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Phillip walked with Simon the leper and his wife Martha from the Temple Service where the church that had sometimes been uncomfortable with Philip’s Greek name had encouraged him and prayed for him as he prepared to leave. Many had gone out from the Jerusalem church. Some were driven more by the danger of persecution than they were by the final command of Jesus, but all of them went with the gospel in their hearts. Martha had seen her own sister sail for Asia. Phillip was the first of the twelve apostles to go beyond Israel. Simon had invited him to stay that night at their home in Bethany. It would be better to begin the journey in the cool of the next morning. Simon had agreed to travel with Phillip to the coast. The apostle intended to preach in the villages surrounding Joppa before sailing for Greece.

On the walk from Jerusalem to Bethany they talked about those from the church who had suffered persecution. Phillip almost wept as he told about people who had been imprisoned or  beaten. Some had even been killed. When they arrived at Simon’s home, their servant washed the dust of the road from Phillip’s feet as Martha began preparing for the evening meal. Phillip was able to rest a while before they broke bread. Simon prayed as Jesus had, asking the Father to bless the loaves.

After they had eaten a little Martha asked, “Can you tell us why you are leaving Jerusalem, Phillip? Is it because of the increasing danger of hostilities against us here?”

Phillip finished a bite he had dipped into the sauce and then said, “No. It is because I have sensed our Lord sending me out. The other disciples have been praying with me and they too are convinced that God is sending me at this time.”

Simon said, “But don’t you think you should wait longer before going out? Exciting things are still happening here.”

Phillip said, May that always be true. But Jesus told us we were to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.”

Martha asked, “Why then have Peter and the other apostles not gone out?”

Phillip said, “Peter and John and others have been to preach in places like Samaria, Joppa, and Capurniam in Galilee. And Martha, your brother has gone to Cypress.”

Simon said, “But you are going farther than that. How will the Greeks understand anything about the true God?”

Phillip shook his head. “I am not sure. But few people will listen to me here. I am not named, like you Simon, after the leader of the Macccabeans. I am named after the father of Alexander the Conqueror. As we were praying, one of the other apostles said He believed my name would help to proclaim the name of Jesus to those who know nothing about Him. Of course, I will tell Jews about Jesus as well. 

I am convinced that God is speaking. When we were entering the city that final time before the cross, the people came out to meet us shouting ‘Hosanna!’ Jesus found a donkey and rode it into the city. At that time none of us knew what that meant. Later John and Peter, and I think you and your sister, Martha, remembered that the prophet had said, ‘Fear not daughter of Zion. Your king is coming to you riding on the colt of a donkey.’ God also spoke to us through Jesus. Our Lord still speaks to us by His Spirit. 

In that final week before Jesus was Crucified some Greeks came to me asking to see Jesus. I went to Andrew for advice. Together we told Jesus. Jesus immediately knew God was speaking. He announced that ‘The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.’ He went on to say His soul was troubled about what He was going to face on the cross. He said, ‘What shall I pray, “Father save me from this hour? No Father, glorify your name!”’ After He said that, there came a voice from heaven, ‘I have glorified it and will glorify it again!’ Some people said it must have thundered, though there were no clouds in the sky. Others said, ‘An angel has spoken to Him.’

“Jesus said that voice was for us. God spoke to me on that day, and He is still speaking. The most important thing we do as His people is to hear and obey God’s voice. And God will be glorified as Jesus continues to speak through us.” 

Simon said, “But Philip, it may cost you your life. Do you want to die in some strange place far from everyone who has loved you?”

Philip said, “That is in the hands of our Lord. On that day that I spoke about, Jesus was troubled in His spirit. He said, ‘Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains alone, but if it dies it bears much fruit.’ We can see now that He was speaking of His own death. But I also believe that what He said will apply to me, if that is His will.”

This story drew upon events recorded in the 12th chapter of John.

Father, you still speak through your Holy Child Jesus. Bring our hearts and lives to obey your voice.







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Winning Souls

“Winning souls is done by living the Scriptures, not quoting them. Show love; don’t talk religion. Showing love reveals Me; talking religion exalts you.

“Peace is the foundation. Joy is the expression. Love is the gesture. They all come from Me. The world cannot provide them, only counterfeit them.

