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Close for Comfort

                    Albrecht Durer  Praying Hands 

The LORD is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him sincerely.
PSALM 145:18 NLT 

My unsearchable greatness is your practical strength.
     Worthy of highest honor and praise, powerful beyond calculation—
          I am the Greatest Force.
               Above politics, I do more than make promises—I keep them.
                    Holy Radiant Light changes your night to brightest day.

My unparalleled generosity is your plentiful supply.
     Embraced by My heart’s tenderness, satisfied by My lavish care—
          I am your Gracious Father.
               Infinite resources satisfy your heart’s hunger and thirst.

My unfailing government is your positive solution.
     Submitting to My reign, giving allegiance to the King of kings—
          I am your Glorious Future.
               I heal your heartaches when life seems hopeless.

My understanding gentleness is your peaceful serenity.
     Understanding you when no one else seems to care,
          Standing under you when no one else can help—
               I am your Greatest Friend.
                    In your heart, you are already home—rest easy.

My unimaginable gladness is your praise song.
     Closer than hands and feet, nearer than your very breath—
          I am your Grand Festival.
               Rejoice in inner-stances and practice gratitude perpetually.
                    I am not distant—I am near to the trusting heart.
                         You do not have to travel to find Me—just pray.


                           (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                   Day 248, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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From my archives...

Preacher, Are You a Descendant of a Greek Orator or Hebrew Prophet?

Prophets, not Orators

by A.W.Tozer

And I have put My words in your mouth; I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, that I may plant the heavens, lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “You are My people.”

Isaiah 51:16

The Christian minister, as someone has pointed out, is a descendant not of the Greek orator but of the Hebrew prophet.

The differences between the orator and the prophet are many and radical, the chief being that the orator speaks for himself while the prophet speaks for God. The orator originates his message and is responsible to himself for its content. The prophet originates nothing but delivers the message he has received from God who alone is responsible for it, the prophet being responsible to God for its delivery only. The prophet must hear the message clearly and deliver it faithfully, and that is indeed a grave responsibility; but it is to God alone, not to men.

From “God Tells the Man Who Cares”, 85.

“Lord, I’m reminded this morning of the thought from the late seminary chaplain Richard Seume: ‘When your people sit in front of you on Sunday morning, they’re not interested in hearing another man tell them how to live their lives; they’ve come to hear a word from God.’ May that be my prophetic perspective this week. Amen.”

The Glory of God in New England

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Road Trouble


Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me.
Psalm 138:7 KJV 

You are a sojourner in ephemeral time.
     The universal law of human life is summed up in one word—walking.
          Life is a walk, a journey, and constant action forward.
     Walking means constant change of position.
          Yesterday’s circumstances are gone forever.
          Today’s circumstances will be in the past tomorrow.
     Life’s walk is constant—the wheels of life never pause.
     Life’s walk is rapid—a morning mist evaporating in blazing sun, a short story.
     Life’s walk is irretraceable—you cannot live one day again.
          Emily Dickinson is right, “That it will never come again
               is what makes life so sweet.”
     Each step you take brings you one step nearer your final destination.

You are surrounded by earthly trouble.
     Life’s walk is not always on green grass under cloudless sky.
          There is much to enjoy on earth, but life is frequently problematic.
          Time educates you for eternity—adversity is My university.
     In hard circumstances, I teach you lessons you would not learn otherwise.

You are supported by eternal trustworthiness.
     The Grand Support of Human Life is equal to all your emergencies.
     I pledge that I will give you strength enough for every troublesome day.
     Corrie ten Boom said it well—“If God sends you on rough roads,
          He gives you iron shoes.”
     I am El Shaddai, the One Who is Enough, Almighty God—
          sufficient for every circumstance, eventuality, or probability.
     I am an ever present—not absent!—help in trouble.
     I am omniscient—I know your cares.  
     I am omnipotent—I can help you.  
     I am omnipresent—I am always with you.
     I keep you in trouble—far better than keeping you from trouble.
     I will finish what I started in you—we will embrace at the end of the road.


