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Higher Ground


Crown Point at Columbia River Gorge, Oregon


From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee,

when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Psalm 61:2 KJV


I am God Most High—when you are faint, I give you new perspective.

     I am your Rock, higher than the valley of limited vision.

     In the midst of life’s sinking sand, I am your Stability and Confidence.

     In conflicts and sorrows, do as William Cushing* recommends in his hymn

          “Hiding in Thee”—fly to the Rock that is higher than you.

     From your dark valley of despair, view mountains in the distance.

     In your desperate situation, look forward to the daybreak of joy.

     Whatever your angst, I am your Hope.


I am Almighty God—when you are fearful, I surround and protect you.

     I am your Refuge, towering high above the valley of limited valor.

     In the midst of life’s storms, I am your Security and Courage.

     In tempests of life, on its wide, heaving sea, hide in the Rock of Ages.*

     I am your Solid Rock in a quicksand world.

     I am your Mighty Fortress in a dangerous world.

     I am your Shield in a demon-infested world.

     I am your Strong Point in an impersonal, uncaring world.

     Whatever your anxieties, I am your Hiding Place.


I am God of your life—when you are fragmented, I hold you together.

     I am your Residence, high above the valley of limited victory.

     In the midst of life’s stress, I am your Sanity and Calm.

     In conflict, pressed by the foe, flee to Me and breathe out your woe.*

     Whatever your address, I am your Home.


I am God above gods—when you are frustrated, I focus your heart.

     I am your Resolve, higher in meaning than the valley of limited value.

     In the midst of life’s sin, I am your Sanctification and Celebration.

     Looking for light in the darkness, joy in your sorrow, grace in your sin?

     Whatever your ambition, I am your Higher Ground.



© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 214 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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We seldom use the word behold in common speech. But it is a crucial word in Scripture and an essential concept for our spiritual lives. I could have posted this on my thinking in the Spirit blog, but particularly because of the passage I have chosen, I believe it fits Watching In Prayer better.

Behold is used three times in Jacobs encounter with God in Genesis 28:12-14. I have italicized them to emphasize its significance.

“He dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it! And behold, the LORD stood above it and said, ‘I am the LORD, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac. The land on which you lie I will give to you and to your offspring. Your offspring shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south, and in you and your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed.’”

Let me give you some applications of the word “behold,’ especially as it is used in this passage.

The foundational meaning of the word behold is simply to see. Here it means to see God. In Hebrews 11:27 we read that Moses endured because he saw Him who is invisible. Behold means to see the work of God. In John 5:19 Jesus said He could only do what He saw His Father doing. John 5:20 says the Father loves the Son and shows Him what He is doing. Behold is a command to see on a spiritual plane. We read about Stephen in Acts chapter 8. As he was being stoned for the gospel, the heavens were opened and he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God. He said “Behold, I see.” But those who were intent on stoning him were not willing to look.

Behold also calls us to pay attention to what God has to say to us. God spoke to Jacob standing above the ladder in his dream. And God will speak to you if you listen. He can speak to you in any way He chooses. He can speak in a dream. He will consistently speak to you in His word, in the fellowship of the church, in circumstances, and in all of these things, you will hear Him speaking as you pray.

Behold is a call to grasp the significance of what God is showing you. Jacob got it. He realized what God was saying to him. Realizing that God is speaking will open your heart you more and more meaning as you focus on what He is telling you, especially in Scripture. In Deuteronomy 6:6-9 God commands us.

“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

Beholding expects believing. When God speaks you need to recognize that He is real and that He is really speaking to you. In John 12 when Jesus prayed that His Father would glorify His name, a voice came from heaven saying, “I have glorified it and will glorify it again.” The people standing there were amazed. Some said, “An angel has spoken to him.” But Jesus said, No. “This voice has come for your sake, not mine.” God is speaking to you.

Behold calls us to experience the presence of the Lord. We seldom sing Surely The Presence in our churches. Its words come from verse 16 of Genesis 28.

“Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place. 
I can feel His mighty power and His grace.
I can hear the brush of angel wings. 
I see glory on each face.
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.”

Of course, these last words point us to the promise of the presence of Jesus any time we gather in His name. I have never sung the second verse of this song.

“In the midst of His children the Lord said He would be.
It doesn't take very many.
It can be just two or three.
And I feel that same sweet Spirit that I’ve felt so many times before
Surely I can say I’ve been with the Lord.”

There is a special promise of His presence in church. We are also in His presence any time we are listening to His voice. 

In verse 17 Jacob says he was afraid. He said what we should say every time we gather in church. “This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”
When you are in the presence of the holy God you ought to tremble like Jacob did. He was terrified. But it was not an earthly fear. He experienced the joyful fear of God.
The third verse of Surely The Presence sings.

“There's a holy hush around us as His glory fills this place
I’ve touched the hem of His garment
I can almost see His face
And my heart is overflowing with the fullness of His joy
I know without a doubt I’ve been with the Lord"

And that leads us to worship. When we see Jesus like John did in The Revelation, we too will fall on our faces before Him. If you do not worship, you have not experienced the reality of God.

Finally, the word behold calls us to 
The more time we spend in the presence of God, the more we desire to obey whatever He tells us to do.



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Stress Management

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Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you.