“People want to see Christianity lived, not just preached. Preaching is good, but it’s not all that’s needed. People in rebellion or ignorance don’t necessarily want to hear preaching. For them, the best sermon is a life lived in purity and humility, devoted to the Gospel by serving others.”
Proverbs 11:30 declares, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.
From our book Let’s Get Free: Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth. These are messages the Lord gave Barbara and me during our prayer times. They identify religious spirits which masquerade as Christianity but actually separate us from God by trapping us in legalism and tradition. This is something we all need to guard against. 

If you would like to have all these messages in one place for easy reference, you may request this book and I’ll be happy to mail it to you. For a listing of all our books, email me at

Blessings of love, peace and joy,

Randy Walter
Shiloh Ministries
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Your eyes will see the king in all his splendor,  and you will see a land that stretches into the distance.
You will see Zion as a place of worship and celebration.  You will see Jerusalem a city quiet and secure.

ISAIAH 33:17, 20  NLT

Earth’s rulers are only human, so moral darkness encircles the globe.
     One day you will see the King of kings in His majesty and beauty.
          There is Light at the end of the tunnel.

There is a far nobler use of life than pursuing personal ambition.
     Egocentricity is a dead-end street; selfishness shrivels the soul.
          There is purpose after the death of self-centeredness.

Sin tantalizes, then breaks your heart; pleasures lure, but do not last.
     Take the long view—look forward to joys that will last forever.
          There is bliss after the end of the world.

Peace and quiet are elusive dreams in your current experience.
     One day you will feast your eyes on new Jerusalem—City of Peace.
          There is calm after the storm.

Life, you know, is fragile—fearful insecurity defines the human situation.
     Death, grief, heartache, and pain will be obsolete in the new world.
          There is safety after the termination of crime.

Does it seem to you that some people get away with murder?
     Over the horizon, a holy holocaust is starting to blaze up.
          There is fairness at the end of the day.

Christ’s glorious kingdom will outshine any empire the world has known.
     In fact, the nations will bask in His favor and honor Him above all else.
          There is paradise beyond the stars.

Though you do not see your Savior now, you certainly will one day.
     No longer harassed by sin and death, you will celebrate eternal victory.
          There is a heavenly reward at faith’s finish line



                                 (c)  Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                        Day 271,  Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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I began this blog series earlier. If you click on and scroll down you can see the previous post. The series is on keys to answered prayer taken from John 15:7,8.

“If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, 

ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 

By this my Father is glorified, 

that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.”

After Jesus had laid the foundation of living and praying in God’s will, He invited us to ask. “Ask and it will be done for you.” While this passage and others give a fuller picture of prayer, a number of Bible verses simply say, “ask.” John 16:24, “Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you.”

Actually, you do not have to read far in any of these passages to find the concept of praying in and for God’s will. However, they all emphasize the opportunity to ask. Asking is a practical way of merging our will with God’s. Like so many things in life, you learn by doing. 

This calls us to consistent continuing prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 calls us to, “Pray without ceasing.” Matthew 7:7 reads,

“Ask, and it will be given to you; 

seek, and you will find; 

knock, and it will be opened to you.” 

Greek, the original language of Matthew and the rest of the New Testament, has a tense that most other languages do not have. The action in this verse must continue or be repeated. One English translation renders these words, “Ask and keep on asking. Seek and keep on seeking, Knock and keep on knocking.” We are to keep our petitions before God until He answers or redirects our prayer.

God also gives us a safety valve on the power of prayer so we do not move mountains onto our neighbors’ houses. In inviting us to ask, Jesus assures us that asking is safe. God protects us as He teaches us to pray. You don’t need fear that you are praying for things that may ruin your life or the lives of people around you. This ought to give us a freedom to pray for whatever we believe to be God’s will.  Ask and you will receive.




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Change You Can Believe In


                                                                                            Golden Sunrise 

                                                     Until at last the Spirit is poured down upon us from heaven.
                                              Justice will rule in the wilderness and righteousness in the fertile field.
                                       Righteousness will bring peace. Quietness and confidence will fill the land forever.

                                                                                 ISAIAH 32:15a, 16, 17 NLT

Christ’s reign will change godlessness to righteousness.
     Warmhearted—not steel-cold—toward Me, the redeemed will obey Me.
     Totally devoted to the King of hearts, heaven’s citizens will worship Me.

Christ’s reign will change war to peace.
     Shuttle diplomacy will never be able to settle international disputes.
     Battling with guilt? Rely on My Holy Spirit as your Defense Counsel.

Christ’s reign will change restlessness to rest.
     Impatient? Let the Prince of Peace teach you good things take time.
     Wondering if anybody cares? Let My Spirit comfort your heart.

