The Next Morning...

"The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray."  (Mark 1:35)  I've always loved Mark 1:35.  It motivates me to seek God early in the morning.  But I never fully appreciated it until I examined the phrase: "the next morning."


So what happened the day before?  The context is the key to this text.  Jesus had a long day the day before. He preached a sermon.  He cast out a demon.  And he healed a multitude of people.  As a pastor, I know how exhausting it is to simply preach an anointed sermon.  Believe it or not, simply preaching one sermon is a tremendous expenditure of physical, spiritual, and emotional energy.  Can you imagine how much spiritual energy it took to cast out a demon or heal the sick?  Jesus had to be absolutely exhausted.  But "the next morning" he got up early to engage God through prayer.  (Of course, he also probably when to bed early since Sunday night football had not yet been discovered)


Jesus had experienced a successful day by any standard.  Success is a dangerous thing.  For so many people, success is actually their undoing.  They let down their guard and give the enemy a foothold.  And that's when the blessing of success turns into a curse of failure because they stop seeking the true source of success.


We tend to pray more during our times of struggle than we do during our times of success.  However, when God blesses you, you better pray even more.  Any measure of success God gives you should result in seeking Him even more.  Satan’s masterplan is to use complacency, laziness, lack of discipline, etc…to cause Christ-followers to lay aside prayer as a vital part of their day.  Satan does not mind what we do as long as we leave the power of God out of it.   


Prayer is simply communication with God.  As with any other form of communication, all real communication is two-way communication.  Prayer comes in all kinds of forms, but in Mark 1:35 the implication leans toward a regular extended time of focusing on communication with God.  The Mark 1:35 kind of prayer does not have to happen early in the morning.  Some people are just not morning people.  The point is to regularly make time to engage God in two-way communication that will focus you and align you will God’s plans for you.      


Prayerlessness is sin.  Prayerlessness keeps you from being aligned with God’s plan for your life.  The only way to overcome prayerlessness is simply to begin praying on a regular basis.  Prayer refocuses us, energizes us, and allows God an opportunity to communicate His heart and plans to us.  Imagine that for a moment;  the creator of all that is, wants to enter into a two-way communication relationship with you.  He wants time with you.  He has given you direct access to Himself because He loves you.    


Prayer is an important part of every Christ-follower’s spiritual disciplines.  E.M. Bounds said it this way; “Prayer is a gift from God without substitute.  It is the key to the resources of God.  Prayer is not preparation for battle, prayer is the battle.”  Just a thought. 

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