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I am an unpaid, non-pastoral layperson… and a sinner.  So why do I post on Phil’s blogs?


While I make no claim to prophecy, one of my life Bible verses is Ezekiel 2:1-3:11.  But having been an accountant for my entire career, I have a difficult time proceeding until I’ve been held Accountable.

This may be best understood by listening to the first part only of an original song.  Then reading the re-imagined words.

Listen only from 0:00 to 1:05 then read the words below.

I'm not Jesus
My name is Ricky
I don’t know the Mind of God
I get ideas
That might not be His
So I ask some Christian friends

I'm not Jesus

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I am an unpaid, non-pastoral layperson… and a sinner.  While I make no claim to prophecy, one of my life Bible verses is Ezekiel 2:1-3:11

I recently heard a sermon on waking up ourselves and the church (Rev. 3:1-6).  Coupling that with a sermon I heard the week before regarding tolerating Jezebel’s/Judas’ (a male version of the name) practices as acceptable within the Faith (Rev. 2:18-29), a prayer of confession and repentance is offered.  It may behoove “man’s” organized churches and their religions, NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE CHURCH, to adopt this prayer.


Such confession and repentance may begin a healing in America by acknowledging the influence on “man’s” organized church religion, and the resulting effect on secular human society, of a Judas Pope (Dum Diversas, June 18, 1452, information below taken from  Then, perhaps, in light of such awakening, confession and repentance, God may provide mankind with His Solution for the problem of white supremacy and its racism.


Organized Church of Men - Prayer of Confession and Repentance


In fourteen hundred fifty-two

Supremacy sailed the ocean blue.

From southwest Europe, they were white;

Pope Nicholas V. gave the right


To grab land with no title claim

And “save” pagans in Jesus’ name.

Then all “new” western lands belonged

To whites, who were all foreign born.


When Europeans were expelled

Americans the role then filled.

Native people, they could stay

Until they got into the way.


Then came the time to free the slaves,

Six-hundred-thousand in their graves,

And still that freedom’s not been found

Did we waste those long in the ground?


In world wars: the winning side,

Our hearts were filled with joy and pride.

We were now leader of the world

How proudly did our flag unfurl!


We now decry supremacy

Exceptionalism is our creed.

We think we do what God has Told

Perhaps we shouldn’t be so bold.


Were we taught as Jesus Hoped?

No, we were misled by a Pope!

We plea now for a troubled nation

Forgive our sin; Send Your Solvation.*


*Salvation is God’s Greatest Gift, but it is not of this earth.  Solving the problems humans have created is His Greatest Gift to those still on the earth.

(Information taken from

Papal Bull Dum Diverersas - 18 June 1452

Pope Nicholas V issued the papal bull Dum Diversas on 18 June, 1452. It authorized Alfonso V of Portugal to reduce any “Saracens (Muslims) and pagans and any other unbelievers” to perpetual slavery. This facilitated the Portuguese slave trade from West Africa.


The Bull Romanus Pontiflex (Nicholas V) - 5 January 1455
The same pope wrote the bull Romanus Pontifex on January 5, 1455 to the same Alfonso. As a follow-up to the Dum Diversas, it extended to the Catholic nations of Europe dominion over discovered lands during the Age of Discovery.


The Bull Inter Caetera (Alexander VI) - 4 May 1493
In 1493 Alexander VI issued the bull Inter Caetera stating one Christian nation did not have the right to establish dominion over lands previously dominated by another Christian nation, thus establishing the Law of Nations.

Together, the Dum Diversas, the Romanus Pontifex and the Inter Caetera came to serve as the basis and justification for the Doctrine of Discovery, the global slave trade of the 15th and 16th centuries, and the Age of Imperialism.

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this might be a good  idea to adapt and implement in churches and ministries

From Robert Feder:

In the latest sign of the times, Chicago’s top-rated broadcast news operation soon will hire a reporter to cover race and culture as a full-time beat.

WLS-Channel 7 is one of eight ABC-owned stations to post job openings for the new position.

Each journalist must be a passionate storyteller, brilliant multi-platform content creator, effective communicator and proven collaborator,” according to the listing. “The journalists will be part of the editorial decision-making process as it relates to story assignments, sourcing subjects featured in stories and developing community relationships to expand the diversity of voices included in our storytelling.

The reporter also will be required to “lead and facilitate diversity and editorial discussions” in the newsroom.

