Fight for Joy
I love that phrase. It is not original with me, it comes from my friend John Piper. But I love it because it characterizes every day for me. Each day I get up and face a day that has tremendous challenges. Challenges to fight for a strong and healthy marriage, challenges to fight to raise godly kids, challenges to fight temptation and lust, challenges to fight disappointment, challenges to fight suffering, challenges to lead people to a greater understanding of God’s grace. These challenges can seem overwhelming at times but that is why we have to fight.
I use three main weapons to fight for joy. The first is God’s Word. The Bible brings me the true truth about life, God, who I am and how I am supposed to live. The Bible tells me the unbelievable story of God’s relentless pursuit of me and His unconditional grace He floods my life with everyday through Jesus. Thanks to my old Young Life leader, Casey Dunn, I memorized Psalm 119:9,11 in high school and I still remember it today.
“How can a young man keep his way pure?...I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Hiding God’s Word in my heart enables me to fight for joy and to believe that the promises of God are far better than the promises of the world.
The second weapon I use to fight for joy is prayer. I am terrible at prayer. I can’t sit still for more than 35 seconds. Prayer is hard work but it pays great dividends. I try and pray throughout my day, attempting to constantly keep the Lord on my mind. Asking the Holy Spirit to fight for me when I am tempted or frustrated or feeling down. Sometimes I put these two weapons together and pray through a passage of Scripture.
The third weapon I fight for joy with is friendships. I have a couple of guys that I can share absolutely anything with. I can call them day or night, ask them for help, advice or prayer. They have always been there for me. If I am feeling like a complete failure then I know I can call one of them to help me work through it.
So, my challenge to you is simple, grab your Bible, speak directly to God and make sure you have some buddies that will fight this battle with you. The battle is of utmost importance, it has eternal consequences.
All for Jesus,