me about the importance of discipleship. Pastors say it. Leaders trumpet it. Church members mention it from time to time. Unfortunately, more often than not, we are tempted to see discipleship as something that means more for OTHER people. We make ourselves an exception. Instead of offering up ourselves, we are happy to agree with one another that the 'Church ought to do it.' Some say that LEADERS ought to be doing it. Still some other people claim that because they are not trained to do discipleship, maybe some other organizations that specialize in discipleship can perhaps do it. The fact is this: We may talk a lot about discipleship. The sad thing is that many of us are without a clue of what discipleship is all about. In this reflection, I will identify three erroneous paradigms that do not reflect what true discipleship is about, followed by a suggestion for a HOO-paradigm with regards to discipleship. Discipleship begins not with others but ourselves.

A) Production Line Follow-Up Paradigm

Maybe discipleship is about follow-up after initial conversion. After an evangelistic outreach, discipleship can sometimes be seen as the second stage of Christian living. Some organizations behave like a production line. First, the outreach group shares the gospel. When there is a confession of faith, the new convert is then sent to the next group: Discipleship group. In this group, there will be articles, materials, and all kinds of Bible programs to help the newbie sink in roots to the faith. Once the course is completed, the convert is certified: "Discipled." The third stage is usually serving in some capacity in church. The fourth stage is serving in some kind of a leadership role, and so on. This follow-up paradigm is strong in the beginning, but fizzles out toward the end. This way of doing discipleship treats new converts like a raw ingredient, and the rest of us like machines cutting and sizing the dough up. This method is impersonal and turns people into projects.

This is definitely not the way to do discipleship. It can be a spark in the short-term, but the fire needs to come from the Holy Spirit and willing hearts.

B) As-Needed Paradigm

A busy society breeds busy people with busy lifestyles. Everything seems to be dictated by the clock. Whether it is the alarm clock to wake us up in the morning, or the beeping of our digital calendars to remind us of our next appointment, or the email sounds coming from our computers, we react on a need-to-know basis. Time is far too precious to linger in activities that do not fit into our busy schedules. One of the biggest alarm clocks for churches is a slowing growth rate. When members start to get bored, or contemplating going to other churches, leaders become anxious. Some fit in more programs to make the church 'relevant' for these restless individuals. The need has arrived, so the church throws in a few programs to tantalize and perhaps persuade the flagging congregation to stay. Give the church another chance.

Such a 'as-needed' paradigm is basically crisis-driven. You mean, when there is no crisis, we do not do discipleship? This model must be rejected too.

C) Just a Program

The third erroneous paradigms of discipleship in the church is to turn discipleship into a program. Just like a popular TV program that comes on during prime time, 'discipleship-programming' turns discipleship into a time slot in which 'real' discipleship is said to take place. It can be an hour of teaching before the church service. It can be a seminar in which a top-notch speaker or teacher from some famous organization gets invited into the church to transfer his discipleship knowledge to ravenous church members. Such transference of knowledge is expected to make disciples of all church members.

This way of discipling has its merits, for it provides the Church with some basic understanding of the elements of discipleship. It gives knowledge necessary for some affirmative action. It is good to have zeal but zeal without knowledge is not good. Unfortunately, if we treat discipleship just as a program, we will have unwittingly reduced the personal responsibility of discipleship into an impersonal measly program.

Clue: If you find that you are not being discipled enough simply because there are no programs in Church about discipleship, you've probably bought into this erroneous paradigm, that discipleship is just a program.

D) 'HOO' me? Yes You!

One of the most influential figures in discipleship is Johann Heinrich Arnold (1913-1982) who lives through the horror years of Nazi Germany during World War II. He is said to be one blessed with the privilege of being surrounded by disciples of Christ. In other words, his discipling process is not a program, a phased approach, or a crisis method. His discipleship happens in a very personal manner. It is in a community living of people dedicated to follow Jesus. He becomes a member of the community by basically living with them, emulating them, and to be changed by one another. According to Arnold, there are three elements of discipleship making. Firstly, one needs to live humbly like Christ. Secondly, one needs to be in a consistent stance of obedience, like Christ. Thirdly, one needs to be open to the Holy Spirit, like Christ.

I call it the HOO-paradigm.

  • Humble living like Christ;
  • Obedience to God like Christ;
  • Openness to the Spirit, like Christ.

Instead of a Christian calling himself a disciple only on Sundays, HOO basically opens up the timeline to ALL seven days of the week. One can live humbly, obediently, and with open hearts at all times. There is no need for programs, for crises, or for production lines to do just that.