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Stepping up the Stairs




                                                        What can I offer the LORD for all he has done for me? 
                                                                                     PSALM 116:12 NLT

“Why should I do anything for him? What has he ever done for me?”
     Apply this commonly asked question to your relationship to Me—
          and the answer will become apparent.

What have I ever done for you?
     I listen when you pray.
          I am your Best Answer to prayer, All You Need in life—
               Language of Infinite Inspiration, Sunrise of Loyalty,
               Flame of Holiness, Window of Grace, River of Peace, Sunshine of Glory,
               Vision of Victory, Rainbow of Beauty, Solid Rock of Encouragement,
               Heartbeat of Love, Intellect of Wisdom, Orbit of Providence,
               Music of Joy, Starlight of Hope.
I preserve your life.
     You are alive not because you eat, but because of the Bread of Heaven.
I give you power when you are running low on energy.
     When you feel like you are going under, I under stand you.
     When you are falling apart under pressure, I stand under you.
I treat you royally so you can enjoy incomprehensible peace.
     I have rescued you from terror, so you are alive.
     I have rescued you from tears, so you are assured.
     I have rescued you from temptation, so you are alert.

Why should you do anything for Me?
     Because of all I have done for you, the answer is crystal clear.
     So the question then becomes, what can you do?
          Live in your Lord’s presence—enjoy the pleasure of My company.
          Persevere in your loneliness—trust Me and wait for the dawn.
          Praise My love—offer a daily sacrifice of thanks-living.
          Proclaim your loyalty—soldier on in the battle with evil.
               Humble in My Sovereign Presence, serve your Father.
               Holy by My Son’s pardon, gratefully sing My praises.
               Handed over to My Spirit’s plan, stack arms and surrender.
               Do more than stare up the steps—step up the stairs!


                                     (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                             Day 238, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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To the Glory of God


Not to us, O LORD, but to you goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness.
PSALM 115:1 NLT 

I alone deserve all the praise.
     Let My faithful love lead you to sincere and heartfelt gratitude.
     In spite of your obstinate waywardness, I go on steadily loving you.
     My persistent love will not let Me ever give up on you—be glad!
     In time and in eternity—be thankful.

I alone do whatever I please.
     Everyone and everything is ultimately accountable to Me.
     Rebellion spells ruin—submission means salvation.
     I am powerful over every plan—I am Sovereign over every strategy.
     I alone am fit to take the universe’s throne.
     I am totally, irrevocably responsible for everything—I am transcendent.

I alone am dynamic in power.
     With My mouth, I give My Word from heaven for living on earth.
     With My eyes, I am omniscient—seeing right through your pretense.
     With My ears, I hear—I have time to listen when you need to talk.
     With My crucified hands, I carry you when you cannot carry on.
     With My nail-transfixed feet, I travel life’s road right beside you.
     Infinite over idols; Creator, not created—I am trustworthy.

I alone deliver you by My protection.
     If it were not for My help with life’s obstacle course, you would fall.
     If it were not for My shield against Satan’s temptations, you would fail.
     With My assistance, you do more than get by—you are triumphant.

I alone delight in your peace.
     I am Caretaker of the universe—and I am taking good care of you.
     I am Superintendent of stars—and I am shepherding you to heaven.
     I am Creator of planets—and I am conducting you in the proper orbit.
     Incredible as it seems to an impersonal world, I am thinking about you.
     Live with eternal significance--transformed to the glory of God!


                               (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                       Day 237, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Whistling in the Dark


                                                           Happy are those who fear the LORD. PSALM 112:1

Joy is the clearest evidence of My Presence.
     My openhanded blessings let you enjoy life in every dimension—

In the reading of My inspired Scripture
     Mine the gold and silver of the Book from Heaven—treasure My Word.
     Mull My orders over hour after hour—think them through, pray them in.
     My words are honey for your soul, not bitter medicine! Relish them!
     Looking for significance in the pages of the Bible? Obey the Author!

In the riches of My infinite supply
     Out of My limitless wealth in glory, I make your cup overflow.
     Out of My inexhaustible resources, I provide more than enough.
     Like to enjoy life to the hilt? Develop a contented mind.

In the remembrance of inviolable security
     You will not be overwhelmed by guilt—you are overshadowed.
     Your name is indelibly written in blood in the Book of Life—relax.
     Yearn to celebrate blessed assurance? Trust your wounded Savior.

In a reputation of invariable strength
     Spectators of the Faith Marathon may marvel at your perseverance.
     Approaching burnout? Refuel with My Spirit and soar like an eagle.
     Trying to unlock the secret of facing hard situations? Use the Christ Key.

