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Some years ago I was fellowshipping with a group of pastors. One of them spoke of a common belief that I did not think could be found in the Bible. As a joke I said, “Do you have a favorite Scripture on that?” He had a great answer. “I think that is in the same place that teaches the freewill of man.” And you can look throughout the Bible and not find a direct statement of the freewill of man. However, there are some Scriptural arguments for the free will of man. 

We can start with the command to Adam and Eve. They were clearly given a choice to obey or not obey what God told them. They did not obey. The Bible teaches that their sin brought great calamity upon the earth. This also points out that free will is not unlimited. We do not have the ability to unmake some decisions. I can choose to jump off a cliff. But once I have jumped, I cannot decide not to fall. Their decision could not be undone once they had disobeyed.

All the commands of scripture depend upon the ability to decide to obey or not. There are many examples in Scripture where people were rebuked for making foolish or evil decisions. This would be meaningless if people had no choice in these matters. Believing in Christ and yielding to His will clearly demands a decision. We must choose to give our will to Him. This makes great sense to us as well as being obvious in Scripture.

However, the Bible presents this as more complex. And while this complexity is often repugnant to us, it fits human experience. We cannot overcome sin in our lives without God’s intervention. Simple decisions and will power will not keep us from stumbling. And coming to God at all requires God’s help. Let me point out some things Jesus said. In John 6:37 He said, “All that the Father gives me* will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” In John 6:44 He made a stronger statement. “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him*.” This is not the only place Jesus spoke words like this. This seems to indicate that our believing is a work of God. I cannot answer all the questions related to this. But while our will is always involved in turning to God. The will to turn to God is complex. People are foolish to speak of freewill as if such decisions were made in a vacuum. Spiritual, emotional, and worldly forces bombard us when we struggle with coming to Christ. There are decisions that we cannot flippantly decide to make. We are bound by sin. In John 8:34 Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.” Even as believers we continually need God to free us from sin’s bondage. Without God working in our lives we can never even want to turn from our selfish sinfulness. Those of you who are offended by the concept of predestination spoken of in Romans 8:29 and elsewhere, need to recognize that God is above time. He knows all things, and even hears and answers prayer from eternity past present and future. I am always uncomfortable when people speak lightly of freewill as if there are no parameters. We must make decisions. But many of them are not simple. This includes most spiritual decisions. 

*Italics mine



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Don't Go There!


As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.


Stifle unfair judgment—or you could become an inveterate cynic.
     Unfair curses are boomerangs with incredible accuracy.

Accept My discipline—or you could reap a sad harvest of iniquity.
     You may not enjoy My correction, but it is the highway to holiness.

Use language carefully—or you could be ripped apart by word abuse.
     A habit of severe criticism cuts to the quick and comes back to haunt.

Refrain from proud self-evaluation—or you could implode your ego.
     Concern yourself with saving faith, not saving face.

Combat laziness—or you could excuse yourself right out of a job.
     Sleep your life away, and you might be asking for a handout.

Avoid pornography—or your thought patterns will be polluted.
     Do not revert to impure fantasies, or sexual sin may spoil love.

Stay out of others’ arguments—or get bit by a quarrelsome attack dog.
     Do not try to slay all dragons—stand by, and they will slay each other.

Do not be a jokester—or you could develop a reputation as a moron.
     Kidding around with truth is as dangerous as an insane sniper.

Keep your mouth shut—or you could be known as a verbal arsonist.
     Chewing on dainty gossip morsels can give your soul indigestion.

Make love your controlling principle—or deep-felt hate will ruin you.
     Pretending to be kind will not cover up malice for long.

Abstain from setting traps for others—or you will get snared yourself.
     Judging others sets you up for an onslaught of judgment.

You hold the Key to freedom in your heart—His name is Jesus.

(c) Johnny R. Almond 
Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church 
    Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity    

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The Feast of Booths had begun before Jesus arrived in Jerusalem. He hid in the crowds listening to the people, discerning what His Father was doing in their hearts. Right in the middle of the celebration He went up into the temple and began to teach. His authority was so obvious that no one challenged him. They marveled at His teaching. 

They said, “How has this man come to know so much without studying in one of the rabbinic schools?” 

