cityreaching (4)

GUEST-POST: City Saturation = Prayer Saturation x Christ Saturation

Get SATURATED With More of Christ!
Try These Five Easy Steps
David Bryant
In about a week, I will address a conference of 1000 Christian leaders from New York City to Philadelphia. We are preparing for JESUS WEEK 2024, which will take place in cities and communities across the region this summer. Now in its first decade, JESUS WEEK has a great website. Check it out here.
Mobilization for every JESUS WEEK involves a three-fold strategy:
  1. Christ Saturation
  2. Prayer Saturation
  3. City Saturation
My assignment is to inspire and train participants to saturate their own lives with more of the glories of the lordship of Jesus today so that, in turn, they can spread that same experience to everyone in their churches. This “Christ Saturation” initiative is foundational to the impact of the extensive, multifaceted outreach involved in every JESUS WEEK.
I usually end my training by giving everyone five very easy next steps. If you would like to explore how your life might become more caught up with the person, presence, power, and purposes of God’s Son, these next steps may be for YOU too!
Here we go!
Five Easy Steps Into a “Christ Saturation”

1. Above all, you need to start by saturating your own life with more of who Christ is today.

To enlarge and enrich your own vision of and passion for the majesty and supremacy of God’s Son today so that, in turn, you can share this with others, go to Scroll down to “Exalting Jesus: A 21-Day Video Journey Into More of Christ” and click on the button—and get ready to be saturated with much more of our Lord Jesus Christ!

2. Next, try to saturate fellow believers with more of the wonders of Jesus that you have uncovered.

Once you’ve taken the 21-Day Journey yourself, form a small group in your church to go on the Journey together, viewing three video clips per one-hour session for a total of seven sessions.

Within each session, take time between the three video clips to discuss what kind of fresh insights you’ve gained in each video clip about the glory of who Jesus is today.

End each session in a time of worship and prayer. Pray especially for a Christ-saturation of your entire church and for many there to wake up to the fullness of the greatness and glory of Jesus the way you have begun to do so through the 21-Day Video Journey.

3. Form a Christ Awakening Servant Team (CAST) inside your church to transform your church.

A CAST can have as few as four to five members who want to help saturate their church with more of the person, presence, power, and purposes of our reigning Redeemer today. The CAST strategy is easy to implement. Over time, it will bring a whole new spiritual dynamic into the life of your congregation.

To get started, go to Scroll down to the panel about the Nationwide Campaign and click on the button that says, “Learn More.” Then, scroll down to the panel about the CAST and click on that button to get all the help you need to form this group and begin to serve the Body of Christ in an unprecedented way.

4. Subscribe for free to the Christ Now Resources Catalog so you can keep growing in your life in Christ.

Visit, scroll down, and immediately sign up for the Catalog. You’ll receive a password by email that allows you to access a vast variety of literally thousands of free resources at any time that will help you go deeper and further with God’s Son, as well as equip you to help others experience a Christ awakening. Take 30 minutes to explore the Catalog, and you’ll quickly discover what a treasure trove it is!

5. Pastors and other Christian leaders should definitely consider drawing on the in-depth teaching found in “The Christ Institutes Video Training Series.

To begin, subscribe for free to the “Christ Now Resources Catalog” at Once you get into the Catalog, click on the button that takes you to the Institutes landing page—and you’re on your way!
Get started today!

About the Author

Over the past 50 years, David Bryant has been defined by many as a “messenger of hope” and a “Christ proclaimer” to the Church throughout the world. Formerly a minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, president of Concerts of Prayer International (COPI), and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee, David now provides leadership to and Proclaim Hope!, whose mission is to foster and serve Christ Awakening movements. Download his widely read ebooks at Enjoy hundreds of podcast episodes. Watch his weekly vlogs at David Bryant REPORTS. Meet with David through Zoom or in-person events through David Bryant LIVE!