In the Rock of invulnerable steadiness
     My invulnerable joy transcends the fragile happiness of circumstances.
     Facing uncertainties, you have more than faith—you have your Father.
     Looking for peace and tranquility? Surrender to Me unreservedly.

In the reflection of My Indwelling Spirit
     I am always with you—do not let despair get the best of you.
     I am your Night Light—let Me shine through your personality.
     What has been said of Me can be seen in you—if you truly believe.
     Desire to experience joy beyond words? Get in step with My Spirit!


                                   (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                          Day 236, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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My Journey into Prayer Evangelism

My Journey into Prayer Evangelism

By Phil Miglioratti

I’m grateful I was introduced to prayer evangelism as a process, not a program; a strategy rather than a series of events. At some point in the 1990s, prayer and evangelism were reintroduced to one another and became the “prayer evangelism movement,” with notable messengers and a myriad of new ministries. God only knows every tributary that flowed together to form a great river of renewal and a return to “Book-of-Acts basics” by the end of the decade. But certainly the following must be included:

  • For decades, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s Operation Andrew has used Look Around, Look Up, Look Out, Look Forward, Look After as a simple plan to encourage Christians to pray for, build bridges to, and invite lost persons to a citywide crusade and then disciple them.
  • John Stott introduced the vision of “The whole Church, taking the whole gospel to the whole world,” at the First International Congress on World Evangelization in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1974. It became a banner for integrating prayer with holistic ministry as essential components of evangelism.
  • Several denominational leaders helped lead the emerging prayer evangelism movement in the late 1980s and early ’90s, including Lon Allison and Dallas Anderson of the Evangelical Covenant Church and Alvin VanderGriend of the Christian Reformed Church.
  • In 1992 the Mission America Coalition (U.S. Lausanne Committee) devoted a year to seeking God’s vision to accelerate evangelism in the United States. Led by Paul Cedar, and drawing from a wide spectrum of denominations and ministry organizations, the coalition quickly identified God’s Spirit at work in an emerging prayer movement and in citywide collaborations of holistic evangelism.

As God was setting the stage of the prayer evangelism movement, He was rearranging my perspectives as well. Like so many pastors and Christian leaders, I was being schooled in what was becoming a new prayer-care-share lifestyle paradigm.

  • David Bryant’s concerts of prayer and Bill Bright’s prayer and fasting conferences encouraged the Body of Christ to pray for “John 17 unity” with Christians from other denominations.
  • International Renewal Ministries, led by Joe Aldrich, introduced a new style of corporate prayer to communities across the United States. Pastors and leaders spent three to four days in Spirit-led, Scripture-fed praying. This “no agenda, no preaching” approach resulted in cleansed hearts, relationships forged by the Spirit, and a vision for increased collaboration.
  • In God’s perfect timing, the technology explosion brought email and Internet ministries, making it possible for new ideas like the National Pastors’ Prayer Network to communicate instantaneously with pastors’ prayer groups across the country. New technology also gave birth to the Mapping Center for Evangelism, enabling outward focused, neighborhood-based prayer to flourish. Transformation videos produced by George Otis revealed God’s heart to transform communities.
  • March For Jesus brought millions of Christ-followers out of their seats and into the streets, demonstrating the power of combining people, prayer, and praise in presence-based proclamation.
  • Steve Hawthorne’s Seek God for the City prayer guide equipped Christians to pray for lost persons and nations with hope-filled, Scripture-based prayers.
  • Francis Frangipane crossed the country, challenging pastors to meet together to pray for their cities.
  • Evelyn Christenson asked “What Happens When Women Pray?” and encouraged the formation of prayer triplets to pray specifically for unbelievers.
  • Bill Bright called us to prayer and fasting.  The call to “pray for, care for, and share the gospel with every man, women, and child in our nation by year end 2000” swept many of us into the prayer evangelism movement.
  • Radio station KTIS in Minneapolis introduced many to this lifestyle via several radio marathons devoted to starting neighborhood lighthouses of prayer.
  • For more than a decade, in their monthly Lighthouse Report on radio stations across the country, Campus Crusade (now Cru) has been broadcasting stories of people living the prayer-care-share lifestyle.
  • H.O.P.E. ministries, led by Alvin VanderGriend, produced resources to serve lighthouses.
  • Ed Silvoso’s books, That None Should Perish (1998) and Prayer Evangelism (2000), along with Pray! magazine’s articles by various authors, gave credibility and definition to the prayer evangelism movement.
  • The first City Impact Roundtable in 1988, facilitated by Glenn Barth and Jarvis Ward of Mission America Coalition, convened 46 leaders from 28 cities, sharing best practices on prayer, community development, and outreach.

