and (25)

may NOT BE racism, sexism, denominational-ism, doctrinal differences, and etc. It may be the division between the "watchmen" and "gatekeepers."


Old Testament walled cities had massive gates, with gatekeepers; and watchtowers on either side of the gates, with watchmen. The purpose of the watchmen, not surprisingly, was to watch. The purpose of the gatekeepers, was to open and close the gate. The problem? The gatekeeper couldn't see over the wall and the watchmen couldn't open and close the gate. They were co-dependent on each other. Not only that, but the entire city was at the mercy of their partnership.


What has that to do with us?


In our book, "Intercessors & Pastors: The Emerging Partnership of Watchmen & Gatekeepers," we liken the intercessor (Christian whose primary mission is prayer) to the OT watchman; and pastors to the OT gatekeeper. It may surprise you to know that there tends to be a division between these two roles around the world. Of course, there are a small percentage of pastors who are intercessors. And it's true, to one degree or another, they appreciate each other's roles, but rarely do they operate in a strategic partnership. Why is that?


Eighty-five percent of the adult members of the last church we served as pastors were intercessors. Prayer was our primary purpose. Prayer meetings were our most exciting events. People, even pastors, from other churches attended our church's prayer meetings. One pastor said, "I come because when you people pray, things change in our city." We understand the significance of this partnership.


The first assumption is that the separation between intercessors and pastors it's because they are so different. After all, there are more female intercessors and more male pastors. True, perhaps, but that isn't the primary reason. Think about it. Opposites would attract, wouldn't they? Remarkably, the primary reason for this division is because they are so similar! Intercessors are actually quite pastoral. Who knew!? <smile>


Example:  Intercessors care for people. Why else would they commit so much time praying for them?

So then, what's the problem?


Intercessors tend seek information. They often ask their pastors about the direction of the church and needs of certain people and circumstances. Their pastor may think they are nosey, when the truth is, INFORMATION is the FUEL for INTERCESSION. Pastors need to know how to inform their intercessors properly. They need an effective communication system.


Intercessors may appear to be "independent." That's true of some. Some have never learned the interdependent nature of the church. There are immature intercessors just as there are immature pastors. They must be "pastored" (equipped for their ministry.) Pastors should know that intercessors are not only pastoral, they tend to be visionaries. They need focus. If their pastor fails to clearly communicate the vision of the church, they will be drawn to their own focus, or to someone else's.


These are just a couple of many issues that we discuss in our strategically important book, "Intercessors & Pastors."

  • What do intercessors need from their pastors?
  • What do pastors need from their intercessors?
  • What does the partnership look like?
  • Why is it critical to the mission of the church?
  • What is the kingdom dimension?
  • What does the future hold?
  • How does this partnership relate to end times?


Don't miss this book! This is the fourth updated version and the first time we've produced it also as an ebook. Order the ebook version and read it mere minutes from now! Get yours here:

eBook $14.99 USD:

pBook $14.99 USD:


How can a pastor "do what he (she) sees the Father doing?" (John 5:19) For one thing, Jesus said that the Father rewards openly those who pray to Him in secret! Most pastors know their elders and their deacons. They know their home-group pastors, Bible teachers and others. Sadly, too few can even name their intercessors, let alone are they rewarding them openly, as the Father does. Get the book! Your church, your city and the Kingdom depend on this partnership.


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Praying As a United Community for Our Children, Teachers, Parents and Schools by Linda D. Fegins

Pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children" (Lam. 2:19).

It’s back to school time. There have been back to school rallies. Many ministries have been calling for prayer for the children, teachers, administrators and school staff as they return back to school. The day of September 1, 2010 Messiah Baptist Church Intercessory Prayer Team under the guidance of Kimberly Bracey ( Team Leader Linda Fegins) as well as various ministries such as the Global Prayer Intercessors founded by Minetta Hare, and the Lydia Circle Prayer Team ( Director Linda Fegins) held prayer meetings by conference call, three way telephone calls and at church praying for protection, guidance and wisdom for our school children , youth and college students , parents and staff. There is no doubt that “Moms In Touch International” (MITI) founded by Fern Nichols, a group of mothers around the country who simply desire to affect communities and schools through the power of prayer have been going before the throne of God. A diversified group of mothers of MITI serve as prayer warriors who battle in the spiritual realm for the lives of children and teenagers as they go off to school for at least one hour every week. They are women united with one purpose: a passion to pray for their children.

Through prayer, our lives, our children’s lives, and our world can be changed. Public schools, such as the Detroit Public School system, and other inner-city schools around the nation with all the violence, disorganization, poor administration, and politics on the school boards can be transformed by prayer. Then change will occur by our obedience if God calls us to action. He will show us how to use the power that believers have within through the Holy Spirit to transform our schools. Through united consistent prayer, God will give us the power, wisdom, knowledge, and creativity to solve the many school problems that plague our city schools and school board. Through prayer the right leaders will arise and the community should be able to come together to take productive and strategic action.

Believe that intercessors can change your school district with the weapon of prayer. Believe that positive results will occur such as peace and safety, better test scores, higher graduation rates, and more school funds to meet the needs of our children. Pray that student-led prayer groups will spring forth. Yes, the crisis in our schools is discouraging and is wide spread. But remember that where sin increases, grace increases all the more (see Ro. 5:20).