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#ReimagineCITIES...Together Chicago


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Thank you for continuing your prayers for us and for our beautiful city! We are tremendously thankful for you. We pray that the Lord would bless you and your family this week for Thanksgiving. 
Please join us on the Prayer Partners Zoom Tuesdays 9:30-10:00 a.m. to pray for Together Chicago if you can. We would love to have our Prayer Partners on this weekly prayer zoom. 

Prayer Partners Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 886 5929 3151 Passcode: gKsZ54

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  • Pray for our Economic Development Department as we collaborate with two separate individuals who desire to purchase businesses to provide jobs in our city and partner with Together Chicago. Pray that they would be led strongly by the Holy Spirit. Pray especially for divine favor.
  • Pray for Together Chicago staff to have a blessed Thanksgiving with their families and safe travel. 
  • Pray for our ongoing and growing relationships with both the Lily Foundation and Stand Together Foundation. Pray that the Lord would give us wisdom moving forward with the use of grants and developing measurable outcomes of our work in violence reduction. Pray especially for Jacinta as she joins our staff to assist in this goal. 
  • Pray for our growing relationship with Billy Evans and the Public Safety Department. Pray also for a divine between TC and Mayor Johnson.

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  • Continue to pray for the Education fundraising campaign to be a success to see more funds raised for the youth, their families and our schools across the city. Pray even now that God would call forth generous donors.
  • Pray for Together Chicago's Education Team and Communities In Schools Chicago as they continue to host conversations surrounding a strategy to support Safe and Sound Schools and address violence in our schools.
  • Pray for our LYS Prayer Champions who are leading Prayer Corners each week outside their school, that they would be anointed as they partner with the Lord in prayer over their adopted schools: Pulaski ES, Clemente, Noble DRW, Julian HS, McKay ES, Jenner, Hanson Park, Ellington ES, Catalyst Circle Rock, Chicago Hope Academy, Brown STEM, Caldwell, Franklin Fine Arts, Peterson ES, Carlson ES and Beidler ES.

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  • Pray for the Chicagoland United in Prayer monthly meetings over the next two months as we meet and develop the agenda and theme for our CUIP Citywide Prayer event in February. Pray especially that many Pastors and Leaders would attend December's meeting as we will be making our promo video.
  • Pray that many would mark their calendars as the invite has gone out for the CUIP Citywide Prayer. Pray also that Pastors would invite their congregations to attend this annual prayer event with them.
  • Pray for the Chicagoland United in Prayer connection with the city's Public Safety Department to be even more solidified this year and that we would collaborate with excellence for no gun violence in our city through Building Blocks of Peace.

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  • Continue to pray for the Gospel Justice Centers who have been put on pause: Maple Park U.M. Church, Uptown Baptist Church. Pray that the Lord would intervene by His Spirit to equip these churches with an Attorney/Justice Champion. Pray especial for Trinity as they pause for health reasons.  Pray that the Lord would heal Robert and raise up another attorney.
  • Pray that there would be an abundance of attorneys on backlog who are available for our Gospel Justice Centers and that existing attorneys would train someone up to replace them eventually.
  • Pray for our Justice Champions and their teams at each Gospel Justice Center, that they would be strengthened with divine might by the Holy Spirit in their inner man. Pray especially for Shannon and a family emergency.

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  • Pray for supernatural peace over Greater Grand Crossing, Westhaven Park, Near West, East Garfield Park and N. Austin. Pray for an open heaven, with angels ascending and descending over this region. Pray especially for Austin this week, that the Lord would intervene between the two tribes that continue to be at war. 
  • Pray for the Lord to raise up a new Street Outreach Professional to fill the vacancy left by the sad loss of our brother, Marlon. Pray for strength for James and LaVonas as they fill in during this time.
  • Pray for Case Managers Tremaine and Shereka in Greater Grand Crossing to have an increase of wisdom, favor and discernment.
  • Pray that the Lord would continue to anoint our growing unity with other laborers in our city who are contending to make peace happen and an end to gun violence.