Phil Miglioratti is COO of Mission America Coalition.

WIth thanks to theChurch Prayer Leaders Network

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When All You Can Do Is Pray


                                                                          Albrecht Durer  Praying Hands

In return for my friendship they denounce me, and all I can do is pray!
                                       PSALM 109:4 TNJB

I am the One and Only God—your Only Recourse in effective prayer.
     No matter how sweetly you treat some people, it does not change them.
     You would be kind, but they would kill.
     When all you can do is pray, seek My wisdom to know how.

I am the Omniscient God—able to execute retributive payback.
     You do not live under the old covenant, where vengeance ruled.
     You live under the new covenant, where getting even gives way to love.
     Pray for those out to get you—shine sunlight on the ill-intentioned.
     I alone will set the record straight—I alone am unerringly fair.
     When all you can do is pray, trust that I will make justice prevail.

I am the Omnipotent God—able to reinvigorate you with power.
     In My faithful love, I energize you to keep on keeping on.
     When you are broken-hearted, I heal your soul’s diseases.
     When you are weak-kneed, I encourage you for the hard tasks.
     People shake their heads at you; I smile on you, the apple of My eye.
     Others curse, but I bless—critics’ barbs will boomerang.
     I will mute opponents’ jeers by My everlasting joys.
     My supernatural might works best in your human weakness.
     You are never stronger than when you are relying on Me.
     You are never greater than when you are on your knees.
     When all you can do is pray, feel your weakness become strength.

I am the Omnipresent God—able to teach you how to sing for joy.
     Others may slander you, but I stand at your side.
     I am the Paraclete—forever faithful, called alongside to help you.
     I am your Greatest Friend, no matter how others mistreat you.
     However chaotic life gets, come to rest in My gentle grace.
     No matter what happens, find a reason to be thankful.
     Never, never, never stifle the Holy Spirit!
     To know the heartbeat and happiness of worship—keep praying.
     When all you can do is pray, believe that is enough.


                       (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond

                Day 235, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Staying Afloat


Rembrandt  Jesus Calming the Storm 

Nevertheless He regarded their distress when He heard their cry;
And He [earnestly] remembered for their sake His covenant
and relented their sentence of evil [comforting and easing Himself]
according to the abundance of His mercy and loving-kindness.


Review your uncomplimentary history in honest confession.
     Sometimes you are a lot like the ancient Israelites—
          dull and slow to catch on—not seeing the light until you feel the heat!
          defiant and stubborn—rebelling against your own best interests!
          distracted and sidetracked—forgetting your Creator and Lord!
          dissatisfied and searching for more—desires running wild!
          demented and substituting lesser gods—worshiping counterfeits!
     When you realize you are in trouble, I hear your cries for help.
     The Master of the sea hears your despairing cry, lifts you from the waters,
          and keeps you safe
(James Rowe, “Love Lifted Me”).
     In My mercy, you are liberated and pardoned.
     In your sinful feelings, stay afloat by My grace.

Rejoice in the unparalleled happiness of My celebration.
     Think over the glorious miracles I have performed on your behalf.
     Pull out all the stops and praise Me—you cannot ever overdo it!
     Love will not let you go—rest your weary soul in Me.
     In My music, you are lyrical and peaceful.
     In your sad feelings, stay afloat by My gladness.

Rely on the unfailing hope of My covenant.
     My promise of a bright future is what keeps you from going under.
     Joy seeks you through pain, so do not close your heart to Me.
          Trace the rainbow through the rain, remembering morn will be tearless

          (George Matheson, “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go”).
     Life’s sea is wide, and your boat is small—but I will not let you drown.
     In My mind, you are loved and pitied.
     In your sinking feelings, stay afloat by My goodness.

Waves overwhelming? Wind ferocious? Frightened by high seas?
     Trust My unfailing love—and stay afloat.


