
Prayer Walk






Praying Hands Albrecht Durer


Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,

Son of the Father, in truth and love.  I rejoiced that I found thy children walking in truth, …

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Praying Together Class- Revision 2

The Praying Together Class which was on Pray.network has been updated/revised and is now posted on Wheatlandministries.blogspot.com.  

It is an excellent training, encouraing people to pray together.

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Authentic Christianity




Now, dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ
       so that when he returns, you will be full of courage
             and not shrink back from him in shame.
                      1 John 2:28 NLT






Be captivated in your heart.
     Lovingly obey Me, and I will get…

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Children and Prayer Class update

Children and Prayer Class update

The Children and Prayer class blog presented by Wheatland Ministries has been updated.  This was necessary because some of the links no longer worked, and other technical “updates” to the blog were made in the past by Google. 


The Blog should work well now.  If you have visited it in the past, please…

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Formula for Excellence



Add diligence to divine promises, employ effort exercising faith
  to develop virtue (excellence, resolution, Christian energy),
   and in exercising virtue develop knowledge (intelligence),
    and in exercising your knowledge develop self-control,
      exercising self-control develop endurance (patience),

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Mission in the Mayhem




 To this were you called—it is inseparable from your vocation.

  Christ suffered for you, leaving you His personal example,

          so that you should follow on in His footsteps.

               1 Peter 2:21 THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE




In a chaotic world, cultivate a calm…

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What did God say to you today? It depends on what you were waiting for God to say. I have a friend who is so intent on seeing - I know, hearing? seeing? which is it? Just bear with me a minute, after all they're both senses we don't often get right - anyway, my friend is so intent on seeing a pileated woodpecker that after a day of birding he, "hasn't seen anything!" But meanwhile my lifelist has gotten longer with warblers, orioles, etc.

My friend wants to "get on" through the forest…

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No, no, not meeting with the Lord although I confess it is sometimes more hurried or later in the day than I like. I'm talking about blogging. All because a friend passed along a couple of blogs by someone who's trying to post daily.

Why in the world would you want to do that? Well, the statistics that they'd already gathered about visitors to their blogs, etc was pretty interesting. Definitely up, the experiment may still be too new to say whether or not those numbers will stay…

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After a week that fit one of the seed groups from the parable of the sower -choked out of my morning quiet time by the "cares of the world" - I'm asking myself: Is  time with Lord more meaningful if it was a habit or not a habit?

How meaningful could/would the time be if my mind was constantly on the clock? Would it really be a time for the Lord to speak to me if after 15 minutes I said, "Ok, next item!" and moved on to something else? Is it just a justification to say that I can get…

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It's always the thing we don't want to give up that trips us up. Ok, always, like any absolute we use so freely today, may not be quiet accurate, but it feels like always. It probably doesn't matter what the excuse is, and they like the demom at Gerasenes, are legion. In fact "but" usually is a good indicator that one of them is getting ready to speak. You know, "I'd spend more time... "but" - meet a legionaire". And, yes, I know that often we feel that we really are too busy, too committed,…

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I cannot get my mind to settle this morning, to stay focused and move on. It drifts here and there, running in circles, trying to pull me away from what I'm intent on doing. Those of you who've had a dog may know the type of behaviour I'm talking about. Not playfulness, not mischeivious, but the "come, come, let me show you" - darting off, coming back, circling, darting, coming back - that leads you eventually where it wants you to be. It's always, to see, or to do.

Today, my mind will…

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I had decided earlier this year that I'd work through the New Testament for my quiet time, and this morning arrived at the beginning of Luke. A nice, orderly account, complied so Theophilus, and then of course we, would know exactly what went down. Maybe that introduction helped focus my attention as I started reading, but for some reason two little words stood out in Luke "can" and "will". They've got me thinking about imagineering.

We think of imagineering with Disney in front of it…

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Lemmings have been on my mind lately. It seems that I use to hear more about lemmings years ago. I remember my favorite teacher, Mr. T.F. Davies, telling us not to be like lemmings, blindly following a leader to our own peril and death. I could digress here and dwell on lemmings but that's not really where my mind is at this morning, it's on lemming like behavior and Joshua (1:8), another of my favorite teachers.


I've been making my way through the gospels this month and picked…

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So, there I was in Mark, Chapter 4 this morning, all nice and comfortable - smug even because unlike the disciples I knew what the parables meant - even as I was about to move on to Chapter 5 I was still feeling a little superior because I could answer the question. You know the one, "Who then is this? Even the wind and sea obey him!" (Mk 4:41). Silly disciples, isn't it obvious that this is God's Son with all the power and authority of God.


But then, this little voice is…

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As my to-do list was screaming at me for attention this morning I got to thinking about how and why its voice has gotten so loud in my life. No, no, I know that at my age I should be doing a little less and shouldn't have a to-do list. But, I'm not slowing down and it often seems more gets added to the list than gets cleared from it.


None of that changes the fact that the thing was screaming for attention. Then I noticed a mind-map I'd been doodling the other week and saw that…

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  • Terrific.  I am normally available when the Legislature is not in session.  When they are in session, I am tied-up Sun-Wed afternoon.  My mobile is 267.278.1992
  • Give me an email heads up: navcad56@gmail.com
  • Howdy, Ray.


    Yep, same old Bob Lewis.  Now minister with Capitol Commission in the PA capitol.

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