HUMILITY: In humility, Arnold says that:

"Discipleship demands that we drop everything, including everything we count as positive in ourselves." (Johann Heinrich Arnold, Disciple, Rifton, NY: Plough Publishing House, 2011, 19)

Indeed, when we are humble, we acknowledge that we by ourselves can do nothing. This reminds us about Jesus's teaching to abide in Him.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

We cannot be humble by ourselves. We need to constantly practice humility through interactions with God in prayer, and through patience and understanding in speaking the truth in love with one another. In humility, we personalize God through us.

OBEDIENCE: A disciple will also learn to obey God according to the Scriptures. Any program if organized by the church needs to be grounded in the Bible teachings. Obedience can only come about when we know 'what' to obey. Without an adequate grasp of the Word of God, how then can disciples obey? Psalms 119

"How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. " (Ps 119:9-11)

Obviously, how can one keep one's way pure when one does not know the Word? How can anyone obey without knowing what to obey? In obedience, we reach forward toward God with purpose.

OPENNESS: In order to live for God, Arnold recommends a regular Bible reading of at least 2-3 chapters per day. He says:

"The main thing for you should be to recognize the greatness of God and to live for him. Try to read the Bible –at least two or three chapters every day. This will open your eyes to the greatness of Jehovah, the Lord of Hosts. Then you will see how very small the search for personal happiness is." (7)

He adds that if we are open to God's work and shut our own self-will down, we will be ready to receive God's faith and love.  In other words, openness to God needs to come with a willingness to deny ourselves. Jesus reminds us:

"Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." (Luke 9:23)

Discipleship is not a production line that hems people into spiritual products. It is a lifestyle of humility that frees people to live in Christ and in love. Discipleship is not a crisis-driven word that rescues people when the church or community is shrinking. It is a lifestyle of obedience to God, guided by the Word, to be sure and steadfast to the truth in love. Discipleship is also not a program to fit into people's busy schedule in life. Instead, it is an attitude of openness that fits our schedules into God's time table.

Remember. When you see the word discipleship, instead of saying, "Who? Me?" say HOO-Yes-Me. Practice humility in God. Practice obedience to the Word. Practice openness to the Spirit.


Let me close with one metaphor. Discipleship in a sense is like an archer, a bow and an arrow. God is the Archer. The Church is the bow. We are the arrows.

"Happy are they who know that discipleship springs from grace, and that grace simply means discipleship." (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship, New York, NY: Touchstone Press, 1995, 56)


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Kingdom Living

Greetings in Christ!

It is good news i bear:someone is praing somewhere for someone to enter Inn to God's Kingdom come!

Be sure you are 'someone'..

I pray Blessings for sll lambs and sheep as well.

May The LORD Bless His shepherds.

Shabbat Shalom!

Have a safe weekend,filled with Jesus.

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While reading 2 Chronicles, chapters 6-15 today, one particular verse jumped out at me. It was 2 Chronicles 7:1 "When Solomon finished praying, fire descended from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the LORD filled the temple."

I read that and paused for just a moment picturing what happened in my mind. I remember thinking..."WOW!" I mean, wouldn't you have wanted to see that! Here you are praying...and then suddenly the fire descends from heaven...consumes your offering...and the glory of the Lord fills the place you are at!!!! I'm serious people, I'm thinking "WHOOOAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!"

And then it hit me...this should be you and me...this should be our church services...our private prayer times...our private worship time...our corporate prayer time...this should be anytime we worship!

I say that because we have the glory of the Lord filling our temple (our body), the fire from heaven (the Holy Spirit) indwells us and should consume us!

But most of the time it doesn't happen. At the very least, if it is happening, somehow, someway, we have turned a blinde eye towards it...or we have become deaf, dumb and blind when it comes to the supernatural presence of the one, true, almighty, all powerful God of the universe!

I don't have all the answers here, but I have begun a journey this week, a journey of losing myself in the Lord, a journey of immersing myself in the Word, a journey of worship, a journey of prayer, a journey of living out the gospel, of not just knowing the gospel, or knowing the Lord, or knowing the Word, but one of walking the gospel, walking with the Lord, walking in the ways of the Word.

I desire, more than any other time in my life to be consumed by the fire of the Lord, to be filled with His presence, to see the glory of the Lord made manifest in my life and in the lives of those around me. I desire to come to worship with my brothers and sisters, rejoicing, expecting, anticipating the glory of the Lord to come fill this place!

If the church, both the individuals and the local gathering, would be consumed by the fire of the Lord, if the offering of our lives was consumed by holy fire from heaven, then those around us would come rushing to find out what is happening!