Christ’s reign will change fear to security.
     Made right in My sight because of My Son’s work on the cross,
          relax in My Presence and look forward to sharing His glory.

Christ’s reign will change sadness to joy.
     Going through tough times? Look forward to looking back on them.
     Hallelujahs will cancel heartbreak—triumph will dry tears.

Christ’s reign will change noise to quietness.
     At last, the din of chaos will disappear in the tranquility of paradise.
     The Prince of Peace will teach saints to sing the sweet music of heaven.

Christ’s reign will change deception to truth.
     Do not listen to the Devil’s lies—he is speaking his native language.
     Be attentive to the Shepherd’s voice—follow the Way to the Truth of Life.

Christ’s reign will change anxiety to confidence.
     Losing sleep worrying about eternity? Let My Spirit encourage you.
     Listen to tomorrow’s symphony of hope—dance faith’s jig of joy today


                                     (c)  Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                          Day 270,  Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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The two men were walking home from the temple after their baptism. Much had changed in their lives after the resurrection of Jesus. Like many who had been afraid to come to Jesus while He taught in their cities, they both now believed wholeheartedly in the risen Christ. 

Jonathan said, “Simon, I can’t understand how I could have been so blind to Jesus before His crucifixion. I should have understood from the miracles He performed that He was God’s Messiah. I was one of those who questioned the parents of the man Jesus healed who had been born blind. I remember Jesus saying to us, ‘If I do not do the works of God, do not believe in me. If I do them, even if you cannot believe me, believe in the works, that my Father may open your hearts.’ Believe me, I thought about that. But I was still too cowardly to admit that He had come to us from God.”

 “I was worse,” Simon said. “I was there when Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb after four days. I knew then that Jesus was God with us, as Isaiah wrote, but when I was with my Pharisee friends I was ashamed to confess Him. I don’t think we would have come to believe even now were God not working in us in spite of our hard hearts.”

Jonathan said, “The priests seemed so holy, and the Pharisees were so forceful, that it was hard to go against them. Confessing Jesus meant being put out of the synagogue. I felt that would mean ceasing to be Jewish. And yet our Lord used those things, and even the power of Rome, to bring His Father glory.”

Simon said, “I wonder how our priests, who seemed to be righteous, could have been so hard hearted. Bethany is my home. I was there when Lazarus died. I was with them when Jesus went to the tomb. I knew He had to have come from God. He had already healed me of leprosy.  Chills went up my spine when Jesus stood before the tomb of Lazarus and thanked His Father that He always heard Him. Elijah prayed almost the same prayer before God sent fire down from heaven. Jesus then cried out for Lazarus to come out, and the man came still wrapped in his grave clothes. I suspect everyone standing there that day knew we were in the presence of God. Who else could raise the dead? But even though many confessed Him that day, some of them went and told the Pharisees what Jesus had done. They knew I was a Pharisee so they dragged me along. 

“The Council was worried that the Romans were going to take away their position. Caiaphas, whom many considered the holiest man alive, stood up and spoke. ‘Have you not considered that it would be better for you if one man died for the people than that we should lose the entire nation?’ And get this—as High Priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus would die for the people. God had to be speaking through him even though his heart was absolutely against the Messiah.”

Jonathan said, “You mean he actually said Jesus was dying for the people? He could not have understood that Jesus was dying for our sins.”

“I suppose not,” Simon said, “but he still said those words”

“I tell you the truth, Simon. The power of God stuns me. God spoke through His fiercest enemy on this earth even as Caiaphas was plotting to turn Jesus over to the Romans to be crucified.

Simon said, “Our town held a feast for Jesus. We gathered in my house because it would hold the most people. Multitudes came from Jerusalem not just to see Jesus but to get a glimpse of Lazarus whom Jesus had raised. And so many of them went away believing that the council actually planned to put Lazarus to death so we would stop believing.”


This story was conceived from events recorded in John 11:45-53/


Father, You gave us many prophecies of Jesus, including one by the High Priest who condemned Him. Help us hear your voice as you continue to speak to us through Your Son, Jesus.




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Quiet Zone Revisited


Cross Roads Retreat Center;  Lowesville, Virginia 


                                                        The Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says,
                                                "Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved.
                                                           In quietness and confidence is your strength.”