                               (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                      Day 234, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Focus on Fitness

I keep getting out of shape.  So, I’m once again walking early each morning, even before my spiritual quiet time.  I am intrigued by 1 Timothy 4:7, “exercise yourself toward godliness.”  The Greek word is gumnasia, variously translated, “exercise,” “discipline,” or “train,” and from which we derive the English word for “gymnasium.”  I can think of at least three reasons why we try to exercise. One reason is for self. Being in shape, makes us feel better.  Being in shape is also for others.  We assume people will like us better if we are in shape. Most of all, at least according to Paul, being in shape is for God. In fact, Paul adds, “bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things” (1 Timothy 4:8). Like physical fitness, spiritual fitness requires discipline – Bible study, prayer, giving, witnessing, etc. Some unknown fitness guru shared good advice: “Don't wait until you've reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take toward reaching that goal.”  Work with me today toward fitness and be proud.

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Blessings: Counted or Cursed?

Do you ever wake up with a song on your mind? I often do. This morning it was a hymn by Johnson Oatman, Jr. from the late 1800s. He wrote over three thousand hymns, but this is the one I remember. “Count your many blessings, name them one by one; count your many blessings, see what God hath done.” To list my blessings here would take up more space that my normal one paragraph, so just take my word for it – I am much blessed. In fact, the older I get, the more blessings I count. I love a recently discovered quote by the Roman philosopher and statesman, Marcus Tullius Cicero, ““The harvest of old age is the recollection and abundance of blessing previously secured.” Whatever your age, I suspect you are likewise blessed. Counting blessings is a good way to begin a day. However, we live in a world that counts everything but blessings – calories, steps, miles, pounds, minutes, coins, problems, etc. May I suggest you join me in spending some time today, counting blessings. Even if you lose count while counting blessings, that is better than hearing what God said through the prophet, Malachi, “If you will not . . . give glory to My name,” says the Lord of hosts, “I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings” (Malachi 2:2). Be blessed today and be a blessing today.

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#ItSeemsToMe...COVID Pandemic Exposes Church Identity Crisis

"The church is a building."

Not in the holy scriptures. Not to the earliest Christ -followers,

But the mind of everyone who hears or reads or speaks the word, "church" produces a mental image of a building. We go to church. We build a church. We meet at the church.

And this tragic truth is ubiquitous despite the reality that you and I know "church" refers to people; a "called-out" community of faith. This mistake persists even though we teach and preach that throughout the Bible, the people of God are identified as an assembly, a body, a family, a household. We the people, are the Church; not the building.

Yet, our incorrect use of the term has become indicative of the way we experience church. In a building. Watching a platform-centered program formatted by a select and very small team of experts. Persons gifted in public speaking, singing, instrumentation, creative arts, technology. An audience, often listening in a space called an auditorium.

Congregations are designed, regardless of denomination or tradition, to reset every seven days. Small groups may meet at varying times. All may be invited to a prayer meeting during the week. But a church that cannot regroup, face-to-face, on a weekly basis  has not been prepared nor does it have in place systems for connecting and communicating in case of an unprecedented emergency. Such as a pandemic that forces the closure of large group meetings or events for an extended period df time.

Church, as we know it, is designed for the members/attenders to be in their seats, not scattered into the streets. 

Our unprecedented virus-crisis is exposing how our understanding of the word "church" has actually become a description of how we function. In a building. Listening. 

My fear is many pastors are uncertain of how to shepherd the flock that does not return weekly to the room where they receive inspiration and instruction. I wonder if church leaders are rethinking how to motivate and mobilize the people of God without calling them together into a facility? Can we hope Christ-followers are daily, on their own, leaning into the spiritual disciplines of worship, prayer, scripture, service? 

Simply making plans (and there are plenty to be made) to merely reopen church, may actually be a step backwards. The desire to return to what was once considered normal, as comfortable as that sounds, may prevent us from an opportunity for "church" to "be transformed by the renewing of our minds" (Romans 12:2)

The Church is experiencing an identify crisis. We are in need of a new architectural-nomenclature that prompts an image, less on building (noun) and more on building (verb). Less on the meetings led by the professionals and more on the movements of the people of God into their neighborhoods and across their communities.  Form and function must expand. Systems and strategies must be reimagined.

The danger of this virus-crisis is no longer limited to a physical disease that is causing tens of thousands of deaths. Every sector of family and society are being effected: the economy (local business, national retailers, multi-national corporations), education (schools at every age and degree level), health care (from hospitals to adult care centers), entertainment (cancelled concert tours to social distancing at the movies to empty sports stadiums).

We are watching these sectors scramble to adjust in order to keep from going out  of business. In the process, they are designing different systems of operating, offering new and different options better suited to serve their customers or clients with radically different daily routines.. Curbside service. Working from home. Online education. Grocery delivery. Voting by mail. FaceTime Family game nights (with cousins across the country).