Jesus proclaimed, “My teaching is not my own, but His who sent me. If you want to do God's will, you will know whether my teaching comes from God, or whether I teach on my own authority. The one who speaks on his own seeks to glorify himself. But the one who speaks for another has no reason to lie. Moses gave you the law and none of you keep it. So why are you trying to kill me?” The people looked nervously around and saw several Pharisees in the crowd. No one dared admit that they wanted to kill him. The leaders of the people had publicly turned against Jesus at a previous feast when He healed a man on the Sabbath.

Someone in the crowd, possibly a Pharisee, shouted, “You must have a demon. Who is trying to kill you?” Most of the people trembled at this denial. Jesus ignored the comment.

“You perform circumcisions on the Sabbath for the law to be observed. Why are you upset that I made a man’s whole body well on the Sabbath? Do not judge by mere appearances but by what is true and right.”

The people began to wonder why the Pharisees had not said more. Some of them began to say, “Is this not the man they want to kill? He is speaking openly and the rulers do nothing to stop him. Could our leaders know in their hearts that he really is the Christ?”

Others were saying, “But we know where this man comes from.” They had heard rabbis teach that no one will know where the Messiah comes from when he appears. 

Jesus responded to this as He taught in the temple. “You know who I am. And you can know who sent me by what I do. I did not come of my own accord. He who sent me is true, but you do not know Him. I know Him for I came from Him.” The tension continued to build. The only reason no one laid a hand on Him was because His time had not yet come.

Yet many of the people believed, saying, “When the Christ comes, will He give us more signs than this man?” When the Pharisees heard the people say this they reported to the council. And the chief priests sent officers to arrest Jesus. 

An eerie feeling filled the temple as Jesus said, “I will only be with you a little while. I must return to my Father. You will seek me and will not find me. For where I am going you cannot come.” The people questioned one another about this. “Where was he about to go? The whole crowd was mesmerised as Jesus promised those who would believe that their souls would cease to hunger and thirst. He said rivers of living water would flow from within them. 

As the feast came to an end the officers returned to the council. The chief priests demanded, “Why did you not arrest him?”

The officers looked sheepishly at one another. The ranking officer among them said, “No one ever spoke like this man.” 

The Pharisees scorned them. “Have you been deceived as well? This rabble who do not know the law are cursed.” When Nicodemus, one of their number, said that they had never really given Jesus a hearing, they scorned him as well. “ Are you from Galilee too?” they asked.




This story was taken from John 7:14-46



Lord, you speak to us like no one ever has. Saturate our lives with your teaching,

so that rivers of living water may flow from us.







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Grace under Pressure


If you fail under pressure, your strength is not very great. 

High-pressure situations give you a chance to experience My grace.
     Trouble is good for you—if you get to know Me better in the process.

It is not a question of if, but when trouble will come your way.
     When it does, you will unravel if you depend on your own ingenuity.
     The Empowering One living within you is your Secret of survival.
     You are ready for anything the world throws at you in His strength.

Attempt to steer your own course when you encounter high seas,
     and your small boat will be demolished on the rocks.
     Let Me have the helm, and you will celebrate tranquil harbors.
     Grace-less, you cannot do anything; grace-full, you can do everything.
     Rely on My omnipotence—I will see you through any emergency.
     When you are exhausted, focus on Jesus and you can finish the race.

I have been managing the universe for eons, without fainting.
     I have untiringly directed intergalactic traffic patterns, through all time.
     When you are tired and worn out, My strength is still available.
     When your energy is depleted, Mine is undiminished.
     Though you are weary, you do not have to give up if you trust Me.

Adversity University graduates honor students.
     Frightening thunderstorms paint beautiful rainbows.
     Tough situations develop uncompromising character.
     Crises prove your mettle.
     Running the Faith Marathon trains you to persevere.
     Stress keeps kites flying high in the air.
     Headwinds lift wings to get aircraft off the runway.
     A crucible transforms crude ore into pure gold.
     Coal under pressure changes into diamonds.
     Grace under pressure leads to glory.


                                            (c) Johnny R. Almond
                               Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church 
                                Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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After the large group of disciples deserted him Jesus ministered only in Galilee for some time. He did not go at all into Judea because the Jewish hierarchy were threatening to kill him. With the Feast of Booths at hand Jesus went back to his childhood home in Nazareth. There he found his brothers and sisters and their families gathered. His oldest brother, Joseph, welcomed him. 