There is a quote attributed to John Wesley that goes something like this: "Set yourself on fire with passion & people will come for miles to watch you burn.” I have done some research and have found that some say Wesley never said this. Whether he did or not, I do not know, but what I do know is that this quote is very true. But I would like to state it this way instead, "Be set on fire by the Holy Spirit and people will be drawn to the Lord."

Glory come down, and heaven, fill my soul.
Pastor Dave 

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New Missional Books

Two notable “missional” authours have just written new books – and both are worth reading but for different reasons. Michael Frost and Hugh Halter.

I’ve had the opportunity to hear Michael Frost in person. He is a dynamic personality that inspires you to be bold for the Gospel. I still recall some of the amazing stories that helped me understand why God is calling us to His mission. His newest is Road to Missional: Journey to the Centre of the Church.

So do we really need another “misisonal” book? Maybe that’s the reason Frost wrote the book – because the term has become a catch-all term for “improved” evangelism or “serving into the community”. I agree with other reviewers of this book – that what Frost has provided – is give the Church a true understanding of missional that speaks to our heart and mind. The book will challenge you, correct you, and inspire you (some great illustrations and stories!). Definitely the first book to give to someone wanting to know – “what is missional?”.

You may have come across an earlier book by Hugh Halter – The Tangible Kingdom which is excellent. I would consider this a “must-read” on the missional topic. His newest isSacrilege: Finding life in the unorthodox ways of Jesus. The title catches your mind and follows the trend of many newer titles to be non-religious. Hugh’s book is directed more to the individual follower of Jesus versus Frost’s larger focus of the church. It’s more of a missional- life handbook for Jesus-followers. It complements Tangible Kingdom well, putting the focus clearly on our personal lives and choices. Memorable stories and illustrations begin most chapters and end with provoking questions to move us from “comfort” Christianity to the life Jesus calls us. Definitely a practical book that helps Jesus followers participate with God in His mission.

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The Torah Man

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,

Nor stand in the path of sinners,

Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!

But his delight is in the Torah of YHWH,

And in His Torah he meditates day and night.

He will be like a tree firmly planted by the streams of water,

Which yields its fruit in its season

And its leaf does not wither;

And in whatever he does, he prospers.”

- Psalm 1:1-3

Many people confess that they are Christians when asked. But that's just the problem, you have to ask them! Many people habitually attend church every Sunday, but apart from their church attendance you could not tell if they really believe what they profess to believe. The world is full of people who love to conform but what they do in private will tell you what they really believe. If your pastor would spend a day with you wherever you go as an invisible observer, he would know if you are really a believer. That's actually what the LORD YESHUA does every moment of your life. YHWH knows those who are His.

There is one sure indicator that a person has been born again from above – a hunger for the imperishable word of YHWH. A baby naturally cries out for milk; so does a person newly born in the spirit. Every human being naturally longs for sustenance. The spiritual man also longs for the spiritual sustenance of the Torah. The Psalmist says that the man of YHWH delights in the Torah. The Law of YHWH is his joy and his preoccupation day and night. He reads it, thinks about it and asks YHWH about it. He has a continuing conversation with the SPIRIT and it becomes alive in his life. He confirms his belief on the passage by speaking it into his life and applies it diligently. This practice becomes a lifestyle as Torah permeates every aspect of the believer's life.

YHWH promised that the believer will be like a tree planted by streams of water. " the days of a tree are the days of my people and Mine elect shall long enjoy the work of the their hands"(Isaiah 65:22b). The Scriptures declares that if a man meditates on the Torah day and night and is careful to observe everything written in it, he will prosper and will have good success (Joshua 1:8). Everything that a believer needs to live a godly life has already been provided through the supernatural promises given by YHWH as he partakes of the divine nature in union with YESHUA the Messiah.

So, in application, we must partake of the Torah daily, masticating it well to digestible morsels so it can provide nutrition to our spirit as well as our souls and bodies. Yes, first it benefits our spirit, then as we speak it and apply it, our soul and bodies also prospers. If we believe the promises of YHWH, then we must expect it to become reality in our daily circumstances. We begin each day by declaring the truth of YHWH's word in our circumstances and command the circumstances to conform to YHWH's promises. Expect nothing but a miracle!

Nothing is impossible to him who believes!


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I thought I would share the journey I have been on the past few months.  I have been serving as Discipleship deacon for almost a year, but have not realized what it meant until the past few months.  I was really trying to figure out what I should be doing.  Was it just about coming up with new adult Sunday School classes, or keeping an eye on our adult life groups, maybe helping organize men's or women's events?  I came across this site, and that started me on quite the journey.