Staying in place is pushing us to rethink how we shop, work, learn, and connect socially.

My fear, is for the congregations that will be satisfied to reopen, hoping, maybe even praying, those who do return will be happy with what was.

Will we discover many people who identify as Christians unable to function without their regular Sunday gathering or weekly face-to-face group? Worse yet, will we see the disappearance of many who choose not to return to former weekly routines? "Done" joining the Nones? Have pastors adjusted by convening leadership (online or social distanced) to pray into the unknown new normal? Have the shepherds made personal (phone, email) contact with their members/attenders to simply listen to them share their needs and fears; their spiritual discoveries? Have church leaders called the church to weekly or daily prayer? Has anyone formatted their Sunday/weekend online service to include interaction (questions, prayer, interviews, testimonies), or are the people of God pretty much on their own?

May we not be too busy pursuing what it takes to survive at the expense of praying into what can be done in order to actually thrive. The Church is led by the Lord Jesus Christ, our redeemer. We must not be content to pray little prayers, begging God to simply help us stay in business. We should be thanking the Lord he can take what is meant for evil and not just make it better but turn it into a greater good. We should be asking the Holy Spirit to open our minds and hearts to new schedules and systems, objectives and opportunities.

To reopen without a fresh reimagining of what it means to be church quenches the renewing work of the Holy Spirit, who is  ready, willing and able to transform us to perceive our new normal as a new chapter in the mission and ministry of the Church. Five hundred years after the Reformation, we find ourselves in the midst of what may one day be called the Transformation.

None of this demands a revision of theology. Our biblically based beliefs remain intact, but with a renewed fervor to bring fresh discernment and wisdom to how we apply scriptural truth to our calling, our mission. For such as time as this, the Spirit may lead us to pursue a radically different vision, or to resume our pursuit of ministry but in a radically different way.

Our faithfulness to the scriptures does not demand an equally high allegiance to the methods we have used to live out that mission. In fact, to refuse to review and renew is the beginning of becoming mechanical, stuck on previously effective methodology, imprisoned in a comfort zone, at the very time we have the opportunity to build a "church" that is movemental.

It Is Critical We Commit NOW To #ReimagineCHURCH...

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To Life!


When you send your Spirit, new life is born to replenish all the living of the earth.
PSALM 104:30 NLT

I am the Unrivaled Sovereign Force.
     Learn two lessons well: 1) I am God; 2) you are not!
          I give life meaning by indelibly writing love letters on your heart.
               I am the Lord of Life.
                    Resign as Universe CEO—and experience My peace.

I am earth’s only Secure Foundation.
     I am your Driving Motivation and Enduring Success.
          I am the Light of Life.
               Rely on Me absolutely—and exult in My power.

I am your Satisfying Food.
     Make My Word more important than your daily bread.
          Identify with My Son and internalize His life—really live!
               I am the Life of Life.
                    Let My Spirit restore you—and enjoy My provision.

I am your Sheltering Fortress.
     Nothing in the world outshines the glory of My Presence.
          On high seas, seek My face—do not let fear get the best of you.
               I am the Love of Life.
                    Take refuge in Me—and enter My protection.

I am Mercy’s Smiling Face.
     Permit My Holy Spirit to work in you—become more like Christ.
          I am the Laughter of Life.
               Be renewed by Me—and emulate My perfection.

I am your Heart’s Singing Faith.
     Soar with My Wind—celebrate real freedom.
          I am the Lyrics of Life.
               Rejoice in Me—and echo My praise.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 233, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Affectionately Yours


Praise the LORD, I tell myself; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.
The LORD is merciful and gracious; he is slow to get angry and full of unfailing love.

PSALM 103:1, 8 NLT

My Dear Child,
     I know life can be painful—My Son experienced it firsthand.
     The world can be hateful, so let Me remind you I love you.

Rejoice in introspective praise—you do not have to be depressed.
     With all your innermost being, thank Me for My acts of kindness.
     I will finish the good work I began in you, even if it takes eternity!
     Honor My holy Name by holy living, and celebrate the process.

Remember My infinite pardon—you are not doomed.
     You have often offended Me, but I will not hold it against you forever.
     I infinitely separate you from rebellion—I love you despite your sins.
     Relax in My indefinable peace—do not let your heart be disturbed.

