Have you ever noticed that before a mission trip or some great event or in fact before a great work of God in your life, you have intensified spiritual attack?


I believe there is a reason God not only allows but arranges attack in your life. There are a number of benefits that come to us through spiritual attack. Toughening strengthening of faith, the necessary humility, the development of character, and compassionate empathy are wrought in us through trials and yes, spiritual warfare.

I believe the primary or all encompassing reason God allows those things is the preparation of Prayer. We need prayer for that mission trip, for that great gift of God, for the work God wants to do around us. And spiritual warfare drives us to pray. We pray far more consistently because we are under spiritual attack. We pray more fervently because we are in spiritual attack. We pray listening prayers under spiritual attack. We pray more faithfully because we're in spiritual attack.

Of course when you are in spiritual attack the goal is to be obedient. But in addition to any general obedience you need the specific obedience of prayer.

And God is allowing spiritual attack because you simply need more time in his presence. You need the imprint of His reality and majesty, His power and nearness. When you are facing spiritual attack you have to pray as you have never prayed. And you can pray with anticipation because of what God is preparing to bring about in your life. And that kind of praying is necessary for us to walk in the work of God.






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Abiding but not Thriving


There are two questions every believer must deal with in their Christian life. The first is: "Why aren't I bearing more fruit for the Kingdom of God?" The second is more troublesome: "Why does a good God allow evil and suffering in the world?" 

As He sits by the sea one day, Jesus answers both questions. In the parable of the sower, He reveals the believer's four-step growth progression towards fruitfulness. We know the first two: "wayside" hearers who do not understand the Word, and "stony" believers, or those who love the Word but have no root in themselves to persevere. It is the third type of believer we can learn from. 

Please click here to read article

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PrayNetwork spotlight - Ron Edwards

This week, we're turning the Spotlight on Ron Edwards, a relatively new member of PrayNetwork.  Ron is located in Australia and joined the Network on July 1, 2015.

PN: Ron, how did you first come to be interested in prayer?

Ron: I began to experience prayer as spiritual warfare when I took my company Christian Press into the secular marketplace under the name Care & Share Products.  We focused on offering scripture cards and gifts.  The company began to come under intense spiritual attack, and I realized then that prayer is spiritual warfare and that I was involved in it whether I realized it or not.


PN: What's your favorite passage about prayer and why?

Ron: It's Ephesians 6:18, "Therefore give yourselves wholly to prayer and entreaty; pray on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit". In context, this verse ties prayer in with the armor of God and spiritual warfare, and this summarizes well my experience in prayer.


PN: What topic(s) of prayer make your heart beat faster?

Ron: With the perspective of spiritual warfare, I'm particularly interested in prayer as a means of binding the strong man (Matthew 12:29; Luke 10:19). Satan is our spiritual enemy, the strong man, and prayer is our main weapon for binding him.


PN: What has been your best experience of prayer in community?

Ron: Praying with Transforming Sidney.  We saw the kind of unity that Jesus himself prayed for evident across denominations, age, and nationalities as we came together in this prayer event.


PN: What resources would you recommend on prayer?

Ron: The Way of Victorious Praying by Zacharias Tanee Fomum and Handle with Prayer by Charles Stanley.  Also, for praying in community, Joe Aldrich's Prayer Summits.


PN: What word of encouragement do you have for the PrayNetwork community?

Ron: God stirs up prayer movements and prayer warriors to stem the tide of people turning away from him.  We've seen this in Australia, as a renewed emphasis on prayer has resulted from our country's movement toward ejecting God from its life.  God does not give up on us!

PN:  Ron doesn't have a profile set up on PrayNetwork yet, but you can find out more about him at his sites,



Also, check out Ron's homepage on PrayNetwork for a Powerpoint presentation sharing his insights on praying effectively.

PrayNetwork.org Spotlight by Andrew Wheeler.

See Andrew's website at www.togetherinprayer.net

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Overcoming Exhaustion

One of the reasons why I began writing His Inscriptions was to strengthen believers - especially Christian leaders - who are weary and exhausted for various reasons. You may be feeling that way today. It is not uncommon, in an increasingly hostile world, to feel tired or discouraged. Once we are weary, it becomes harder than ever to maintain the good habits we have of connecting with God. Self-discipline eludes us and our communication with God ebbs at the time we need it most.

