AND (25)

The energetic binding force of prayer

Super Glue

When you think of super glue holding things together, what do you picture?  Possibly you first want to know what we are binding together.  Animal, mineral, vegetable…?  A physicist might tend to think of forces like electromagnetic or even atomic.  Scientific observation and study yielded new progressing thoughts in areas like conservation of energy (including measuring all forms of energy before and after a reaction), electromagnetic interaction studies, the vacuum-inertial speed of light (c) is a constant, kinetic energy is proportional to velocity SQUARED, and finally E=mc2, leading to powerful release of atomic energy.  But today we are diving into spiritual power that is “out of this world.”

Are humans actually capable of taking actions that can result in the release of tremendous spiritual power?  The answer is YES when we become aligned with God’s desires and purposes; this brings glory and recognition to Him, and it humbles and satisfies us.  “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”

Man’s ability to release God’s power is NOT at all like rubbing a lamp and commanding a genie.  Nor is it like chanting “magical words” or expecting consistently dependable and repeatable results from the application of a formula. 

There is no substitute for humbly submitting our will to the will of God in prayer in dependence and trust in His written promises.  Typically the process of conforming our will to God’s will takes time, commitment to Him, and devotion to prayer.  Psalm 37:4 promises, “delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  In the middle of that promise is a spiritual reaction (transformation), a yielding of our spirit to His Spirit, including prayers of praise and thanksgiving where we learn to appreciate Him and His ways more.  Philippians 2:13 states for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.”  When prayer aligns our spirit with His Spirit He can safely grant us the desire of our heart, since our heart has become conformed to His heart.

But this kind of prayer priority places it above the attention of men, with no fanfare or recognition, but with tremendous godly benefits, like the secret prayers of George Mueller which tapped into God’s grace of daily provisioning of the needs of 10,000 orphans in Bristol during his lifetime.

Here are a couple of passages on being devoted to the priority of prayer FIRST and foremost.  Romans 12:10-12 (AMP) 10 Be devoted to one another with [authentic] brotherly affection [as members of one family], give preference to one another in honor;11 never lagging behind in diligence; aglow in the Spirit, enthusiastically serving the Lord;12 constantly rejoicing in hope [because of our confidence in Christ], steadfast and patient in distress, devoted to prayer [continually seeking wisdom, guidance, and strength],  Colossians 4:2  Be persistent and devoted to prayer, being alert and focused in your prayer life with an attitude of thanksgiving.

The early church in Acts practiced such corporate devotion to unifying prayer.  120 were united (powerfully held together) in prayer as they awaited Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit- “with one mind, continually devoting themselves to prayer.”  Acts 1:14  After seeing the fruit of over 3,000 believers added to their numbers in one day, they also continued devoting themselves to prayer.  Acts 2:42  This is the key to doing things God’s way, producing patience to see Him gloriously work as the Head of His body to coordinate our attitudes and actions in accordance with His will at His timing. 

What would our churches and our city be like if we repented and put prayer as the top priority in our personal and corporate lives, transforming each church into “a house of prayer for all nations?” – using the super glue of attitudes and actions of love, and first priority of prayer, depending on, and trusting in, God and His promises and provisions. Jesus prayed in John 17 for us to be known in this world by His badge of love, and united (One in Him- powerfully and corporately) as His effective body. “In Him, all things consist” (hold together). Col 1:17 And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.] We know that He reveals and manifests Himself through His Word and through praying together.  Better times are ahead!

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Your passionate, powerful, privilege

Your passionate, powerful, privilege

You are not letting your passionate, powerful, privilege go to waste are you? Please stay tuned for a minute and I will explain this question. In this brief space we will review Jesus’ passion and power in prayer. It should whet your appetite for private and public prayer participation which will in turn have a similar effect on your friends.