Revel in My incomparable provision—you are not at all deprived.
     I give you everything you need, and far more!
     Lie down in green pastures—completely satisfied.
     Enjoy contentment—a great blessing in the restless world.

Resort to My inestimable pity—so you will not be desolate.
     You do not have steel nerves or a stone body—
          I do not take you for granite!
     I am transcendent, yet tender—Lord of love, Creator who cares.

Rely on My inviolable power—and you will never be devastated.
     My throne cannot be toppled—My sovereignty cannot be surpassed.
     I rule and overrule all of life.

Rest in My invariable Providence—do not be dismayed.
     I have always loved you—rest assured I always will.
     My faithful love for you will endure forever.

                                                                           Affectionately Yours,


(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 232, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Greatest Liberty



If the Son sets you free, you are truly free.

John 8:36 NLT


To be free is a grand privilege, bought at a bloody price by millions of lives sacrificed in its defense. Who of us would dare say, “Freedom just is”, without considering the cost of our liberty?  


“Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, ‘This is my own, my native land!’” (Sir Walter Scott) To be an American, residing in “the land of the free”, is a blessing indeed, not to be taken for granted.


It is right that we are patriotic—proud to be citizens of this great land, thankful to breathe free.


However, there is a greater freedom—freedom of the soul won at Calvary, granted to every trusting heart.


Craig Lounsbrough wrote: “Liberty is God’s unalterable design. It is His uncompromising and eternally unflinching intent. We carelessly threw it away in a Garden at the beginning of time, and the cross lovingly handed it back to us. Liberty is God’s war cry for us. Like millions of others who went into combat, His Son battled evil to achieve liberty for us. The difference is that there is no flag draped coffin, and He’s nowhere close to being missing in action. This man Jesus died to liberate us, and then He liberated Himself by rising from the very death He died to bring us liberty. There is no greater or more far-reaching liberation than that.” 


Post the colors and thank God you live in this free land. And humbly bow your head and thank God for His Son who “gave his life for our sins, to rescue us from this evil world” (Galatians 1:4 NLT). This is the greatest liberty.




(c) Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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Subject to Change


Exalt the LORD our God!
Bow low before his feet, for he is holy!


I am the King of heaven—trust in My assuring hope.
     I am your Leader to the Promised Land—Guide to get you home.
     Present circumstances may discourage—remember they will not last.
     Sad chapters will not ruin the happy ending of My love story.
     Trouble is temporary—you will live to tell about it.
     I am your Shepherd who knows what is best for you—follow Me.
     Rely on My salvation—give Me your heart each dawn.
     I am the Answer to wandering—cheering your heart.

I am the King of the universe—tremble at My awesome holiness.
     I am Perfection beyond law—Authority behind decrees, Truth beneath principles.
     My Holy Spirit liberates you from the vicious cycle of sin and death.
     You do not have to stay addicted to cravings of your human nature!
     Under My control, you experience out-of-the-world peace.
     Under My influence, you love sacrificially, celebrate continually,
          stay on an even keel on high seas, are kind to everyone you meet,
          generously share My blessings with others, hang in there,
          gently care for the hurting, and exercise self-control.
     I am your Sovereign with your best interests at heart—obey Me.
     Revere My Sovereignty—gain victory over evil habits.
     I am the Answer to wickedness—challenging you to a holy lifestyle.

I am the King of kings—triumph in My active help.
     I am your Power for living—Enabler in every tough situation.
     I make Myself at home in your heart—
          so resurrection power is yours to live a royal lifestyle.
     My Holy Spirit lives in you—rise above your materialistic culture!
     Soar above mediocrity, outrun temptation, and outwalk lethargy.
     I am your Savior bringing out the best in you—stay close to Me.
     Rejoice in My strength—desperately depend on Me and be strong.
     I am the Answer to weakness—crowning your humility.
     Submit as a willing subject of the King of hearts—be subject to change.



                                                                          (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                                                                 Day 231, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Keeping the Temple Cleansed

A long-time friend asked me recently, “Do you suppose that in our life-cycle the call to take care of one’s health becomes one of the highest callings God makes to an individual?” I have thought much about his question, especially as I am asked to “shelter in place,” wear a mask, and keep a social distance away from everyone. All this is contrary to how I have been fulfilling my calling for all of my adult life. I am called to ministry, and ministry is relational. However, this much I know, just as Jesus cleansed the physical Temple in Jerusalem (Matthew 21:12-13), in order to return it to its God-created purpose, He desires that we keep our spiritual temples cleansed (“Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19), that we might fulfill our God-created purpose. Among other things, that means taking care of ourselves, refraining from decisions and actions that are contrary to God’s purpose. My friend went on to add, “That we are breathing is testimony both to our ignorance and God’s goodness. Our lives have presented a thousand ways to die, yet we live.” Indeed!

