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Clay Hallelujahs


This precious treasure—light and power that now shine within us—

is held in fragile clay jars, that is, in our weak bodies.  

Everyone can see our glorious power is from God and not our own.

Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.

                                    2 Corinthians 4:7, 16 NLT


Forever light on Christ’s face is My best portrait of Incarnate Truth.

     Light beyond light is your Center of Gravity.

     Here is the Greatest Reality you can ever ponder:

          I Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been—

               I have always loved you, and I always will.

     Get to know My Son better—enjoy the pleasure of His company.


Frail life of clay is a container of boundless power, an interior treasure.

     Your human body is mortal, finite, limited by space and time.

     Yet I choose to make your heart My home.

     I am Light in your darkness—the dark side cannot conquer My love.

     I am Power in your weakness—the evil one cannot vanquish My grace.

     Avoid staggering in dirty places—walk as a child of the Light.


Finish line is the challenge to believing perseverance in intense trial.

     Endurance is underrated—those who finish the race win My smile.

     When perplexed, pray—gaze again at My cross and hang on.

     When tempted by easier roads, refuse to compromise—soldier on.

     Do not let fatigue or criticism force you to resign—re-sign and work on!

     I remember you are weak—remember I am strong, and you will make it.


Forward look is the celebration of beautiful paradise, the infinite triumph.  

     Discouraged? You are headed for a sinless, deathless, painless place.   

     Disappointed by false advertising? Heaven is not too good to be true.

     Disillusioned by fleeting pleasures? Heaven is not too good to last.

     One day, in eternity, you will join saints and angels in celestial hallelujahs.

     Until then—today, in time, praise Me with clay hallelujahs.


 © Pastor Johnny R. Almond          12127012495?profile=RESIZE_180x180

Day 340, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Book available at



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Guest Post: #ReimagineEVANGELISM...


Ultimately evangelism is not the saving of America, but of Americans.  

One-on-one evangelism.

Quick Quote – Source – Jeff Hilles


A Biblical Christian worldview perspective – We need to build relationships with individuals.

Largely gone are the days when events like crusades effectively brought the gospel message to large groups.

In today’s culture, evangelism, faith, and discipleship are founded on the establishment of personal relationships.


Jeff Hilles | 


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Magnificent Obsession
















                                Sallman Head of Christ


           Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.
                                  Colossians 3:11 NLT


Live victoriously—celebrate My greatness.
     I died to defeat sin; I arose to resurrect you to a new life.
     Because I rose from the dead, I can raise you above evil ways.
     Victorious over death and sin, march in heaven’s triumphal procession.
     Keep up your enthusiasm for My work—it is never a waste of time.
     One of My resurrection people, let nothing in the world get you down.


Think vertically—anticipate My glory.
     Searching for a better approach to life than dying with the most toys?
     Set your heart on a place moths, rust, and thieves can never touch.
     Do not be so preoccupied with things you forget your destination.
     Do not wring your hands in worry—fold them in worship.
     Walk steadily toward heaven’s gate—soon we will be face to face.
     One of My redeemed people, count on My dream coming true.

Behave virtuously—manifest My goodness.
     Making the journey from earth to heaven, watch your step.
     Run from sexual sin—look for an exit when temptation corners you.
     Learn to be content—avoid greed by gratitude.
     Get rid of road rage—be considerate of fellow travelers.
     Avoid slander, lies, and dirty language—tell the truth lovingly.
     Change your wardrobe—throw away filthy rags of your old nature.
     Rely on My Presence in your heart, and be changed from inside out.
     Make Me your Center of Gravity, and your actions will be transformed.
     Make a conscious effort to be like Me—one day you will see My smile.
     One of My righteous people, strive to be holy and faultless in My eyes.

Serve valiantly—depend on My grace.
     Rejoice at the privilege of serving Me—whistle while you work.
     Remember I am your Boss—do quality work in My Name.
     You are accountable to Me—do not worry about what others think.
     One of My representative people, always do your best to honor Me.





© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                  

Day 347, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Verse of the Day

Verse of the Day: Romans 9:11

“for though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that God's purpose according to His choice would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls,”

  • God's choice was not meant to exclude, but to include! The Messiah will come from a select seed, but He will come for all (who exercise faith (Rom. 2:28-29; 4:3, 22-25; Romans 10).


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Verse of the Day

Verse of the Day: 1 John 4:4

You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

  • Christian's victory over sin and the devil.


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The Superiority of Love




While knowledge may make us feel important, it is love that really builds up the church.

Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn’t really know very much.

But the person who loves God is the one God knows and cares for.

       1 Corinthians 8:1b-3 NLT






Smart alecks feel no need for God.

     Know-it-alls never seek wisdom flowing from above.

     Proud VIPs chasing personal agendas never kneel before Me. 

     Self-sufficient do-it-yourselfers see no need of heaven’s help. 

     Knowledge swells your head . . . love stretches your heart. 

     Don’t kid yourself into thinking you’re really smart. 

     You, like all other human beings, have a lot to learn. 

     There are two lessons you need to learn very well—

          I am totally, eternally, irrevocably responsible for all.

               I am God, with wisdom found nowhere else.

          You are ultimately responsible to Me for the way you live. 

               You are not God, so you need wisdom to live rightly.


Narcissists feel no attraction to God. 

     Self-centered, they miss life’s true Center of Gravity.