                                      (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                              Day 247, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Serve with Gladness

We sang a song last Sunday in the worship service that I had completely forgotten. It was a song from my youth, written in 1931 by B.B. McKinney, and based on Psalm 100:2, “Serve the Lord with gladness.” As we sang, I found myself wondering if there was any other way to serve the Lord. Could one serve the Lord with sadness? With anger? With indifference? With fear? I suppose so, but why would one want to do that? The kind of gladness that comes from serving the Lord, is greater than any earthly gladness. Greater than the gladness that comes from watching a child open a present. Greater than the gladness that comes from winning a medal or a championship. Greater than the gladness that comes from performing a perfect recital. It’s greater than fist pump gladness, high five gladness, hug-your-Mama gladness. If we serve the Lord correctly, all other emotions move toward gladness. Henri Nouwen said, “We need to remind each other that the cup of sorrow is also the cup of joy, that precisely what causes us sadness can become the fertile ground for gladness.” Can not the quote be just as meaningful when the word “sadness” is substituted with words like “anger, indifference, fear, etc.? Join me this week serving the Lord with gladness.

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Stardust Melody


                              How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land?  PSALM 137:4

When you are in a situation that makes you want to hang up your harp,
     you may wonder how in the world you can ever celebrate again.
Where is that toe-tapping rhythm, that spring in your step?

You are on alien soil in the ungodly world.
No wonder antagonists poke fun at your hymns of praise.
The world is “not a friend to grace to help you on to God” (Isaac Watts).
I am the One “who makes the woeful heart to sing” (Anonymous hymn).

When Paul wrote Philippians, he was not in a Statler Hilton luxury suite.
     Yet he published a message of joy advising believers to rejoice.
Hope can sing—heaven’s music echoes in listening hearts.
Faith can dance—heaven’s message encourages trusting souls.
Joy can celebrate—heaven’s mirth is in inner-stances, not circumstances.
Love can rejoice—heaven’s melody inspires invulnerable joy.

Horatio Spafford experienced this joy—even after his daughters died.
That ship collision in the Atlantic took their lives, but not his peace.
Sorrows like sea billows rolled over him, but it was well with his soul.

Richard Wurmbrand experienced this joy—even after 14 years in prison.
Brutally tortured until he could find relief only on his elbows and knees,
     he still sang a song a fellow prisoner wrote about Jesus.

Joni Eareckson Tada experienced this joy—even as a quadriplegic.
Confined to a wheelchair, painting with her mouth,
     she sang from her heart a song of trusting faith.

Betsie ten Boom experienced this joy—even in a concentration camp.
She knew they would be free, and she told her sister to tell everyone
     there is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still.

You can also experience this joy.
Though you feel like sighing, your Greatest Friend can teach you a song.
By My grace, you can sing—even when you do not feel like it.

                          (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond

                 Day 246, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Quiet Zone


Yahweh, my heart is not haughty. I do not set my sights too high.
I have taken no part in great affairs, in wonders beyond my scope.
I hold myself in quiet and silence, like a little child in its mother’s arms.

PSALM 131:1-2 TNJB


Let Me work in your heart to give you assurance for today’s mission and confidence for tomorrow’s mystery.
     Give up sins and become an innocent child in My heavenly kingdom.
     Avoid sophisticated pride—cultivate childlike trust.
     Instead of your maybe, use My shall—learn the vocabulary of trust.
     An angelic trumpet will inaugurate Christ’s kingdom—listen for it.
     Evil, death, crying, and pain will become obsolete—be sure of it.
     If life falls apart, do not scream to high heaven—whisper and I will hear.
     I am the Answer to your heart’s questions.

Let Me work in your heart to make Christlikeness your high ambition.
     Permit Me to replace your haughty prancing with humble walking.
     Allow Me to teach you life’s main lessons—I am God and you are not.
     Kneel and discover the holy land beneath your knees.
     Struggle on toward moral resurrection from the hell-bent world.
     My Son reached out in love—do not seclude yourself from others.
     Society would make you selfishly ambitious—I have a better idea.
     I am your Highest Quest.

Let Me work in your heart to replace your anxiety with childlike trust.
     I am your Harbor—anchor your soul, and enjoy holy silence.
     I am your Mighty Fortress—nestle, do not wrestle, and rest easy.
     I am your Vital Breath—breathe deeply in faith, and relax.
     I am your Life—pray with every heartbeat, and live life fully.
     I am your Provider—wean your soul from fretting, and be content.
     I am your Father—depend on My blessings, and ditch worry.
     I am your Savior—receive My pardon, and live guilt-free.
     I am your Helper—quiet your heart before Me, and stay calm.
     I am your Peace—mute life’s noise, and enjoy My company.
     I am your Quiet Zone--pause awhile, and refuel for the journey.


