January 26
January 26
Online Retreat - August 3,2024, 4 pm Kenya Time
Verse of the Day: 2 Corinthians 10:3-4
For though we walk in the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but might in God for pulling down strongholds.”
Praying Hands Albrecht Durer
Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of the Father, in truth and love. I rejoiced that I found thy children walking in truth, …
The Praying Together Class which was on has been updated/revised and is now posted on
It is an excellent training, encouraing people to pray together.
Now, dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ
so that when he returns, you will be full of courage
and not shrink back from him in shame.
1 John 2:28 NLT
Be captivated in your heart.
Lovingly obey Me, and I will get…
Children and Prayer Class update
The Children and Prayer class blog presented by Wheatland Ministries has been updated. This was necessary because some of the links no longer worked, and other technical “updates” to the blog were made in the past by Google.
The Blog should work well now. If you have visited it in the past, please…
Add diligence to divine promises, employ effort exercising faith
to develop virtue (excellence, resolution, Christian energy),
and in exercising virtue develop knowledge (intelligence),
and in exercising your knowledge develop self-control,
exercising self-control develop endurance (patience),
To this were you called—it is inseparable from your vocation.
Christ suffered for you, leaving you His personal example,
so that you should follow on in His footsteps.
In a chaotic world, cultivate a calm…
Articles and News from My 18 Years as Prayer Coordinator
A nine minute audio teaching from Eddie Smith
The small south Texas town where I grew up has Spanish
moss drooping from the trees, winding narrow streets, and
stifling humidity that in time I became accustomed to. The
lazy days of summer brought us a good game of baseball,
fishing at the lake, or swimming in the Gulf of Mexico.
Children filled the placid streets with bikes, skates and
homemade go-carts. It was a simpler time; and our town—
population 5,000—was a simpler place.
The closeness…
Allow me would like to share some thoughts with you today about intimacy with God. As the Bride of Christ, we will never experience a moment…
Spiritual Intimacy With God is Alice Smith's life message.
Her best-selling book, "Beyond The Veil," now a worldwide bestseller
is available in many languages.
Her newest book, "Spiritual Intimacy With God" is the sequel.
Here, Alice shares two minutes of video instruction.…
When we intercede in prayer, we plead our case before the eternal judge of the universe. Every case we present to God calls for genuine preparation. Without proper preparation a lawyer would make a fool of himself before the judge, his client, his adversary and the gallery of people. Personal Preparation
Before we prepare…
We are bombarded daily with an edited view of the victorious Christian life. For example, our edited view of Elijah was one who could call down fire from heaven. We know Moses as the one who split the sea, paying little to no attention to his 40 years on the backside of the desert. Paul and Silas? They're the ones who experienced a supernatural jailbreak! We tend to overlook the fact that in most cases, the spectacular events of their lives happened only ONCE. Even the Son of God didn't spend…
Read more…Article by Eddie Smith, president of the U.S. Prayer Center in Houston, Tx
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