     Wrapped up in themselves, they make a very small package.

     Concerned with their business, they have no time for Mine.

     Egomaniacal, they self-destruct in their own little world.


Humble believers feel love for God. 

     Proud minds resist grace . . . tender hearts receive it. 

     Recidivists run from My way . . . repentant souls cling to it. 

     Hard-hearted are ingrates . . . the forgiven sing My praises. 

     Self-reliant love themselves . . . the God-reliant love Me.   

     Humble hearts realize I know everything about them—

          habits, hang-ups, hopes;  roads untaken; unspoken words.

     The meek don’t know it all, but trust the One who does. 

     Reveling in My loving care, believers face the future joyfully.

     Holding My hand, My disciples walk the path of the best life. 

     Nestling near My loving heart, believers know real joy. 

     Following My lead, sheep of My fold find their way home. 

     Loving Me wholeheartedly, saints celebrate My Providence. 

     Giving Me all their cares, My children live carefree.   

     I know the hairs on your head, and the hurts in your heart.

     False gods do not care for you, but I do—trust Me and see. 





© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond             

Gentle Whispers from Eternity



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Verse of the Day

Verse of the Day: 1 Samuel 2:2

There is no one holy like the Lord, indeed, there is no one besides Thee, nor is there any rock like our God.

  • The strength, stability, the unchanging nature of the one true God (Ps.18:1-2; 2 Sam. 22:2)
  • God as a mighty, impregnable fortress (Ps.78:35; Isa. 44:8)


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Living Positively




I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.
                              Philippians 4:13 NLT


Be cheerful in a sad world—mute negative melancholy with unfailing music.
     Celebrate My pardon—your name is indelibly registered as a citizen of heaven.
     Celebrate My Presence—at My side, there is joy too wonderful for words.
     Celebrate My peace—the world system cannot supply it; neither can it steal it.
     Celebrate My promise, one thing that is for sure—I will never forsake you.

Be calm in a chaotic world—replace negative worry with unquestioning worship.
     The cross is a plus sign in a negative world, changing everything for the better.
     Do less “what-if” supposing, more “leaning-on-everlasting-arms” reposing.
     I am in control—in charge behind chaos scenes, orchestrating the grand finale.
     Climb into My hammock—feel soothing wind of grace, and relax in My arms.

Be careful in a careless world—overcome negative ideas with unvarying truth.
     Want to be a person of integrity? Then reflect on timeless truth.
     Want to live honorably? Then meditate on honorable thoughts.
     Do not fall for Satan’s tiring old line that it does not matter what you think!

Be content in a greedy world—cancel negative whining by uncommon contentment.
     Tranquility results from being, not having—contented people are truly rich.
     I am El Shaddai, the Enough God—depend on My infinite resources.
     Learn to be satisfied in all situations by treasuring your relationship to Me.

Be capable in a grueling world—conquer negative despair by unflagging optimism.
     You’re weak, but I am strong—in relationship with Me, you can cope with life.
     The power of positive praying is the source of competence.
     Quiet confidence in Me is the key to strength and the secret of perseverance.

Be confident in an uncertain world—destroy negative anxiety with undying hope.
     Let Me have all your cares, then you can enjoy a carefree existence.
     In My strength, you are ready for anything the world throws at you.
     Trust Me, then you will receive blessings you never imagined possible.

Celebrate the Dynamic Mystery residing within your heart—live positively.



© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                

Day 346, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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#ReimagineFutureChurch Eblast

#ReimagineFutureChurch Eblast

The Church is the answer ... But what is the question?


Start here>>>




















#Pastors #Church #ChurchLeadership #Prayer #Discipleship #Outreach #Evangelism #Ministry #Missional

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​#ItSeemsToMe ...
Th​is is The ​Story of God and ​People
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and people. God created a man and a woman, both DNA'd with God’s image. God declared the planet and the people were good.
Since the beginning God has wanted to walk with and work with the people God created.
God gave them a pristine environment to enjoy and empowered them to care for and cultivate the planet. God “walked in the garden with them.”
The people became focused on themselves.
-Adam and Eve disregarded God’s warnings
-Cain murdered his brother Abel
-The Babylonians erected ​a stairway-to-heaven to glorify their achievements in a way that ignored God.
… But there were ​persons who focused on being faithful to their relationship with God. Noah. Abraham​ ​ 
God continued to pursue relationship with the people by sending faith-driven, courageous leaders​ and prophets who clearly declared God‘s word and God‘s will and God’s wisdom​ and people who knew the power of prayer.​ Moses. ​Deborah, Ruth. David. Amos. Solomon.​ Hannah.​ 
People and nations continued to ignore God’s word by seeking power and control over each other; often with violence.
So then God did something extraordinary. God sent the people Jesus (the One of God​; the Word, the Living Expression)  to deliver us from the disease and death of evil; to declare God’s message of faith, truth, peace and love. When Jesus was crucified, he​ defeated the power of SIN (Self-worship, Independence-from-Creator, Need-driven-choices) which released forgiveness​ (a welcome into the life of God). Jesus is the ​Savior ​(revealer, rescuer) of all who believe.
What made this extraordinary​the  is that “God was in Christ (the Messiah: the Anointed and Appointed messenger) , making peace between the people  and himself. In Christ, God did not ​give up on us  (2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:19‬ ​). Saved. By God's grace (not by our good deeds).
God was motivated not by anger or a desire to punish but by love.
This is how God demonstrated his love to the people​: God gave​ the One and ​Only (one of a kind) that whoever believes in him will have eternal ​(endless; limitless) life. God did not send Jesus into the world to condemn us but to commend us to God’s love​-grace​-forgiveness​-salvation, and ​transformation through the ​guiding/coaching of Spirit; God's holy presence in our lives.
So, God is not inviting you to perfect attendance at a church or impressed by extravagant donations to charity.
God is still pursuing people. Us. You.
​"Late in the afternoon, ​a strong wind began to blow​, and the man and woman heard the Lord God walking in the garden​ and God said: "Where are you?"" (Genesis 3:8-9)
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Hearing Test