I read a post about Discipleship and someone mentioned the C3 website  The material hit me like a ton of bricks.  I went into the Family Life Pastor's office the next day and shared with him.  He was also excited.  Then I stopped into the Senior Pastor's office, whom I consider a good friend.  He shared that this is exactly what had been on his heart the past five years, and he was trying to figure out how it would work.  He shared that the Elders were starting a book called "Going Deep" by Gordon MacDonald.  I read the book in a few weeks, and it only strengthened what I had been feeling.  Since then I have also read "Simple Church".  I am trying to process all of this and figure out what God is telling me.  Obviously I believe he has plans for our Church, and I have started to work with the Elders on what this would look like.  One of the Elders shared how this was also his passion, and he loved that I was moving forward with it.

I am very excited, but also very confused about what this all means.  I definitely want to define what it means for a Christian to mature at our Church.  What does the path look like, and how does it fit with our vision?  I don't want it to be another program.  We currently offer Sunday School classes, and Life Groups, which are mixed gender small groups.  They also implemented "Mentor Groups" a few years ago for same-gender study of 3-5 people.  This seems to fit with the CORE material.  I think what's missing is a path that people can understand.  Also, defining the material for each stage so it feeds the next stage.  My goal is to see a whole new group of "Deep Christians" take charge and start mentoring new groups and deepening their faith.

So any of you that have been doing this, I would really appreciate any ideas, input, etc.  If you would have asked me a year ago if this is what I would be excited about, I would have probably said, "No, but I will serve as Deacon since no one else wants to."  Isn't it amazing how God knows!

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who are we?










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January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Today, January 11th, is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. We need to collectively take our stand against this horrible injustice. The Bible says in Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." THAT is what we need to do. We are not fighting against people, but against the powers of this dark world. God has given everyone a unique calling to further His Kingdom. I encourage you to do your part in what God has called you to do.

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New Year's Resolutions?

    Some time ago, I decided to stop making new year's resolutions.  I had been faithfully making resolutions, and watched as year after year, I failed to follow through with much of them.  I then would make the same ones the next year, and on, and on, with no success.

    I prayerfully.decided instead, to begin to set realistic goals for myself, and then create a journal of my activities as per these goals.  At year's end, I am able to go over the journal, and see where I've been successful, and where I have failed to live up to my goals.

    This has worked for me, and I am able to see where I have grown spiritually, and the areas where more prayer, and discipline are needed.  It is a great way to keep track of the important things in my life that matters, and certainly helps me to be more purposeful in prayer.

    The best way to begin the year, for those of us who trust in God, is to invite Him into every area of our lives.  Therefore this is always the number one goal, for it is only with His guidance and direction, that we are able to accomplish anything.

    So, as we enter this new year, let us begin by focusing our eyes on Jesus, as He is the one that begins, and ends faith.


Pastor Jean. Davy

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Run to the Mountains

While I love to read, once I’ve finished a book, I usually don’t want to read it again. Except for one book–God’s Holy and Living Word. This morning in Genesis 19, I discovered something new about Abraham’s brother Lot. When commanded to flee Sodom (an openly wicked city), he was told to take his family and run to the mountains.

“After they brought them out of the city, one of the men said, ‘Run for your lives! Don’t look back or stop anywhere in the valley. Run to the mountains, or you will be destroyed’” (Genesis 19:17, New Century Version).

Amazingly Lot negotiated with the two men who were sent to save him. His excuse? “I can’t make it.” Rather he wanted to run to the little town Zoar because it seemed “reachable”. The men agreed and paused Sodom’s destruction until Lot’s family arrived safely. Soon Lot feared staying there.

“Lot was afraid to continue living in Zoar, so he and his two daughters went to live in the mountains in a cave” (19:30, NCV).

Spiritually we often settle for “little,” especially when we’re depending upon our own logic and strength. God’s plan always involves rock solid faith found in his mountains of truth. When obedience is at stake, little doesn’t work.

 Cultivate Your Writing

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New Year's Lack Of Resolution

