The course is and in-depth study designed to help us to come together when praying with others.  It examines scriptures, and issues in learning to pray and when one is involved when praying with others. 

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  • Dear Friends who have worked this course,

    Working to keep my heart in tune with the Lord, when I find a topic, such as the discussion I posted today on Pray.Network, I search for scripture--not to just support or disprove, but that reflects how God sees the issue--in this case--what keeps us apart or disconnected when it comes to prayer.  

    I am looking for scripture on this subject--and would appreciate any suggestions that the Lord may bring to your mind.

    'thank you for giving this question consideration.


    Lewis Turner

  • The Podcast for Lesson 12 has just been posted.  The link to it can be found in the Syllabus.  It has a lot of good, helpful and challenging information.

  • The Podcast for Lesson 11 is now completed and can be accessed at the following link:

    Trusting the Lord that it will encourage and help Group Praying.

  • The Podcast for Lesson 10 of the Praying Together Course is now posted.  It can be accessed at the following link:

    Take time to listen to it, and consider the reflection questions posted here for the lesson on Pray!network.  The link to the written lesson is:

    Both these links are also in the course syllabus.

    Blessings to all in the course.

  • I received the following note with permission to share it.  It comes from a lady I knew growing up.  We went to the same church, then when my family moved away, we lost contact until several years ago—note sure of how-but we reconnected on the internet, and discovered that Patty really loved the Lord.  I share this note hoping some of you will join me in praying with her for the out reach she has in ‘Helping Hurting Women’.  When God helps us, He also helps us reach out to others.  –Will you pray for her outreach??

    Here is her note:

    A thank you note. You may publish if you like but more importantly we ask your prayers. The more prayers the better :) We need wisdom and our Father's blessing and His protection

    Wrote this in the Program Box for your Lesson 9 but then wondered if it would be going 'out there' and not just to  you.  I want you to know, I am encouraged by your lessons as Aug 2 approaches when we begin our 1st Meeting.  Pray the Lord will prepare hearts to come and to receive Jesus...the time is short.  Pray for our safety also, please.


    Lewis, thank you for Lessions in Developing Relationships and Prayer.  Our 'Helping Hurting Women' to the community here in Tucson will be blessed by my opportunity, in quick study, these lessons offered by you and provide me with wisdom, strength in God's Word and give me encouragement...thus, I am better prepared to 'Encourage' hurting women that the Lord brings to our meetings.  Please pray for our group and me as a facilitator, that I do God's Will and and Bless Others who may come and be joyfully blessed with the Salvation of Jesus, Messiah! 


    Blessings from the Throne of God, our Elohim!


  • I have just joined this group after seeing Lesson 5 posted. The subjects of the lessons are very interesting to me and I will be going through each lesson carefully. Thank you so much for sharing. There is Power in Prayer and Prayer is my Passion!

  • The podcast for Lesson 7 has been posted on Pray!Network.  The link to the podcast is in the Course Syllabus.   These podcasts offer a good chance for all to study the course, and for those who have worked through the course previously, they are a good review of the course.

    Looking forward to responses to the lesson in the reflection questions,.

  • Note to Class:

    The Podcast to Lesson 6 has been posted and the link is in the Class Syllabus.  Do take time to listen to it, and share your thought andswering the reflection questions at the end of the lessons here in the comment section.  Those comments do help others.

  • The Podcast for Lesson 5 has been posted.  The link is in the syllabus of the Praying Together Class Lesson 5.  This lesson deals with relationships and prayer.

  • The Podcast  for Lesson 4 has been posted.  The link is in the syllabus of the Praying Together Class Lesson 4.  The lesson deals with Head Prayer and Heart Prayer.

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Lesson 1--in Spanish--

Orando Juntos   Lección 1 Propósito de la Clase, Fundamento, Principios Básicos de la Oración Propòsito del Curso: Conocer los fundamentos y el propósito de la oración Cómo orar en función de la relación con Dios Aprender a orar utilizando principios bíblicos de oración en conjunto Aprender formas de animar a nuestros hijos a orar y tambièn orar por ellos.   Las primeras cuatro lecciones se enfocan en nosotros y los puntos claves que nos van a ayudar todos estarán en la misma página, en…

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Praying Together with Friends and Family

This holiday period is a time when families and friends get together.  It is also a time of sharing and an opportunity to pray together. After having been through the course 'Praying Together' it would be great to hear how some of you have found opportunities to pray together with friends and family. I will share that it has created a desire in my heart to pray with others.  I am looking forward to praying with a new friend after Christmas.   I may join him taking two Border Collies for a…

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Lesson 5 Preparing Yourself for a Prayer Partner

Praying Together  Preparing Yourself for a Prayer Partner  Lesson 5 Preparing Yourself for a Prayer Partner We should desire to be prepared to be a prayer partner.   When we are, we can encourage someone else because the Love of God constrains us. II Cor 5:14. Purpose: A key purpose of having a prayer partner is:  To encourage your prayer partner in the Lord.  Heb 3:13 (KJV) “But exhort one another daily…”  We need to understand there are factors that affect relationships and praying together…

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Praying for Government and the Nation

Praying Together   Lesson:  Praying for Government and the Nation  I Tim 2:1-4 Written by Lewis and Sylvia Turner, Wheatland Ministries, PO Box 697, Walkersville, Md 21793     When we pray, how often do we take time to pray for our Nation?  Oftentimes, we feel a lack of motivation to pray for our Nation until a sudden crisis occurs, such as 9-11 in New York City.  Although special events can be good reminders to pray, the best encouragement and reminder comes from opening and studying God’s…

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