I have a group of prayer leaders who meet monthly with me.
They have asked that we study a book on prayer this year as part of our monthly meeting.
What is a modern "classic"? I'm especially looking for missionary illustrations if possible.
Thanks for any suggestions!
Chuck, please clarify ...
Are you looking for stories of missionaries and their answered prayers?
You can search this site - hundreds of prayer-related books:
Yes, I've been there.
I guess as far as the illustrations, I'm looking for a book with illustrations of answered pray regarding community transformation, missions advance, etc. mostly ... as a vehicle for motivating prayer and instructing in prayer.
Try a few searches on this site ... just might find something ...
I have a well read colleague who may have an idea - back to you if he comes up with something,
Thanks Phil. I appreciate it.
Here is some suggestions. (linking to amazon, just for clarity)
George Muller is one of the classic ones, but might be too old http://www.amazon.com/Answers-Prayer-George-M%C3%BCllers-Narratives...
Paul Miller's A Praying Life is not directly on this. But instead is a guide to prayer. But he spend a lot of time talking about how he prays and how he has seen prayer answered through those prayers. Here is a review that I wrote on it a few years ago. http://bookwi.se/a-praying-life-connecting-with-god-in-a-distractin...
Reese Howell Intercessor by Grubb is what I would consider a modern classic. http://www.amazon.com/Rees-Howell-Intercessor-Norman-Grubb-ebook/dp... I read it 20 or so years ago and still think of it frequently. It was out of print for a while and I couldn't find a copy, but it came back in print and has ebook versions.
One of the problems with this type of book is independent verification. I am somewhat hesitant to recommend (and just haven't read a number) because like miracle stories, they often fall apart once investigated. The other problem is that some of these types of books become 'prayer as magic' books, which clearly is a problem.
But the three I recommended I think are all worth reading and looking at.
Thanks Adam, I know Paul Miller... I'd say it's a modern classic in many ways but not quite what this group needs. I appreciate your help and will certainly add them to my list!