                                                                                ISAIAH 30:15  NLT

Sincerely wait for Me; long for My Presence, and I promise you—
     victory over every evil enemy that would defeat you,
     unfailing love to bring security to your mind whatever happens,
     incomprehensible peace in the midst of life’s hurricanes,
     invulnerable joy no circumstances can destroy,
     the pleasure of My company to counteract your loneliness.

I am your Savior—the Source of pardon in a carnal world.
     Every breath you breathe, I am at work in your heart—
          inspiring your ambition to consistently obey My laws;
          energizing your mind to habitually do as I please.
     Conversion from evil habits to a Christlike lifestyle is My work of grace.
     Trusting Me, moment-by-moment, you become more like My Son—
          this is My dearest dream and your ultimate destiny.

I am your Shepherd—the Source of poise in a crazy world.
     Wearied carrying weighty burdens?  Give them to Me and breathe easy.
     Jittery and anxious?  Let Me teach you and enjoy peace of mind.
     Adversity University hard?  Learn by character-building experiences.
     When life is noisy, step out of the traffic—in stillness know who I am.

I am your Strength—the Source of power in a chaotic world.
     Contrary to popular belief, My power works best in human weakness.
     Empowered by My Spirit, you can be ready for whatever happens next.
     Vitally connected to My Son, you can accomplish all I ask of you.
     Holding My hand, you can survive life’s toughest situations.
     Trusting My promises, you can look forward to a bright future.
     Worn out? Exhaustion tempting you to quit the Faith Marathon?
     Wait on Me and be supernaturally reinforced—
          outsoar timidity, outrun temptation, outwalk lethargy.
     Revisit the waiting room of My quiet zone frequently—and be strong.


                                                                           (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                                                                  Day 269,  Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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You may be familiar with the word about praying in the will of God in 1John 5:14-15.

“And this is the confidence that we have towards him, 

that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. 

And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, 

we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.”

I remember a time when I showed my spiritual immaturity thinking this verse takes away the entire point of prayer. I can receive what I pray for, if I pray for what God wants me to pray. As we grow in Him, we begin to see more clearly that the best that can happen through prayer and in our lives is for God’s will to be done. God transforms our hearts to desire what will truly satisfy. Growing in Him teaches us to seek and pray for things that are His will, but will not come about until we ask Him. 

John 15:7-8 effectively applies 1 John 5:14-16. John 15:7,8 reads,

“If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, 

ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 

By this my Father is glorified, 

that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.”

Intermittently in the next few weeks I intend to post blogs on the keys to prayer in this passage. It is important to see this in the entire context of John 15. Verses 4 and 5 set the stage for this passage. Jesus said,

“As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, 

unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, 

bears much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing.”

The first word in John 15:7 is, If you abide in me.” This is a call to plant our lives in Him. We can live in continual fellowship with Jesus. We depend upon Him like branches depend on a vine. As we do this God begins to think His thoughts in us, and to love and work through us. The second clause in the sentence is, (if) “my words abide in you.” These two phrases are connected. We cannot do either one of these without the other. Prayer and fellowship with God are anchored to His word. Do you read God’s word everyday? Do you memorize Scripture? We should memorize from God’s word everyday. This leads to meditating on His word and His will. 

Many years ago we moved to a farming community in Texas. The most influential man in that community had recently died. I lived and pastored the only church in the area for years. And I never stopped seeing positive effects from that man’s life. His widow once told me a regular practice of his. Every morning as he read his Bible he would choose something in scripture to run through his mind all that day. What God did in that man's heart affected the whole community.

As we saturate our lives in God through His word, we set the stage for powerful petition.




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Envision and Vision

The difference between envision and vision is that envision sees or imagines something within the mind, and vision sees something as if it was true. When I was young we had no TV, so I listened to The Lone Ranger and baseball’s Game of the Day on the radio. While I could not see the action, I could envision the scenes and events in my mind. In the long run, I think it helped me be a person of vision. Once you start seeing something in your mind, you start seeing how it can happen, then you take steps to make it happen, and the real value of vision is to make things happen. Futurist Joel Barker said, “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” Vance Havner said, “The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps – we must step up the stairs.” I’ve always tried to envision things in my mind, then share my vision with others, so together we can get things done. My long-time boss, W. F. Howard once said, “If you hang around people of vision, some of it will rub off on you.” If what I envision can “rub off” on others, then I feel satisfied and successful. The writer of Proverbs wrote, “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained (Proverbs 29:18, NASB). I like “The Message” paraphrase, “If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves.” So, happy envisioning today, and if you can’t envision, “hang around” some folks who can.