Jesus’ private prayer practices and his answers caused his disciples to ask their great teacher for a lesson in prayer. His pattern covered the basics so thoroughly that many millions have memorized his prayer pattern. Fewer have studied and benefited from his personal prayer in John 17, asking the Father to unite us by his Spirit as an insider, and for us to publicly wear his badge of love which identifies us as his disciples. His prayer prepared obedient disciples for Pentecost and subsequent revival and evangelism.

Jesus’ unmistakable passion for his Father’s house of prayer for all nations fuels my own passion for prayer. He did not hesitate to cleanse the house of prayer from abuses, so that it could be redeemed for kingdom uses.  How many churches do you know in McKinney that open their doors daily to host regular corporate prayer, demonstrating prayer is their foundational, first priority? I am aware of one. There is a lot of room in McKinney for regular, creative, praise and thanksgiving-based prayer venues.

Personal, public, and persistent prayers of God’s people are desperately needed in our community and world today. Your prayers will be much more enjoyable and effective when they are praise- based, Bible- fed, and Spirit- led.  Since the Word of God IS the Sword of the Spirit, lets’ read, meditate, and pray some of God’s prayers, patterns, and principles recorded in His Word!  These, including giving Him thanks, are sure fire ways of praying in His will. 

All types of prayer are beneficial as illustrated in the famous ACTS acronym: Adoration; Confession; Thanksgiving; Supplication.  We have the privilege to join the 2 greatest intercessors of the Godhead; Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  “Who will say they are not right? Jesus Christ died. Yes, he was raised from death. He is at the right side of God. And he talks (intercedes) to God for us.”  Romans 8:34 “Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” Heb. 7:25  “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”  Rom. 8:26

As we close our thoughts together, let’s review some attitudes of prayer that attract the Holy Spirit.  These include: humility, servanthood, brokenness, honesty, holiness, desperation, hunger and thirst for God, and vulnerability.  As you allow God to work such qualities in and through your life, perhaps you will rise to seek or start a prayer venue as a leader or follower to serve, inspire, and equip other body members in experiencing the vulnerability James instructs:   “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.”   James 5:16

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The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want (Psalm 23:1)



O most Merciful, Compassionate and Holy God, Your Name is Wonderful. Your Name is too Wonderful and being in Your Presence is too awe-inspiring to behold. I thank you for this new day of mercies, compassion and love because of Your Great Faithfulness, they never cease as You give rest and renewal to Your beloved in our sleep.

Oh Good Shepherd, we are in so grateful that You lead us, care for us, rescue us, nourish, guide and direct us. Your supernatural instincts is that none should perish, that none should be lost, that none should fall into a trap set by the foxes of this world. But Your pre-determined plan was, is and will always be for us to follow You, to stay out of the thicket of sin and to dwell in the green pastures You have ordained for Your elect, Your people.

We live in times where every one does what is right in their own eyes. We are surrounded by the false doctrine of the gods and the lost of this world who say that all religions, all systems no matter how vile, violent or void of any sort of human decency, love and mercy, those people, from the top of most so-called religious to the rulers of this world, say these things lead to You. And they are correct, these systems dreamed up by man do lead to You. They have an appointment before the Holy High Priest of Heaven and His Great White Throne when all the books are open and Judgment begins. 

But yea, though Your people are persecuted, have their churches and villages burned and their children beheaded or sold into slavery, yea, do they and too many oppressed in their spirit - those who are captives all over to world, to sin, self and satan...yea though they walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, may they fear no evil. Because by the hook of Your Shepherd's rod, we know You doth pull us out of the pit. We know that Thy Rod and Thy Staff comfort the broken-hearted; keeps the temporarily blind and disobedient from falling into a trap and keeps us moving in the direction we should go.