     I am infinitely superior to all the idols the world worships. False gods of the heart cannot satisfy your deepest yearnings. No-gods are less than nothing. You do not pray to the god whom you may or may not know, as the Babylonians did. You do not have to take a shot in the dark and petition the god whom it may concern, as those pagans did. I am the One and Only God—and I am concerned about you!


     You can cast all your anxieties and concerns and worries on Me—rest assured I care for you affectionately and watch over you day and night. You can be sure I am always thinking about you—it matters to Me what happens in your life. Let Me have your cares, and you can live carefree. This approach to living is far more effective than the naïve philosophy that advocates “don’t worry, be happy.”


     Often you are care-full, when you could and should be care-free. Here is My recipe for peace—pray about everything that concerns you; tell Me what you need; thank Me for My answers; focus your mind on truth, honor, right, purity, loveliness, and excellence. If you do this, you will enjoy the pleasure of My company and experience My calm.


     When you were a child, you had trouble blowing up balloons. You did not seem to have the breath for it. Now that you are grown up, you still have some trouble with balloons—and with life’s frustrations. When weariness takes all the wind out of your sails, I can reenergize you and pump you up by My Spirit Wind. When you are all worn out, the Breath of Heaven can lift you up. Here is My formula for a worry-free life—prioritize living for Me and make My kingdom your primary goal, and I will take care of the rest.


     When the peace of God is elusive, your trouble is that you keep attempting to carry your own cares, and in the process you get crushed under the heavy, impossible load.


     If you will give your cares to the God of peace, I will carry them—and you. Submit to My gentle mastery as you reread My cordial invitation to you: Come to Me all who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.


     Let go of your stresses and let Me sustain you—I will bear your burdens on My strong shoulders and make your heart lighter than air.


     I manage the universe—do you think I cannot manage your stress?



© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 213 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Understanding God


Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.

Psalm 54:4 NIV


     The most critical decision you need to make is to trust Me. Take My invitation and challenge personally—make the Almighty God your help, and I promise to hold you together.


     I stand beside you by My Presence. When you are surrounded by spiritual forces of malignant evil that would undermine you, I support you by goodness and undergird you. Do not tremble in fear thinking of forces stronger than you—  a Power far greater than any other is on your side and fighting battles for you. Be strong in the Lord. Storms will not orphan you. War will not kill you. Satan will not defeat you. You will not be forsaken—because I am your Friend.


     I stand for you with My power. When you are struggling with temptation that would demoralize you, I enforce you by grace and deliver you. Suit up in My armor and take a stand in opposition to satanic schemes. Carry the heavenly faith shield to extinguish hellacious flaming arrows. You will not fail—because I am your Freedom.


     I stand within you by My peace. When you are stressed out by pressures of unrealistic deadlines that would unravel you, I sustain you by My rich gifts and breathe supernatural calm into your soul. I still can hush the high seas to sleep. When you are in a perfect storm, I am your Bridge over troubled water. You will not fall apart—because I am your Fortress.


     I stand beneath you by My Providence. When you are stumbling under the weight of overwhelming cares that would crush you, I stand under you by My government and carry you. I can do more than you can imagine. When you panic in quicksand, I am your Solid Rock. You will not fall—because I am your Foundation.


     I stand ahead of you by My promise. When you seek equilibrium in roller-coaster situations that would undo you, I secure you by My greatness and stabilize your heart. I illumine tomorrow’s path. And when the time is right, I will inaugurate My master plan for the eons. You will not falter—because I am your Future.


     The Changeless Rock of Ages stands under you, and the Compassionate Friend of sinners understands you. Live confidently today—assured that I will see you safely through perplexity, pain, pressures, and problems. At the end of the day,   sunset will be a personal victory celebration—bow your head and say thanks.



© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 212 Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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(Adapted from HOPE, The Anchor of The Soul)

The Anchor of Perspective

Understanding that Jesus really rose from the dead has transformed the lives of people who have followed Him down through the ages. They could minister in the midst of plagues at the risk of their lives. They gladly died to help their neighbors, and loved ones, and people they didn’t even know. They were willing to stand for the Bible and the truth of the gospel even in the face of martyrdom.

We see this in the death of Stephen. He could even pray for the men stoning him, “Don’t hold this sin against them.” And he could pray, “Lord Jesus receive my spirit,” because he knew the Lord was there to receive him. And this was not a unique testimony. Others have said similar things at death. He cried while he was dying, “Look, I see the throne in heaven and the son of man standing at the right hand of God.” I cannot help but wonder what his attackers might have seen if they had looked. Stephen was certainly convinced they would see Jesus as he saw Him.

The Anchor of Prayer

My heart throbs at the simple prayer of Stephen, and so many others who have died with prayer in their hearts and on their lips. When you come to know a risen Savior it radically changes the way you pray. And such prayer gives you hope in the face of life or death. Prayer is itself an expression of hope.

Are you cultivating the habit of prayer? This is crucial because you know you will face difficult circumstances. You will come under spiritual attack. 1 Peter 4 begins,

“Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God.”

And 1 Peter 4:12 says,

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.”

You need to know, if you do not already, that your enemy will do everything he can to keep you from praying. If you are in the habit of spending time in prayer, you will still be able to pray when your enemy is telling you God doesn’t hear, or things are too bad for you to pray.