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Taking the High Road


You are Yahweh, Most High over all the earth, far transcending all gods.

I am Most High over earth—exalt Me above all false gods of the heart.
     Idols are low-life—I am the Infinite High God.
     Idols are deaf—I pay attention to every prayerful word.
     Idols are heartless and insensitive—I care deeply about you.
     Idols are blind—I am aware of every agony, attitude, and action.
     Take the high road of eminent domain, not the low road of idolatry.
     Surrender to My Transcendent Highness!

I am Most High over everything—understand that idolatry is insanity.
     Decisions built on atheism construct a dead-end road.
     Take the high road of enthusiastic devotion, not the low road of irreverence.
     Submit in thoughtful homage!

I am Most High over ethics—live as a child of the Light.
     Avoid shadows—do not scurry like a cockroach in dark corners.
     Stay close to My heart and make Me the Tour Guide on your journey,
          then you will not be down-in-the-mouth for fear of being found out.
     Take the high road of excellent determination, not the low road of iniquity.
     Struggle on in My transforming holiness!

I am Most High over eternity—feel for people who are joyless.
     Let your heart go out to those who do not worship Me—
          people who will one day sadly experience My wrath firsthand.
     The other side of mercy’s coin has a cutting edge—there is hell to pay!
     Take the high road of expectant deliverance, not the low road of incredulity.
     See the terrifying hereafter!

I am Most High over ecstasy—celebrate My reign as King of the cosmos.
     I am Lord of the universe—so all will ultimately be right with the world.
     With very little to celebrate in your unbalanced world,
          here is a great reason to rejoice—I am redeeming you from sin.
     Someday it will become crystal clear that I am absolutely right—
          and that I am earth’s Rightful Ruler.
     Take the high road of exultant delight, not the low road of indifference.
     Sing in triumphant happiness!

(c) Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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I have recently been enthralled by some of the writing of Rachel Held Evans. She has written some powerful things illuminated by thrilling stories. It may not surprise you that I do not agree with her in some points. But I do recognize her as a fellow believer in Christ.

In honest disclosure, at the beginning of her book Inspired she gave a long list of theologians who had influenced her thinking. I had only heard of one of them. I looked up each one, but I would not dare describe their positions without having read a single book by those I didn't know. It was interesting to me that her list began with some pretty far out Old Testament scholars, and proceeded to some really sound New Testament scholars climaxing with N.T. Wright whose books I have read and love.

I have read two of Rachel Held Evans's books, Looking For Sunday, and Inspired. Especially in Inspired, Rachel (if you will grant me the privilege of calling her by her given name here) tells marvelous stories. She is one of the best storytellers I have ever read. Her portrayal of the gospel as story is accurate and illuminating. Even when I didn't agree with Rachel's point, I was captivated by her stories. But her main arguments for her doubts were close to tantrums that God did things and others believed things of which she didn't approve. I have to admit that I also hold some of her criticisms. And I recognize that she tried to balance criticism with love. But she presents things like authorship of Leviticus or Colossians as well as statements about the dates of certain books of the Bible as unquestioned facts. She admirably makes fun of her doubts, but I would have been happier had she pointed out that some of the arguments for those things don't make sense. But I come from a different perspective. And I recognize that there are people who have been taught those things and believe them to whom she speaks more clearly than I ever could.

C.S. Lewis often dabbled with things in fiction that he would never have said in nonfiction. He was surrounded by people who were not believers. To them he was pointing out that even if things you believe are true, God is still God.

While Rachel undoubtedly adopted theological, moral and social notions that I believe are wrong and harmful, I believe she was also aware that she addressed a culture that has embraced them.

While I admit that I may be wrong in my convictions, I wish she had more doubts about her doubts.

If Rachel were still with us and writing, she might think my convictions are as gullible as I think her doubts are. From an earthly point of view it is a tragedy that she died so young. But she is in the presence of our Lord. I will be there before long. From the perspective of history and eternity we will all stand before God in the blink of an eye. At that point I doubt if we will care about the answers to these issues. Until then, I will seek to broaden my perspective while writing what I am convinced is true. I do wish I could tell stories as thrilling as she did. I pray that God will improve my ability with everything I write.



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