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Antidote for Worry

9570803891?profile=originalAlbrecht Durer  Praying Hands 


This is what the Sovereign LORD says:  “Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem.
It is firm, a tested and precious cornerstone safe to build on.
Whoever believes need never run away again.”
ISAIAH 28:16  NLT 


I am the Graceful Rock of Ages—your Savior in a sinful world.
     Do not wring your hands in futile regret over failures and wrongs—
          fall on your knees and thank Me for making things right between us.
     Worried about forgiveness?  Self-doubt about goodness nagging you?
     To counteract the poison of doubt, trust My redeeming work at the cross.

I am the Granite Solid Rock—your Stabilizer in a quicksand world.
     When change and decay discourage you, remember I never change—
          I have always loved you, and I always will.
     Kings and kingdoms come and go;  political promises are unreliable.
          I am the Only Absolutely Dependable Spot in the universe.
     Worried about your faithfulness?  Count on Mine.
     To counteract the poison of dismay, trust My rock-steady loyalty.

I am the Genuine Cornerstone—your Satisfier in a disappointing world.
     When Satan’s carnival leaves you unhappy, return to My loving heart.
          Travel My Holy Highway—stay off the evil one’s dead-end detour.
          Enjoy the pleasure of My company—avoid heartbreak of rebellion.
     Worried about felicity?  Trust and obey Me, and find invulnerable joy.
     To counteract the poison of disillusionment, trust My infinite resources.

I am the Guiding Foundation of life—your Shepherd in a deceptive world.
     When tempting voices would lead you astray, listen to My true words.
          Ignore skeptical voices—anticipate the joys of paradise restored.
     Follow Me through the valley of death’s shadow—I will get you home.
          Fully expect My Word to come true; you will not be disappointed.
     Learn to lean on Me—hypertension will melt away in light of My love.
          Hailstorms of fear and hurricanes of chaos cannot trump trust.
     Worried about forever?  Trust Me in time; live with Me in eternity.
          To counteract the poison of despair, trust My reliable promises. 


                                  (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                           Day 268,  Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Several of us who were baptized in that first week after the Spirit came upon the church were remembering things we had heard Jesus say before we believed and understood. We were still having some difficulty understanding. Dorcus suggested that we ask some of the apostles to explain these things. That made sense to the rest of us, and we began searching the temple area for apostles. We found several of them praying in Solomon’s colonnade. Thomas, Phillip, Bartholomew, and Mary were there along with several others that we had seen but did not really know.

Several of us were not comfortable with a woman speaking for us, but somehow Dorcus’s boldness seemed right. She stood before the praying group until they noticed us. They turned to us with holy smiles. 

“What can we do for you?” Thomas asked.

Dorcus looked around at the rest of us and began. “Before His crucifixion Jesus told us ‘The Son of Man must be lifted up.’ And even then we were pretty sure He was speaking about the way He was going to die. But the rabbis had always taught that when the Messiah came he would remain forever. Of course we did not understand how He could die, if He was indeed the Christ. Jesus did not tell us how this would be. He simply said we needed to walk in His light lest darkness overtake us. We understand a little more of this now, but we need you to explain about the light.”

Phillip, one of the apostles in the prayer meeting said, “I didn’t really understand at that time either. But on that same day Jesus said, ‘The words that I say came from my Father. He gave the commands of what to say and what to speak.’ Walking in the light is living by what His Father says to us through Jesus.” 

Thomas said, “That is true even when there are some things we cannot understand.”

Martha, one of the women in the prayer meeting said, “You probably know that Jesus called my brother to come out of the tomb and raised him from death. We had sent for Jesus when we knew Lazarus was about to die. We were heartbroken when He did not come to heal him. When Jesus did come, He told me my brother would rise again. I still did not understand, but Jesus knew what He was going to do. It was hard in those days to believe Jesus still loved us, but of course, He did.”

“That is right,” Thomas said. “When we heard that Lazarus was sick, Jesus told us, ‘This illness will not end in death but in the glory of God so that the Son of God might be glorified. So we stayed where we were. After a few days Jesus said, ‘We are now going back to Judea.’ We were terrified. We had fled because the people were ready to stone Him to death. We said as much to Jesus. He said, ‘Are there not twelve hours in the day. If anyone walks in the day he will not stumble. We must do the works of Him who sent me while it is day.’ Then Jesus explained that Lazarus was already dead. He knew that because He prayed and listened to His Father all the time.”