Some years ago I went to a training conference at Jefferson Baptist Church. Their primary program is helping people pray extended time every day. More people attend that church each week than the number of people who live in the little town of Jefferson Oregon. And they attribute their growth to prayer. At the conference they encouraged us to commit to pray for an hour every day. You have to rearrange your life to spend a full hour daily in prayer. But that is the kind of habit that will terrify the enemy and keep us praying when we are tempted to give up.



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Making A Conscious Effort



God looks down from heaven on the entire human race;

to see if there is even one with real understanding, one who seeks for God.

Psalm 53:2 NLT


     My search for people who understand who I am and what is right invariably leads to disappointment. Crowds loiter in a valley of indecision—opinion polls are still out about who I am and how to relate meaningfully to Me.


     Reflect on your conscience. Human nature being as it is, everyone has turned away from Me, and in the process they have become thoroughly corrupt. Forsaking the Good Shepherd, people attempt to shepherd themselves through life. The majority live as if I do not exist. Nominal Christians live like practical atheists. Without Me, you cannot be good.


     Only the Savior can erase your sins. You are not an exception to the universal rule of sinfulness and death. Everyone—including you—falls short of My glorious standard. The payoff is death. The other side of the moral coin is more encouraging—though you are a sinner, you can freely receive My unmerited grace. Heaven’s gift of eternal life through My Son is yours for the taking. You cannot earn this gift, and you do not deserve it; but if you repent and believe, it is yours.


     Kneel at the cross. Turn from evil—really live! Banish from your mind the very thought of doing wrong—my pardon will flood your soul with peace and reinvigorate your spirit to enjoy life.


    Keep the change. Only I can educate you to understand the solution to the sin problem. Without Christ, you are miserably corrupt. With Christ, you are changed—a heart transplant gives you a new, tender heart; birth from above gives you a new character; faith eyes give you a new perspective and hope; new life from the Holy Spirit transforms you into a brand new person.  Focused on new goals and driven by new ambitions, you are different.


     My search for people who conscientiously seek My face is often futile. However, your search for Me is fulfilling and delightful. I promise that if you seek Me with all your heart, you will find Me. Pursue life’s noblest quest—yearn for My Presence and experience My transformational strength. Sing the ancient song of saints intent on living in the moral highlands.


     Make a conscious effort! Be desperate for Me—I promise that you will not be disappointed.



© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 211 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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What Were You Thinking?

A frequent question that follows an unwise action is, “What were you thinking?” It usually implies that had you been thinking properly, you would not have done what you did. An early example for me was watching my buddies smoke grapevine stems. Thinking I might enjoy that also, I lit up and inhaled, only to get a mouth full of ants. “What were you thinking?” Much later in life, I decided I was strong enough to carry heavy luggage all over Germany during a sabbatical leave. That thought resulted in hernia surgery. "What were you thinking?" Sometimes we allow our actions to overrule our thoughts. Mark Twain said it this way, “Life does not consist mainly, or even largely, of facts or happenings. It consist mainly of the storm of thoughts that is forever flowing through one’s head.” The writer of Proverbs said it like this, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). When thoughts determine actions, we do better. When actions precede thoughts, we often get in trouble. What are you planning to do today? Think about it.

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Guilt Trip


Don’t keep looking at my sins. Remove the stain of my guilt.

Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me.

Psalm 51:9-10 NLT


     Individual confession is the temperament you need for a new creation. Judging others merely adds to your own iniquity. It is you that needs forgiveness, your transgressions that should concern your heart, your personal iniquity that burdens you, your sin that clouds the sunshine of spontaneity. Claim the promise of the second chance—confess your sins, and I can be depended on to forgive and purify you.


     Dismount your high horse of imagined goodness! Quit sneering in contempt at dirty faces of sinners around you. You cannot change yourself—only I can, so give up your haughty habit of criticizing others not measuring up to your standards. Confess and renounce your superiority complex—humble yourself and be lifted up.


     Internal cleansing is the miraculous therapy only I can do. When I wash you, you are snow-white. Heart cleansing is My work. Transplanting tender hearts for stony hearts is something only I can do. Confess and renounce your subterfuge—be honest to God and learn.


     Immaculate change is transformation only I can make happen. I alone purify your heart and give you a clean bill of health. In Christ alone is there new creation—new life and a fresh start. Confess and renounce your sin—pursue holiness and live in My love.


     Intimate companionship is the highest thrill you long for. You are not an orphan on life’s high seas—you are the apple of My eye. You experience no drought of joy—a river of life flows through your soul. Quit singing the blues; dance My jig of joy! Confess and renounce your sadness—be truly happy and love life.


     Intense celebration is the triumph of a right relationship with Me. When you are pure in heart, you see Me. When you are near My heart, you sing hymns of optimism and praise even at midnight. Confess and renounce your sulkiness—be hopeful and lean on Me.


     Instructional conversation is teaching that you do in My Name. My converting work in you is heart-to-heart conversation influencing your words and deeds. You are My masterpiece, My work of art with a noble purpose of good works that influences and inspires others on their inner journey. Confess and renounce your selfishness—be helpful and lead.



© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 210 Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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I believe this is the most important truth that God has pressed upon me in the past few years. I wrote a book that was never published, titled, SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE. I abandoned that book because God convicted me that part of my purpose in writing it was to say, “I am smart.” I am still plumbing the depth of that wickedness. In addition to and because of my pride, the focus of about half of that book was wrong. I would rather write something on Spiritual Childishness. I have been stirred again and again by the words of Jesus in Luke 10:21.

