
Make Prayer Natural

I’ve been writing about prayer (communication with God) the past couple weeks. Most people struggle with prayer. I’m writing about ways to make it more natural and simpler.
Another idea that enhances your communication with God is making lists about various areas of your life or areas you want to talk to God about in the future. Praying through list helps focus your prayers. Something about list that is great is it is easy to keep track of the prayers God has answered over…
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The Power of Brief Prayers

Incorporating brief prayers into your daily life will put you in frequent contact with God, which will make your prayer life rich and full, no matter how busy you are. Scripture says we are to “pray without ceasing”.
I’ve heard people say that it is not possible to actually “pray without ceasing”. But it is possible. Prayer is simply communication with God. We can be in praying without ceasing as we…
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Hey CrossChurch!

Hey Cross Church, 
Our prayer for the past 15 years has been from 1 Kings 18:36; Father, let it be known today that you are God in Carlinville & Macoupin County and that we are Your servants and have done all these things by Your command.  Answer us, O Lord, answer us, so these people will know that you, O Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again!  (1 Kings 18:36)
At Cross Church, we want to see God do things in such a…
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God Hears Short Prayers Too

Have you ever felt guilty because you did not have long stretches of time to send lengthy prayers to God? Or have you felt condemnation because your prayer life was inconsistent?

Remember God hears the short prayers you offer throughout your day too; like while you're driving, exercising, working, or eating, and yes, He'll answer them, too.…

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The Next Morning...

"The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray."  (Mark 1:35)  I've always loved Mark 1:35.  It motivates me to seek God early in the morning.  But I never fully appreciated it until I examined the phrase: "the next morning."


So what happened the day before?  The context is the key to this text.  Jesus had a long day the day before. He preached a sermon.  He cast out a demon.  And he healed a multitude of people.  As a pastor,…

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