“Jesus! We are glad to see you. We are preparing to go to Jerusalem for the feast and were expecting to see you there.”

Jesus said, “I sent my disciples on to Jerusalem with their families. I think I would rather stay here where it is quiet.” 

His brother James said, “We have been talking about this, Jesus. You need to go up to Jerusalem. We hear that you are doing amazing miracles. We still cannot figure out how you could have produced wine when they ran out at that wedding in Cana. Some people are saying you turned the water in the stone jars into wine.” 

Joseph said, “Listen, if you really do these things, you need to go where your followers will see what you do. No one who is trying to become prominent should work in secret.”

Jesus answered, “You don’t understand the situation. Timing is crucial for me. The time is always right for you. The world cannot hate you. Your lives reflect the world around us. The world hates me because everything I do and say testifies that their works are evil. You go on to the feast. I am not going up to the feast with you. My time has not yet fully come.”

After the rest of the family left Jesus began to pray. After a few moments he heard someone talking outside the house. He went to the door and saw his mother and his youngest brother talking to his Aunt Susanna and her son David. As Susanna and her son turned to go Jesus stepped out to meet Mary and Simon.

“What is happening? Why have you not started for Jerusalem?” Mary sent Simon into the house with directions to get some things. 

To Jesus she said “We were all meeting at the synagogue to travel together. And Susanna's son Jesse arrived with a donkey cart. That meant we could take a few more things for the journey. Susanna and David returned for a skin of wine. And I came back for some blankets and a round of cheese. Are you sure you won’t go with us to the feast?”

“No, mother. I cannot go until the timing is right.”

“I suppose I understand, son. But you said your time had not yet come at the wedding feast. And God still honored what you did.”

“I know mother. But I would not have done anything then without my Father’s prompting. I am afraid my brothers did not understand that at all.”

“I know, son. They never understood your motivations. Your father and I have not always understood. But your brothers and sisters were not shown God’s plan by an angel as Joseph and I were. It was more than your brothers could understand, when you stood in the synagogue and said the prophecy of Isaiah was being fulfilled in you. It is difficult for them to believe the brother that they have known all their lives came from God.” 

Jesus nodded his understanding. “Be assured that my Heavenly Father is speaking to them. In time, they will come to believe.” As They were talking Simon came out of the house loaded down with blankets, and Susanna and David came back along the road. 

Mary put her hand on his arm and said, “It is not for me to say, but I think God’s time for you is very near. You must pray about coming to the feast in order to be ready when your time does come.” Jesus said goodbye and returned to the house to pray. 

After a while, he too arose and started north on the road to Jerusalem. He did not join a group for the journey. He entered the city secretly to observe what was being said. The people were all whispering about him. But no one dared speak of Jesus openly because the chief priests and rabbis were so angry.

Some of the people were saying, “He is a good man.” 

Others said, “When the messiah comes will he show us more signs than this man?”

Still others argued, “It doesn’t matter how many miracles he does, he is leading the people astray. Don’t all of our leaders oppose him?”





This story was based on certain things in John 7:1-13.


Father, the world hates us more and more as we draw nearer to You. Help us be sensitive to Your timing and your prompting in our lives.




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A Choice Reputation


                                                                Choose a good reputation over great riches,
                                                for being held in high esteem is better than having silver or gold.

                                                                              PROVERBS 22:1 NLT    

Choose reverence, not egotism—gain a reputation for godliness.
     If you were self-made, that would relieve Me of a great responsibility!
     No matter what others do, make the personal choice to serve Jehovah.

Choose carefulness, not carelessness—gain a reputation for prudence.
     See the “bridge-out” sign; take precautions, or you will be sorry.
     Watch your step—a roaring lion is on the prowl for victims to shred. 

Choose worship, not arrogance—gain a reputation for humility.
     Fear Me, then you will not have to fear disgrace or death.
     Draw close and I will be real to you; honor Me and I will honor you.

Choose generosity, not stinginess—gain a reputation for compassion.
     Feed the poor, for someday your stomach may be growling in hunger.
     Scatter seeds of kindness everywhere and the harvest will be joyful.

Choose purity, not lust—gain a reputation for fidelity.
     Run from temptation—never saunter through hell’s red light district.
     Shun pornography and all sexual sin—do not desecrate My sanctuary!