I know that many intercessors already have prayer assignments from the Lord. But I would challenge the intercessors, parents and teachers to ask Him if He might also want you to "adopt" a public school for your prayer agenda.

Prayer Points for Our Children, Teachers, Parents and Administrators

Finally for what should we pray? We want to pray specifically and effectively on one accord. I have a few suggestions; some are what the Lord has given me and others I have gathered from other prayer warriors and other articles on prayer.

Children and Youth


  • Daily for the safety of our children and that God will deliver them from evil and thwart every scheme of the enemy.
  • Pray that our children will be open to learning new knowledge and that God would give them the wisdom to know how to understand and use that knowledge. We need to pray that our children have the ability to discriminate between good knowledge and bad knowledge. Teach a child to choose the right path, and when he is older he will remain upon it. (Proverbs 22:6)
  • Pray that our children will be serious minded and work hard to acquire both secular and spiritual knowledge. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)
  • Pray for the hearts of the students to be receptive to the gospel of peace and that God will call many to Himself. (Acts 2:38-40)
  • Pray for our sons and daughters to make wise choices and to develop solid friendships with those who are following God. (Psalms 144;12-15)
  • Pray for relief of those children who are homeless and need shelter, food and health care. Pray that Christ will restore their home for the future. (Psalms 107:41)
  • Ask God to cause your children to be examples for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. (I Timothy 4:12)
  • Pray for those students that experience rejection and bullying from other students and teachers. Ask God to provide them with people that love and respect them unconditionally. (John 13:34; Romans 15:7)
  • Pray for those students that are struggling academically. Ask God to encourage them and strengthen their minds. Pray that God will give their teachers and parent’s wisdom to know how to best help them learn.
  • Pray they will not feel like failures, but will learn discipline. (I Thessalonians 5:14)



  • Pray for our school teachers to have the wisdom needed to effectively impart knowledge to their students. A wise teacher makes learning a joy… (Proverbs 15:2a)
  • Pray for our school teachers that God will give them the grace to deal with day-to-day frustrations and problems.
  • Pray that our school teachers would exhibit the life of Christ before our children. That they would be filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.
  • Pray to the one in charge of the harvesting, and ask him to recruit more effective teachers with integrity for our schools. ( See Matthew 9:38)
  • Ask God to rise up Godly educators who are dedicated to their field and can capture the hearts and minds of our nation’s youth on each level of education. (Colossians 1:9-10)
  • Pray our educators will pray unceasingly for guidance and wisdom to become the examples to their students. (I Peter 2:21) Pray they will know how to pray for their students.
  • Pray that teachers will impart godly wisdom to form godly character in their students. (Luke 6:40)



  • Pray for parents that they will love and support their children’s education at school, at home, and at church.
  • Pray for family stability and that God’s principles for the family will be honored and promoted in our schools. (Genesis 28:14)
  • Pray “Lord, without your help we are helpless, so as parents, be our guide as to how we can best communicate and encourage our teachers and how we can train our children.”



  • Pray for the standard of excellence to be restored in our educational institutes and that our educators will pass on that spirit of excellence, requiring excellence, rather than sloth and ignorance. (Ecclesiastes 2:13-14)
  • Pray for the needed tools and proper facilities to teach our children.(Philippians 4:19)
  • Pray for the election of godly leaders on our school boards and in the administration of our schools. (I Timothy 2:1)
  • Pray for the support staff in the schools to treat the children with dignity and respect.

Pray Fervently,
Linda D. Fegins
Prayer Director,Lydia Circle of Christian Professional and Business Women
Writer in the Anthology -"Tali Cumi: Daughters Arise"
Writer in the Anthology -"It's Worth the Struggle- Inspiration for Contemporary Writers"
Christian Dramatist, "Sojourner Truth", "Eve" etc.
Sunday School and Christian Education Teacher
Linda's Report Blog
The Prayer Leader

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What is God Like?

When I was writing our book, "Spiritual Advocates", I came to the chapter I was to write about the Judge.
I thought "how can I describe God in a way that's different than the way most people do? Omniscient,
Omnipresent, Omnipotent...sure. But then what?

Creator, Father, etc. is what I typically read and hear. How can I describe You differently, Lord?"
I went to bed and awoke the next morning with the phrase "fruit of the Spirit" in my mind. At first,
I was a bit perturbed. What has that to do with God? Those are qualities that are to be seen in us.

Then it began to be clear to me. They are, in a sense, "a photograph of God". So the chapter presents
him as Phil Miglioratti did in his recent newsletter article. God is loving, he is joyful (He sings over us),
he is peaceful (my peace I give...), etc. as you've pointed out.

So, Phil, I appreciated the confirmation and the remembrance of that day in my journey.

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Sons Of Thunder Power Team

We are a group of men that meet the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. To peruse our website click here. We have been meeting since March 18, 2006. We have an Under the Pulpit Ministry as well a Conference Call Prayer Ministry going on weekly also. Today when we met we had an excellent time before the Lord. Our 7:30 and our 10:15 Bible studies were also very strong. For our prayer time we had 8 men join us that had never been to SOT before.

Two prayer requests for right now are:
  1. Our next meeting will be focused on prayer walking for the thousands of people that will be on our campus later that day for an Easter egg hunt. The idea of course is not to promote the Easter Bunny but to give the community a sense of comfort and a desire to visit our children's department on Sunday
  2. Pray for me as I will be speaking at the April Teleseminar on "Encouraging Men to Pray".
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