“In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.”

I certainly don't understand enough about this concept to write a book. But I think I do see some really good things that relate to it.

First, in Spiritual Childishness we have The Humility of Understanding.

Like a child we come to spiritual things knowing we do not understand them. And God in grace reveals Himself to His children.

Then, Spiritual Childishness brings us to The Submissiveness of Understanding.

Most spiritual insight is blocked by our willingness to argue with God. When you come to something in Scripture that goes against what you think, the struggle to understand must be accompanied by an attitude that says, “If this really is what You are saying God, I will change my mind.”

Spiritual Childishness develops The Faith of Understanding.

Children automatically trust many things to their parents. The arrogance and fear of unbelief keep us from risking and resting in the arms of God.

Finally, Spiritual Childishness brings The Joy of Understanding.

Children often have a freedom to rejoice over many things. Fellowship with Christ brings us into the joy that overflows into our hearts from this verse.

I too rejoice in the Holy Spirit and thank You, Father, 

that You offer Your truth to little children.



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Sitting in the barber chair, I told my barber that our hairs are numbered. “I will have less hairs to number once my hair is cut,” I joked, and then decided to probe a bit deeper. “I didn’t always believe in God…Do you believe in God?”

“I’m not sure, but would like to know for certain,” my barber said.

“Would you like to dialogue about it? Do you have a Bible?” My barber said he didn’t. So by the time my hair was nicely trimmed, we set an appointment at a coffee shop for Sunday afternoon.

Many people are not open like my barber, but how can we use natural opportunities to do our kingdom ministry? Luke 22 offers ways we can prepare ourselves to show Christ’s love to others.

  1. Reject deception

While Passover was approaching, religious leaders, fearing the people, sought to put Jesus to death. Satan entered into Judas who gave in to his deception and described to the leaders how he would betray Jesus (Luke 22:1–6). Reject deception by not allowing Satan to betray and put Jesus to death in your life. 

  1. Trust in Jesus’ word

Jesus instructed Peter and John to prepare the Passover by following a man carrying a water pitcher into a house with a furnished, upper room (Luke 22:7–13). They may have thought these were odd instructions, but Jesus knew the eternal plan. Trust in Jesus’ word by obeying Him.  

  1. Participate in the Lord’s Table

As the apostles and Jesus sat together for the Passover meal, He said, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.” Jesus took the cup and bread and gave thanks, symbolizing His body and blood poured out in the new covenant. This sets an example and serves as a reminder for us today (Luke 22:14–23). Participate in the Lord’s Table to enter into Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross

  1. Serve others

The apostles disputed who would be greatest among themselves. Jesus said gentile kings lord it over others, but the greatest of His disciples serve one another. Just as the Father granted Jesus a kingdom, He enabled His apostles to eat and drink at His table where they would sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Luke 22:24–30). Serve others to experience greatness.

  1. Resist temptation

When Satan demanded permission to sift Peter like wheat, Jesus prayed that Peter’s faith wouldn’t fail. Jesus predicted that Peter’s self-confidence would lead to denying Him three times, and He told him to strengthen his brothers after returning to God (Luke 22:31–34). Resist temptation with prayer so your faith can strengthen others

  1. Trust new provisions

Though Jesus said to carry nothing in their mission to the Jews, He now instructed them to bring a purse and sell their robe to buy a sword. Jesus was numbered with the transgressors and said, “it is enough” after they found two swords” Trust God to meet your needs in the midst of future challenges, hardships and hostilities as you carry out your mission (Luke 22:35–38). Trust new provisions to carry out gospel mission

  1. Wrestle in prayer

Jesus told His disciples to pray so they may not tempted. Jesus prayed that the Father would remove the cup not according to His own will, but God’s will be done. An angel strengthened Christ in His agony of prayer that was so fervent that He sweat like drops of blood. When Jesus found His disciples sleeping from sorrow, He told them to rise and pray to not enter into temptation (Luke 22:39–46). Wrestle in prayer to not enter into temptation.

  1. Trust in God’s sovereign plan

When Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, Peter cut off a slave’s right ear, which Christ healed. He said that religious leaders came against Him with weapons when formerly they didn’t lay hands on Him because it wasn’t His time (Luke 22:47–53). Trust in God’s sovereign plan for your life.

  1. Remain close to Jesus

Peter followed at a distance after they arrested Jesus. Peter later denied Him three times and when he remembered Jesus’ words, he wept bitterly (Luke 22:54–62). This resulted not only in a physical distance but also a spiritual distance because of Peter’s fear. Remain close to Jesus to prevent denying Him.

  1. Reject world’s mocking of Jesus

While holding Jesus in custody, they mocked and beat Him. They said many things against Him, while blaspheming (Luke 22:63–65). Reject the world’s mocking of Jesus

  1. Believe Jesus’ authority

Jesus told the religious leaders they wouldn’t believe or answer His questions. He also said that “the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God.” They refused any additional testimony after Jesus said He was the Son of God (Luke 22:66–71). Believe Jesus’ authority seated at the right hand of God.

The evil one seeks to get you to deny God’s sovereign plan for your life by attacking you as you follow Christ at a distance, as you are intimidated by the world’s mocking, as the world speaks against Him to cause you to disbelieve Christ’s authority and power. But by trust, obedience, and prayer you will share in Jesus’ victory.