Choose trust, not doubt—gain a reputation for faith.
     Lean your complete personality on Me in absolute confidence.
     Then My power, wisdom, and goodness will see you through anything.

Choose calm, not anger—gain a reputation for peacemaking.
     Avoid short-tempered fools—run with dogs, and you will get their fleas. 
     Troublemakers are the Devil’s children; peacemakers are Mine.

A sterling reputation is better than winning the lottery.
     A good name is more valuable than money invested in the bank.
     Choose wisely—and you will earn a choice reputation.

                         (c)  Pastor Johnny R. Almond
               Day 255, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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(It has been 4 weeks since I posted one of these stories based upon the signs of Jesus recorded in the Gospel of John. This story is actually a continuation of a supposed gathering of the disciples who were at table when Jesus first instituted the Lord’s Supper, now a full year later.)

We sat together for a while after we had eaten, all of us reluctant to leave the fellowship. Thomas spoke up.

“I’ve been thinking about those men who quarreled with Jesus the day after He fed the multitude. They all would have said with force that they believed in Jesus. But Jesus knows our hearts. He knew they didn’t really believe. Their faith was in what they wanted. They only believed in Jesus as long as they thought they could control Him. It desturbed them when He said He was the Son of God. He was more than someone they could use to get whatever they wanted.

Philip spoke up. “I suppose the same was true of Judas. I for one never saw that he was about to betray Jesus. But Jesus knew.”

James (the younger) said, “When Jesus gave us the power to heal and cast out demons, he didn’t exclude Judas. I partnered with him when we went from town to town. Judas did everything Jesus told us to do. That included miracles that I hardly had enough faith to attempt. 

Andrew said, “I remember Judas questioning some things Jesus did, but I was questioning too. He once said he wondered how Jesus came from heaven if his parents still lived in Nazareth. But he immediately said, even though we didn’t understand many things, he knew we could trust Jesus.

Matthew said, “When all the others had abandoned Jesus, as John reminded us tonight, Judas stayed with us. He seemed to be quite as stirred as I when Peter said to the Lord, ‘You have the words of eternal life. And we know and believe that you are the Holy One of God.’”

Peter nodded and said, “Of course, Jesus often warned us that one of us was going to betray him. I think Judas must have told himself that if Jesus really knew that he was the betrayer, He would have sent him away. I certainly would have. For that matter, even though I declared then that we believed, I may have been the weakest of all. On the night of the supper he told me I would deny him. And even after I did, he brought me back.”

Thomas said, “All of us wondered why Jesus did not send us away, me most of all in the end.”

John said, “His clearest word about Judas was on the night of the supper. But even though I was leaning on Jesus, I didn’t understand what He was saying. In fact, when He said it was the one sharing the plate with Him, I was afraid it was me. I do think He was warning all of us that our faith was weak.”

Peter said, “I think Judas may have understood on that night. By then he must have thought he had to go through with it. Of course the devil had him by then. This reminds me that Jesus clearly told us that we need God working in us to believe. We cannot do it on our own. I suppose God had to be working in us from before we were born, for any of us to trust Him.

The idea for this story came from John 6:60-71.




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If the righteous are rewarded here on earth,
how much more true that the wicked and the sinner will get what they deserve.


What you think, you become.
What you speak echoes in your own soul.
     What you do ricochets to help or to haunt, to bless or to curse you.

I wrote the principle of cause and effect into the code of the universe.
     I wove the law of the harvest into the moral fabric of life.
     You invariably reap what you sow.
     Want a different crop? Plant different seed.

Proverbs state the case succinctly.
     Humility precedes wisdom—conceit sets people up for disgrace.
     Honesty builds a good reputation—treachery is self-destructive.
     Godliness lifts the spirit—evil burdens souls with crushing guilt.
     The quest for Christlikeness frees—selfish ambition traps.
     Uncompromising righteousness safeguards—wickedness troubles.
     Careful speech enhances friendship—careless words break hearts.
     Kindness nourishes life—cruelty is deadly.
     Integrity will not go unrewarded—perversity will not go unpunished.
     Believers look forward to heaven—skeptics have hell to pay.
     Openhearted generosity increases wealth—stinginess impoverishes.
     Searching for goodness leads to joy—seeking evil leads to despair.
     Trusting Me brings security—trusting money fosters insecurity.
     Saints will be recompensed—sinners will get what is coming to them.