                                    (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                             Day 245, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Voting For or Against?

I am old enough to remember when politicians campaigned on their record instead of campaigning against the record of their opponent. Repeatedly during this election, I have been forced to watch TV commercials from candidates on both sides, telling me why I should not vote for their opponents. There is a difference is recognizing the record of an opponent, and posturing one’s self against that record vs. spewing half-truths, mistrust, venom, accusations, and pure unjustified hatred. I don’t remember who wrote it, but a few years ago I remember reading an editorial that prophesied that the day would come when we would vote against candidates rather than voting for candidates. That day may have arrived. I think if a candidate came along who campaigned on the basis of Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount, I would vote for him or her, regardless of their party affiliation. “ You have heard that it was said . . . ‘hate your enemy.’ but I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you” (Matthew 5:43-44). It may be time for Uncle Sam to kneel at the mourner’s bench.

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Peace at Last


Beautiful Temple 

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. PSALM 122:6 NLT


The Song of Ascent on your life’s journey is Jesus.
     Omnipotence protects you from evil—live fearlessly.
     Omniscience rules and overrules all of life—live confidently.
     Omnipresence accompanies you everywhere—live joyfully.
     Walking toward the Holy City, reach for Christlikeness.
     Pray Francis’ prayer—be My instrument of peace.
     Learn peace and relax—you have already won!
     Making the pilgrimage of faith, experience the meaning of life.
     Homeward bound, travel the Way to the Truth of Life.

The serenity of the Almighty is your joy.
     Sing My praises—let My love inspire a song in your heart.
     March to My cadence—let My leading put a spring in your step.
     Tranquil in the honor of citizenship in the new Jerusalem,
          where cruel war will fi nally give way to worship—
     Live peace and look forward by faith to a quiet place in heaven
          where songs in My Presence will gladden your heart.
     Anticipating peace forever, believe in the morning that lasts.
     Happily blessed, triumph over chaos by My gently whispered calm.

The symbol of your assurance is Jerusalem.
     You are a child of the King, so faithfully dance the jig of joy.
     No fear, chaos, anxiety, or turmoil will ever mar glory’s realm.
     Death, heartache, and disease will be obsolete in My kingdom.
     Celebrating My gift of hope that paradise will be restored,
          the Peaceful Prince reigning from new earth’s capital city—
     Love peace and rest in My care, secure in heaven guaranteed.
     Waiting for My promised future, count on the Messiah of Love.
     Humbly believing, trust eternity’s golden daybreak to bring peace at last.


                                        (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                                Day 242, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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The One and Only


Beautiful Temple

 You have been chosen to know me, believe in me, and understand that I alone am God.
There is no other God; there never has been and never will be.
I am the Lord, and there is no other Savior.
Isaiah 43:10-11 NLT


I am the only Resource sufficient enough to supply all your needs.

I am the only Counselor caring enough to calm your worries.

I am the only Fortress secure enough to overcome your fears.

I am the only Friend loyal enough to stay beside you in every storm.

I am the only Savior compassionate enough to forgive your rebellions.

I am the only Force strong enough to do the impossible.

I am the only Commander smart enough to win your life’s battles.  

I am the only Name meaningful enough to give all the world hope.

I am the only Example holy enough to inspire your noblest effort.

I am the only Power awesome enough to give you absolute confidence.

I am the only Guide wise enough to see you through life’s maze.

I am the only Warrior skilled enough to help you conquer temptation.

I am the only One consistent enough to stabilize you in change. 

I am the only Prince peaceful enough to calm you in chaos and turmoil.

I am the only Creator imaginative enough to engineer beautiful worlds.

I am the only Comforter caring enough to help you survive hard times.

I am the only Being worthy enough to merit your heartfelt worship.

I am the only Way clear enough to direct you through uncertainties.

I am the only Truth honest enough to believe at all times.

I am the only Life vital enough to guarantee your eternal destiny.

I am the only Authority comprehensive enough to rule every kingdom.