The Bible addresses weariness, and in its simplest form, we know that a weary body needs rest and nourishment, just as a weary spirit does. (Read more here)

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Go With the Flow

River picture
Early one morning the Lord woke me, saying: "Treat obstacles not as occasions for worry but as opportunities in the Spirit." It was an encouraging word He wanted me to share with a friend who was about to experience several days of new obstacles. I shared the word, thinking it was a catchy little phrase! Not long after that, though, He showed me a picture of the rapids. 

The image of a river is powerful in Scripture; Psalm 46:4 speaks of a river "whose streams make glad the city of God," and Ezekiel prophesies about a river in God's temple whose waters will increase until they become too deep to cross. It is a picture of the Holy Spirit. Not surprisingly, a popular expression in the Charismatic renewal of the 1990's was: "Jump in the river!" (Meaning, jump into the flow of the Spirit!).

But rivers, especially the rapids, contain obstacles. Some are small and easily floated over. Some are so deep they are virtually unseen. It is the larger ones that tend to cause us difficulties in our faith-walk. The ones that seem to block our way or hold us back from going to where we want to be. The ones that are too big for us to move.

We are not meant to get stuck behind obstacles, but to continue flowing in the river of the Spirit as we journey along. In order to do this, we must know what kind of obstacle we are bumping into. It is here that the wisdom of God is indispensable.

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PTAP: Taken Captive by the Devil

For many believers, churches, denominations, and missions organizations prayer has been lost. The Apostle Paul says: "Pray without ceasing," or "Pray continually," or "Never stop praying."

The devil has been taking people captive to do his will (2 Timothy 2:26) since the fall of man. The land and kingdoms of this earth are controlled by him (Matthew 4:8-9). As we think about advancing the Kingdom of God we know that there is a fight between two kingdoms. There are places in the Arabian Peninsula that have been controlled for years by the devil. Pray that the land of the AP will be freed from the devil and his control. Pray that the hearts of Gulf Muslims would be freed from the hardness the devil places there, especially the hardness against knowing Jesus the Son of God and the full truths about Jesus. Pray for a growing movement among people who will seek Jesus to advance His great name in families, villages, towns and cities across the AP. The devil has been in control too long, we are seeking the God of all creation to have a great victory in the AP.

A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people's hearts, and they will learn the truth. Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil's trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants. 2 Timothy 2:24-26

Next the devil took him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. "I will give it all to you," he said, "if you will kneel down and worship me." 

Matthew 4:8-9

What did Jesus respond? "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'" Matthew 4:10

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Spiritual Warfare Series

Kingdom Greetings Prayer Partners,

It gives me great pleasure to announce to you the "Spiritual Warfare Series" that will occur on Friday nights this month on the Prayer is my Passion Prayer line.

We will be having in depth Teachings on various topics relating to Spiritual Warfare and then we will climax on Friday, October 31, 2014 with Strategic Prophetic Warfare Prayer.


Time: 9pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific

Teleconference Dial in # 1-218-632-06501-218-632-0650 Access Code: 8888#

(please press *6 to self mute your phone to eliminate background noise)

Our Schedule:

Friday, October 3, 2014 - Pastor Lisa Martin will be speaking on "The Spirit of Divination and the Python Spirit"


Friday, October 10, 2014 - Evangelist Kimberly Frye is our Guest Speaker and she will be speaking on "Exposing Witchcraft"

Friday, October 17, 2014 - Apostle Mary Thomas will be our Guest Speaker and she will be speaking on "Familiar Spirits"

Friday, October 24, 2014 - Prophet Katina Donaldson will be our Guest Speaker and she will be speaking on "Dethroning Jezebel"

Pastor Lisa Martin aka Virtuous Lady

Host & Visionary of

Prayer is my Passion Intercessory Prayer Ministry


For more information or to submit a Prayer request please call the Ministry Voicemail at 641-715-3900641-715-3900 X16052# or email prayerismypassion@yahoo.com

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Hello everyone,I have information about spiritual warfare on my website:http://www.valentinabestmusic.net/spiritual-warfare-daily.htmlincluding very informative and educational material about destroying witchcraft and dangers of the occult.Please read gospel tracts entitled: "Exposing And Destroying Witchcraft!" "Dangers Of The Occult: Exposed!" and "You Can Be Set Free!" at: http://valentinabestmusic.net/read-free-ebooks-online.htmlI also have many other inspirational and motivational tracts on my websites at:http://www.godzangelmusic.com & http://www.valentinabestmusic.netPlease recommend this material to all your friends:http://valentinabestmusic.net/recommend-website.htmlGod bless you all!
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Three Levels of Prayer by Eddie Smith

NOTE:  Tomorrow we release a very important announcement.
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Three Levels of Prayer
by Eddie Smith

The first level:  Praying to receive

The first level of prayer most of us experience is praying to receive.