Every action rebounds with an equal and opposite reaction.
     This is true in the moral realm, not just in physics.
     Things do not happen by chance—what goes around, comes around.
     Your circumstances result from your character and conduct.
     Virtue leads to victory—vice leads to defeat.
     These connections are evident now—or will be crystal clear someday.


                                              (c) Johnny R. Almond 
                               Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church 
                               Author,  Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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In John 7:25 Jesus said,

“Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgement.”

I am not addressing these remarks to everyone. But some of you will allow God to lead you deeper into His holiness.

  • Holy thinking begins by discerning your own heart.

We all need to allow God to show us our hearts to discern the vulnerability and flaws hiding there. In Psalm 139 David Prayed,

Search me, O God, and know my heart!

    Try me and know my thoughts!

And see if there be any grievous way in me,

    and lead me in the way everlasting!

What words have you spoken, what opinions have you held, or attitudes have you indulged that are false or in any way ungodly? Holiness demands repentance. The Epistle of James warns against being the kind of person who looks into a mirror and forgets what you saw without washing your face or combing your hair. This may include admitting, with a little private irony, weaknesses in your own positions. If you cannot see them, you have not examined yourself closely enough.

  • This has to include examining your desires and motives.

Do you believe something because it is right or because it is comfortable? Do you think something is right because it benefits you? Does your opinion make you popular with your friends? Holiness seeks to please God and God alone. Jesus was clear about this. In John 7 He said His teaching was not His own but His Father’s. Verse 18 says,

“Anyone who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory; 

but the one who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true, 

and in him there is no falsehood.”

  • Holy thinking calls us to examine our influences.

This must go deeper than searching for excuses for people who influence your thinking. All of these things that I am listing require supernatural help. They must be bathed in and directed by prayer. One of the most difficult things here is discerning if what you read or hear or have seen in any media is right and true. This will require constant prayer and the struggle of discernment. You will have to wrestle with these things in your heart. 

Let me remind you of something emphasized in John 6 and 7. Jesus was saying he had come from heaven. Some people said he couldn’t have come from heaven. They knew his parents. Others pointed out that he came from Galilee, and the Christ was to have been born in Bethlehem. You may know scriptures that answer these and other questions. But few people listening to him had any means of answering them. Those who believed had to say, in effect, that even though they could not answer all their questions, no one could do the miracles he did if he had not come from God. Jesus gave us a promise that will help in John 7:17.

 “If anyone’s will is to do God’s will,  

he will know whether the teaching is from God

or whether I am speaking on my own authority.”

Do you long for His will?

  • We must also consider the thinking of those who disagree with us.

This actually relates to examining our influences. In this world of polarizations, it is easy to be influenced by reaction, often over reaction, to those we do not agree with. It can be godly and sometimes persuasive to search for points of agreement between you and someone with whom you disagree. Can you see their point of view? Can you find areas where you can cooperate with them?

As with last week’s post, I am not listing access to my books or other blogs.

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Always Living and Learning


Teach the wise, and they will be wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn more.

PROVERBS 9:9  NLT        


Admit to Me recidivistic foolishness—then resolve to be rid of it!
     Reverse evil—and learn to live life in all its fullness.
     Repent—and you can rejoice.

Stand in awe of Me—and begin to grasp true understanding.
     Learn the ABCs of wisdom by getting to know the Holy One.
     Keep running the Faith Marathon—hang in there and never quit.
     At the finish line I will welcome you to the house Wisdom built.

Be mature enough to be open to suggestions and counsel of others.
     Learn an important lesson—you do not have a monopoly on wisdom.
     You do not know all the answers—or even all the questions!
     So do not strut around like a know-it-all—you still have a lot to learn.

Keep these two truths in mind—there is a God, and you are not Him!
     My sea is greater than you can navigate on your own.
     Your boat is too small to survive life’s storms.
     Lean on My omniscience—learn to trust the Captain at the helm.

Three basics taught in kindergarten still apply in graduate school—
     1) Uncompromisingly practice what is right;
     2) Compassionately be kind toward everyone you meet;
     3) Humbly conduct yourself in the light of My Presence.

I have hidden all timeless wisdom in the heart of My Son.
     Cherish Him as your very own Teacher—apply His principles daily.
     He is near to My heart—live with love and you will be too.
     Listen to your Master’s voice—learn from Him how to live wisely.