Final Thought: Use natural opportunities to do your kingdom mission, rejecting deception by the evil one.

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The Blessing of Stillness


Be still, and know that I am God … Selah.

Psalm 46:10a, 11b NIV


     Uncomfortable with silence? Addicted to comfort of noise? Why not turn off your gadgets, call a halt to hectivity for a day, and ponder what you are aiming for and why you are living? Acknowledge I am irrevocably and totally responsible for everything. Get out of fast forward mode—push the pause button …


     I am your Eternal Refuge in the storms of life. In difficulties, I am your Mighty Fortress. In faith quakes, I am your Rock. On high seas, I am your Captain. I am not a very absent help in time of trouble—I am your Invincible Hiding Place. Satan cannot disturb your rest when you are nestling near My heart. I am your Castle of courage—when you are humbly relying on My grace, NO FEAR is far more than a t-shirt motto. Exit bumper-to-bumper high-speed traffic—take a scenic route.


     In the turmoil of life’s pandemonium, pause to calmly think about Me—I calm your raging storms by My Presence.


     I am your Ecstatic Resource in the sorrows of life. I am your Delightful Festival of celebration, cascading your inner being with joy from the unseen river of My Holy Spirit. Perfect peace cures worry. Heavenly patience slows hurry. Living Water quenches soul thirst.


     Jerusalem did not have a river, but it had the LORD Almighty. I was more than enough for them—and I am more than enough for you. In the trauma of life’s pain, pause and calmly think about Me—I cure your sadness by My peace.


     I am your Exalted Ruler in the struggles of life. I am the Prince of Peace who will unite unsettled nations, inspire warriors to become farmers, and halt senseless combat.


     Human solutions have not fixed problems of planet Earth. The military solution has aggravated international disputes. The economic solution has widened the gap between rich and poor. The political solution has broken innumerable empty promises. The white-horse Rider who judges righteously is heaven’s Final Answer. I am your Dependable Future of confidence—brightening tomorrow. In the terror of life’s perplexity, pause and calmly think about Me—I cheer your soul by My promise.


 © Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 209 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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State of the Heart


In God we have made our boast all day long,

and we will give thanks to Your name forever.

Selah [Pause and calmly think about that.]



     I am the God of your yesterdaysrecall the times you celebrated Me. Triumphs came not because of your sword, but because of Mine. Success came not by your limited ability, but My infinite strength.   


     The light of My smile has illuminated the darkness of your fears time and time again. Memory of your history is encouraging when you reflect on Unfailing Love. You have never gone wanting for good things, so you should not complain about your current frustrations.


     Recall My peacelet heartfelt praise transform your depression into delight and give you a new view.


     I am the God of your todayrejoice in conquests you experience in Me. By heaven’s power you overcome ferocious spiritual enemies. In My invigorating energy, you win life’s battles before they are fought. Pledging undivided allegiance to the King of your heart, you are guaranteed victory at every turn.


     Through the Name above all names you defeat evil threatening to overwhelm you. Suited up in heavenly armor, you still stand tall after the smoke of battle clears. My mastery is your confidence in struggling with temptation—Satan will not throw you when you cry out for My help.


     Rejoice in My power—let heartfelt praise transform your defeat into dynamics and give you a new vitality.


     I am the God of your tomorrowsrely on My constancy. Even if it seems I have given you up, rest assured I will keep My promises. Resolve to obey Me no matter what—I honor that kind of commitment.


     If you feel like retreating before foes, depend on My Holy Spirit to cause a turnaround and inspire you to seize the initiative again. Saints are sinners who keep trying—never give up! Though the world makes fun of your faith, make Me your Refuge and survive the storms. Do not let mysteries of the unknown cancel your hope—count on Me.


     Rely on My promises—let heartfelt praise transform your doubt into devotion and give you a new vision.


 © Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 208 Gentle Whispers from Eternity  

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God’s Exit Ramps

A new term has been added to modern discussions. I’m hearing the term “exit ramp” used to describe everything from how to end a negotiation, to how to end an assignment. Recently a political candidate spoke of running full speed for office, and not planning an “exit ramp” if it didn’t work out. Best-selling author, Karen Salmansohn wrote, “The best things in life are often waiting for you at the exit ramp of your comfort zone.” Have you ever begun a project, believing it was of God, then struggled along the way? Ever wondered if there really was an end to a godly beginning? It’s like finding the correct entrance ramp but failing to find the right exit ramp. In the Old Testament, Solomon was building the Temple, and apparently struggling with the plans he had been given to finish it. That’s when his father, David, said to him, “Be strong and of good courage . . . do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God—my God—will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD” (1 Chronicles 28:20). Stop looking for an exit ramp. Stay faithful to the task, and in His time, God will provide the exit ramp.

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Trail of Tears


Why am I discouraged? Why so sad? I will put my hope in God!

I will praise him again—my Savior and my God!

Psalm 42:11 NLT


     In your grief, surrender through your trials. Crying sad tears as society scoffs at faith’s radical perspective? Heartbroken as skeptics make fun of your optimistic creed? Sighing and singing the blues as cynics deride your hopeful stance? Tempted to wonder where I am as atheists question My existence? Return to Me.


     In your grappling, search through your trouble. Thirsty for significance in a world experiencing spiritual drought? Reach out for Me. Yearn for My Presence as a deer pants for the brook. Do not settle for anything less than infinite joy. I do not ration My Spirit—it cascades from My heart to yours—drink deeply at the Fountain.