Years ago I was conducting a revival meeting in Mississippi. One evening, following the service, we went to dinner at a beautiful old antebellum home that belonged to some church members.

While we were eating I noticed an odd chain that extended through the wall near the dining table. Mystified by it, I asked the homeowner what it was. He explained that it was a "servant's chain," from the days of slavery. When the slave owner's family was ready to be served their dinner, they summoned their servants by pulling the chain.

Prayer is often seen as a way for us to "pull God's chain," to persuade Him to meet our needs. We have a need, we pray, and God responds with an answer. Isn't that often our perception of prayer? This is the most elementary understanding and application of prayer, not unlike a hungry baby who cries for his food.

But there are other aspects of prayer that we grow to understand and experience.

The second level:  Praying to relate

Over time some of us may learn that prayer should be more than our "pulling God's chain" to get something from Him. We begin to see prayer as a way to relate to our heavenly Father. Prayer becomes an act of worship, an intimate spiritual relationship between a bride (us) and a groom (Christ). No other religion attempts to pray at this level. Their gods have no interest in a loving and personal relationship with them.

At this point we move beyond simply approaching God for things, even good and important things. In fact, our focus is no longer on ourselves at all. It is now on our "heavenly lover."

Some are so programmed toward serving God that they never discover this intimate aspect of prayer. They elevate what they do for God above relating intimately to Him.

When you enter this level of prayer you learn that it's not primarily about your needs being met. It's about meeting Christ's needs of worship, praise, and adoration. (See John 4:23.) But there's a third level of prayer. I believe it is the highest level.

My wife, Alice's, personal life message has to do with intimacy with God. Her classic bestseller Beyond The Veil, and her latest book Spiritual Intimacy With God delve deeply into this level of prayer. If you haven't, I strongly encourage you to read them.

The third level:  Praying to produce

God is beginning to reveal to us here at the beginning of the twenty-first century how prayer to receive blends with prayer to relate to become prayer to produce!

Consider for a moment a man and his wife who cannot produce children. From ancient times barrenness has been thought of as tragic. The childless couple has affection for and an attraction to each other. They are intimately engaged with each other. They find great personal fulfillment in their relationship. But they desire more. They want a child. They are programmed for reproduction. If they cannot produce children, they feel unfulfilled.

The same is true with prayer. Through prayer our basic needs are satisfied. We pray and God responds. Through prayer we experience intimacy with God. We exchange vows of love, we adore Him, and He adores us. But the ultimate purpose of our divine romance is to produce fruit. What kind of fruit? Every tree produces fruit after its kind. We are expected to produce kingdom fruit that will in time produce more kingdom fruit.

One day God's glorious kingdom will be fulfilled on this earth. Today, we can experience a "pre-fillment" of His kingdom in our hearts. We, the King's bride, in concert with Him, are to produce kingdom results to see the kingdom of God displace the kingdom of darkness through spiritual warfare. Through prayer we will soon see the kingdoms of this earth become the kingdoms of our God! Key to this is our being heard in heaven.

My book, "How To Be Heard In Heaven" is about change. Writing it changed me. Reading it will change you. If like me, you are dissatisfied with the general ineffectiveness of your prayer life and want to step up to a new dimension with revelation that will unlock the heavenlies and release God's power, both in your own life and in the lives of those you love, then welcome aboard. Fasten your seat belt! You are the very person I've been waiting for.

There is a prayer protocol in heaven. It isn't complex, but it is very real. How we see and approach God is critical to our being heard by Him. It isn't true that He hears every prayer. We can and should learn how to present our cases in heaven's court in ways that increase the likelihood of our being heard and winning our petitions. I'm calling you to a place of spiritual maturity in prayer.

When Robert, our eldest son who is also a minister, was four years old, he and I were sitting in a shoe store while his mom shopped for shoes. Like any four-year-old boy, he began to grow a bit restless. Frankly, so was I.

As he walked by me I said with a serious tone, "Son, when are you going to grow up?"

His big brown eyes rolled up and to the left as he grasped for a thought. He said, "I'm gonna do it right now."

With that, he rose to his tiptoes, threw back his tiny shoulders, gritted his teeth, and exerted all the effort he could muster to stretch himself taller. After a couple of fruitless and frustrating moments, a look of disappointment fell across his cherubic face. He said, "I think I'll let myself do it." He learned right there that growing up takes time.

