Happy are those who fear the LORD. PSALM 112:1
Joy is the clearest evidence of My Presence.
My openhanded blessings let you enjoy life in every dimension—
In the reading of My inspired Scripture
Mine the gold and silver of the Book from Heaven—treasure My Word.
Mull My orders over hour after hour—think them through, pray them in.
My words are honey for your soul, not bitter medicine! Relish them!
Looking for significance in the pages of the Bible? Obey the Author!
In the riches of My infinite supply
Out of My limitless wealth in glory, I make your cup overflow.
Out of My inexhaustible resources, I provide more than enough.
Like to enjoy life to the hilt? Develop a contented mind.
In the remembrance of inviolable security
You will not be overwhelmed by guilt—you are overshadowed.
Your name is indelibly written in blood in the Book of Life—relax.
Yearn to celebrate blessed assurance? Trust your wounded Savior.
In a reputation of invariable strength
Spectators of the Faith Marathon may marvel at your perseverance.
Approaching burnout? Refuel with My Spirit and soar like an eagle.
Trying to unlock the secret of facing hard situations? Use the Christ Key.
In the Rock of invulnerable steadiness
My invulnerable joy transcends the fragile happiness of circumstances.
Facing uncertainties, you have more than faith—you have your Father.
Looking for peace and tranquility? Surrender to Me unreservedly.
In the reflection of My Indwelling Spirit
I am always with you—do not let despair get the best of you.
I am your Night Light—let Me shine through your personality.
What has been said of Me can be seen in you—if you truly believe.
Desire to experience joy beyond words? Get in step with My Spirit!
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 236, Gentle Whispers from Eternity