     In your gladness, sing through your travels. Nostalgic about how it used to be? Reflecting on good old days when crowds celebrated My love? Remember high points of worship. Conduct therapeutic self-talk—respond to disturbing inner voices. When you are down-in-the-mouth, place your hope in your Creator. Fix your eyes on your Face Healer—I will put a smile on your face. Reflect on your relationship to the One who will always be here for you.


     In My goodness, struggle through your tension. Whatever disturbs or dismays you will pass, but I never change at all. Look forward to looking back on whatever has worried you on earth. Remembered from eternity’s perspective, difficulties will become blessings. Heartaches are steppingstones along an upward-winding trail. Be patient and poised—heaven will never be surprised by any emergency.


    Trust My guidance and unfailing love—gladly sing My praises. Faith quakes will stop. Storms will subside. The sun will shine again. Rely on Me—nestle near My loving heart.


     In your midnight hour, believe in Me and you will hear nocturnal echoes of heaven’s melody of hope. Trust Me, however sad life gets—then you can dance the jig of joy. Remember what a Jewish girl named Etty Hillisum wrote in her diary as she endured a World War II concentration camp: “There will always be a small patch of sky above, and there will always be enough space to fold two hands in prayer.”


     In My grace, smile through your tears.


© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 207 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Face of Victory

One of my favorite Bible verses is the apostle Paul’s statement in 2 Corinthians 2:14 that God “always leads us in triumph in Christ.” That’s a beautiful promise, but lately I’ve been rethinking what it means to live a triumphant life.

Some preachers act as if the Christian life is meant to be a journey from one mountain top to another, with no valleys in-between. They act as if we can have victory without any battles along the way.

However, that’s certainly not what Paul is saying here. Several chapters later, he provides a long list of the severe hardships he had faced in his service to the Lord. Yes, God had met all of his needs, but Paul’s “abundant life” also included abundant trials. Frequent beatings…imprisonment…shipwreck…robbery…false accusations…sleeplessness…inclement weather, betrayal – and other difficulties too numerous to mention (2 Corinthians 11:23-30).

So, what does the triumphant Christian life really look like? I’m beginning to think it looks a lot like famed boxer Rocky Balboa after one of his fights. He was knocked to the mat numerous times during each fight, but he never stayed there. And although his face and body were pummeled almost beyond recognition, Rocky was able to loudly proclaim his victory at the end of the story.

Perhaps you think this illustration is much too bloody, and certainly not a very appealing illustration of the victory available in Christ. Maybe not. But the illustration fits more accurately than the depictions of Jesus and His apostles with rosy cheeks, halos, and garments that looked like they were dry cleaned every day.

In fact, in Mel Gibson’s movie, “The Passion of the Christ,” the beaten and crucified Jesus looks a lot like Rocky Balboa. How ironic that while the cross seemed like His ultimate defeat, it turned out to be His ultimate victory. He got knocked down, but He got up again.

My friend, if you feel like you’ve been pummeled by life’s circumstances, remember Rocky Balboa – and Jesus. Even if you feel bloody and broken today, you’re probably a lot more victorious than you realize.

Your dreams may seem dead at the moment. But if you don’t give up, I’m betting that your resurrection is right around the corner.

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9570815657?profile=originalFor discipling people, I like to use the analogy of rubber bands and shoelaces. People need both enough stretch (rubber bands) and enough support (shoelaces) to be able to move forward. One without the other is incomplete. People need to be stretched and challenged in order to grow. They also need the connectedness of being tied in with others for support.

The writer of Hebrews outlines the dual needs of stretch and support in the context of community:

Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:23-25, NRSV)

Let’s unpack this rich passage, as it has a great deal to say about how we are to disciple one another:

  • “let us consider…” The word consider implies intentional thought about how to help another individual. We are to take our time, sit down and consider the best way to spur one another on, recognizing that it may look differently for different people.
  • “how to provoke one another…” This phrase speaks to the very nature of community. Some translations use the phrase “spur one another on,” which implies both challenge and encouragement. Community is designed so that we might encourage one another on toward growth. That growth happens in the context of community, and we help move each other toward it.
  • “to love and good deeds…” And toward what end are we spurring one another on? To love and good deeds. Not just love, not just good deeds—both. Here we see the highlighting of both the internal and the external, the being and the doing. That’s holistic discipleship.
  • not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some…” Consistent meeting together speaks to the intentionality of the relationships. In any community of people, relationships can fade out if we’re not careful. We need to be intentional about maintaining our discipleship community.

Too often when we think of discipleship, we think of the practices of an individual. Yet Jesus never intended discipleship as something to be done alone. What are some of the specific ways we can support one another in community—as rubber bands and shoelaces—as we go about our journeys of living as disciples of Jesus?

I personally think of three categories: relationships, environments, and processes. As leaders whose goal is to make disciples of Jesus, our work is to create the kinds of environments, relationships, and processes that facilitate discipleship.

  • What kinds of environments facilitate discipleship?
  • What types of relationships facilitate discipleship?
  • What kinds of processes facilitate discipleship?
  • And lastly, what can you do to make these types of environments, relationships, and processes readily accessible to anyone touched by your ministry who wants to grow in their walk of discipleship?