Spiritual maturity, like physical maturity, doesn't happen overnight. It takes time. But it also takes determination.

One man challenged me, saying, "Brother, I figure that if God can hear the prayer of a toddler, he can hear me regardless of how I pray."

I assured him that he was correct. "Sure, God can hear you as well as He can hear a toddler. However, is anything more disappointing than a forty-seven-year-old toddler?" Why would anyone settle for such a low goal rather than strive to become the best? Let's discover the elements required to release God's power when we pray. Let's set our sights on becoming those God looks forward to hearing from.

Alice and I once spoke to our children in "baby talk." But as they grew older we changed the way we communicated with them. They are all adults now. Talking in "baby talk" to them would be ridiculous, in spite of the fact that they would understand what we are saying.

It's the same way with prayer. God appreciates the prayer of toddlers; He loves to hear them pray. Who doesn't? However, there comes a time when we should move from "baby talk" to clear adult communication with God. Prolonged immaturity dishonors Him. What He can hear, or is even willing to hear, isn't the question. The point is what He deserves to hear, what brings Him pleasure.

God has delegated dominion of the earth to us and invites us to be His partners in prayer. (See Genesis 1:27-28 and Psalm 115:16.) It's time that we mature in prayer and become intentional, trained allies with God in extending His kingdom on the earth.

Once we become kingdom-oriented, we graduate from problem-centered praying to purpose-driven prayer. We discover that prayer's higher purpose is to accomplish God's eternal agenda. When we begin to "tune our prayers into that frequency," self begins to fade, and Christ becomes the focus of our prayers. Then God will be honored to hear them.

Zachary, one of our grandsons (who was three years old at the time), was spending the night with us. He was having difficulty going to sleep, and because of it, I was having difficulty going to sleep! After warning him several times to stop sneaking out of his bed, making noises, and whatever else he could think to do to stay awake, I heard him talking. That was it! I climbed out of bed again, lumbered down the hall to his room, turned on his light, and said sternly, "Zachary Myles Smith, who are you talking to?!"

He sat upright, looked at me with his big brown eyes, and said angelically, "I talkin' to my room."

How about you? Like Zachary, have you felt like you've been talkin' to your room? Have you elevated yourself and your needs above God's agenda? As you grow to maturity, you'll come to understand that prayer is not primarily about you; it's about your heavenly Father and His kingdom.

Prayer's prime purpose has to do with the heart of God. In fact, He promised us that if we'd focus on His kingdom, He'd focus on those things we need. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33, emphasis added).

He has called us to a joint venture with Him in the family business, which is building His kingdom! Great communication skills are required to build any effective family business. Prayer is the ultimate wireless communication.

May ours always be more than "talkin' to our room."
The above article is adapted from Eddie's book "How To Be Heard In Heaven."

For more than 30 years of our ministry Alice and I have trusted God for our support
and the support of a dozen or more ministries that we assist in other nations.

Galatians 6:6 --
If our other messages have blessed you, please prayerfully consider becoming our ministry partner
to make it possible for us to continue to help God's people here and abroad.
God bless you! How?

Online here:
Mail:  Make your check or money order payable to:
U.S. Prayer Center
7710-T Cherry Park Drive
Suite 224
Houston, Texas 77095

(800) 569-4825

Eddie and Alice are available to speak to your church or group.    (800) 569-4825

Thank you!
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Oh, I know, some folks think God hears every prayer. But that's just not the case. I can think of at least three categories of people God refuses to listen to.

First, God won't hear a person who regards iniquity.

David the psalmist wrote, "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear" (Psalm 66:18 nkjv, emphasis added). To regard iniquity is not synonymous with a failure to confess sin. If God can't hear us unless we've confessed every sin, then we'll never be heard. Why? Because at any given time we are aware of only a fraction of the sins we've committed. Like the psalmist David concluded, "Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults" (Psalm 19:12).

This verse about "regarding iniquity" is about preferring sin. When I tell someone, "Give my regards to your wife," I'm saying, "Tell her that I honor her." The Message version of Psalm 66:18 brings it into focus. It says, "If I had been cozy with evil, the Lord would never have listened." The person who is heard in heaven isn't a person who doesn't sin. It's a person who doesn't prefer sin, isn't cozy with it, doesn't think fondly of it or honor it. He has the same opinion about sin that God has. He hates it, shuns it, and longs to be free from it. The most committed Christian among us will occasionally sin. But a person of integrity hates sin and quickly repents.

The second type of person God refuses to hear is someone who tries to manipulate Him when he or she prays.

Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 6:7 that the pagans thought they would be heard for their "much speaking." The implication was ... they weren't! As we say in Texas, "God doesn't take kindly to manipulation."

There are many ways that people try to manipulate God when they pray. However, in most cases, they don't even know they are doing it. Two that come to mind are when people spend the bulk of their prayer time informing a God who knows everything. Somehow they apparently feel they need to break it down for Him. <smile>

More seriously (it seems to me) are those who instruct God in prayer. They literally order Him as if He is their slave. But as I said, most who do that don't even realize how they sound. Frankly, I would never have addressed my earthly father in the tone and approach I hear some people address our Heavenly Father.

Paul said, "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me" (1 Corinthians 13:11). Growing requires becoming aware of certain things we are doing wrong and putting them away.

Third, God won't hear the prayer of a "double-minded person."

James tells us: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks [prays], he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man [or woman] should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does" (James 1:5-8).

Here God promises NOT TO answer the prayers of those who are double-minded. A double-minded pray-er is one who prays in faith, believing. Then after doing so, thinks doubtful thoughts and speaks doubtful things about the very thing they were believing God to do. To pray single-minded prayer is a powerful strategy. I deal with it quite thoroughly in my book "How To Be Heard In Heaven." But for now, I DO HAVE some good news!
In every generation there have been those whom God has heard and answered. He hears the righteous, the expectant, and those who celebrate His responses. He hears those who celebrate in advance having received what they have yet to receive. May God expand our spiritual horizon that we'll receive a greater revelation of God's gracious offer to hear and answer us. As I write these words, I'm praying that you will see, perhaps for the first time, the unique position you have as a result of His death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and the coming of His Holy Spirit. Only then can you take full advantage and see miraculous things happen when you pray.

Most Christians have never recognized the remarkable contrast between the ways David and other Old Testament saints approached God and the way New Testament believers (especially after Pentecost) approached God--people like the apostle Paul. As we begin to get a clearer perspective of who God is, who we are, and a better understanding of how we fit into His plan, we will begin to pray from the redemptive side of the cross, and begin to recognize the awesome opportunity that's ours as New Testament believers.

You'll have to agree that the wickedness of this world increases by the moment. The international dilemmas are staggering. Nations are beginning to recognize and admit their helplessness. Whether they know it or not, they are looking for a messiah.

The evil that lies in wait for our families is increasing exponentially. The Ozzie and Harriet, Leave It to Beaver, and Father Knows Best days are gone forever. Our ability to engage in effective prayer, prayer that God hears and delights to answer, is critical for the days ahead.

If you'd like to step up to a new level in prayer, I encourage you to get "How To Be Heard In Heaven."

May God HEAR and answer your prayers!
The above article is adapted from Eddie's book "How To Be Heard In Heaven."
As we enter the 2013 holiday season, ministry support typically drops off dramatically. Alice and I always have and will continue to offer our ministry without charge. However, it is not without cost. At least a dozen other deserving ministries around the world look to us for support each month.

Please consider helping us this month with an income tax-deductible gift to the ministry of the U.S. Prayer Center.  How?

With a credit card, now:   DONATE NOW

Or mail your check or money order made payable to:
U.S. Prayer Center
7710-T Cherry Park Drive
Suite 224
Houston, TX 77095

Thank you!
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New Covenant Praying By Eddie Smith

“God wants to perform in ways beyond our expectation. His desire is to respond ‘exceedingly above all that we can ask (pray) or think (imagine).' So, if we can imagine it, or ask it, it’s likely too small!”    

bk_eddie_howtobeheard__59769.1315355561.1280.1280.jpg?width=150Picture Alice and I hope your summer 2013 has started smoothly and that it will hold many blessings for you and your family. We’re looking forward to some fun times with friends and family, woven into our work and ministry schedule. Summertime usually brings financial challenges to ministries as ours. Please pray with us that won’t be true this year.
        Have you ever been told, or heard someone told, “You are never satisfied, are you?” Well, has it ever occurred to you that dissatisfaction with the status quo is a basis for petitionary prayer (intercession)?
        You see, praying Christians like us will never be satisfied until God’s kingdom comes and His will is done on earth as it is being done in heaven. We continually live with a holy dissatisfaction with what exists, and are committed to, as Alice wrote last month, see it changed through prayer.
        If this describes you, here are three tips that may help. In this letter, I’m offering more along the line of Alice’s excellent May letter.