I am the only Master mighty enough to hold you together in trouble.

I am the only Mind perceptive enough to understand you at all times. 

I am the only Foundation reliable enough to stand under you always.

I am the only Helper capable enough to unify your fragmented life.

I am the only Influence transforming enough to make all things new.

I am the only Antidote effective enough to turn pandemonium to peace.

I am the only Arm strong enough to guard you in devastation.

I am the only Heart loving enough to pardon sins and remove guilt.

I am the only Mind wise enough to manage the universe. 

I am the only Solution ultimate enough to solve the world’s problems.

I am the only Light intense enough to make the future bright. 

I am the only Physician skilled enough to heal your soul’s diseases.

I am the only God infinite enough to satisfy your hungry heart.

(c) Johnny R. Almond 
Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Re-imagine Discipleship

On 26Sep20 we held a discipleship event called Off the Bench, Into the Game (OBIG). There were 26 in attendance. I, as ministry leader, did not lead or teach a lesson; in fact, I went for pizza.

I've been training several guys in group facilitation. When we planned OBIG, at the outset I appointed a main facilitator and a helper for the two lessons we were presenting which were "Time Alone with God" and "Assurance of Forgiveness." They did all the research, lesson planning, and facilitating during the event.

After twenty minutes of a facilitated lesson, the participants then shared with each other what they understood about the lesson. After about 20 minutes of sharing, the individuals from each group shared with the other group individuals in a one-to-one conversation. Afterwards, during the wrap-up, the participants were asked if they thought sharing similar lessons with others is something they would be able to do?

This is how I "Re-imagine Discipleship:"
1) I don't lead, but allow the facilitators to lead.
2) The facilitators facilitate a lesson.
3) The participants share the lesson learned one-to-one with others in their group.
4) The participants share the lesson learned one-to-one with the other group's participants.
5) The wrap-up with the entire group allows each attendee to do some self-evaluation, thinking about how they can spend time with others sharing what is learned.

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Help of the Helpless


Crown Point at Columbia River Gorge, Oregon  

My help comes from the LORD, who made the heavens and the earth.
PSALM 121:2 NLT 

Your desperate search reflects your anxiety.
     Hurting, you go on an intense quest for relief.
     At the end of your resources, you look high and low for assistance.
     Where on earth can you find a reason for optimism?
     Where will you turn when your strength is depleted?
     Will majestic mountain ranges be of any help?

My divine solution reveals the answer.
     Transcendent, I made the heavens—I surely can help you.
          I keep track of stars I whispered into being—I do the same for saints.
     Immanent, I made earth—I certainly can encourage you.
          I am nearer than hands and feet—I am closer than your breathing.
     Omnipotent, I made the mountains—I can help you climb them.
          Live fearlessly, persevering in the strength of Christ.

My dependable sleeplessness keeps Me awake.
     I never doze off or fall asleep on the job of guarding you from evil.
          You are never unsafe on My watch!
     Like a sentry guarding the ramparts of a fortification,
          I shield your emotions and thoughts day and night.
     Hold My hand—I will keep you from stumbling into Satan’s traps.
          Focus on your Invisible Means of Support until glory dawns.

My defensive shelter is your assurance.
     My promise is an unlimited liability clause, ensuring a bright future.
     I direct traffic patterns of the galaxies—I guide your life.
     I designed all the planets—I made you the unique person you are.
     I engineered the universe—I work behind the scenes shaping you.
     Technology can invent gadgets, but it cannot comfort your heart.
          Philosophy can grapple with life’s meaning, but it cannot give it.
          Science can describe physical laws, but it cannot create them.
     Rely on My faithful love, and you can rejoice in all circumstances.
          Seek My changeless heart, and you will find rest for your soul.
          Give Me the credit due, and you will enjoy a contented heart.
     Looking for help? Look no further—I am All You Ever Really Need in life.                                          


                                        (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                                   Day 241, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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1 In 5 Churches May Not Survive The Pandemic

According to David Kinnaman (President, Barna Group) up to 20% of churches may not re-open following the COVID pandemic.

Churches have been closed but some are now re-opening.

Will the churches and their congregation survive?

Pastor’s confidence is declining.

Only small numbers are returning as the churches re-open.

This may be due to the continued risk of COVID infection.

