Resolutions (2)

New Year's Resolutions?

    Some time ago, I decided to stop making new year's resolutions.  I had been faithfully making resolutions, and watched as year after year, I failed to follow through with much of them.  I then would make the same ones the next year, and on, and on, with no success.

    I prayerfully.decided instead, to begin to set realistic goals for myself, and then create a journal of my activities as per these goals.  At year's end, I am able to go over the journal, and see where I've been successful, and where I have failed to live up to my goals.

    This has worked for me, and I am able to see where I have grown spiritually, and the areas where more prayer, and discipline are needed.  It is a great way to keep track of the important things in my life that matters, and certainly helps me to be more purposeful in prayer.

    The best way to begin the year, for those of us who trust in God, is to invite Him into every area of our lives.  Therefore this is always the number one goal, for it is only with His guidance and direction, that we are able to accomplish anything.

    So, as we enter this new year, let us begin by focusing our eyes on Jesus, as He is the one that begins, and ends faith.


Pastor Jean. Davy

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Discovering New Insight - 2012

Call me old-fashioned but I still make New Year’s Resolutions. Do I keep them? Not always! Yet I’m old enough to know if expectations and goals aren’t set, they’re not reached. So here’s my list for this year:

  1. Read through the Bible in its entirety.
  2. Read more books. (Currently my Kindle is used primarily for the Every Word game. What a waste!)
  3. Become a better finisher. (My mom continues to teach me this.)
  4. Cultivate discipline as a writer by designating specific times.
  5. Keep a cleaner, less cluttered home. (There are spiritual applications here, too.)
  6. Pray more fervently and consistently!
  7. Love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.

I can’t really look ahead without reviewing the main principle learned in 2011. Knowing when to say “yes” and when to say “no” has always been a struggle in my time management. Last year the Lord taught me a very significant precept about this. I have to measure each decision by this question: “What is it that only I can do?” When that is answered after prayer and petition, deciding how to spend my time is much easier.

Thanks you, Lord, for giving me insight this past year. I pray for more wisdom in the coming days. In Christ’s holy name, Amen.

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