  • Discern and accept the burdens of the Lord.  Perhaps one of the most difficult things for us to do today is to discern that for which we are to pray. Because of the Internet and other modern conveniences, we can be easily overwhelmed with requests and the needs around us. We must remember we aren’t primarily here to meet needs. We are here to engage with the Father in what He is doing. (Jn 5:19) What is the Father doing? What does He want to do?

We can only know this if our hearts are closely entwined with His. We can’t share the burdened heart of someone we hardly known. God, as a gentleman, will never force us to bear burdens unwillingly. Instead, He invites us to co-labor with him in His kingdom work. He is looking for co-laborers. (Isa 59:16) That’s why we describe His assignment as “the great CO-mission.” (Mt 28:19-20)
        Notice the burdens we are called to bear are His burdens--“the burdens of the Lord.” True God-assigned prayer begins in the heart of God. When He deposits His burdens into our hearts, if we don’t understand what He’s doing; what we should do and how we should do it; we may easily miss the point. In fact, we are saddened to see how many of the Christians who are diagnosed as emotionally or mentally depressed are in reality experiencing the Father’s call to intercede. They neither know that what they sense is the burden of the Lord, nor how they should respond to His call to intercede. One of our mandates is to offer training resources. Once we discern and accept a burden from the Lord, we are to…

  • Identify with God’s desire to intervene in the matter. (2 Pet 3:9)  God shares His burden with us to orchestrate a “heavenly intervention.” Satan is at work today to destroy people, and to disrupt God’s plans on the earth. (Jn 10:10b) Much of what is happening around us today breaks the Father’s heart. His desire is to expose and defeat evil, and to extend mercy and grace. (Jas 2:13).

        However in His plan, the Father has limited Himself to some degree by giving us responsibility for what happens here. (Gen 1:28; Psa 115:16) So mysteriously, He awaits our prayerful invitations to operate in the earth realm. As His kingly priests (Rev 5:10), if we are to see His activity here, we must discern and accept His burden and desire regarding the people, places and things around us; and invite Him to operate accordingly. Notice that Revelation 5:10 doesn’t suggest some of us are kings, and some are priests. All who are in Christ are kingly priests, or priestly kings (male or female). Remember, there is no “laity” in the body of Christ. All are ministers. (Eph 4:12)

  • Pray in faith for a breakthrough.  God wants to perform in ways beyond our expectation. His desire is to respond “exceedingly above all we can ask (pray) or think (imagine). So, if we can imagine it, or ask it, it’s likely too small! But there is a fight of faith in prayer.

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if Jesus would ask the Father on our behalf? Great, perhaps, but that isn’t the way it works. Jesus said, “In that day...the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name…Ask and you will receive…you will ask, I’m not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf.” (Jn 16:23-26) So, to ask is clearly our responsibility.
    IMPORTANT:  The following does not apply to what’s commonly referred to as the false teaching: “name it and claim it.” Remember our premise. We are praying according to the Father’s desire, His burden-- our heaven-given assignment. Got it? Great! Now hold on.   
    Do we really believe that He hears us when we ask in His name, according to His will? If so, then He commands us to consider it done. Amazing, isn’t it? He specifically says, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it (already), and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24) One of the most difficult verses of Scripture for us to believe is Mk 11:24, where Jesus said, “…whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have (already) received it, and it will be yours.”
    There is clear evidence that we understand and practice prayer that is based on our belief that we have received that for which we are asking. What is the evidence? Paul said, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer…, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” If we truly believe we have received that for which we are asking our praying will be void of anxiety and filled with gratitude to the Father for His faithfulness.

    What about perseverance? What about wrestling in prayer? There is perhaps no greater struggle, no greater spiritual warfare, than the battle against our fleshly minds, the faithless testimonies of others, and the contrary things that we see around us that say “your God doesn’t hear, and isn’t going to answer you.” Our fight of faith is to stand convinced that He already has heard us, and that we already have that for which we’ve prayed in His name, according to His will. He is the Only Faithful One!
    If this lesson has blessed, enlightened or encouraged you, will you ask the Father how you can support the ministries of the U.S. Prayer Center? Thank you SO MUCH for standing with us financially this summer.

In His love,
Eddie and Alice

How can we serve you?  CLICK HERE

Phone Donation:  800-569-4825

Postal Donation:
Make check or money order payable to:
U.S. Prayer Center
7710-T Cherry Park Dr, Ste 224
Houston, TX 77095

Online Donation CLICK HERE

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Reconciliation – A Missing Link!?