Thank you for your commitment to pray with and for us!

Together Chicago exists to be a catalyst for lasting change by reducing gun violence and increasing thriving communities in our city.

We catalyze faith, business, community, and government leaders to inspire hope and affect peace and justice in the communities we serve.


We focus on five areas: economic development, educational achievement, violence reduction, gospel justice, and faith community mobilization.
Together Chicago
200 W Adams St, Suite 2950
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 332-5713
Who We Are   Contact


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Guest Post ~ Three Ways to Seek the Wekfare of Our Cities

By Jim Denison 


Peter called his fellow believers “sojourners and exiles” (1 Peter 2:11). The former describes someone who is a foreigner or stranger; the latter refers to temporary residents. Taken together, they remind us that this world is not our home and that we are only here for a short time.


How are we to live in this foreign land?


The Lord’s letter to his Jewish exiles in Babylon is instructive (Jeremiah 29). It was preserved in Scripture because it has value not just for its original readers twenty-six centuries ago but for all readers across all times and cultures.


It begins: “Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce” (v. 5). This is the opposite of what they might have expected. Rather than finding temporary shelter, they were to construct lasting structures in which to “live” (the Hebrew is literally translated as “sit down and remain”). Creating gardens takes time, but they were not only to plant them but to “eat their produce” in the years to come.


In addition, they were to “take wives and have sons and daughters” to fulfill God’s call that they “multiply there, and do not decrease” (v. 6). Rather than allowing their nation to wither in exile, they were to seek to grow and prosper.


Now comes the most shocking instruction of all: “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lᴏʀᴅ on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (v. 7). “Seek” means to “run diligently after”; the “welfare” of the city refers to its peace, prosperity, health, and success. The exiles were to do all they could to promote the Babylonian city’s welfare and then to “pray to the Lᴏʀᴅ on its behalf” that he might do what they could not.


The reason was simple: “In its welfare you will find your welfare.”


Three ways to “seek the welfare” of our city


One response to the brokenness of our secularized culture is to withdraw into spiritual “huddles” with little concern for those outside our circle. But this ignores our commission to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). And it impoverishes us while denying others the good we can offer them in Christ.


What are some biblical ways we can “seek the welfare” of our broken culture?


One: “Show kindness and mercy to one another” (Zechariah 7:9). As the sign-holding man in Jacksonville reminds us, we cannot know the larger impact of a single act of encouragement and affirmation.


Two: “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another” (1 Peter 4:10). John Grove argues persuasively in Public Discourse: “We do not need more self-conscious crusaders for the nation or even for Western Civilization, but instead more priests, teachers, businessmen, artists, writers, and parents who perform their own activities faithfully, serving . . . as ‘leaven for the whole lump.’”


Three: “Bring salvation to the ends of the earth” (Acts 13:47). Paul was “not ashamed of the gospel” because it is “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). According to Tim Keller, “The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.”


How to love well


Christians have a unique gift for our culture today: we alone can demonstrate the kindness of Christ by offering our best service to hurting souls while sharing the good news of God’s love. But we cannot love well until we embrace the fact that we are well loved.


To that end, let’s close with this intercession from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer: “Help us so to know you that we may truly love you, and so to love you that was we may fully serve you, whose service is perfect freedom.”


Will you join me in offering these words from your heart to your Father today?


About Jim Denison

Jim Denison, PhD, is a cultural theologian and the founder and CEO of Denison Ministries, which is transforming 6.8 million lives through meaningful digital content.

Denison Forum
17304 Preston Rd, Suite 1060
Dallas, TX 75252-5618


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GUEST POST ~ Redemptive Prayer of a Righteous Person Changed A City

by Francis Frangipange

God's Response to Redemptive Intercession
When Abraham was confronted with the possibility of Sodom's destruction, he did not immediately jump on the "Destroy Sodom" bandwagon; instead, he went before the Lord and prayed for mercy for the city. Abraham's prayer is an amazing study on the effect a mercy-motivated intercessor has on the heart of God. Indeed, my objective here is to gaze into the heart of God as it is revealed in the discourse between the Lord and Abraham.