Or it could reflect a seismic shift in church attendance.

What is happening?

Many churches transitioned to on-line services when they could no longer meet face-to-face.

But some churches did not have the equipment or know-how.  Their services came to a halt.

Some church members did not have the technology to view services on-line.

 - Cut-off from their church, maybe doubting their faith, and possibly cut-off from God

Members enjoying the convenience of on-line services may not wish to return to “church normal”.

Many churches did not receive donations during closure even for on-line services.

Many church members have lost employment and struggle to make any contributions.

But when we think of COVID and its impact on the church, where does our mind go next?

Are we fearful for our personal situation - our health, lives, families, jobs, finances?

Are we worried about our church - continuation of congregational services?

Are we concerned about vulnerable individuals - their physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing?

Or do we go immediately into intercessory prayer to our loving God - the one who is in control?

How does all of this interact with faith and commitment?

Much depends on what the flock is trusting in as the “wind of COVID testing” blows on them!

What is their personal faith based on?

What did the church teach them to trust in?

It’s easy to feel blessed by God in the good times when everything is going well.

But COVID has disrupted everything; businesses have failed; unemployment has grown.

Churches teaching a false prosperity Gospel are likely to figure highly in church closures from COVID.

Churches where the Gospel has not been clearly preached are likely to be among them.

Hypocritical churches which failed to support vulnerable people during COVID may also close.

Churches that failed to disciple their flock may lose many of their sheep.

And individual’s faith will be tested: will they run from God or cling to God?

That will depend upon how well they know, trust, and love the true God of the Bible.

It depends on how clearly the true Gospel of Jesus Christ was previously preached to them.

Whether spending regular time with God in Bible reading and prayer is part of their redeemed life.

COVID is indeed a time of testing for the flock (church).

Will the flock continue to stand? (Mt 7:24-27)

Is it correctly founded on faith in Jesus Christ? (1 Cor 3:11)

Has the flock been discipled to weather the storms of life? (1 Cor 3:12-13)

Does it expect and use trials and temptations to develop perseverance? (Jas 1:2-4, 12)

Will the flock remain united during this time of testing, or will the sheep wander off?

Post-COVID, will the flock return to “normal”, or a new normal?

Will the church’s mission in the world be set-back, or find new opportunities in the “new normal”?

Read how some are actively planting new churches during the pandemic.

“The early church had no building, no money, and no political influence.  And they turned the world upside down.” - J D Greear

And they were persecuted.

So what are we doing wrong?

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A powerful new creation / evolution documentary is about to be released: “Dismantled”

(A scientific deconstruction of the theory of evolution)

You can watch it for FREE during the world premiere in two weeks’ time: Fri. 9 – Mon. 12 October.

Mark it in your calendars today.  Details and trailer are linked below.

Whether you believe in biblical creation, evolution, or some amalgam of the two, you will find this documentary fascinating and informative.

Scientific evidence for creation, not evolution, has been growing for some time.

Creation scientists have been working on this and promoting it for many years, but our God-denying, evolution-believing scientists, the media, and our educational systems have clung to evolutionary explanation of origins. It is the principal reason many people have walked away from God, faith, and the church.

What is interesting is that evolution-believing scientists are increasingly recognising that the evolutionary model is broken, and that the creation model is a far better fit with the scientific data.

Strengthen your faith: the Bible can be trusted from the very first verse!

Help your non-believing friends to return to their loving God: watch it together and use it as a discussion starter.

Mark your calendars to watch the free premier.  Promote it to your friends. Order the DVD to spread the message further.

Produced by Bible-believing scientists “yes”, but “no”, you don’t need a PhD to understand it!

Watch the trailer at the link above.

Rom 1:18-25

Go, Make, Grow, Disciples of Jesus



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When Anger Becomes Greed

I was busy enjoying my meal in a local restaurant, when I was distracted. A family of four, seated nearby me, caught my attention. Mom and Dad were not having one of their best days, plus the two small children were expressing their unhappiness in rather loud volume. The family anger seemed to escalate as the meal progressed. At the end of their meal and close to the end of their patience, Dad threw several dollars on the table for a tip, grabbed both kids and headed to check out. Left behind, Mom gathered the tip dollars, stuffed them in her purse, and hurried to catch up with her family. In this case anger led to greed. The actions of the Mom made me think of a verse in Proverbs, “He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house” (Proverbs 15:27), and I wondered if the verse could be reversed and paraphrased – “She who troubles her own house, becomes greedy.” Either way, these two emotions are a deadly mix. Don’t let your anger lead to greed. Don’t let your greed, cause anger.