We never understand everything our Lord is doing in our lives. But it seems that He has always shown us something that is His will, so we can walk in His light. One of the things the Spirit does in us and in the whole church is give us the light to follow Him. This is a continuing miracle that we experience. We are all learning to sense the Father’s will and walk in His light.


This story rose from words and events recorded in John 11 and 12.


Father, open our eyes to the light of Jesus in our daily lives.



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The Valley of Vision


Albrecht Durer   Praying Hands 

What a day of crushing trouble! What a day of confusion and terror
the Lord, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, has brought upon the Valley of Vision!


In overwhelming discouragement, I am your Inspired Enthusiasm.
In bone-tired weariness, I am your Welcome Rest.
In paralyzing fear, I am your Liberating Faith.
In dark despair, I am your Bright Hope.
In horrifying terror, I am your Quiet Peace.
In heartbreaking sadness, I am your Heavenly Joy.
In baffling perplexity, I am your Uncommon Wisdom.
In irritating frustration, I am your Supernatural Patience.
In egocentric arrogance, I am your Authentic Humility.
In dull apathy, I am your Passionate Purpose.
In loud tumult, I am your Silent Tranquility.
In midnight crying, I am your Praise Song.
In heartless self-absorption, I am your Compassionate Kindness.
In recurring sin, I am your Sustaining Grace.
In mournful death, I am your Eternal Life.
In lonely darkness, I am your Night Light.
In sincere repentance, I am your Total Forgiveness.
In penitent brokenness, I am your Absolute Healing.
In authentic humility, I am your True Honor.
In spiritual poverty, I am your Lavish Riches.
In intense difficulty, I am your Persevering Endurance.
In desperate situations, I am your Divine Help.
In excruciating moaning, I am your Relieving Morning.
In heavy tasks, I am your Enabling Poise.
In crazy pandemonium, I am your Incomprehensible Calm.
In relational clashes, I am your Understanding Smile.
In hesitant dilemmas, I am your Energizing Courage.
In deepest gloom, I am your Highest Glory.
In emotional valleys, I am your Ultimate Vision.


(c)  Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 267,  Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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We celebrated the Lord’s Supper at church Sunday. We had not been at church in person for more than a year, and we rejoiced to be there. The pastor began by saying, “Communion is a serious celebration.” I immediately thought of the words, “solemn joy.”

We do not often use those two words together. But they describe a greater intensity of joy than candles on a birthday cake. The closest picture I can think of for this is weeping for joy, although tears do not cover the entire range of solemn joy. When a mother gives birth to a baby she may weep for joy. A family may weep when their son or daughter returns from battle alive and well. Our nation wept for joy on the first V.E. Day. The war in Europe was over, and our troops were returning from that terrible conflict.

The Lord’s Supper is such an experience. We sense an intensity of joy over the price paid by Jesus on the cross that changes everything in our lives. We joined in that celebration Sunday with thankful hearts. In The Lord's Supper we participate in the trembling joy of our Lord’s presence in our lives. That is the heart of Christian fellowship. We join in the communion deeper than a smile or a hug. This was a serious celebration.



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David Young

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Yes, I’m an Evanlogical.  Before you go all “4th century” on me, let me share about re-imagining.

Charles Spurgeon is a great theologian.  But, he was just a man.  Jesus also was a man, but not for His whole Lifetime.  There is the difference.

No way could anyone re-imagine Jesus.  Men and their teachings, however, can be.  It is not with any dispersions that Spurgeon’s quotation below is re-imagined.  It is just being updated and made stronger for these times.

Thus, Amen, Charles, with one slight adjustment. When the word "religion" appears for the second time, substitute the word "faith."

You were not wrong. Christians, today, see faith in Christ as more important than religion.  It is by faith that we now  say, "It is Done."


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I walked around in a joyous daze after Jesus raised my brother from the grave. But Jesus knew there was danger there for Him, for all of us. Many people who came to comfort my sister and me after our brother’s death believed in Jesus when they saw what He did. Others went immediately to tell the Pharisees. Jesus took His closest disciples east into the wilderness to spend time alone with us. The 12 were with Him and a few others including some of the ladies who followed Him from Galilee. I was part of that group even though I now live with my sister in Judea. 

At one point in His teaching Jesus singled me out. “Mary, you heard me say  in Jerusalem, ‘No one takes my life from me. I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down. And I have the authority to take it up again. I received this charge from my Father.’ Do you think the people understood what I was saying?”