The Lord came and called as before, “Samuel!  Samuel!”

        Samuel replied, “Speak, your servant is listening.”

                       1 Samuel 3:10  NLT



     You have never heard Me speak audibly, but you have heard My gentle whispers echoing in your conscience, creation and Scripture.  Written and natural revelation prompt you to worship, praise and serve Me. 

     The universe sings My praises and displays My breathtaking craftsmanship. A language without syllables is written large across the skies, speeding across the intergalactic network at the speed of thought.  Sun, moon, and stars silently hint at My invariable faithfulness. 

     I open My heart to your heart. My Holy Spirit lives within you, so you are under My control. Life is best when I am in charge. My Spirit leads you and marks you Mine. I inspire your innermost being in the quest for truth. Redoubling your efforts does nothing to strengthen moral muscle.               Do-it-yourself spells defeat—life on My terms spells victory. 


     I guide you by My Book from Heaven. Its track record of accurate prophetic fulfillment should encourage you to believe it. I am the Living God. I have spoken in the Scriptures. I mean every word I say. I will do everything I have promised. 


     My law is perfect, putting a spring in your step. My life map is accurate, making you wise. My commandments are right, bringing enjoyment to relationships. My instructions are billboard clear, keeping you traveling on the right highway. 


     I speak to you clearly through My Son. In Him, Love is plain as day.  Everything about Him exactly represents My nature. His powerful words hold everything in the universe together, including you. He is near to My heart—draw near to Him, and you will be too. 


     Stand in awe that I speak from My heavenly throne to your earthly situation. You cannot fathom the mysteries of how I communicate with your heart,      but you can understand Me. 


     Listen for your Master’s voice—love My life-changing lessons.  Listen for your Master’s voice—learn My eternal truth.  Listen for your Master’s voice—live My servant way.

     You have ears to hear. Are you listening? Can you hear Me now?





© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                 

Gentle Whispers from Eternity                

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Guest Post: #ResetYourChristianity…”Deinstitutionalize”



January 2, 2024


NOTE from Phil @ Reimagine.Network:

  • When you finish this article, click here for our Mini-Course on Worldview>>>


My all-time favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. This classic prison film tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker falsely convicted of the double murder of his wife and her lover. A profound movie on many levels, The Shawshank Redemption  broaches significant subjects including the priority of friendship and the power of hope. And it concludes with a fantastic prison break!


“He’s Just Institutionalized”

In one memorable scene, a senior adult inmate named Brooks (who managed the prison library) was slated for parole after spending fifty years at Shawshank. The thought of leaving the security of prison life felt so overwhelming, Brooks created a dramatic scene in order to remain behind bars. He accosted a fellow prisoner (and friend) named Heywood and placed a knife to his throat. Brooks explained his startling action by saying, “It’s the only way they’ll let me stay.”

After the incident was resolved without harm, Heywood vehemently complained to his friends about Brook’s threatening actions. “Red,” a fellow inmate and major character in the film, defended Brook’s behavior by explaining that he had become “institutionalized.” Heywood, still upset from the knife incident exclaimed, “Institutionalized my ass.”

But Red pushed back on Heywood’s outrage. He said, “The man’s been in here fifty years, Heywood. Fifty years! In here, he’s an important man. He’s an educated man. Outside, he’s nothin’! Just a used-up con with arthritis in both hands. Couldn’t even get a library card if he applied. You see what I’m saying?”

Another inmate named Floyd said, “Red, I do believe you’re talking out of your ass.” Red replied, “Believe what you want. But these walls are funny. First, you hate ’em, then you get used to ’em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them.”

Over the centuries, most Christian believers, like Brooks in The Shawshank Redemption, have become institutionalized. We have become dependent on the stability of institutional religion, including familiar doctrines, creeds, structures, liturgies, and traditions. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. For those who find meaning in traditional religion, being “institutionalized” can be a comfort and a blessing.


When Being Institutionalized Is No Longer Helpful

But for a growing number of modern believers, the old familiar institutional dynamics are unraveling. The doctrines are no longer relevant. The creeds are no longer believable. The traditions are no longer meaningful. The liturgy is no longer helpful. The rigid structures are no longer palatable. What’s a Christian to do when centuries old institutionalism no longer holds? What happens to followers of Jesus when they, like Brooks, contemplate departing the institutionalized religion of their past and face a changing world without the familiar structures that used to ground them? It can be disorientating indeed.