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People of THE CHURCH are attentive to God’s Direction, His Will and His Word, many, many times falling short in their efforts.  Organized religion is often about looking for stuff from God, asking Him to Change His Will and adjusting His Word to fit its needs.  The sad Truth is organized religion is the image of THE CHURCH in America.


It may not have been made clear in other blog posts on this Web site, but the root cause of white supremacy and racism is organized religion.  Until organized religion in America publicly confesses and repents the following perversions of Christ’s teachings:  Matthew 28:19-20.  Don’t Bother!


Papal Bull Dum Diverersas - 18 June 1452

Pope Nicholas V issued the papal bull Dum Diversas on 18 June, 1452. It authorized Alfonso V of Portugal to reduce any “Saracens (Muslims) and pagans and any other unbelievers” to perpetual slavery. This facilitated the Portuguese slave trade from West Africa.

The Bull Romanus Pontiflex (Nicholas V) - 5 January 1455

The same pope wrote the bull Romanus Pontifex on January 5, 1455 to the same Alfonso. As a follow-up to the Dum Diversas, it extended to the Catholic nations of Europe dominion over discovered lands during the Age of Discovery.

The Bull Inter Caetera (Alexander VI) - 4 May 1493

In 1493 Alexander VI issued the bull Inter Caetera stating one Christian nation did not have the right to establish dominion over lands previously dominated by another Christian nation, thus establishing the Law of Nations.



Together, the Dum Diversas, the Romanus Pontifex and the Inter Caetera came to serve as the basis and justification for the Doctrine of Discovery, the global slave trade of the 15th and 16th centuries, and the Age of Imperialism.



information taken from

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Almost Heaven


This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
PSALM 118:24 NLT


Rejoice in My foundation of trust.  
Whatever courses other people may take today, nestle near your Shepherd’s heart.
     Sing the melody of grace notes I composed on your heart’s keyboard.
     Do not wait another day to celebrate grace—never postpone joy!
     My undisturbed peace is the joy of your heart.
     Heaven helping you, I am your Cornerstone.

Rejoice in My faithfulness over time.
     Whatever changes may happen in your life today, be certain I will not vary.
     I Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been—you can be sure of that.
     I love you no less today than yesterday—tomorrow will not change that.
     My unvarying Providence is the joy of your heart.
     Heaven instructing you, I am your Compass.

Rejoice in My fearlessness in trouble.
     Whatever catastrophes may happen in your life today, rely on My protection.
     I promise never to abandon you as an orphan in life’s storms—relax.
     Humans cannot defeat the Almighty; mortals cannot conquer the Immortal.
     My unfailing protection is the joy of your heart.
     Heaven reassuring you, I am your Courage.

Rejoice in My fortress in trials.
     Whatever consternation may attack your mind today, trust your Shepherd.
     Small faith takes you up to heaven; great faith brings heaven down to you.
     My unruffled poise is the joy of your heart.
     Heaven invigorating you, I am your Confidence.

Rejoice in My festival of triumph.
     Whatever confusion may swirl around you today, focus on rejoicing.
     Sing every heartbeat; pray every hour; dance every step.
     When should you get over blessing Me? Never!
     My unending praise is the joy of your heart.
     Heaven inspiring you, I am your Cheerfulness.

                                (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond 
                        Day 240, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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Many of us have networks of Christian friends from church and ministry activities, and networks of non-Christian “secular” friends from our employment, sports, and educational activities, etc

And for many of us, these networks have clear demarcations!

In a post-Christian society which is tearing itself apart, in a world where everything seems to be going wrong, where children are taught life has no meaning because we evolved from pond scum, it’s increasingly likely that most of our secular friends have turned their back on God, denied his existence, and never heard of Jesus except as an expletive!

As a result, Christians in many societies spend their time living in two separate worlds.

