Rembrandt Jesus Calming the Storm
Nevertheless He regarded their distress when He heard their cry;
And He [earnestly] remembered for their sake His covenant
and relented their sentence of evil [comforting and easing Himself]
according to the abundance of His mercy and loving-kindness.
Review your uncomplimentary history in honest confession.
Sometimes you are a lot like the ancient Israelites—
dull and slow to catch on—not seeing the light until you feel the heat!
defiant and stubborn—rebelling against your own best interests!
distracted and sidetracked—forgetting your Creator and Lord!
dissatisfied and searching for more—desires running wild!
demented and substituting lesser gods—worshiping counterfeits!
When you realize you are in trouble, I hear your cries for help.
The Master of the sea hears your despairing cry, lifts you from the waters,
and keeps you safe (James Rowe, “Love Lifted Me”).
In My mercy, you are liberated and pardoned.
In your sinful feelings, stay afloat by My grace.
Rejoice in the unparalleled happiness of My celebration.
Think over the glorious miracles I have performed on your behalf.
Pull out all the stops and praise Me—you cannot ever overdo it!
Love will not let you go—rest your weary soul in Me.
In My music, you are lyrical and peaceful.
In your sad feelings, stay afloat by My gladness.
Rely on the unfailing hope of My covenant.
My promise of a bright future is what keeps you from going under.
Joy seeks you through pain, so do not close your heart to Me.
Trace the rainbow through the rain, remembering morn will be tearless
(George Matheson, “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go”).
Life’s sea is wide, and your boat is small—but I will not let you drown.
In My mind, you are loved and pitied.
In your sinking feelings, stay afloat by My goodness.
Waves overwhelming? Wind ferocious? Frightened by high seas?
Trust My unfailing love—and stay afloat.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 234, Gentle Whispers from Eternity