When we look at Abraham's prayer, we discover an amazing power granted us in intercession. And what is that? God is looking for a mercy reason that would justify Him delaying or canceling wrath. We must not belittle this principle, for in it is great hope for our land as well. The mercy reason for delay is found in the compassionate prayer of an intercessor.

Let us consider the Lord's initial response to Sodom's sin. First, He revealed to Abraham, His servant, what He was about to do. Why? Wasn't the evil so dark that it deserved to be destroyed? Yes, the wickedness in Sodom fully deserved divine wrath. Yet that is not why the Lord revealed to Abraham the pending judgment. The Lord informed Abraham of what was coming not so His servant could criticize, but so Abraham would intercede for mercy. Remember, God delights in mercy (Mic. 7:18) and takes "no pleasure in the death of the wicked" (Ezek. 33:11). The Lord always seeks for opportunities of mercy. Therefore, let's take note of how Abraham approached the Almighty:

"Abraham came near and said, ‘Will You indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city; will You indeed sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous who are in it? Far be it from You to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous and the wicked are treated alike. Far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth deal justly?'" (Gen. 18:23-25).

Notice, Abraham did not pray from a place of anger. He never said, "God, it's about time You killed the perverts." There was no finger-pointing vindictiveness in Abraham's soul. Somehow we have come to believe that non-compromising Christians must also be angry. Abraham never compromised with Sodom's depraved culture, yet he was above fleshly reaction. In fact, throughout his prayer, Abraham spent almost no time at all telling God what was wrong in Sodom. He appealed, instead, to the mercy and integrity of the Lord.

This is vitally important for us, because Jesus said, "If you are Abraham's children, do the deeds of Abraham" (John 8:39). One of Abraham's most noteworthy deeds involved his intercessory prayer for Sodom, the most perverse city in the world!

Abraham first acknowledged the Lord's integrity, then he spoke to the Lord's mercy.

"Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city; will You indeed sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty?" (Gen. 18:24).

The Lord knew that it would be unjust to slay the righteous with the wicked; Abraham's prayer did not enlighten the Lord of some unknown fact. But God in the process of determining future reality always prepares a merciful alternative, which is unlocked by the persevering prayer of a mercy motivated intercessor.

In other words, urgent, redemptive prayer shoots straight through the mercy door and enters God's heart. This door is never shut, especially since we have a High Priest, Jesus Christ, ministering at the mercy seat in the heavens (Heb. 8:1). It is open each and every time we pray.

Listen to how the Lord answered Abraham's prayer for mercy: "If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare the whole place on their account" (Gen. 18:26).

How the truth of God's mercy flies in the face of those so eager to judge their nation! Incredibly, the Lord said He would spare the whole of Sodom if He found fifty righteous people there. Now keep this in mind: the Hebrew word for "spare" means more than "not destroy"; it also means "to forgive or pardon." This is a tremendous revelation about the living God. He will minimize, delay, or even cancel a day of reckoning as long as Christ-inspired prayer is being offered for sinners!

Time and again throughout the Scriptures the Lord proclaims an ever present truth about His nature: He is "slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness" (Exod. 34:6). Do we believe this? Here it is, demonstrated right before our eyes in the Scriptures. He tells us plainly that a few righteous people scattered in a city can preserve that area from divine wrath.

Abraham knew the love of God. He was an intimate friend of God's. Abraham, in truth, had a clear view into the heart of God based on his own experiences. This interceding patriarch had seen the Almighty bless, prosper, and forgive him, so he pressed God's mercy toward its limits.

"What if there are forty?"

The Lord would spare it for forty.

Abraham bargained, "Thirty?"