They are happy to speak openly about Jesus and their faith in their Christian networks, but leave their faith at home when heading to work, sport or college, and choose not to speak of their faith lest they offend somebody.  Often we can be working alongside another Christian and not know it.

But having prayed for a “secular someone”, having prayed for opportunities to move the discussion from the here-and-now to the spiritual, how do we make that transition?  And how do we live our lives in secular society in a way that brings praise and honour and glory to God?

There are many answers to those questions.  Much depends on the relationship, the context, the issues of the day, and what we know of the lives of the other person.  These are all good matters to pray about, seeking God’s guidance.

One technique that I find useful and often quite powerful is to use a current issue, or a word as a pivot, or a bridge between the here-and-now secular and the spiritual.

I offer the following example (albeit, in this situation with another known Christian).

When I registered (very recently) as a new member on this site, I received a couple of auto-generated welcome emails on behalf of the Site Administrator - my new-found friend Phil Miglioratti.

The second email was fine, but the first included 4 links to get me started, but none of them worked!  Not a good start!  Upon inspection, I deduced what was wrong with the links, corrected them and they worked OK.  I then notified the Site Administrator about the problem and what I’d done to correct it.

This allowed Phil to fix the problem for the next new site members and to reply to me:

“You saved the day! Feedback welcome anytime. Mega thanks, Phil.”

Now here’s the opportunity from a Christian perspective:

  1. Good deed done
  2. Relationship developed / initiated
  3. Now to point this back to Jesus / God.

My reply to Phil:

Hi Phil,

“You saved the day”?…

“Thank you heavenly Father for the opportunity to help; thank you that I was able to shine some light on an issue, assisting in the correction of something that had gone wrong. Thank you that I could, in Phil’s words, “save the day”! Thank you that I can walk in the path of your Son, who by His death for our sins and his resurrection to new life saved every eternal day for those who would put their faith in Him!..”

Although I didn’t know Phil personally before that point, I did know from his blog that he was an active, committed Christian.  That allowed me to launch directly into a shared prayer reflecting on the experience, bringing Phil’s work before God, and pivoting on the “Save” theme to give ultimate thanks to God for his Son, including the Gospel.

That brought Phil and I closer as we endeavour together to promote discipleship for the glory of God.

Jesus said:

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

(Mt 5:13-16)

But how could I have responded if it were a secular site I was joining for some other purpose, and the administrator unknown but for a name? Well I could have said:

Hi [Name]

Thanks for the feedback.  As a Christian, and an engineer, I am only too pleased to help fix things that have gone wrong. 

“You saved the day”?…

Again as a Christian, those words remind me of the “Good News” that those who put their faith in Jesus are saved, not just for a day, but for every day of eternity!

Again, pleased to help, and pleased to talk further about Jesus if you would like to know more about him, what he has done for me, and what he can do for you.

So, fellow disciples of Christ:

How do you bring a spiritual dimension to your secular conversations?

Do you use pivot techniques?

What other methods do you find effective?

Go, Make, Grow, Disciples of Jesus

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I’m a retired engineer living in Australia, now working as a layman, full-time for our Lord.

I had been 20 years an atheist, 10 years an agnostic, but was born again at the age of 30.

God had called me to be a relational evangelist!

We moved house and joined a new church when I retired in 2014.

In August 2017, I conducted a formal anonymous survey of our church members to better understand what they considered “A disciple of Jesus” to be.  Responses differed greatly across our 4 congregations against the following (tick box) options:

  1. Someone who is regularly going to church
  2. Someone who is mentoring other Christians to grow in their faith
  3. Someone who is learning from Jesus to live like him in repentance and faith 
  4. Someone who is really serious about living for Jesus 
  5. Someone who has been a Christian for many years 
  6. Someone who has been baptised and confirmed 
  7. Someone who trusts in Jesus' death and resurrection for their sins 
  8. Someone who is Spirit filled and Spirit led 
  9. Other:

The responses for the church as a whole ranked No 7 highest, followed by 3, 4, 2, 8

I was disappointed that the median response from only 1 of our 4 services (10am) selected No 3.

If our members don’t know what a disciple of Christ actually is, then we must ask whether they themselves have been discipled, and what motivation and ability they may have for discipling others. That points the finger back at church leadership, vision and strategy (the reason for the survey).