We are funny creatures.  We are pathetic creatures.
        Once again I heard this week of another person who smoked while on oxygen.  Is that insane or what?  But before we get too self-righteous, we need to stare into the mirror.  Are there issues or habits in our own lives that actually hurt, if not destroy, us?  How many people take medication for high blood pressure and so forth, yet still love their Grandma Utz's or Double Whoppers?  How many people tell you they want to lose weight, yet they still pig out on snacks and other unhealthy food?  How many people spend more money than they make and thus are in deep debt?  All our government leaders can raise their hands.  Of course, why do we keep voting in the same people when they keep making the same mistakes?  Which is worse, us or them?
        This is the time of year to make resolutions.  This is also the time of year to break resolutions.
        Why?  Why do we keep doing things that hurt us?  Why do we break our resolutions?  Why is our resolve so low?  Why can those on drugs not get off?  Why can't the alcoholic put the bottle down?  Why can't the smoker stop puffing?  Why can't the eater stop gorging?  Why can't the shopper cease purchasing?  Why can't the couch potato move?  Why can't the adulterer discontinue "loving?"  Why can't the liar tell the truth?
        If I had the answer, I would make a lot of money, right?  Wrong!  People wouldn't make use of the answer if they had it.
        We are stubborn people.  We refuse to change.  We like things the way they are.  We are stubborn.  No book in the Bible highlights our stubbornness more than Jeremiah.  It specifically uses that word.  Ponder these words that Jeremiah says to the people of Jerusalem and also to us, "This is what the Lord says: Look!  I am preparing a disaster for you and devising a plan against you.  So turn from your evil ways, each one of you, and reform your ways and actions.  But they will reply, 'It's no use.  We will continue with our own plans; each of us will follow the stubbornness of his evil heart. (Jeremiah 18:11,12)'"
        Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn.  We humans are so stubborn.
        I recently read an excerpt from William Temple about different things that block us from growing in our relationship with Jesus.  William Temple wrote: "How, in fact, do we block His (Christ's) advance?  Partly, of course, by sheer resistance.  We definitely desire that He (Christ) should not yet take charge of some parts of our lives; we are like St. Augustine when he caught himself praying, 'Give me chastity, but not yet.'  We want to indulge a little longer."  Yes, we are stubborn.  We love our vices so much.
        Yes, our answer is in our wonderful God- the God of new life- the God who transforms- the crucified and risen Jesus Christ.  Yet, if we attack our faults or problems or sins without recognizing our stubbornness, we will fail.  As you make your resolutions, make them knowing that you have your own stubbornness to overcome.
        We are funny creatures.  We are pathetic creatures.  But yet, by the power of God, we also may be transformed creatures.

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Discovering New Insight - 2012

Call me old-fashioned but I still make New Year’s Resolutions. Do I keep them? Not always! Yet I’m old enough to know if expectations and goals aren’t set, they’re not reached. So here’s my list for this year:

  1. Read through the Bible in its entirety.
  2. Read more books. (Currently my Kindle is used primarily for the Every Word game. What a waste!)
  3. Become a better finisher. (My mom continues to teach me this.)
  4. Cultivate discipline as a writer by designating specific times.
  5. Keep a cleaner, less cluttered home. (There are spiritual applications here, too.)
  6. Pray more fervently and consistently!
  7. Love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.

I can’t really look ahead without reviewing the main principle learned in 2011. Knowing when to say “yes” and when to say “no” has always been a struggle in my time management. Last year the Lord taught me a very significant precept about this. I have to measure each decision by this question: “What is it that only I can do?” When that is answered after prayer and petition, deciding how to spend my time is much easier.

Thanks you, Lord, for giving me insight this past year. I pray for more wisdom in the coming days. In Christ’s holy name, Amen.

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Resolutions or Plans?

I've given up on New Year's Resolutions . . . eat better, exercise more, lose weight, study more, be nicer . . . All resolutions do for me is make me feel like a failure. A former student of my posted on FaceBook last night that the gym was packed with people who didn't know what they were doing on the weight machines. Another friend responded, "Don't worry. They'll all be gone in a week."

There's something about the New Year that makes us take a new look at our life and think about what we'd like to change. But change, real change, takes plans, not resolutions.

I've tackled my biggest challenge for the new year with a plan, not a resolution. After two surgeries, and a lot of weight gain from all the steroids, and the fact that I just turned 59, I have to get serious about getting healthy again. This time I have a plan, and a partner to hold me accountable. I think this year I'll make it.

I'm praying at the moment about my spiritual life. I'm asking God to show me the area in my spiritual life that needs to be focused on for the year. And, I'm praying to see what He would have me do.

What about you? Do you have resolutions? Plans? Has God shown you an area in your life that you want to change, challenge, or strengthen?

Let us know what you're focusing on for this year so we can pray for each other. I cannot wait to see what God will do in 2012!

Margie Williamson

Community Manager

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Act I:  Why kill a movement when you can kill the idea which powers it? Create a drama about its inception by redefining, reiterating or re-clarifying the words which caused the movement in the first place.

Act II: 2011 was, for me at least, was fascinating etymologicallyspeaking.  In the world ofecclesiology, some words were new, others redefined, reiterated, or re-learned.  Some were made malleable.  MissionalIncarnationalOrganic, and others came to the forefront as the church seeks to reshape, regroup, and reassign its place in the world.  This is not new for the Church as whole, because the battle for words has existed since its birth.


