
I believe this is the most important truth that God has pressed upon me in the past few years. I wrote a book that was never published, titled, SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE. I abandoned that book because God convicted me that part of my purpose in writing it was to say, “I am smart.” I am still plumbing the depth of that wickedness. In addition to and because of my pride, the focus of about half of that book was wrong. I would rather write something on Spiritual Childishness. I have been stirred again and again by the words of Jesus in Luke 10:21.

“In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.”

I certainly don't understand enough about this concept to write a book. But I think I do see some really good things that relate to it.

First, in Spiritual Childishness we have The Humility of Understanding.

Like a child we come to spiritual things knowing we do not understand them. And God in grace reveals Himself to His children.

Then, Spiritual Childishness brings us to The Submissiveness of Understanding.

Most spiritual insight is blocked by our willingness to argue with God. When you come to something in Scripture that goes against what you think, the struggle to understand must be accompanied by an attitude that says, “If this really is what You are saying God, I will change my mind.”

Spiritual Childishness develops The Faith of Understanding.

Children automatically trust many things to their parents. The arrogance and fear of unbelief keep us from risking and resting in the arms of God.

Finally, Spiritual Childishness brings The Joy of Understanding.

Children often have a freedom to rejoice over many things. Fellowship with Christ brings us into the joy that overflows into our hearts from this verse.

I too rejoice in the Holy Spirit and thank You, Father, 

that You offer Your truth to little children.









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