                              (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                     Day 252, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgement.”

John 7:25

I am struck by the rendition of Philippians 4:5 in the e.s.v. It reads, “Let your reasonableness be known to everyone.” Good reasoning is a spiritual discipline. In the early centuries of Christianity the church grew rapidly partly because of our fearless compassion shown in the plagues that swept the cities of Europe and the east. Now when our world is being ripped apart with strong and dangerous delusions, I pray we may touch hearts around us with our reasonable words and lives.

Make no mistake about it. This is a matter for serious and urgent prayer. I intend to give you some biblical reasoning in relation to this subject, but any effort in this direction will require God’s people to pray as we have begun to pray for many things in our day.

  • This needs to be a matter of prayer because the need for right judgment is so serious.

Our faithfulness to God depends on our godly perspective of the world around us. Many things that we see happening can be alarming. I referred to Philippians 4. The k.j.v. renders the word translated “reasonableness” in verse 5 as “moderation.” We are living in days of intransigent extremes and hateful perspectives. We can be reasonable because the Lord is near. The passage continues, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Our witness to the world will depend on our reasonableness being known to everyone around us. This must be a matter of earnest prayer.

  • This needs to be a matter of prayer because right judgment is difficult.

The confusion around us, like many things we are seeing today, was foretold in Scripture. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 says, “The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false.’”

God is sending “strong delusion” as righteous wrath upon our world. We must pray lest we be swept up in these things. And like the compassion shown by the early church, which we will also need in full measure, our witness to the world must reflect wise discernment.

  • This needs to be a matter of prayer because right judgment is spiritual.

In a warning that relates to this Jesus said in Matthew 24:24,

“For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.”

Right judgement in our lives must be a matter of prayer because it is developed from a vervent relationship with Christ.

I will write more about this next week. I am praying for wisdom for you and for myself in these days.

For several reasons I am not listing access to my books or other blogs here. 

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Uncommon Sense


Albrecht Durer  Praying Hands 

                                   Trust in the LORD with all your heart;  do not depend on your own understanding. 
                                                      Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths.

                                                                             PROVERBS 3:5-6 NLT 

Practice unquestioning trust in My strong love.
     Be optimistic—rely on My promises to brighten the future.
     Confide in Me and live confidently—rest assured in My omnipotence.

Worship your Unrivaled Lord.
     I am eternally the same—unchanging in a constantly changing world.
     I have always loved you, and I always will.

Serve Me with unreserved devotion.
     Unconditionally and wholeheartedly give Me your finest effort.
     Live and work with this one thought in mind—My smile.

Submit to My unlimited mastery.
     Physically, take care of your body—it is a temple of My Holy Spirit.
     Sexually, practice self-control—My Holy Spirit can discipline impulses.
     Financially, give Me My due—you just manage, but I own everything.
     Emotionally, sail through high seas on an even keel—I am your peace.

Travel joyfully on an untarnished journey.
     I am the Travel Companion of the uncompromisingly righteous.
     Travel grace’s beautiful boulevard, revelation’s scenic route,
          faith’s winding mountain path, liberty’s freeway, love’s avenue,
          and the breathtaking high road of ultimate significance.

Apply uncommon wisdom.
     Self-confidence without taking My Word to heart is the mark of a fool.
     Accepting Scripture as the Final Answer is the mark of the truly wise.
     Steer clear of detours into the limiting world of human logic.
     Stay off the toll road of self-indulgence.
     Avoid the dead-end of pessimism.
     Have the uncommon sense to follow My map through life’s maze.


                                (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond 
                       Day 251,  Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Always be Ready

I have a long-time friend and colleague who recently tested positive for COVID and pneumonia. He is currently hospitalized in the ICU area of a major hospital. When I talked with him, he shared with me that he told his Dr. that hundreds of people were praying for him. Then he asked the Dr. if he knew this Jesus, to whom people were praying? It reminded me of a day several years ago, when my wife was about to undergo a very complicated, and serious surgery. I explained to the Surgeon that as a Seminary professor, I had hundreds, perhaps thousands of former students – ministers and missionaries – praying for him from all over the world. There followed several interesting conversations. Last week I purchased gift cards to give to special people this Christmas. When the cashier gave me the cards, I realized they were “Happy Birthday” cards rather than “Merry Christmas” cards. I called it to her attention and she offered to make a correction. My response was simply never mind, since on Christmas, we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. A brief, but significant conversation followed. This is what we do. We look for every opportunity to bear witness, as we are instructed in 1 Peter 3:15, “Always be ready to give a defense . . . for the hope that is in you.”