He would spare it for thirty.


He finally secured the Lord's promise not to destroy the city if He could find just ten righteous people there. On God's scales, wrath is on one side and mercy on the other. Put the entire city of Sodom with all its sin and perversion on one side. The scales tip toward wrath as the weightiness of advanced wickedness runs rampant through an entire city. Let's assume that there were two hundred thousand evil people in Sodom. It is weighed heavily on the side of evil. Yet on the other side, place just ten righteous individuals. As the ten are placed on the scale, the spiritual weight of the righteous, with just ten, tips the scales toward mercy!

In God's heart, the substance of the righteous far outweighs the wickedness of the evil! Herein we discover what we are seeking in the heart of God through prayer: the Lord would spare (forgive) sinful Sodom, with its gangs of violent homosexuals, because of the influence of ten godly people who dwelt within it!

How About Your Community?
Now, let's think of your city: Are there ten good people among you? Consider your region. Do you think there might be one hundred praying people living within its borders, people who are pleading with God for mercy? What about nationwide? Do you suppose there might be ten thousand people interceding for your country? God said He would spare Sodom for ten righteous people. Do you think God would spare your nation for ten thousand righteous?

I lived in a metropolitan area in the United States that has about two hundred thousand people. I can list by name scores of righteous individuals, including pastors, intercessors, youth workers, black folks, white folks, Hispanic folks, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Christian business people, moms, dads, godly teenagers, praying grandmothers, secretaries, policemen, and on and on who live there -- far more than the ten righteous needed to save a place like Sodom. There are many who care about this city.

Think about your church and the greater church community in your city. Aren't there at least ten honorable people who sincerely care about your community, who desire that God would bring revival? Remember, the Lord said He would spare Sodom for the sake of the ten.

My plea in this message is that you would see yourself as one who is standing in the gap for your city. See if there are others in your community who will pray with you. The power of prayer can release a tsunami of mercy that can topple strongholds and set captives free in your region.

Finally, let us not give up our communities to the influences of hell. God is able to raise up a standard against wickedness. In fact, He says He looks for a man who will stand in the gap, that He might not strike the earth in His wrath. Will you be that one? You see, the true measure of spirituality is not how angry we become toward sinners, but how Christlike; our mission is not to see men destroyed, but redeemed.

Lord Jesus, forgive me for devaluing the power of prayer. Forgive me for underestimating how passionately You desire to reveal Your mercy. Lord, give me grace to be one who never ceases to cry out to You for mercy. Lord, let me not base my obedience on what my eyes see or my ears hear, but upon the revelation of Your mercy; let me build my life on Thee. Amen!


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Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book,The Power of One Christlike Life available at, on the topic of prayer. Francis Frangipane's In Christ's Image Training course devotes six weeks on the topic of prayer. We encourage you to consider enrolling in the upcoming Level I class.

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In Christ's Image Training

Sign up today for our next
In Christ's Image Training.
Online course begins April 1, 2022

Registration closes March 24, 2022

icit_termlogo_150.jpgIn Christ's Image Training is a six-month, online course developed by Pastor Frangipane. These are proven truths that break chains and lead to power in our Christian walk.

The course comes right to your home via email and audio messages and is designed to lift one's focus toward the actual presence of Jesus Christ. The full course not only includes 48 lessons and 39 audio messages (sample audio), but the discerning student will actually find the Lord using the weekly lessons to stage opportunities to deepen the truths found in the training.

For those with limited funds, the entire text is free by email. Just enroll in the Free Lesson Plan (new students only please).

Enrollment overview:

1) Go to our overview page and read through the Level I page, FAQ page, Level I Syllabus page and Tuition page.

2) Choose an enrollment plan.

3) Next, complete and submit the Level I Registration form before the end of the day, Thursday, March 24.

4) Class begins April 1, 2022.

For more info, please see


Training also available in Spanish / Español

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resources by 
Pastor Francis

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