By Eddie and Alice Smith
U.S. Prayer Center, Houston, Texas


Sadly, as we enter 2013 we can’t help but notice that much of the twenty-first century church is in disarray.


Despite Paul’s 2,000-year-old admonition against division in the church (1 Cor. 12:22-25), it’s plain to see that the body of Christ is severely splintered. Among the divisions are:


•  Denominationalism

•  Racial tensions

•  The gender gap

•  The Charismatic versus non-Charismatic issues

•  Minister and laity distinctions


Although in the past twenty years we’ve seen some encouraging reconciliation in the church, the lost world might rightly ask, “Why are these Christians trying to reconcile me to God when they are not even reconciled to each other?”


It’s an excellent question, and one that deserves an answer. After all, reconciliation implies relationship!


But there is something else. Along with the need for reconciliation, we must offer the Lord new wineskins. God wants to pour out the new wine of revival upon his church. In fact, he has saved the best wine until last. It is a purifying wine, a healing wine, and an empowering wine. New wine however, requires new wineskins. (Mark 2:22) As someone has rightly said, “All new wineskins have one thing in common. They are freshly dead.”


To become new wineskins and truly live, we must die to ourselves and abandon the old. So the church today is in a state of flux. The only thing we can count on in the future is change! But as long as the church looks like a sieve, fraught with disunity, it will never hold water, much less new wine.


We are on the brink of what may be history’s last great revival and a worldwide harvest of souls. God is renewing the nature of the church (his bride) as he prepares her for earth’s final spiritual battle to be followed by the marriage supper of the Lamb.


However, Jesus said, “A house divided against itself will fall” (Luke 11:17). As unity enables, so also disunity disables. For 2,000 years, a disabled church has tried,


• To reach a disabled world

• To fight against the kingdom of darkness

• To complete the Great Commission


As a result of our divisions, not surprisingly, we have accomplished little. After 2,000 years of opportunity, much of the world is yet to know God and the eternal salvation that could be theirs through his Son, Jesus Christ. Two thousand more years of the same from the church will produce the same pitiful results!


That is precisely why we need watchmen (intercessors) who will “stand in the gap in prayer,” and for gatekeepers (pastors), who will move into their Kingdom positions to work effectively with them.


(Source: Eddie and Alice Smith’s book, Intercessors & Pastors: The Emerging Partnership of Watchmen & Gatekeepers, pages 5-6)



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Prayer is my Passion Prayerline

Prayer is my Passion Intercessory Prayer Ministry Daily Intercessory Prayerline will be Launched on Monday, August 1, 2011

Our Prayerline Conference Access Number: 1-218-632-0650

Conference Passocode: 8888#

Our Prayerline is open Daily 7 days a week for Intercessory Prayer and also to receive Prayer request.

Hours of Operation:
Early Morning Prayer 6am Eastern, 5am Central, 4am Mountain or 3am Pacific

Monday - Friday

Evening Prayer 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central, 8pm Mountain or 7pm Pacific

Monday - Friday

Evening Prayer 11pm Eastern, 10pm Central, 9pm Mountain or 8pm Pacific

7 Days a week

August 2011 3rd Watch Prayer Schedule:

3am Eastern, 2am Central, 1am Mountain or 12am Pacific

August 1st Monday

August 6th Saturday

August 12th Friday

August 15th Monday

August 22nd Monday

August 29th Monday

August 31st Wednesday

To Contact us or to Submit a Prayer request you may email us at:



Yours in Kingdom Building,
Pastor Lisa Martin aka Virtuous Lady
Visionary and Overseer of
Prayer is my Passion
Intercessory Prayer Ministry

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may NOT BE racism, sexism, denominational-ism, doctrinal differences, and etc. It may be the division between the "watchmen" and "gatekeepers."


Old Testament walled cities had massive gates, with gatekeepers; and watchtowers on either side of the gates, with watchmen. The purpose of the watchmen, not surprisingly, was to watch. The purpose of the gatekeepers, was to open and close the gate. The problem? The gatekeeper couldn't see over the wall and the watchmen couldn't open and close the gate. They were co-dependent on each other. Not only that, but the entire city was at the mercy of their partnership.


What has that to do with us?


In our book, "Intercessors & Pastors: The Emerging Partnership of Watchmen & Gatekeepers," we liken the intercessor (Christian whose primary mission is prayer) to the OT watchman; and pastors to the OT gatekeeper. It may surprise you to know that there tends to be a division between these two roles around the world. Of course, there are a small percentage of pastors who are intercessors. And it's true, to one degree or another, they appreciate each other's roles, but rarely do they operate in a strategic partnership. Why is that?