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The Greatness of Jesus


You will name him Jesus. 
He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High.

     The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David.   
     He will reign over Israel forever;  his Kingdom will never end! 
Luke 1:32-33 NLT

His name is greater than all names—Savior freeing us from sin. 

His identity is greater than any person—Son of God helping us u to live.  

His throne is greater than any government—equity ensuring justice.

His Kingdom is greater than all nations—realm brightening the future. 

His forgiveness is greater than all sin—unfailing mercy inspiring joy.

His grace is greater than any problem--Wonderful Counselor giving hope.

His love is greater than any force—Everlasting Father stabilizing in change.

His light is greater than all darkness--holy radiance guiding us Home. 

His peace is greater than all chaos--Prince of Peace calming our fears.  

His power is greater than all doubt--Mighty God battling our insecurity.

His blessing is greater than evil’s curse—Omega having the last word. 


     The best that politicians, philosophers, and scientists have offered has not been good enough.  The ultimate solution to problems plaguing the world for centuries is Jesus.  Jesus is our last, best hope. 

     In the chancel of Westminster Abbey, right above the spot where generations of kings of England have been crowned,

are inscribed these words from Revelation 11:15—
     The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ.

     Only when He reigns will there be peace on earth. 

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond 
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond 

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Reaching the Well-educated Broken Ones

As a well-educated broken one, I notice that many well-educated broken ones are not getting the message when it is delivered Evangelically. My prayer is that organized religion will at least look at Evanlogicalism.

It is not a new faith. It is just a different method of trying to give an understanding of how faith in Christ actually works.


If these well-educated broken ones can wrap their minds around Christianity in a logical way, Faith may travel to their hearts. The Spirit lives where the brain bone is connected to the heart bone.

Go to for more on Evanlogicalism.

Photo below from:

David Schoeman


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Life's Greatest Blessing


Warner Sallman  Head of Christ 

The LORD himself will choose the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! 
She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel – “God is with us.” 


You are not alone, though you sometimes feel lonely—I am with you.

When you are unsure which way to turn, I am your Wonderful Counselor.
When you are feeling weak-kneed, I am your Mighty God.
When your life is falling apart, I am your Everlasting Father.
When you are frazzled by pandemonium, I am your Prince of Peace.
When you feel like you have made a fool of yourself, I am your Wisdom.
When you are burdened by your sinfulness, I am your Righteousness.
When you are struggling with impurity, I am your Holiness.
When you are chafing under sin’s shackles, I am your Redeemer.
When you are trying to break bad habits, I am your Liberator.
When you are needing companionship, I am your Greatest Friend.
When you are puzzled by life’s complexity, I am your Guide.
When you are wondering if you will survive difficulty, I am your Faith.
When you feel like singing the blues, I am your Jazz.
When you are tired in My work, I am your Energy.
When you are feeling guilty, I am your Defense Counsel.
When your heart is aching, I am your Comforter.
When you are disappointed, I am your Consoler.
When you are in peril, I am your Helper.
When fiery arrows of temptation are aimed at you, I am your Shield.
When you are on high seas, I am your Captain at the helm.
When you are riding an emotional roller coaster, I am your Seatmate.
When perplexing cares crowd your mind, I am your Center of Gravity.
When worry about needs steals your sleep, I am your Shepherd.
When the night seems interminable, I am your Light.
When your situation is uncertain, I am your Anchor.
When you are on sinking sand, I am your Solid Rock.
When despair threatens your soul, I am your Melody of Hope.
When tears soak your pillow, I am your Dawn.
When current events depress you, I am your Bright Morning Star.

When you feel a little down, remember your Greatest Blessing—God.


                                  (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                        Day 262,  Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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To Be Continued


Let every living, breathing creature praise God! Hallelujah!


Book One concludes with a doxology of unending praise—God alone is worthy of everlasting praise.

Book Two concludes with a doxology of unparalleled praise—God alone does glorious and miraculous things.

Book Three concludes with a doxology of unquestioning praise—God alone merits absolute worship.

