

June 28

An Attitude of Prayer

I Thessalonians 5:17 simply reads "Pray Without Ceasing"  Is this really possible?   Did Paul issue a mandate that is unattainable? 

 In my studies I read that this means "a believer should always remain in an attitude of prayer, though not always praying audibly." *

Whew!  That's a relief! 

I am  able  to pray without ceasing if I am willing to have an attitude of prayer.   If we are honest with ourselves we don't always feel like praying,…

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I Need Your Help! Small Town Girl on A Mission to Spread the Awareness of the Power of Prayer!

Good Morning! My name is Min. Irene D. Wade I have a prayer ministry called S.I.S.T.E.R. Project (Sisters Interacting Socially to Encourage and to Restore). The mission of our prayer ministry is to spread the awareness of the power of prayer and to build a bridge between local regional and national prayer groups.  We are planning a prayer conference in the near future and I NEED YOUR HELP! I am asking that your pray for our upcoming prayer conference and that we would evangelize the message of…

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