What's up (128)

Please Pray

**PLEASE PRAY*** A friend has asked for prayer for her niece Kelly. She's been in the hospital for 3 weeks after having a hysterectomy 7 weeks ago.  They don't know why her white blood cell count is so high.  They re-opened her incision so the infect

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Cancer cure

This is available, but rarely through prayer.  Usually, Christians pray for someone with cancer heavily with fasting and faithfulness.  And it is stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, stage 4 and finally stage Kavorkian.  Where was God?!?

For those who have pra

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Pastors vs. prayer

I've been in many dead churches which represent the majority of churches, unfortunately.  The pastor is emulating the catholic priesthood of old, but they don't have the Roman troops to knock heads together.  So they are very frustrated with the posi

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Did you think to Pray?

 Prayer is more important than you think. I guarantee it. Jesus said, "My house, my house, shall be a house of prayer." Did we forget to be a praying church while trying to be a missional church, a purpose-driven church, a NCD church, a seeker-sensit

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