

May 13

Prayer vigil

I have been asked to lead a prayer vigil this coming Sunday evening outside the home of  a 10 year old boy who is battling pneumonia and leukemia. I am honored to do so, but I have never attended a prayer vigil, much less led one.   I am comfortable speaking and praying in public but want to make sure that I honor God, the young child as well as his family.    Any advice from my disciple making friends is requested and appreciated.   Tom

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The one verse that equals a college education

In my hunger for becoming a disciplemaker, I found Dallas Willard's The Great Omission written in 2006. He says "I often tell people I can give them one verse that is worth more than any college education, and it is Joshua 1:8. It will guarantee them the life that they only dimly dream to be possible."   I thought this was a great way for me to make disciples, especially since I work for a college!   So I made Joshua 1:8 my memory verse for this week. "Keep this Book of the Law always on your…

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  • Hi Tom and welcome aboard! Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We're looking forward to catching up with you for lunch in a week or so. Blessings! -doug
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