I’m not suggesting that it’s time to throw away all the vestiges of institutional Christianity. As already noted, for many people, the old wineskins still work. But a growing number of restless believers are looking for new wineskins of Christian expression. They want less institution and more flexibility. Less certainty and more ambiguity. Less arrogance and more humility. Less doctrine and more connection. Less exclusion and more inclusion. Less focus on creeds and more focus on compassion. Less time meeting in church buildings and more time serving in the community. In short, a lot of twenty-first-century believers are seeking a post-institutionalized (or at least a less institutionalized) version of Christianity.


What’s Old Is New Again

Thankfully, the Christian faith has experience with this kind of minimalist institutionalism. You have to go a long way back in church history to find it. But it’s there. I’m referring to the mostly pre-institutional faith that existed during the first two centuries of the Jesus movement. In a real way, what’s old (the first two centuries) has become new again (the twenty-first century). And that ancient pre-institutional way of following Jesus might serve as a useful model for people seeking a post-institutionalized version of Christianity.

The only Christianity today’s world has ever known is institutionalized Christianity. But it wasn’t always like this. In their provocative book, After Jesus before Christianity  Erin Vearncombe, Brandon Scott, and Hal Taussig argue that during the first two hundred years of the Jesus movement, no such thing as institutional Christianity existed.

In the first two centuries CE we do not see anything resembling contemporary “Christianity,” or, for that matter, “Christianity” as it was in the later ancient world, in the Middle Ages, or across human history. In the first two centuries, what we think of as “Christianity” did not exist. (p. 4)

For example, during the first two hundred years after Jesus—and before institutional Christianity became the norm—there were:

  • No set doctrinal beliefs
  • No set structure or organization
  • No set order of church leadership
  • No set authoritative Christian writings
  • No set traditions, liturgies, or sacraments
  • No set Christology
  • No set name for the movement

According to After Jesus before Christianity the early Jesus movement was open-ended, fluid, noncentralized, and diverse. It had no settled theological orthodoxy, no “New Testament,” no formal clergy, and no established ecclesiastical structure. In short, it was not yet institutionalized.

You could argue that After Jesus before Christianityoverstates its case. And to some extent, that’s probably true. Some of the author’s findings, while fascinating, are based on brief and obscure ancient documents. But the core thesis of the book is correct. The first two centuries of the Jesus movement were dramatically less institutionalized than today’s Christianity. And, for good or bad, that’s what many followers of Jesus are seeking today.

Although the early Jesus movement was extremely fluid, common denominators could be found among the various groups. For example, the following four distinctives were found in virtually every Jesus community:

  • An affinity for Jesus of Nazareth
  • Regular communal meals
  • Close sustaining friendships
  • A focus on correct practice rather than correct belief

“Stage Four” Christianity

In many ways, these early years of the Jesus movement sound a lot like Brian McLaren’s description (see Faith after Doubt ) of “stage four” faith. According to McLaren, stage-four faith is post doctrinal. It’s not about religious beliefs but about living a life of love. This expression of faith minimizes doctrines, embraces paradox, exudes humility, welcomes diversity, cares about the common good, and seeks to live out “faith that expresses itself in love.” According to McLaren, stage-four faith communities need to be “big on action, big on love, small on beliefs, and small on bureaucracy.”

This kind of fluid and informal stage-four religious expression described by McLaren is similar to many of the dynamics found during the first two hundred years of pre-institutional church history. However, as already noted, this fluidity will not appeal to everyone. Plenty of people, like Brooks in The Shawshank Redemption, will prefer to remain “institutionalized.” And that’s a perfectly viable option for many (if not most) Christians.

But for the growing number of believers seeking a less institutionalized version of Christianity, the first two centuries of the Jesus movement offer historic precedent, encouragement, and promise. That period also offers a boatload of unanswered questions and an uncertain future. In short, it’s an extremely ambiguous approach to the Christian faith.

It will be interesting to see what happens to this movement in the years ahead. Will it, like the early Jesus movement, eventually become institutionalized and lose its edge? Will it fade away? Will it gain traction and become a sustainable and viable expression of modern Christianity? It’s too soon to accurately predict.

As a retired minister who spent decades of his life fully institutionalized in organized religion, but who is fascinated by a less institutionalized expression of faith, I can’t wait to find out.

Martin Thielen, a retired United Methodist minister and writer, is the creator and author of
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Rediscovering the Greatest Book


  Hilkiah the high priest found the Book of Law of the LORD    

    as it had been given through Moses.

When the king heard what was written in the law, he tore his   

     clothes in despair. “Go to the Temple; speak to the Lord   

     for me and the remnant of Israel and Judah.

     Ask him about the words written in this scroll.   

     We have not been doing what this scroll says we must do.”

     2 Chronicles 34:14, 19, 21 NLT




     My Textbook for Living had been lost during reigns of evil kings. Found and read to Josiah, he realized drastic changes were required to bring the nation he governed back into line with My commands.


     The Book from Heaven is My gift to earth, telling you of My care. My never-ending love story is recorded in the pages of Scripture.


     The Book of Holiness is My instruction manual on how to live. My inspired Word teaches you eternal truths, makes you sense what is wrong in your life, gets you back on track, and helps you avoid derailment.


     The Book of Books tells of My greatness and exalts My lordship. It records My creation of the universe out of nothing, My holding it all together with invisible hands, and My supervising galaxies—and you.


     The Book of Life reminds you of My encouraging grace—illuminating your lonely darkness with My Heartwarming Presence. Nothing can extinguish Holy Radiant Light.