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

*This blog entry was originally posted on

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The Pleasure of God's Company

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.
Psalm 37:4 NLT  


     Delight in the wonder of our relationshipbe sure of focus. Enchantment with anything else can be disillusioning, but I never fail. Avoid false gods of the heart—never let anything usurp First Place. Worship the Invisible and Eternal One, be content with your lot in life, and walk humbly with the King of your heart—live a purpose-driven life. Enjoy the pleasure of My company and vindicate your faith to the world.


     Dedicate yourself to living My waybe sure of fulfillment. Devoting yourself to lesser causes leads to despair, but relying on Me and committing your energy to My service increases hope and peace. Place your entire being on the altar of sacrifice and you will find true joy. In his hymn “Trust and Obey,” John Sammis goes to the heart of the matter: “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus.” Want a worthwhile purpose? Searching for a reason to get out of bed in the morning? Walk in My steps.


     Depend on Me in life’s waiting roombe sure of a bright future. Be calm in My Presence; wait patiently for Me; steady as you go. Relying on anything else will dishearten you. Other staffs you lean on will break and pierce your hand and heart—I am the Only Absolutely Trustable Spot in the universe.


     Decline wrath—be sure of friendship. Giving in to rage and anger always disrupts relationships. I alone bring perfect peace—let Me.


     Discipline your walk—be sure of forward spiritual progress. You stumble on your own, but you will never fall if you hold My hand—I will see that you make progress in Christlikeness. Some will tell you the Devil is in the details—the fact is I delight in every detail of your life. An undisciplined day paints a sunset of defeat—watch your step!


     Displace all wickedness—be sure of fidelity to your Master. If you want to really live, you must reverse evil! Transgression distracts from life’s highest purpose and is deadly to peace. I place you in a crucible to purify you and draw you nearer to My side—stay close.


     Decide for wisdombe sure of fairness in your relationships. Know the difference between right and wrong, and then choose wisely. Do not join fools practicing deception and deceit. Keep company with Me—and you will surely enjoy life’s best!

 9570810865?profile=original© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 206 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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This Week’s Question: What is the fundamental missing element implied in James 2:1-9? And why is it so important?

The first section of this chapter, James 2:1-9, addresses partiality, and included under that topic are discrimination, partisanship, and a host of other divisive ills including racism, sexism, nationalism, chauvinism, jingoism, and a host of other similar beliefs. James criticizes such behaviors, without explicitly stating the root cause. Consequently the question we must consider is what is the fundamental missing element in that passage? It should not be difficult to recognize that love is the missing element (see James 2:8)! As stated in an earlier post, the motives behind partiality are fear, lust, and pride; which, according to the Bible, do not emanate from God since lust and pride are denounced repeatedly in The Bible, and Paul, in II Timothy 1:7, states explicitly, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” So the real question is why is love so important? From a Biblical perspective, there are many reasons to justify love, but for this discussion we will focus on three: (1) God commands His followers to do so; (2) Love is the distinguishing characteristic that separates God’s children from satan’s; and (3) From God’s perspective, a person’s motive is more important than one’s deeds.

Let’s start with the commandment. When Jesus was asked, “… which is the great commandment in the law (see Matthew 22:36)?” He stated two. Beginning in Verse 37 “Jesus said, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.’" These commandments, according to Jesus, are inseparable and summarizes the entire Bible! The problem is many of Christ’s purported followers are resolved to expend energy building the vertical dimension of love (with respect to God), while ignoring the horizontal dimension, by disdaining one’s neighbor. Once again I John 4:20 brings clarity to this issue, “If someone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?” The bottom-line is this: There is no optionality with respect to Christ's followers loving one another despite their differences; It is commanded of them by God!

The second reason love is important is it clearly identifies God’s true children according I John 4:7-8, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” Nicodemus was told by Jesus that no one can either see or enter the Kingdom of God, unless they are born again (see John 3:3, 5). To be “born again” means to be “born of God” and requires transformation, since all are born into sin, and thus, are born as minions of satan. However, once someone surrenders their heart, soul, mind, and strength to The Lord, transformation is realized and that person’s life should forever change according to the following: “Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (II Corinthians 5:16-17). Those who have been transformed view others differently, because The Holy Spirit endows them with a lens of love!  The bottom-line is this: God is love, so for anyone to be identified as His child, he/she must have that same impartial love, for others. So how do we know God loves impartially? John 3:16 teaches that God’s love for the world (which is impartial and unconditional), is the motive behind Him sending Jesus to die for our sins, and His example is the one that must be followed!

The third reason love is important is God’s children’s deeds must be motivated by love. Otherwise, one’s actions, no matter how beneficial they seem, are meaningless according to I Corinthians 13:1-3, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.” Verse 1 and part of 2 speak of spiritual gifts. Within today’s church community, many rely upon their spiritual gifts as evidence that they are children of God. The problem is many do not realize that vertical love for God, without an unconditional horizontal love for one’s neighbor, renders that gift meaningless to its bearer. Can God can still use that person to fulfill his purposes? Absolutely, but with an improper motive, it yields no benefit to the gift’s bearer!

Verse 2 is interesting because it addresses one’s spiritual walk and ministry, which on the outside appears vibrant, God-centered, and effective according to outward appearances. However God looks into a person’s heart, and if love is missing, then every deed performed in His Name is an exercise in futility because as Paul states, “I am nothing.” Jesus confirmed Paul’s assertion in Matthew 7:21-23, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” Jesus’ prophecy is a sad commentary for many who put self-interests, partisanship, political ideology, or popular or public opinion above God’s Word and His commandment to love. If love is not the motive behind everything we say, think, or do, then our deeds, no matter how effective they may seem to others, are meaningless!