Act III: One word in particular, "Discipleship," and all of its derivations has gotten a lot of attention in 2011.  Making Disciples, Discipling, Discipler, Discipleship, and Make Disciples, all come from what some call "The Great Commission." Jesus, promised his disciples to make them Fishers of Men, and then spent years with them showing them how.  He culminates his training with his apprentices on a mountain in Galilee saying,  “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Act IV: Seems pretty straight forward to me.  The nature of the command is necessarily multi-generational or spanning across future generations by the inescapable logic that if disciples are to make disciples who learn to obey ALL the commands of Christ, then this command too is included.  Some have thought to bring discredit to the term "Making Disciples," by equating it with Amway or other annoying multi-level marketing schemes or attaching it to some other distasteful concept like they do with "sub­si­dized health­care."  Others simply by continue arguing what the "original" Greek REALLY says.  Some attack it on other levels by citing its conceptual absence  in the rest of the New Testament after the commission was given (Not True).  Others, simply create straw-man arguments and attach all of the "bad stuff" that has happened as a result of trying to make disciples.

Intermission:  Perhaps it's time not to redefine, reiterate, or relearn, but to re-clarify this set of words centered around their original root word, "Make Disciples."

Act V: μαθητεύσατε, see, I just threw in some fancy Greek, mathēteusate, is mention only once in scripture, that being found in Matthew 28:19,20.  Its meaning?  to disciple, i.e. helping someone to progressively learn of God to become a matured, growing disciple (literally, "a learner," a true Christ-follower); to train (develop) in the truths of Scripture and the lifestyle required, i.e. helping a believer learn to be a disciple of Christ in belief and practice.

Act V, Scene I:  I think most of us could agree on the above meaning, but then again that's the intent of this post.  To question whether or not we need to redefine this word and its cousins and concepts.  A couple of weeks ago, I tweeted,  "The best way to learn a new language is by immersion. The best way to learn the language of Making Disciples...the same."

Final Scene: But perhaps it's not that we need to learn, but to re-learn the rules of this language or maybe not relearn, but re-clarify and yes, even re-define.

Challenge:  What words related to "Make Disciples," and their respective definitions have you found wanting?  Which cousinal (new word) words have been defined incorrectly?  Why are these made up words even needed?  And finally how would you define Making Disciples, Discipleship, Discipling, Discipler, and the rest of the related & flagellated family?

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December Birthdays

I experienced a  childhood (which went into adulthood) of hating to have a birthday so near to Christmas. Now I have the greatest of appreciation for sharing my birthday with celebrations of Jesus' birth. As a Christian, Jesus lives  in my heart so of course it makes sense we would share in celebrations. If a Christmas party happens to fall on my birthday I no longer feel robbed of having the spotlight for the day or evening. I am now in full recognition of the gift He gave to me that is so much bigger than any gift another person could give. It is a gift that increases day by day for it covers all  the days of my life into eternity with Him in heaven.


A very good friend and I exchange a postal flat rate box with each other for birthdays and Christmas. The boxes are rather small but have reasonable postage rates so we tend to find several small gifts to fit into each box. This December my friend included a small decorative plaque with the words, "Good friends are like stars---the darker the night, the brighter they shine." Of course those words remind me more of Jesus than of myself. The quote is true on the human level, but it is so much truer in the spiritual realm.


Recently on another website there was a question posted as to who is your best friend. I posted about categories of best friends and then went on to say that Jesus is my very best friend. Some people posted that they did not like to think of Him as a friend because it seemed to lessen His value as Lord and Savior. But I pointed out through Scripture that He calls us His friend if we obey His commands. He also treats us as friends rather than as slaves or servants because He shares with us what the Father tells Him. He has given us His Word! (another of His magnificent gifts to us.) He laid down His LIFE for us, His friends.


May you never fail to recognize the infinite value of the birth of Jesus in the plan of God the Father to save us all. I am ever grateful to God for making me realize that my birthday is of no value unless I have received His greatest gift.


Thank You, Father God, for my December birthday that includes joy over the Savior's birth.


Merry Christmas to you, friends!

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Our Finest Gifts We Bring

He was amazed at how quickly he disappeared when he first sat down on the corner. He learned quickly that it didn’t matter what he said, how well or how loud he played that old drum, no one could be bothered to do any more than glance in his general direction, and any who made accidental eye contact, looked away as quickly as possible.  He assumed his presence made them uncomfortable, knowing they lived in a world that is okay with a ten-year-old being forced to survive by playing a drum on the street.  Their refusal to acknowledge him was upsetting at first, but eventually he came to accept it. 


