I have been asked to lead a prayer vigil this coming Sunday evening outside the home of a 10 year old boy who is battling pneumonia and leukemia. I am honored to do so, but I have never attended a prayer vigil, much less led one.
What do you think?...What makes one believer an Intercessor while some seem to have no interest in intercession? Is it a gift? A calling? A mark of spiritual maturity or obedience? How does a person move from self-centered prayer to being burdene
"Prayer is another way of telling God that we have all confidence in him but no confidence in our own native powers. Neglect of prayer is an effrontry to God , for by it we are saying that we have confidence in the fresh and can operate the spiritual
c. 1984/2004 (20th Anniversary Edition with Leader's Guide, Baker Books.
Bill Hull writes with years of experience under his belt. He has lived out his mission to return the church to its discipleship roots as a pastor and as a leader of an independe
Christ said He came so we would "Have life and have it abundantly," but I always assumed that meant an abundant spiritual life, that my needs (food, shelter etc) would be met, but not that I would move into a mansion and make a six-figure salary. The
Can anyone recommend a good conference or training event to help women who are in ministry better understand the issues women (college, or young adult single or married) are facing today and help sharpen our skills for speaking to those issues? Ther
What comes to mind when you think of the term, "Evangelism?"
I think my first exposure to Evangelism was at a "tent meeting" where a preacher was preaching a "hell-fire and brimstone" message in which people were being converted through fear.
I know many of us have quiet time in the morning &/or the evening. I was just wondering what you do to bring God into your life during the 'everyday stuff'.
I have about 40 minutes, either walking to get my kids from school & then waiting or sittin
The second step of discipleship ... follows after a good start. That good start is acknowledgment of the need to Follow Him. As important is the acknowledgement of the Commission by Jesus...
I have a favorite singer/songwriter by the name of Marty
One of the best resources that I've seen on Resolving Conflict is a book by Ken Sande, "The Peace Maker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict" Baker Books (2004).
In his book, Ken elaborates on how the following principles can lead to
This is a very good book to lay a foundation and a guide to help us grow in our walk with God. I would highly recommend this to anyone who feels as if there walk with God is inconsistent, frustrating, and not fullfillng your soul. This will help all
I recently asked a resident of our mission " Why is it that so many men keep returning to the mission and re-enter our program?" His explanation was that they were (and he) three fiven' it. Upon further discussion I found he was referring to Pro
I'd like to hear more from others about how they moved through feelings of indequacy related to mentoring. I'm not sure that feelings of inadequacy are always a negative thing because they cause me to depend more fully on the help of the Holy Spirit
This book by Larry Osborne has been an interesting resource to get a small group to begin to think about what they believe. It has been personally challenging to study some common myths/urban legends and reflect upon where my early christian beliefs
I believe God protects us when we walk with Him. I have experienced this on many occasions when I felt moved to pray for my safety, then experienced an accident or event that should have killed or severely harmed me. I was heartened today when I read
I think this book is a very good presentation of what God wants us all to be. It talks about christians flourishing by living and being what God has meant for them to be. It takes the pressure off of living up to others expectations and gives us the
I have an appreciate for differences in worship styles and I've always been bothered by the "Worship Wars" that too often occur in the Church. I think of the early church and of persecuted churches and realize that they probably weren't standing aro
George Barna's Research Group released 6 revealing insights of the religious environment today and encourages those in Christian leadership to "revisit their criteria for success." Visit the following link and please comment as to what this means as