     Every time you reopen Scripture, you rediscover the Book that makes all the difference in your life. No other book transforms your attitudes and actions like the Holy Bible. No other book so convicts you of sin and makes you want to respond with true remorse and repentance.


     The world’s greatest literature cannot compare to the treasures of My law. No poetry matches the Psalms. No novel is more charming than the saga of My love. No story is more captivating than Scripture.


     The world’s profoundest wisdom cannot hold a candle to the truth of My Word. The most thoughtful philosophies cannot touch the human heart like Christ’s parables. All the best books ever written, placed side by side, could not rival the divine library of Scripture.


     Do not leave My Word on a bookshelf to collect dust—that is no better than hiding a scroll in the Temple. An unread Bible is as useless as a lost one.       The best Bible study? Read it over, think it through, pray it in, and live it out.  An obedient life is the best translation your world will ever read.




© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond     

Day 176, Gentle Whispers from Eternity






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When You #Reimagine ...

When You #Reimagine...

People Of Focus

TargetPoint by Vince D'Acchioli

DEC 29

NOTEA hidden message from our Lord awaits you below

When you observe the world through the lens of your soul you will often experience confusion and despair… when you view the world through the lens of your spirit, you will have discernment and hope.

Jesus makes it very clear that we must be born again. He tells us that when we are, the Holy Spirit dwells within us and will ultimately bring us the proper perspective on life.

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. John 16:13

As believers we are called and expected to see life through a lens unfamiliar to us before we received His Spirit. We see everything through the lens of our soul (our mind, emotions and will). It is only as we allow the Holy Spirit the rightful position in our life that we are able to see a whole new perspective… His.

Consider the example of looking at something through a microscope. When you turn the dial to move the lens, you are changing the focal point of your view. As you do that everything in you see changes—things that were in focus begin to blur and something you have never seen emerges, often with great wonder.

That is the way it is supposed to be in the life of the believer. We are to adjust our focal point from our soulish view to a spiritual one. But this begs the BIG question on the minds and hearts of most of us, how can I do that? I want to help us answer this important question but before I do let’s take a brief look at where we are.

As we enter this new year it might be good to look back over the last several years and examine what we have experienced. For me, over the past 3-4 years, I do not believe I have ever encountered so much doubt and confusion. It seems like any semblance of normalcy, if there ever was, is gone. There is not enough room in this article to talk about all the distortion and lies that have been perpetrated upon us as a people.

Many have lost all confidence in the media, government, politicians, big business, the medical industry and especially our educational systems. The general level of trust for all of these is at an all-time low, and for good reason. We have been in a matrix of smoke and mirrors that is controlled by forces that are not out for our best interest.

I want to suggest that our frustration level here is directly related to how we are viewing what is happening. What is your focal point? For too many of us we are looking at all of this through our soul. When this happens, we are left with a view that simply reflects the condition of our soul. My friend the battle lines are drawn. The forces arrayed against us seem overwhelming, but they are nothing in the sight of our God. The question for you and me is this, do you want to be a casualty in the battles yet to come—or a mighty victorious warrior in God’s army?

The answer is not complicated. It lies in our willingness to step up our game going into this new year. It means drawing ever nearer to Him (James 4:8) and being in His word every day (Romans 12:2). It also means praying specifically for His Holy Spirit to give you the proper spiritual view and an understanding of how He wants to use you in His unfolding plan.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

Some tips entering this new year:

  • Pray your problems in life last as long as your new-year’s resolutions do—in other words, don’t make resolutions—make commitments.

  • List all the changes you need to make to get closer to God and sense His Holy Spirit in you.

  • Pick up a one-year Bible and determine to read every day,

  • Prepare a place in your home that is your personal go-to every morning to start your day reading the word, praying, and worshipping Him.

The below image has a message for you from Jesus Himself. To see it you need to focus in a very particular way. Whether you see it or not, the fact of the matter is, it is there. This is also true of God’s vision for your life. God is calling us to focus with our spiritual eyes to discover it. If you end up seeing His message, please let us know. You can also help others by sharing how you adjusted your focal point. Please leave your comments below.



If this TargetPoint has inspired you in some way, please forward it to your friends.

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Happy Renewed Year!

Happy Renewed Year!

Watch for:


  • Thought-Leaders, Risk-Takers, Paradigm-Shifters
  • Their One Life-Changing, Ministry-Transforming Question
  • WHAT? - What is the question we need to be prayerfully asking?
  • SO WHAT? - What makes this an urgent need for leaders to ponder/pursue/pray into?
  • NOW WHAT? - What action do we need to initiate?
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Advanced Thoughts on Prayer

I would like to share some advance thoughts about prayer that may actually may encourage or help prayer to grow and develop through relationship with each other and God.

written by Lewis Turner, Wheatland Ministries December 2023


  1. What I have when groups have a focus on prayer is that such emphasis or focus does not seem to be drawing on building on the foundation of prayer which may have been in the region for many years. We need to draw on the prayer experience of those who were involved in prayer in the past.

.         I.E. Many times, in the past we developed a prayer team, but never involved the prayer team with the leadership.  Many of those teams were set up independent of the                    leadership.  It would have been better to have the leadership involved with the leader of the prayer team and vise/versa.---Involvement with Leadership.