But this morning is different.  There is an unusual feeling in the air. The businessmen who typically hurry by in their own worlds making big money deals on their iPhones are now walking together.  They are smiling.  They are laughing.  They are talking to one another. They are carrying gifts.  And they are noticing our little drummer. They see him. They make eye contact with him.  They smile at him, and even give him a coin or two.


One drops a coin at his feet and looks in his eyes.  “Aren’t you coming, son?” He asks. 


“Excuse me, sir? Coming where?”


“To meet the newborn king. You should come and see,” he says and turns to rejoin the crowd. 


The boy drops his sticks and wonders if he is dreaming.  People are noticing him, acknowledging him and even speaking to him.  And now he is invited to visit a king?  How is this even possible?  With not a little bit of excitement he tosses his beat up old drum into a backpack, jumps up and runs to join the throng of pilgrims. 


It is not until he is fully enveloped by the crowd that the dilemma of a gift occurs to him. “These men are all bringing expensive gifts, but I don’t have anything.  I beg for nickels on the corner. What could I possibly offer to a future king?” He considers abandoning his journey and returning to his corner until his ten-year-old curiosity gets the better of him, and he continues with the crowd.


The people before him come to a stop, and those behind continue to press forward.  They must have arrived.  He is too small to see past the people, but his size does allow him to squeeze and wiggle toward the front.  The closer he gets the denser the crowd grows and the harder he must push to get through.  With one final lunge he bursts free of the others.  No more than a few feet in front of him is the royal family themselves, but he is surprised by what he sees.  They are hardly what he expected.  This family is like him… poor.


For a few moments his surprise keeps him from noticing that everyone is staring at him, but as soon as he does, panic begins to fill his belly, his chest and his face.  He is sure that he looks like an idiot and everyone must be wondering why such a ragamuffin is standing before them.  For years he longed to be noticed, but all he wants now is to sink back into anonymity.  


He looks around and sees the expensive gifts the men around him are carrying. “What could I possibly give?” He wonders. “All I have is a handful of coins, but these men have handfuls of hundred dollar bills?  What do I possibly have that is worthy to give a king?”


He lifts his head preparing to apologize and slip away but is surprised when he sees the mother smiling.  Her smile doesn’t mock or belittle but radiates warmth and love.  Her smile reminds him of his own mother’s.  He remembers the smile on her face when she gave him his drum or when she watched him play. 


Hardly realizing what he is doing he pulls his drum from the backpack.  Without taking his eyes off of that warm, beautiful smile he sits and begins to bang out a simple rhythm.  “What am I doing?” He thinks, “I play my drum for coins not kings!” And then he looks at the baby king.  “Is that a smile?  Did he just smile at me?”


A boy, a little drummer boy who thinks he has nothing to give doesn’t bring a gift of gold or silver.  He doesn’t offer fine foods or spices.  He offers his drum.  He offers his talent.  He offers to the baby king himself.  What do you have to offer the king this season?

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The True Gift of Christmas

Late last night fourteen of us gathered in a seminary parking lot to pray about the opportunity to share Christmas gifts with the community. Sounds like a normal church outing, but there was nothing normal about it.

The group was not a church gathering, but a gathering of the larger Church that included family members, friends, former church friends, and seminary students.

The gifts were just plates of cookies covered appealingly in clear wrap and ribbons.

The recipients were the dancers at a local strip bar in east New Orleans, during one of their busiest hours of work.

There was nothing normal about the outing.

The group of ladies who are working to establish relationships with the young women who work in these clubs had already made contact with the manager, and had been invited back on a night (Friday) when the club would have a larger group of women working.

We gathered together, the four who were prepared to go into the club, and the ten who would provide the prayer support and the protection. We prayed and talked about what to expect and prayed some more.

We divided into three cars and prayed on the way to the club.

We parked a ways from the club entrance and continued to watch 4 women with their wrapped plates of cookies walk to the door. It is one of the bravest moments I've ever witnessed. And, I should tell you, one of the women who boldly approached the club was my daughter, my baby, my youngest . . . you get the picture!

We sat in the car and prayed. They would hit a snag getting past the bouncer and send out a text asking for specific prayer, and we'd pray more. They were finally given access to the dancers in the dressing room and had the opportunity to meet and talk with young ladies they would never have encounter in any other way, to begin the slow process of building relationships, and to be the presence of Jesus Christ in that place. They went into the one of the seediest places I've ever seen so the women who worked there could "see" Jesus. 