Thank You, heavenly Father, for Your Amazing Plan to send the Good Shepherd Jesus, for His Work, while finished on the Cross for the Salvation of the World, continues even now as He intercedes and advocates our case minute by minute before Thy Throne, since we are His flock. Father, thank You with all our hearts, that the Great Lamb of God, sacrificed and sent to us, is now the Great Shepherd of His little lambs. I would rather be one of His Sheep, following my Master, resting in the Truth of His leadership of my life, than a king or a rich man in this dirty dying world of sinful death. The Lord, He is my Shepherd, and I will never want any other, or any other thing. In that promise, I abide in my leader, and am thus, able to need nothing else, but Jesus and it is in His Name I pray, amen. Oh thank You, most Gracious God, thank You. Amen.

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You Can Make a Difference - PRAY NO! to drugs


CHRISTIAN NEWS SERVICE, April 7, 2014 — The 24th Annual “Just Pray NO!” weekend for the addicted is scheduled for April 26 – 27, 2014. The event is designated as the “Just Pray NO!” to drugs Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting.

Since April 7, 1991 “Just Pray NO!” has united millions of Christians from 150 nations and territories around the world in intercessory prayer on behalf of the addicted and their families.

“Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” –James 5:16

Not only is substance abuse America’s number one health problem, the devastation of alcoholism and other drug addiction has impacted families and communities worldwide. Substance abuse has been directly linked to violence and sexual immorality and is a major source of income for organized crime and terrorist activities.

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” –Ephesians 6:12

Make a formal commitment to join with believers in Christ from around the globe this coming April. Put on the full armor of God and fervently pray in spirit and in truth. We are seeking to enlist millions of prayer warriors from around the world to join us in battle!

“We are not only praying for the release of those bound by substance abuse but also for people to be delivered from pornography, gambling, obesity and smoking,” said Steven Sherman, “Just Pray NO!” founder. “We seek individuals and groups which are willing to commit to pray weekly on behalf of the addicted and their families, and then join with multitudes of other committed Christians from around the world in prayer and fasting April 26 – 27, 2014.”

If you believe that God is calling you to intercede for the addicted please contact us. To find help for addiction throughprayer and Christian ministries log on to our web site: To learn how groups can participate in our annual prayer event, click on “Information on the Annual Worldwide Weekend of Prayer” or email:

For a personal interview with “Just Pray NO!”  Founder and Author Steven L. Sherman, in the U.S.A. call: (727) 647-6467 or email:


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The small south Texas town where I grew up has Spanish
moss drooping from the trees, winding narrow streets, and
stifling humidity that in time I became accustomed to.  The
lazy days of summer brought us a good game of baseball,
fishing at the lake, or swimming in the Gulf of Mexico.
Children filled the placid streets with bikes, skates and
homemade go-carts. It was a simpler time; and our town—
population 5,000—was a simpler place.

The closeness we shared as friends and family gave us a
sense of security. Most everyone knew each other so there
was little need to lock our doors at night or to fear walking
the streets alone. Yet, in the summer of 1956, at the age of
six, I encountered a different kind of uncertainty—sexual

One dark summer night I was in bed about to fall asleep,


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Draw Near To God, and He Will Draw Near To You

Let’s start thinking about this simple, but profound promise (Draw Near To God, and He Will Draw Near To You) by going back to square one, and moving forward with ideas on actual ways to do this.

In either your experience or your understanding, who approached whom first, you or God? You may have searched or studied about God, feeling that you were the driving force. However, most of us who now know God by faith and experience have come to understand from His Word that He is the One who took the initiative in our relationship, and even our own efforts were guided by Him. This does not in any way devalue the FREE WILL He provided us, based on His love for us. God will never force Himself on us, and the love He shows us in giving us free will has a lot to do with Him wanting us to CHOOSE to know Him and love Him back. He could have made us ROBOTS, but that would have killed the essence of us choosing to respond to His love and thereby experience a growing, vital, dynamic love relationship with Him.