  1. Encourage people involved in prayer to solicit what Christians in Frederick are involved in and to add that to what they pray for.—That is supportive prayer, which is involvement supporting others in their ministry activities.


  1. Holiness- I have observed your focus in ministry is on Holiness and relationship with the Lord.   In my study of the Names of God, I am sensing that God is showing himself to us as a nurturing God, and that He wants us to be involved in nurturing encouragement. Many think of prayer as praying for something—I would like to present a challenge –Part of prayer should be on building others—involvement with them—not just teaching someone how to pray—but come into relationship with the Lord. This is an area that we should consider and should spill over into our prayers—that the Lord will help each other to learn to be encouraging to others and to be involved in the lives of others—looking for ways to build up others.
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A New Challenge to #ReimagineSCRIPTURE...


A Prophetic Imagination


The Bible Is Not Enough: Imagination and Making Peace in the Modern World


From my new book, The Bible Is Not Enough: Imagination and Making Peace in the Modern World (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2023).

What is so clear to me today is that the world leaders and anti-leaders have lost their imagination. War takes no imagination. Peace does.


The prophets of the Bible cast powerful images of the future. Their eschatology is an imagination, and their images require an imagination to understand. The literalist interpreters burble on and on about international events and moments, fashioning each image of the prophets into a timeline of real events, in real history, in a real future. Literalism has no imagination. Not only do literalists fail to catch the vision the prophetic imagination offers, their fixation to fit the prophetic word to some modern event or person or nation has proven wrong every time. One could hope one of their own would stand up and announce they’ve been wrong all along and it’s time to abandon the literalistic reading of the Bible’s prophets. Such interpretations lack the imagination of the prophet, and so they blunt the power of a Spirit-prompted improvisation.

Prophets of the biblical tradition (Isaiah, Daniel, Jesus, John the seer) operate with a theopoetic and theopolitical scenario of what is about to happen, graphic in description, and then cast a foreground with images evoking an imagined future. And they do so as if the next event would be immediately followed by the end of history. The critics’ obsession with proving that the prophets got it wrong, because the end of history didn’t arrive, is hung up on the same literalism as the fundamentalists. Prophetic language is dramatic, fictive, rhetorically shaped imagination meant to provoke a response of repentance, justice, and peace. Imagination stimulating improvisation. Not predictions demanding closer readings of newspapers or websites.

Prophets stimulate a peaceful imagination. To enter their imaginations requires an aesthetic, if not an ecstatic, sensibility as their images turn words into vision as music turns words into sound. The prophet’s peaceful imagination is not a flight of fancy, it is not fantasy or marvel or even fiction as we might know it. The prophet is inspired by the prophetic Spirit to speak a word from God to the people, and so cast a vision for the transformation of society. Yet, a prophetic imagination expresses and appeals to the hope of the oppressed, the exiled, the marginalized. A peaceful imagination is a counterfactual of the present world. Imagination is required for what transcends the mundane, and few can doubt the need for transcendence when it comes to peace. Imagination is faith and, when a person steps in the direction of peace out of the mundane, faith becomes action. As such, the peaceful imagination is an act of resistance and becomes the natural language of dissidents. The words of the prophets are not so much prediction as imagination, but it is the kind of faith-inspired imagination that stimulates humans to live into that imagined, alternative world—or at least enter it. The prophet’s language is like the wardrobe into Narnia.

Among the Bible’s prophets peace is so broad one must contend that peace involves salvation and liberation, justice and material blessing, interpersonal harmony and health and economic justice . . . one could go on. Peace is an imagined reality that inspires a person to improvise, in her specific situation and location, a way of life that counters the way of violence and death. The reason we are stuck in the “humane” war and white Christian nationalism is in part because those who claim most to follow Jesus lack a peaceful imagination that can shake systemic structures of violence and war to the ground.

But for a Christian to form such an imagination, a renewed commitment must be made to Jesus’s kingdom, which in turn gives rise to an improvisation of peace.




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Anticipating Eternity

















You should look forward to that day and hurry it along—

     the day when God will set the heavens on fire

     and the elements will melt away in the flames.

We are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth

     he has promised, a world where everyone is right with God.

     So, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen,

          make every effort to live a pure and blameless life.  And be at peace with God.

                                             2 Peter 3:12-14 NLT


Scoffing skeptics are destined for an awful hell.

     Captivated by sinful desires, they conveniently deny ultimate reality.

     Assuming everything will stay the same, they ignore inevitable change.

     Living only for the moment, they forget death and judgment.

All the cynics have to anticipate is hell.

     Joking at My Word, they will not have the last laugh.

Believers in My Son can look forward to heaven on earth.

     Finally they will inhabit a tearless, painless, sinless, deathless place.

     Forever they will celebrate My Presence.

In light of the apocalypse of burning fire, pray in humility.



The saved are destined for an awesome home.

     Responding to My window of opportunity, they receive My grace.

     Realizing the urgency of repentance, they turn from sin to Me. 

     Rejoicing in My reign in their heart, they confidently anticipate glory.

All the arrogant can look forward to is punishment.

     Strutting in pride, they will suffer in perdition.

The meek can look forward to paradise. 

     Reverent before Me, they find the holy land beneath their knees. 

     Honoring Me, in My good time I will honor them.

In view of the advent of a bright future, purify your heart.



