butterflies (1)

Jesus saith unto them,

Did ye never read in the scriptures,

The stone which the builders rejected,

the same is become the head of the corner:

this is the Lord’s doing,

and it is marvellous in our eyes?


Matthew 21:42 (quote from Psalm 118:22-23)


Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (the official state insect of the Commonwealth of Virginia)
Behold the Cross, where, as He buys
With His own blood a bride—His prize—
The Christ unto His Father cries,
And, having spent Himself, He dies:
Come see the tomb wherein He lies:
Then watch a glorious Son rise.
Thus by these marvels in our eyes
We see the Savior realize
That which the Spirit prophesies:
Divine salvation come crosswise.
Now wonder at this great surprise:
By this salvation God supplies,
With faith in Christ as kinship ties—
We, too, can be like butterflies!
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