Pleasingly, when asked, “Who do you believe is responsible for making and growing disciples of Jesus?” the overwhelming response was “Every fellow disciple of Jesus regardless of gifts”.

When asked, “Why should we make and grow disciples of Jesus?” the ranked responses for the church as a whole were: “To glorify God's beloved Son” followed by “To take part in God's big plan to rescue and redeem a people for himself”, then “To demonstrate God's love for them”, then “To obey the Great Commission“, etc.

Sadly, when asked, “On a scale of 1 - 10 How committed are you to growing in the knowledge, love, and service of Jesus?” only 34% of the church overall claimed to be totally committed (10/10), though it was the median response. 

When asked, “How willing are you to lead someone to Jesus?” the median response was only 21% of church members (at a willingness of 8/10).  

When asked, “How willing are you to help another Christian grow in knowledge, love and service of Jesus?” the median response was only 28% of church members (at a willingness of 10/10), and these respondents indicated they were already doing so.

When asked, “How do you or would you seek to lead someone to Jesus?” the ranked responses were: 

“Live and love like Jesus in the world”, then “Look for opportunities to open up a conversation about Jesus“, then “Discuss issues of life from a biblical perspective”, then “Invite someone to a church event”, then “Invite someone to a Sunday church service”. Sadly, whilst most would pray, only a very small minority would choose to read the Bible 1-1 with someone.

When asked, “How would you help another Christian grow in the knowledge, love and service of Jesus?” the overwhelming majority said they would pray.  Again, only a minority would read the Bible 1-1 with someone.

So what do we make of this?

That most see a duty to make "disciples", but the "disciples" they make would be content in their own salvation and would not seek to make disciples of others (that is, making converts rather than making disciples who would make disciples of others)?

Is this why churches are not growing?

Armed with this data, I urged our church leadership to preach on discipling and to put in place some formal discipling programs for adults. A short introductory sermon series resulted, but other actions failed due to certain extraordinary circumstances which interrupted what we were doing (life threatening illness, followed by staff changes, then COVID).  I continue to work with church leadership to make ours a truly Bible-based discipling church.

Meanwhile, my focus has been on personal relational evangelism, and calling others to follow me into the local mission field.


Are you a disciple of Christ: one who makes disciples, who make disciples of Christ?

How do you do this?  Do you have any favourite resources that work in your context?

Go, Make, Grow, Disciples of Jesus

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Forever Faithful


Warner Sallman  Head of Christ 

                                                  Alleluia! Praise Yahweh, all nations; extol him, all peoples,
                                                for his faithful love is strong and his constancy never-ending.

                                                                                 PSALM 117 TNJB

I am Controller of nations—Ultimate Solution to the world’s problems.
     Searching for stability? You will have to go beyond politics to find it.
          Nations around the globe are anything but united—they are unsettled.
          Swords outnumber plowshares—war costs more than agriculture.
          Spears outnumber pruning hooks—killing fields exceed orchards.
     One day the Prince of Peace will settle international disputes.
          My Son will fight the war to end all wars and unite the nations.
     All cultures need My calm; all governments need My control;
          all economies need My contentment.

I am Creator of all humans—Unique Savior of the world’s people.
     Seeking peace of mind? Approach My throne—it is mercy, not marble.
          My kindness is as sure as sunrise—you can count on it.
     Need cleansing for your soul? The blood of Christ purifies your heart.
     All colors need My clemency; all geographies need My comfort;
          all educational levels need My cleansing.

I am the Christ of Constancy—Universal Sovereign of the world’s praise.
     Hungry for something dependable? It is really Someone you need.
          My changeless love fills your life with consistency.
          My glorious reign fills your heart with courage.
          My eternal life fills your personality with celebration.

I am the Center of Faithful Love—Unending Song of the world’s peace.
     Yearning for joy? Hints of glory encircle you—greet the morning with praise!
     Whatever happens, stay focused on Me and enjoy perfect peace.
          Trust the Captain—sail through troubled seas on an even keel.
     My consoling music is your cheer; My gracious mercy is your communion;
          My encouraging meaning is your confidence.
     Looking for eternal significance? Ponder life’s Greatest Reality—
          I am the One Who Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been;
               I have always loved you, and I always will.


                                       (c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
                              Day 239, Gentle Whispers from Eternity 

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