I must confess that I started crying during the first prayer as we gathered and prayed throughout the process, one of the longest and most anxious experiences of my life. But God blessed their actions, their boldness, their dedication, and their concern. Only God knows what will come from their efforts, but those women at the club will know that on a cold, rainy night in Louisiana, 4 women went through the "gates of hell" with homemade cookies to meet them where they were. Those four ladies have become heroes to me . . . for allowing God to use them in a mighty way. The youngest of the four had never been in such a place before and she was obviously nervous. But after the experience, she glowed with what God had allowed her to do.

But what struck me most of all is that they were doing something extravagant in the name of our Lord––they were delivering the news of the birth of Jesus and demonstrating the the consequences of this birth in their own lives. It hit me in that moment that they were giving the true Christmas gift, the presence of Jesus, in the lives of those He came to save from this type of existence. It was a holy time. Is there any clearer picture of what this gift would mean for the world to receive the one who comes for all men and who is  love for them all? 

Would you join me in prayer for this group of ladies who are working to create relationships with the club workers and dancers so they will be able to see Jesus? Pray specifically:

1.  That management will continue to be open to allowing these ladies to come back into the club and to spend time with the dancers and workers.

2.  That the bouncer will continue to being open to allowing these outsiders into the club as well as in developing his own relationship through some of the husbands of these women who were there.

3.  That the women who entered these clubs will have a hedge of protection around them and that they will be physically safe while in the clubs.

4. That the women visiting the clubs will not be pulled into any of what they see in the clubs.

5.  That women will continue to open up about their concerns and their desires to get out of the business.

6. That the ladies who visit the club will feel they have been given a task that they are uniquely qualified for and were uniquely chosen.

7.  Pray for the family members and friends who become involved as prayer support that they will never take this kind of service as lightly done, but rather that what these ladies have done has the power to change the city of New Orleans and consequently the world.

Would you pray with me toward these ends?

Margie Williamson

Community Manager

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Kingdom of YESHUA

"He was in the world – the world came to be through Him -

yet the world did not know Him.

He came to His own homeland,

yet His own people did not receive Him.

But as many as did receive Him, to those who put their trust in His person

and power, He gave the right to become children of GOD,

not because of bloodline, physical impulse or

human intention, but because of GOD.

  • John 1:10-13

In the beginning, ELOHIM separated darkness from light. Darkness could never know light nor can it overcome light, but light always dispels darkness. The Word was in the beginning with ELOHIM and the Word was ELOHIM. All things came to be through Him, and without Him nothing had being. In Him was life and the life was the light of mankind (Jn 1:2-4). The Word is GOD and GOD is the Word. Everything in all of creation has its being in the Word. The Word is both spirit and life itself (Jn 6:63). YESHUA spoke to the patriarchs and the prophets as the Word of GOD.

YESHUA came down from the City of Light and the people of darkness saw His light and glory. All who come to YESHUA the Messiah and believe is born from above, just like Messiah descended from above. All who believe have been born from above not from some seed that will decay, but from one that cannot decay, through the living Word of GOD that last forever (1Pet 1:23). The seed of the Word is guaranteed to grow as it is nurtured by the Word. How? Nobody knows, but the soil of man's heart produces a crop – first the stalk, then the head, and finally the full grain in the head (Mk 4:28). Whoever is born from above, bears the fruit of the FATHER; just like YESHUA did the deeds of the FATHER. Because he has partaken of the divine nature through union with YESHUA, he cannot help but do what his nature naturally does. A human will naturally do what a human does. A monkey will always do monkey business. So, one who is born from above will exhibit the will of the One who birth him. The Word becomes flesh!

The one born from above "sees" the things of GOD. The word see (Hebrew ra'ah) is more than just sight but the use of eyes and ears in the Hebrew mindset expresses the concept of understanding and application. So it is not just knowing the letter of Scriptures but the spirit of the Scriptures. To abide in YESHUA, is to abide in His Word. He who abides in YESHUA has eternal life (1Jn 5:11,12).

YESHUA did not come to build a religion. He came to build a kingdom – a kingdom of Light – that mirrors the Kingdom from above. That's why its citizens must be born from above bearing the DNA of the FATHER, just like YESHUA. They are GOD's kind – a kingdom of kings and priest. The rule of the Kingdom is to love and serve, just like YESHUA. They are not of this world but they are in the world as a light so people may be attracted to GOD's light. All who does what is true comes to the light, so that all may see that his actions are accomplished through GOD (Jn 3:20).

GOD's word is a light to our path. All who loves the Word, loves GOD. All who hates the Word, hates GOD. Wisdom is a tree of life and the fruit of righteousness is like a tree producing life (Prov 3:18; 11:30). The Tree of Life is the Word of GOD and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the word of the Adversary. YESHUA gives life, abundant life; whereas Satan only kills, steals and destroys. What fruit are you eating?

What fruit are your producing?


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