The sanctified are destined for absolute holiness.

     Believing My vow of a new earth landscaped in holiness, they shape up.

     Conscientiously obeying My orders, they are sculpted into My image.

     Yielding to My Holy Spirit’s work, they reflect My glory more and more.

All the complacent can count on is embarrassing regret.

     Napping in apathy, they will blush when My appearing wakes them up.

The devoted can look forward to reigning with Me and sharing My glory.

     Making a conscious effort, they will receive My eternal reward.

     Giving Me their best, they will bask in the favor of My smile.

In response to the atonement of blessed forgiveness, prepare for heaven.





© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                             

Gentle Whispers from Eternity




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#Rethink How You Think About Voting

#Rethink How You Think About Voting
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How Would Jesus Approach the 2024 Presidential Election?

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For Christians, the upcoming Presidential election should not be about Trump 2024 or Biden 2024, but Acts 20:24 – “I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”  You only get one vote for President, but you can cast countless eternal votes by praying, caring, and sharing the Gospel with neighbors, coworkers, or complete strangers.  Your vote for President only lasts four years, but eternal votes have no expiration date.

Christians shouldn’t abstain from voting in the next election, but our charge is to imitate Jesus, who refused to engage in partisan politics but never missed an opportunity to perform acts of kindness.  Vote for Biden or Vote for Trump will not be your only options in 2024 – you can follow Jesus’ lead and Vote for Eternity.

The Greatest Risk of the 2024 Election…

Yet Christians today too often get embroiled in heated political exchanges, even with other believers, particularly on social media.  Rather than fostering unity, we contribute to America’s divisiveness.  Focusing more on earthly power than spiritual power (through the Holy Spirit) makes little sense when politicians can’t alter God’s plan or bend His will.   However, He’s granted us the privilege of leading people toward Jesus.  Each Christian has greater ability to impact who’s in God’s House than who’s in the White House.  Yet we forfeit that right and lose our voice when we’re seen as guilty by association with a particular politician or party.

We’re still feeling the effects of presumed alignment with a church-friendly former President who alienated large swaths of our population.  Christians already face stiff headwinds.  Our ability to influence culture will diminish further if the tone of our responses to anti-Christian rhetoric continues to reflect anger and not the love of Jesus.  Losing additional ground may mean any expressions of biblical perspectives on morality will soon be deemed “hate-speak” and companies will refuse to hire those not disavowing those views.

Christians must remember we’re dual citizens of a democracy and a Kingdom.  Politicians battle for supremacy in this nation, but Jesus remains Lord of all.  Our foremost allegiance should be to the King.  Jesus doesn’t do battle like us.  He fought the culture war with a “ground attack” of love and compassion, not an “air assault” of dropping verbal bombs. Once His ground campaign sufficiently weakened resistance, He launched His air campaign – the Gospel message.  Following Jesus’ example would counter the prevailing culture of division and discord with powerful displays of God’s love.  Christianity has suffered tremendous collateral damage and some churches never recovered from self-inflicted wounds caused by missiles they fired at the “opposition”.

Yet many prominent Christian leaders still believe the path to cultural redemption lies in recapturing control of the 7 Mountains (government, media, religion, education, entertainment, family, and business).  They feel a larger megaphone (by occupying a position at the peak of the mountain tops) is the only way to reinstitute the Christian values our nation once held dear.  Uncertain God is sovereign, they seek to assert control, giving rise to accusations of theocratic ambitions and Christian Nationalism.

It seems the louder Christians yell, the less we’re heard.  To be heard we must be seen.  Espousing beliefs and opinions like everyone else, not loving and serving our political “enemies”, will drive the prevailing view of Christians and churches deeper into the ditch.  Christians have bemoaned, campaigned, and lobbied vigorously over recent decades.  The higher the decibel level, the greater the resistance to biblical positions on social issues.

Enter #CastAnEternalVote…

During divisive elections in 2016 and 2020, #CastAnEternalVote encouraged churches and Christians to think and act like Jesus.  The campaigns provided an alternative to engaging in political vitriol on social media.  We urged Christians to pray, care, and share about Jesus, casting votes that will have implications far longer than just the next Presidential term.  We substituted the “2016” in the typical Presidential campaign slogans with “20:16” (from Matthew – “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”)

Next year, #CastAnEternalVote will encourage Christians to put aside partisan politics and vote for (Acts) 20:24 in the months leading up to the 2024 election.  This Christ-centered “Ice Bucket Challenge” will replace combative social media posts with stories, photos, and videos of acts of kindness.  Many participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge because they knew someone with ALS.  Every one of us has a neighbor, coworker, friend, or family member who doesn’t know Jesus.  Not to diminish the severity of ALS, but isn’t the plight of those lost without Christ far worse?

Yes, Christians are called to engage in the culture war, but the most powerful weapon at our disposal is the Father’s love.  Each #CastAnEternalVote participant will use that hashtag in social media postings and challenge friends on Facebook, Twitter, or other platforms to “pay their kindness forward”.  Countercultural demonstrations of God’s love are the best response to an upcoming election that threatens to tear our nation apart and further vilify Christians.

But #CastAnEternal Won’t Help Unless…

Acts of kindness without heart transformation won’t make a difference.  Anything “nice” we do absent love is meaningless.  #CastAnEternal is not about the good deeds themselves but providing impetus for repentance and transformation.  Addressing bad behaviors (e.g. Christians lashing out at those on the other side of the aisle and lobbying harder for a candidate than for Jesus) goes only skin deep, putting band-aids on gaping wounds.