Book Four concludes with a doxology of unrestrained praise—God alone deserves wholehearted devotion.

Book Five concludes with a doxology of universal praise—God alone inspires creation to heartfelt adoration.

With the trumpet of triumph, the harp of holiness, the lyre of love, the tambourine of thought,
     the dance of delight, strings of serenity, and cymbals of celebration—give tribute to the LORD.
Someday all living beings in the cosmos will sing praises to the Lamb.
     Until then, honor God by the way you think, speak, and behave.

The only perfect musical note produced is made by running water—heaven’s universal praise will sound like that!
The mighty crescendo of praise to the Savior will rise and swell—uniting the international chorus of people
     singing the praises of Jesus.
You will see Christ face to face.
You will hear His voice welcoming you home.
You will celebrate forever living in heaven on earth.

Heaven's never-ending love story is an unfinished symphony you hear now as “a foretaste of glory divine”
     (Fanny Crosby).
Holy Spirit gifts cheer you on in every phase of your journey,
     composing a melody of grace notes as a prelude to heaven.
As the overture of God's kindness in time fades away, and you step across the threshold of eternity—
     you will at last hear notes of the first movement clearly.
And when from death you’re free, you’ll sing and joyful be, And thro’ eternity you’ll sing on (American folk hymn).

                                                                  (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                                                         Day 250, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Forever and a Day


                               I will praise the LORD as long as I live. I will sing praises to my God all my life long.
                                                                                   PSALM 146:2 NRSV

My music is your happiness.
     I am your Song when you are down and out—
          inner-stances of joy transcending sad circumstances.
     Dance heaven’s jig of joy; do not drag in earth’s mournful dirge.
     Always be joyful.
     I elevate your attitude—sing alleluia!

My might is your hope.
     I am your Strength when you do not feel like going on—
          Creator teaching you capability to persevere through severity.
     Feel like giving up? See Jesus hanging on the cross, and get back to work.
     Keep on praying.
I energize your actions—live alleluia!

My mercy is your help.
     I am your Solution when you are puzzled by the next step—
          Shepherd transforming your concern into peaceful contentment.
     Whatever happens, maintain a grateful heart.
     I encourage you by My answer—pray alleluia!

My Messiahship is your heaven.
     I am your Sovereign when “good luck” eludes you.
     I am orchestrating details in your best interest—
          faith can dance, patience can wait, hope can sing.
     Never stifle My Holy Spirit.
     I exercise ultimate authority—anticipate alleluia!

Sing My praises forever and a day, including this day--say alleluia!


                             (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                      Day 249, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Easy Believism


Aiden Wilson Tozer (1897 - 1963) railed against the corrupted faith of many in his day. 

To me, this seems to epitomise the “easy believism” of the church’s drift away from Biblical teaching: 

• ‘Believism’ - because it refers to the belief that church members have taken hold of; and

• ‘Easy’ - because it makes no demands on them.

It results from a false Gospel that accepts:

• God’s love, but not his wrath on sin; 

• Forgiveness, but not judgement;

• Heaven, but not hell;

• Faith, but not repentance;

• Christ as Saviour, but not as Lord. 

A gospel that holds to Christ as Saviour, but not Christ as Lord, may sound like “good news”, but it is not God’s Gospel of Grace: for forgiveness offered through the free gift of God’s Grace can be received only through true repentance and faith. True repentance forsakes the world and the flesh to accept Christ as Saviour and Lord (Gal 1:6-7; 1 Jn 2:15-17). 

A heart that has received this false gospel is a heart that remains unrepentant, unchanged, and ultimately unforgiven! The Bible refers to them as “unbelievers” (2 Cor 4:1-6); we are not to be yoked with them (2 Cor 6:14-18). 

How did this happen? 

  • Was it the preacher who failed to preach on sin, judgement, hell, repentance, and the Lordship of Christ?
  • Was it the recipient who misheard the message?
  • Was it the serpent who asked “Did God really say, ‘You must not ...’?” (Gen 3:1)
  • Was it the recipient who “cherry-picked” the message? (Heb 10:26; 1 Jn 1:6-7,10)
  • Was it the absence of God’s Holy Spirit without whom the true Gospel is rejected as foolishness? (1 Cor 2:14) 

Lord have mercy upon us! 

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