Eighty-five percent of the adult members of the last church we served as pastors were intercessors. Prayer was our primary purpose. Prayer meetings were our most exciting events. People, even pastors, from other churches attended our church's prayer meetings. One pastor said, "I come because when you people pray, things change in our city." We understand the significance of this partnership.


The first assumption is that the separation between intercessors and pastors it's because they are so different. After all, there are more female intercessors and more male pastors. True, perhaps, but that isn't the primary reason. Think about it. Opposites would attract, wouldn't they? Remarkably, the primary reason for this division is because they are so similar! Intercessors are actually quite pastoral. Who knew!? <smile>


Example:  Intercessors care for people. Why else would they commit so much time praying for them?

So then, what's the problem?


Intercessors tend seek information. They often ask their pastors about the direction of the church and needs of certain people and circumstances. Their pastor may think they are nosey, when the truth is, INFORMATION is the FUEL for INTERCESSION. Pastors need to know how to inform their intercessors properly. They need an effective communication system.


Intercessors may appear to be "independent." That's true of some. Some have never learned the interdependent nature of the church. There are immature intercessors just as there are immature pastors. They must be "pastored" (equipped for their ministry.) Pastors should know that intercessors are not only pastoral, they tend to be visionaries. They need focus. If their pastor fails to clearly communicate the vision of the church, they will be drawn to their own focus, or to someone else's.


These are just a couple of many issues that we discuss in our strategically important book, "Intercessors & Pastors."

  • What do intercessors need from their pastors?
  • What do pastors need from their intercessors?
  • What does the partnership look like?
  • Why is it critical to the mission of the church?
  • What is the kingdom dimension?
  • What does the future hold?
  • How does this partnership relate to end times?


Don't miss this book! This is the fourth updated version and the first time we've produced it also as an ebook. Order the ebook version and read it mere minutes from now! Get yours here:

eBook $14.99 USD:


pBook $14.99 USD:


How can a pastor "do what he (she) sees the Father doing?" (John 5:19) For one thing, Jesus said that the Father rewards openly those who pray to Him in secret! Most pastors know their elders and their deacons. They know their home-group pastors, Bible teachers and others. Sadly, too few can even name their intercessors, let alone are they rewarding them openly, as the Father does. Get the book! Your church, your city and the Kingdom depend on this partnership.


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Prayer is my Passion Prayerline

Kingdom Greetings Intercessors and Watchmen,


I am very excited to Announce the Launching of the Prayer is my Passion Intercessors Prayer line on Monday, August 1, 2011. We will be covering the 7 Mountains of Prayer Daily @11pm Eastern 7 days a week. Prayer is our Passion!


The 7 Mountains of Prayer is a Prayer Focus Guide:

1. Church/Religion

2. Business

3. Government

4. Family

5. Education

6. Media

7. Arts/Entertainment


The Prayerline will be open to receive Prayer request also. We are still in need of Seasoned Intercessors to Moderate the Prayerline. If you are available for 1 hr a week or more and interested in Early Morning Prayer, 3rd or 4th Watch Hours of Prayer please inbox me.


We would like to have a Moderator for Early Morning Prayer between 5 to 6 am EST. 3rd Watch Hour of Prayer is between 12am - 3am and 4th Watch Hour of Prayer is between 3am - 6am. Please only serious inquiries inbox me. Moderator Training will be provided weekly in July  and a Certificate of Completion will be received. There is Power in Prayer and Prayer is our Passion!



Yours in Kingdom Building,

Pastor Lisa Martin aka Virtuous Lady

Visionary of Prayer is my Passion

Intercessory Prayer Ministry




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What is God Like?

When I was writing our book, "Spiritual Advocates", I came to the chapter I was to write about the Judge.
I thought "how can I describe God in a way that's different than the way most people do? Omniscient,
Omnipresent, Omnipotent...sure. But then what?

Creator, Father, etc. is what I typically read and hear. How can I describe You differently, Lord?"
I went to bed and awoke the next morning with the phrase "fruit of the Spirit" in my mind. At first,
I was a bit perturbed. What has that to do with God? Those are qualities that are to be seen in us.

Then it began to be clear to me. They are, in a sense, "a photograph of God". So the chapter presents
him as Phil Miglioratti did in his recent newsletter article. God is loving, he is joyful (He sings over us),
he is peaceful (my peace I give...), etc. as you've pointed out.

So, Phil, I appreciated the confirmation and the remembrance of that day in my journey.

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