So, what is the bedrock way to see and experience His love initiative toward us? Jesus’ whole brief life on earth focused on His mission as Emmanuel (God with us) to show us God in flesh-action on His way to offer us salvation via the cross and the empty tomb. All forces of human and evil spiritual authorities tried to kill or sidetrack Jesus from His mission to become our savior by paying full price for all our sins. Perhaps the strongest potential deterrent from His mission was the foreknowledge of the pending physical, spiritual, and emotional pain He faced in his mock trials and crucifixion. For example He sweat drops of blood as he wrestled to seek any alternative to making full payment by taking ALL our sins upon Himself on the cross. Since none was to be found if we were to be given the invitation of heaven in God’s holy presence, dressed in Christ’s robe of righteousness, the third time Jesus agonized alone in prayer, he yielded, “Not my will, but Thine be done.” Psalm 22 predicted His cries from the cross, as well as the answer to His grueling WHY question. “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you so far away when I groan for help?...3 Yet you are holy”

So God the Father, Son, and Spirit planned before our known world began, to provide man a way that would satisfy God’s holiness, to live in their holy presence forever. They took love initiative way beyond our comprehension to invite us to love and worship them back. Only those who are impacted by the magnitude of such love, and respond with a decisive RSVP act of their will and commitment, will experience that extended transforming love, and be allowed into the holy presence of God forever.

So for those only, who have RSVP’d for heaven, God now offers us the opportunity to respond to His love initiative, in kind, with our initiative to draw near to Him. It is no surprise that some of these “methods” include: prayer, worship, adoration, sharing His worthiness and glory with others, and cooperating daily with the Holy Spirit to allow Him to produce and refine His fruit in us (which includes love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and Spirit-control). As we see God at work in this world and join Him as partners (ambassadors), we experience His enablement, filling, equipping, and transforming power at work in, through, and around us. As we mostly listen and worship in prayer we see Him High and lifted up. In King David’s impactful Psalm 51 prayer of brokenness and repentance, he prays, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.13 Then I will teach your ways to rebels, and they will return to you. There are many such ways to respond to God’s love and experience Him drawing near to us, but the first step is to accept His love initiative to us on the cross where the dearest and best died for us.

For more, please see: How to Draw Nearer to God; John Hoelzel Sr; 2011;

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Three Levels of Prayer by Eddie Smith

NOTE:  Tomorrow we release a very important announcement.
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Three Levels of Prayer
by Eddie Smith

The first level:  Praying to receive

The first level of prayer most of us experience is praying to receive.

Years ago I was conducting a revival meeting in Mississippi. One evening, following the service, we went to dinner at a beautiful old antebellum home that belonged to some church members.

While we were eating I noticed an odd chain that extended through the wall near the dining table. Mystified by it, I asked the homeowner what it was. He explained that it was a "servant's chain," from the days of slavery. When the slave owner's family was ready to be served their dinner, they summoned their servants by pulling the chain.

Prayer is often seen as a way for us to "pull God's chain," to persuade Him to meet our needs. We have a need, we pray, and God responds with an answer. Isn't that often our perception of prayer? This is the most elementary understanding and application of prayer, not unlike a hungry baby who cries for his food.

But there are other aspects of prayer that we grow to understand and experience.

The second level:  Praying to relate

Over time some of us may learn that prayer should be more than our "pulling God's chain" to get something from Him. We begin to see prayer as a way to relate to our heavenly Father. Prayer becomes an act of worship, an intimate spiritual relationship between a bride (us) and a groom (Christ). No other religion attempts to pray at this level. Their gods have no interest in a loving and personal relationship with them.

At this point we move beyond simply approaching God for things, even good and important things. In fact, our focus is no longer on ourselves at all. It is now on our "heavenly lover."

Some are so programmed toward serving God that they never discover this intimate aspect of prayer. They elevate what they do for God above relating intimately to Him.

When you enter this level of prayer you learn that it's not primarily about your needs being met. It's about meeting Christ's needs of worship, praise, and adoration. (See John 4:23.) But there's a third level of prayer. I believe it is the highest level.

My wife, Alice's, personal life message has to do with intimacy with God. Her classic bestseller Beyond The Veil, and her latest book Spiritual Intimacy With God delve deeply into this level of prayer. If you haven't, I strongly encourage you to read them.

