Good Morning! My name is Min. Irene D. Wade I have a prayer ministry called S.I.S.T.E.R. Project (Sisters Interacting Socially to Encourage and to Restore). The mission of our prayer ministry is to spread the awareness of the power of prayer and to build a bridge between local regional and national prayer groups.  We are planning a prayer conference in the near future and I NEED YOUR HELP! I am asking that your pray for our upcoming prayer conference and that we would evangelize the message of Jesus to those who are lost, and to those who are broken and are in need of healing.  

Please send up prayers that God would re

ignite the fire of those who are saved that they will have a renewed passion for prayer and that we begin to bear fruit of the Holy Spirit so that we feed those who are starving in the spirit.  

I am looking for committed people of prayer to join us in this mission, and what better place to reach out than
to my brothers and sisters on the prayer network.  

This prayer call is not limited to women only, but we welcome men of God who support the vision of this ministry.  

We know that God has a powerful mandate on us to fulfill this mission.  

I Thessalonians 5:15  Pray without ceasing. 

I Thessalonians 5:24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. 

Our prayer calls are held each Thursday at 7:30pm EST (209) 647-1600 access code 148178#

Please join us on Thursdays in prayer (all are welcome men and women) 

Please feel free to leave a reply below to let us know you are praying with and for us! 

Love and blessings! 

Irene D. Wade 


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