“No,” I said. I am sure they did not.

“Did you understand me?”

“No, Master. I still don’t fully understand what you meant.”

“Even after you saw your brother stumble out of the tomb?”

“Well, yes, Lord, I guess I see that you have authority even over life and death.”

Jesus looked around at all of us, “Do you remember when some of the Jews surrounded me at the Feast of Dedication demanding that I tell them plainly if I were the Messiah?” Several of us nodded, but no one spoke. “I said I had already told them, and they did not believe. Do you remember me telling them I was the Christ?” We all looked at one another.

Thomas answered, “I don’t think I heard you say that to them in so many words.”

Jesus nodded. “How then did I tell them?” Thomas frowned not wanting to venture an answer. 

Finally, Peter said, “Opening the eyes of a man who had been born blind was a pretty good start.”

Jesus nodded and said, “You heard me say that my Father has given me the authority to lay down my life and the authority to take it up again. But you say you did not understand those words.” He glanced at me. “How did I say it more boldly?”

One of the other disciples answered before I could get the words out. “You showed us when you called Mary’s brother out of that tomb.”

Jesus said, “Earlier I had said ‘I am the Good Shepherd, and my sheep hear my voice’' They did not understand when I opened the eyes of the blind man because they were not part of my flock. You are my flock. I told you that my sheep hear my voice and follow me. They will never perish but will have eternal life.

“Mary, before I raised Lazarus, I told your sister that I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me will live even though he dies. How did I say that?”

This time I was ready with the answer. “You showed us by raising Lazarus from the dead.”

“That is right, and I will yet tell you in a more powerful way. You are not ready to understand although you hear me say it. You will soon hear in a way that you will never forget. You need to know that you are my sheep. And others will hear my voice through you. You will face many dangers and difficulties. Many of you will lose your lives for the sake of this good news. My sheep are under my authority and under the authority of my Father. You have this charge from me and from my Father. This will give you great peace and courage in the face of whoever and whatever opposes you.”


This story was primarily taken from John 10:7-18

Have you heard His voice? We can trust our lives to the authority of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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Jesus saith unto them,

Did ye never read in the scriptures,

The stone which the builders rejected,

the same is become the head of the corner:

this is the Lord’s doing,

and it is marvellous in our eyes?


Matthew 21:42 (quote from Psalm 118:22-23)


Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (the official state insect of the Commonwealth of Virginia)
Behold the Cross, where, as He buys
With His own blood a bride—His prize—
The Christ unto His Father cries,
And, having spent Himself, He dies:
Come see the tomb wherein He lies:
Then watch a glorious Son rise.
Thus by these marvels in our eyes
We see the Savior realize
That which the Spirit prophesies:
Divine salvation come crosswise.
Now wonder at this great surprise:
By this salvation God supplies,
With faith in Christ as kinship ties—
We, too, can be like butterflies!
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The Once and Future King


David’s throne will be established by love. 
From that throne a faithful king will reign, one who always does what is just and right.


Scripture repeatedly records a resounding promise I intend to keep—
     the King of kings will ascend David’s throne in the new Jerusalem.
     He will do what other monarchs have not been able to do—reign fairly.
     When My Son takes control of the world, righteousness will prevail.
     When Christ is sovereign over all, Truth will rule the day.

He came to earth the first time to reign as King of hearts—
     wise men understood it and worshiped Him;
     a Roman governor recognized it but caved in to compromise;
     a criminal on a cross beside Him acknowledged it and repented.

He will come to earth the second time to reign as King of the universe—
     angels will rejoice when He inaugurates His righteous kingdom;
     unsettled nations will unite when He wages holy war against sin;
     the world’s intractable problems will finally be solved when He rules.

In the midst of a dirge, there is a note of gladness and optimism.
     In the darkest night, there is a ray of hope.
     In the most desperate situation, there is inspiration.
     How can this be? Through the Living Lord of glory, the Immortal King.
     Even a prophet of doom and gloom wrote of a brighter time to come.
     Love, faithfulness, and justice will be the Messiah’s standing order.

One day the One whose Name is above all other names will reign supreme.
     The entire universe will acknowledge His right to absolute lordship.
     If you honor and obey the King in time, you will be ecstatic in eternity.
     With Him in charge of your life, you have a bright future indeed!


