New Missional Books

Two notable “missional” authours have just written new books – and both are worth reading but for different reasons. Michael Frost and Hugh Halter.

I’ve had the opportunity to hear Michael Frost in person. He is a dynamic personality that inspires you to be bold for the Gospel. I still recall some of the amazing stories that helped me understand why God is calling us to His mission. His newest is Road to Missional: Journey to the Centre of the Church.

So do we really need another “misisonal” book? Maybe that’s the reason Frost wrote the book – because the term has become a catch-all term for “improved” evangelism or “serving into the community”. I agree with other reviewers of this book – that what Frost has provided – is give the Church a true understanding of missional that speaks to our heart and mind. The book will challenge you, correct you, and inspire you (some great illustrations and stories!). Definitely the first book to give to someone wanting to know – “what is missional?”.

You may have come across an earlier book by Hugh Halter – The Tangible Kingdom which is excellent. I would consider this a “must-read” on the missional topic. His newest isSacrilege: Finding life in the unorthodox ways of Jesus. The title catches your mind and follows the trend of many newer titles to be non-religious. Hugh’s book is directed more to the individual follower of Jesus versus Frost’s larger focus of the church. It’s more of a missional- life handbook for Jesus-followers. It complements Tangible Kingdom well, putting the focus clearly on our personal lives and choices. Memorable stories and illustrations begin most chapters and end with provoking questions to move us from “comfort” Christianity to the life Jesus calls us. Definitely a practical book that helps Jesus followers participate with God in His mission.

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