Something to think about—Satan would love to make just one of the prophecies of God fail. There is a prophesy in Is 11: 12-16 of a road that connects Syria (including Iraq), Israel, and Egypt. Here is the issue. If all of the Christians are forced out of Iraq, then who will use the road when Jesus returns?
I know many will say that all the Christians will have been raptured before Jesus Returns—and that may be so—but if all their writings in their churches and elsewhere are destroyed, worship places destroyed, how share there be any way for those not raptured to turn to Jesus when there is no witness left?
This could spark a storm of debate—but what is more important—we here in the US and other places have a hard time realizing that the above is actually happening. We should be asking the Lord how to pray—so that His Word will always be present in one form or another, where ever men are.
This is something to think and pray about. How about it?
I shared this post with a friend who writes the Daily Jot,, and his response was--Agreed, and he also noted that the Lord always leaves a remnant.
With that thought--we should be praying for that remnant.
Do any of you have further thoughts?