Praying for Social Justice

Our church has an Anti-Human Trafficking ministry and one of its aspects is a call center where we call women who have potentially been trafficked into prostitution and offer help if they want it.  

We run this call center once a month, and our next one is coming up soon.  This month, we're starting a prayer team to pray for the call center.  I'm looking for ideas on this.

Do you have a team at your church or maybe a small group that prays over social justice issues like Human Trafficking?  If you do, would you share some of how you pray?  What do you emphasize?  How do you keep it from getting too political?  How do you keep the focus on God without getting lost in the details and horrors of the issue you're praying about?  Any ideas/experiences welcome!!

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  • Jesus' emphasis was on the individuals being transformed, the Christian society being transformed and therefore transforming society.  He called it leavening. Jesus never did anything with the Roman government, much to the apostles' frustration.  He judged the scribes and Pharisees because He was part of their church.

    I would offer prayer, deliverance and blessing to them who persecute our society - and them who pay for this evil.  Keep in mind the organization has a heirarchy leading all the way up to Satanism & Satan himself.  Before you pray, deliver any demons in your house to leave, in Jesus' name.  No need leaving demon-spies around.

    Right now, my biggest topic is Obama trying to plague America.  Knocking out the viruses.  Disclosing the workers doing this.

  • You are hosting a call in center. Are you going out, into the street / neighborhoods and contacting the women directly?  Rescuing those who are trafficked builds from relationships, and we have the light / life of the world to offer. Jesus went into the marketplace, the early church lived in the marketplace, and went house to house, neighborhood to rescue those held captive. Can your church put together an outreach team, and back it up with the call-in center?

  • Right now we are going to a church that is heavily missions oriented

    1. we are planting a church and building a home for the children being used for sex trafficking in Codo, Brazil the center of Voodoo in Brazil.

    2. In Uganda we provide medical assistance and commercial education for 55 mothers and their children.

    3. in Plaza de Caizan, Panama we are reaching out to the ignored Ngobe-Bugle Indians, helping their physical, educational and spiritual health.

    4. In Masaka, Uganda we are rescuing and raising up numerous orphans that have been in sex trafficking at an orphanage.

    5. We are involved in even more organizations, sending out missionaries, helping dealing with sex trafficking.

    see for a full list. Prayer & deliverance support back home is important for all these efforts.

  • Thanks for the responses!

    @Tim Burns:  The ministry has many facets including contact with the women when possible.  "Rescuing" is coordinated with the FBI, who are the experts in that area.  We have to be very cognizant that the women we contact are often being controlled and even having contact with us may put them in danger.  All of this is happening.  My question had to do more with the prayer aspect.  The team is very dedicated to prayer and has a team of people praying for them, as well as praying themselves before each call.  What I'm wondering is how other groups pray around situations like this, as my role is to help develop prayer materials.

    @Tim Temple: We certainly do pray for transformation, not just for the women but for those controlling them.  Again, the real focus of my question has to do specifically with prayer for social justice issues - the group is completely non-political and is concerned about the lives of the women with whom we interact.  There's certainly a place for having the right politics - that's just not our group's role.  Do you have any information specifically related to prayer around the ministries you mentioned in your second post?

    • I pray for the persecuted and the persecutors, heaping blessings upon them, believe it or not.

      If you bless someone and they want to walk with God, the Holy Spirit aids them.

      If you bless someone who is clueless, the Holy Spirit steers them toward righteousness.

      If you bless someone who deals in demons and evil, They suddenly find they are powerless.  They get confused and troubled.  If they persist kicking against the goads, they end up with mental and physical ailments.  If they still persist, they can end up dead.  But we aren't judging them. They judge themselves.  Bless them all and let God sort them out!

      The one case where I failed to heal someone of cancer, it was because she used a crystal ball every morning.

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