#CastAnEternalVote seeks to reverse the trajectory of our culture, something no President is able or expected to do.  Watching the national or local news, we’re frequently reminded how urgently America needs:

  • More love, less division
  • More faith, less self-centeredness
  • More mercy, less suffering
  • More grace, less hostility
  • More hope, less poverty

As the impact and influence of churches and Christians diminishes, the essential elements of Christianity – Love, Faith, Mercy, Grace, and Hope – leak from our nation.  Biblical principles like the sanctity of human life, the institution of marriage, the importance of family, and the freedom to worship will continue to be undermined in proportion to the distance Christians put between themselves and those who don’t subscribe to our values.  Unless #CastAnEternalVote effects the following changes in Christians, we’ll return to business as usual when the 2024 election cycle ends and efforts to eradicate Christianity will resume, regardless of which President is in office…

  1. Heart Before Rules – The more we dig our heels in, the less we can connect with non-believers – and the less they can identify with us.  We must imitate Jesus who generously served and cared for those in need of help and hope.  Yes, Jesus holds His followers to a standard of behavior but those rules are entirely contained within His command to love (God and our neighbors).  Yet churches have surrendered their historical role on the front lines of compassion and Christians are better known now for what they’re against than who they’re for.
  2. Draw Circles, Not Lines – Jesus did not conform to social norms, crossing lines, including political ones.  Party and religious leaders took offense when He welcomed their sworn enemies into the fold.  Jesus reserved His harshest words for those who drew lines, demeaning women and children, the sick and the “sinful”.  We must draw circles as large as Jesus’, never compromising His Word but seeing past people’s exterior (appearance, words, and actions) to the eternal souls made in the image of the Father needing desperately to know Him.
  3. Love our “Enemies” – Unthinkable, scandalous acts of generosity would go “viral” and awaken slumbering souls to the love of Jesus.  It’s difficult to imagine a Christian conservative washing the proverbial feet of a liberal Democrat (or vice versa), coming to their defense when members of one’s party unjustly malign the other’s character.  Envision acts so radically counterintuitive that Jesus would say, “that’s what I’m talking about!”  #CastAnEternalVote is designed to activate that dormant part of our brains, voting for Jesus because no other candidate can save America.
  4. Die to Self – Few Christians grasp one of the most life-changing concepts in all of Scripture.  Dying to self means laying down our lives, our desire for power or prominence, and our need to be “right”.  Only by reckoning ourselves dead, like the soldier in the foxhole, can Christians maximize Kingdom impact and churches achieve biblical unity.  Jesus was first and foremost a servant.  True servanthood requires a humility not possible when any vestige of self remains – because humility may involve humiliation, but not if there’s no self left to humiliate.
  5. Demonstrate Agape at Scale – Love is also a misunderstood and misapplied term, not only within secular society but among Christians.  Brotherly, romantic, and familial love are typically not unconditional.  Our Father is the only source of Agape and it’s best exemplified by our righteous Savior dying for the unrighteous.  The more we’re forgiven (and we’ve all been forgiven much) the more we should love – and forgive.  #CastAnEternalVote is actionable, yet also educational – we’ll stress that Agape should be the “why” behind all prayer, care, and share actions.
  6. Knowledge to Transformation – When intellectual understanding (about God) meets with personal experiences (with God), transformation should be the result.  Transformation empowers us by the Holy Spirit to be more faithful in prayer, passionate in worship, loving in relationships, studious in Scripture, vocal in evangelism, and generous in giving.  Few churches push members to take mind-blowing steps of faith (which open doors to revelations of God’s love, leading to transformation).  #CastAnEternalVote will provide inspirational examples of faith.
  7. Talk Less, Do More – Jesus doesn’t intend for His followers to be complacent, comfortable, and content.  He doesn’t call us just to worship and fellowship safely on Sundays.  We are to be “church” all week, acting and speaking openly in the light of day.  Most of all, Jesus demands we avoid pride and anger in response to a world increasingly hostile to our faith.  But it’s far easier to talk than to act.  #CastAnEternalVote will encourage passive, pensive, private, and proud Christians to follow Jesus’ model of demonstrating His love and then sharing who He is.

The 2024 Presidential election may be the best (or last) opportunity for Christians to spark revival in America.  When will there be a better chance to shock the world by doing exactly the opposite of what’s expected.  Isn’t that what Jesus did?  Yes, and it altered the course of history.

It’s Your Turn…

Are you frustrated with the state of America and concerned about our children’s future?  Do you feel powerless to do much about it, knowing you only get one vote, for candidates that may not instill a great deal of confidence?  #CastAnEternalVote hasn’t started yet, but that shouldn’t stop you from being the hands and feet of Christ, making an eternal difference in someone’s life today!

The post How Would Jesus Approach the 2024 Presidential Election? appeared first on Meet the Need Blog.

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Verse of the Day

Verse of the Day: Job 9:32-33

32 For he isnot a man, as I am, that I should answer him, and we should come together in judgment.

33  Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, that might lay his hand upon us both.

  • Mediator between man and God (1 Timothy 2:5)

Do not neglect to do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God - Hebrews 13:16
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