                                        (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                               Day 266,  Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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I fear the greatest reason for the hostility being expressed in politics, social media and nearly every area of society is the absence of love. We who know the Lord and believe the Bible can know something more complex about love than most people. There were several words for love in the original language of the New Testament. The one I want to focus on is agape, the word explained in 1 Corthians 13. This kind of love is not easy to produce in our lives, especially in these days. In Matthew 24:12 Jesus prophesied that the time will come when the love of many will grow cold because of the wickedness around us. There is an urgency in our time for God’s people to pray for God to work supernaturally to set our lives on fire with His love. Let me give you an idea of the characteristics of the love that we need to pray for God to produce in us. 

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Jesus said the greatest commandment in the law was to love God with all our hearts. The second was to love our neighbor as ourselves. This was not a command, as some of us have said, to love ourselves. Loving ourselves is assumed in these words. And this cannot be a command to always like or feel good about others. I often don’t like myself. This is a command to treat others like we treat ourselves.

Love your enemy.

Let’s get right to the most difficult thing Jesus said about love. He told us to love our enemies. This again does not tell us to approve of the words or actions of our enemy. But we can pray for God to give grace to those we fear or whose behavior we hate? We need to struggle with this one. I think you may see most clearly here that the Love the Bible calls for demands that we humble ourselves and cry out for God to work in our hearts and minds.

Love is patient.

1 Corinthians 13 says a host of things about agape love. This kind of love is patient and kind. Are you kind to people you come in contact with? Are you patient with those closest to you at work or at home?

Love does not envy or boast.

Again, 1 Corinthians 13 says the kind of love God produces in us is not self centered. With it we will not focus on ourselves. We sometimes think being humble means continually admitting how lowly we are. That attitude is just as self focused as boasting. Love is so focused on others that we seldom notice ourselves.

Love is not arrogant or rude.

Have you called political figures that you dislike or fear by bitter or mean spirited names? Do you make or laugh at jokes that would hurt or embarrass others? Pray for God to change your attitudes to His love. Those people are made in the image of God. Mocking or speaking evil of them dishonors God.

Can you see the point of view of people you do not agree with? Are you working at it? Do you pray for it? Sometimes this is the key to persuading them. Even if it does not persuade, it is right. It is what God requires. 

Love does not insist on its own way.

Love is willing to compromise. This is a foundation of our type of government. It is getting more and more difficult for this to be public policy. But we believe God can change people when we pray, when He is at work in their lives. We can allow others to be wrong on many issues that those who believe in forcing people to change cannot.

Love does not rejoice in wrongdoing or revenge.

Love does not rejoice in evil. Love knows, even when our minds cannot, that repaying wrong only increases evil in society.

Love is powerful.

1 Corinthians 13 begins with these words,

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Of course this largely speaks to our position before God. That is more serious than how effective we are in the eyes of people. But these words can also apply to our effectiveness in this world. It often seems that strong greed works better at being successful and strong hate is more effective in changing people than love. But that is only in the short term. In the long run love carries with it the power of God Himself. I want to pray for God to produce it in me, in us, even when we are overwhelmed by what is happening around us.



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Sharing Evanlogicalism 2021.03.29

Humans like to be recognized and rewarded for things they have created.  They had the idea for the book, the story, the new invention, the improvement to an existing object, discovering a procedure, cure or vaccine to treat medical illness, etc.


They refer to these creations as “my innovation” or “my book.”  Others refer to them as “produced by” or “written by.”  Evanlogicals, however, see things differently.


This begins with a word most would spell “i-d-e-a.”  The Evanlogical spelling is “Inspiration.”  The capitalization in that spelling is not an error.  It is reverent.


God Created everything in and on this earth.  Thus, the Evanlogical version of the phrase “there is nothing new under the Son.”


This means everything spoken of above, has always been known to God.  The human “creators” and “their ideas” are nothing more than a revelation by God.  Evanlogicals share things that have been Shared with them.  They transcribe what has been Shared with them indicating that it is merely shared by.


The Gospels are called the Books of Matthew, Luke, Mark and John.  They are also referred to as the Gospels according to Matthew, Luke, Mark and John.  Aren’t they really By God, According to God?  Shouldn’t they, Evanlogically, be titled the Gospels as Shared by Matthew, Luke, Mark and John?


Some may consider Evanlogicals prideful because they claim Inspiration for things produced through them.  We ask those to pray over this:


Which is more humble?

Claiming human creation?

Acknowledging Inspiration by God?

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