In verse 3 Paul addresses charitable giving and personal sacrifice, which, in the minds of many, should automatically qualify a place in Heaven for the benefactor! Two examples are provided by Paul and both seem commendable. The first is selling all of one’s possessions to feed the poor. But what if that deed, instead of being an act of love, was done to spite someone else; or done just to realize a tax break. Paul declares categorially, “it profits me nothing.” The same can be said for someone who sacrifices their life to save others. What if the person is a suicide bomber, or the act were committed out of vengefulness or hatred towards someone else. If love was not that person’s primary motive, it is a vain exercise from God’s perspective, and will yield the self-sacrificing person no benefit when they come before God’s judgment.

In many ways James 2:1-9 is a reflection of American culture. Many, who have superior attitudes, look down upon, castigate, or harm others who they deem their “lessors.” They also actively fight to keep immigrants out of this country, have no compunction about separating families at the border, and immigrants who are fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to enter this country are subjected to inhumane squalor conditions, which has led to several deaths. Also (and this is an unfortunate waste of valuable resources), vast amounts of time, energy, and resources are utilized to keep people of color disproportionately incarcerated, uneducated, financially deprived, and unable to vote. Nevertheless, the hope for those who are poor but rich in faith is found in Matthew 20:16, “So the last will be first, and the first last...” In summary, if all who claimed to be disciples of Christ lived according to the golden rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you), and allowed that to be the motive behind everything they said, thought, and did, then this would be a better world because partiality would be a sin of the past since Christ's Disciples are the salt of the Earth and the light of the world (see Matthew 5:13-16).

Next Week’s Question: Since too many have a romanticized view of love, what is love from a Biblical perspective?

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Everyone's Dealing with Something

One of the unexpected revelations during my cancer and chemo journey last year was that everyone is dealing with something. If you’re facing a life-threatening foe like cancer, it’s easy to feel sorry for yourself and act as if you’re the only one having a rough time – but it turns out you’re not alone in your trials.

Let me explain…

When I was first diagnosed with cancer, I was amazed by how many friends told me their own stories about facing that dreaded disease, either in their own life or with a loved one. I had no idea this was such a widespread experience.

However, many friends came to me with stories about dealing with other kinds of difficult situations. Some were having conflicts in their marriage or were disappointed in the decisions their kids were making. Others were feeling devastated by financial setbacks or emotional pain such as grief, depression, or loneliness.

Several months ago, I had an enlightening conversation with some church friends who seemed to have the perfect marriage and family. At least it looked that way on Facebook and Instagram. Seeing their public persona, I’ve often been tempted to envy them.

Yet these friends shocked me by sharing about some recent conflicts in their marriage. And while their children all looked like little angels on social media, it turned out that each of their kids was dealing with some kind of problem too. I had no idea.

Suddenly I realized that the reason these friends could be so vulnerable about their own difficulties was because they knew about my health struggles. Bald from chemo and having virtually no energy, it was obvious things weren’t going very well in my life. This was embarrassing to me at first. I would have preferred to project a more positive, victorious image.

But how surprising it was that my hardships ended up providing an unexpected blessing: Seeing the struggles I was facing, people felt like they could safely confide in me about their own battles.  

Perhaps an even greater epiphany was that everyone on this fallen planet is dealing with some kind of challenge in their life. The stressed-out cashier at Walmart…the frustrating colleague at work…the grouchy neighbor…the annoying driver on the freeway…the Facebook friend who posts angry political tirades – whether we realize it or not, everyone is dealing with something.

What an important lesson! Just as I want people to be patient with me when I’m going through hard times, I need to have patience with the “thorny” people I come across in life. Whether I can see it or not, they’re all dealing with some difficult situation, no doubt.

As the apostle Paul wrote, temptations and trials are “common to humanity” (1 Corinthians 10:13 CSB). So if you’re dealing with unpleasant circumstances today, join the club. You’re certainly not alone.

Amid Job’s terrible hardships described in the Bible, he was reminded by his friend Eliphaz: “People are born for trouble as readily as sparks fly up from a fire” (Job 5:7 NLT). Good point! To one extent or another, trouble is an unavoidable part of the human experience.

Although Job’s friends sometimes did more harm than good, in this case Eliphaz continued with some good advice: “If I were you, I would go to God and present my case to him. He does great things too marvelous to understand. He performs countless miracles” (Job 5:8-9 NLT).

Notice that these words present a difficult paradox. On the one hand, humankind will inevitably face trouble along life’s way. But on the other hand, we’re told that God is a miracle-working God. In every situation, we must go to Him and present our case.

Perhaps you are feeling like Job today. If so, my heart and my prayers go out to you. But as hard as it may be to realize in the midst of fiery trials, God is not mad at you and He’s not your enemy. He’s inviting you to run to Him and present your case, based on the promises in His Word.

At the end of his story, Job’s life was restored in every way. In fact, “the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning” (Job 42:12 NKJV).

My friend, whether in this life or the next, God’s plan for you and me is a happy ending. Yes, there will be trials and tribulations along the way. But that’s not the end of the story.

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