The third level:  Praying to produce

God is beginning to reveal to us here at the beginning of the twenty-first century how prayer to receive blends with prayer to relate to become prayer to produce!

Consider for a moment a man and his wife who cannot produce children. From ancient times barrenness has been thought of as tragic. The childless couple has affection for and an attraction to each other. They are intimately engaged with each other. They find great personal fulfillment in their relationship. But they desire more. They want a child. They are programmed for reproduction. If they cannot produce children, they feel unfulfilled.

The same is true with prayer. Through prayer our basic needs are satisfied. We pray and God responds. Through prayer we experience intimacy with God. We exchange vows of love, we adore Him, and He adores us. But the ultimate purpose of our divine romance is to produce fruit. What kind of fruit? Every tree produces fruit after its kind. We are expected to produce kingdom fruit that will in time produce more kingdom fruit.

One day God's glorious kingdom will be fulfilled on this earth. Today, we can experience a "pre-fillment" of His kingdom in our hearts. We, the King's bride, in concert with Him, are to produce kingdom results to see the kingdom of God displace the kingdom of darkness through spiritual warfare. Through prayer we will soon see the kingdoms of this earth become the kingdoms of our God! Key to this is our being heard in heaven.

My book, "How To Be Heard In Heaven" is about change. Writing it changed me. Reading it will change you. If like me, you are dissatisfied with the general ineffectiveness of your prayer life and want to step up to a new dimension with revelation that will unlock the heavenlies and release God's power, both in your own life and in the lives of those you love, then welcome aboard. Fasten your seat belt! You are the very person I've been waiting for.

There is a prayer protocol in heaven. It isn't complex, but it is very real. How we see and approach God is critical to our being heard by Him. It isn't true that He hears every prayer. We can and should learn how to present our cases in heaven's court in ways that increase the likelihood of our being heard and winning our petitions. I'm calling you to a place of spiritual maturity in prayer.

When Robert, our eldest son who is also a minister, was four years old, he and I were sitting in a shoe store while his mom shopped for shoes. Like any four-year-old boy, he began to grow a bit restless. Frankly, so was I.

As he walked by me I said with a serious tone, "Son, when are you going to grow up?"

His big brown eyes rolled up and to the left as he grasped for a thought. He said, "I'm gonna do it right now."

With that, he rose to his tiptoes, threw back his tiny shoulders, gritted his teeth, and exerted all the effort he could muster to stretch himself taller. After a couple of fruitless and frustrating moments, a look of disappointment fell across his cherubic face. He said, "I think I'll let myself do it." He learned right there that growing up takes time.

Spiritual maturity, like physical maturity, doesn't happen overnight. It takes time. But it also takes determination.

One man challenged me, saying, "Brother, I figure that if God can hear the prayer of a toddler, he can hear me regardless of how I pray."

I assured him that he was correct. "Sure, God can hear you as well as He can hear a toddler. However, is anything more disappointing than a forty-seven-year-old toddler?" Why would anyone settle for such a low goal rather than strive to become the best? Let's discover the elements required to release God's power when we pray. Let's set our sights on becoming those God looks forward to hearing from.

Alice and I once spoke to our children in "baby talk." But as they grew older we changed the way we communicated with them. They are all adults now. Talking in "baby talk" to them would be ridiculous, in spite of the fact that they would understand what we are saying.

It's the same way with prayer. God appreciates the prayer of toddlers; He loves to hear them pray. Who doesn't? However, there comes a time when we should move from "baby talk" to clear adult communication with God. Prolonged immaturity dishonors Him. What He can hear, or is even willing to hear, isn't the question. The point is what He deserves to hear, what brings Him pleasure.

God has delegated dominion of the earth to us and invites us to be His partners in prayer. (See Genesis 1:27-28 and Psalm 115:16.) It's time that we mature in prayer and become intentional, trained allies with God in extending His kingdom on the earth.

Once we become kingdom-oriented, we graduate from problem-centered praying to purpose-driven prayer. We discover that prayer's higher purpose is to accomplish God's eternal agenda. When we begin to "tune our prayers into that frequency," self begins to fade, and Christ becomes the focus of our prayers. Then God will be honored to hear them.

Zachary, one of our grandsons (who was three years old at the time), was spending the night with us. He was having difficulty going to sleep, and because of it, I was having difficulty going to sleep! After warning him several times to stop sneaking out of his bed, making noises, and whatever else he could think to do to stay awake, I heard him talking. That was it! I climbed out of bed again, lumbered down the hall to his room, turned on his light, and said sternly, "Zachary Myles Smith, who are you talking to?!"

He sat upright, looked at me with his big brown eyes, and said angelically, "I talkin' to my room."

How about you? Like Zachary, have you felt like you've been talkin' to your room? Have you elevated yourself and your needs above God's agenda? As you grow to maturity, you'll come to understand that prayer is not primarily about you; it's about your heavenly Father and His kingdom.

Prayer's prime purpose has to do with the heart of God. In fact, He promised us that if we'd focus on His kingdom, He'd focus on those things we need. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33, emphasis added).

He has called us to a joint venture with Him in the family business, which is building His kingdom! Great communication skills are required to build any effective family business. Prayer is the ultimate wireless communication.

May ours always be more than "talkin' to our room."
The above article is adapted from Eddie's book "How To Be Heard In Heaven."

For more than 30 years of our ministry Alice and I have trusted God for our support
and the support of a dozen or more ministries that we assist in other nations.

Galatians 6:6 --
If our other messages have blessed you, please prayerfully consider becoming our ministry partner
to make it possible for us to continue to help God's people here and abroad.
God bless you! How?

Online here:
Mail:  Make your check or money order payable to:
U.S. Prayer Center
7710-T Cherry Park Drive
Suite 224
Houston, Texas 77095

(800) 569-4825

Eddie and Alice are available to speak to your church or group.    (800) 569-4825

Thank you!
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Help for the Addicted

The weekend of April 26 - 27, 2014 has been designated as the 24th Annual “Just Pray NO!” to drugs Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting. Since April 7th, 1991 “Just Pray NO!” has united millions of Christians from 150 nations and territories around the world in intercessory prayer on behalf of the addicted and their families.

To find help for addiction or compulsive behavior disorders log on to our web site:

To learn how groups can participate in our annual prayer event, click on “Information on the Annual Worldwide Weekend of Prayer” or email:

When you go to our web site you can find help for addiction through prayer and Christian ministries.

Check out our blogs for:

• Teachings on Prayer and Fasting

• Biblical Insights into Combating Addiction

• More about the ministry of “Just Pray NO!” Ltd.


Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go in to Pharaoh and tell him, ‘Thus says the LORD God of the Hebrews: “Let My people go, that they may serve Me. Exodus 9:1

When the Hebrew slaves were in bondage in Egypt they cried out to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for a deliverer. Passover recalls the deliverance of Israel from the bondage of Egypt. Passover is both a historical account and a prophetic picture. Moses “The Deliverer” is a type of the Messiah (Christ). The bondage of slavery in Egypt is a type of the bondage of sin in the world. Pharaoh typifies Satan. The Passover, when the firstborn male child passed from death to life by the blood of the lamb, is a picture of our passing from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of the Son by the shed blood of the Lamb of God.

Persons who are addicted need to break the demonic strongholds in their lives by repenting of their sins and placing their trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross. They need to be born again and receive the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Many people wonder why God does not help them when they cry out to Him to be set free from their addictions. The reason that they remain in bondage is that they want to be set free – but are unwilling to surrender their lives to Jesus. The “KEY” that will set a person free is to understand that the Almighty’s purpose in setting a person free is to “SERVE HIM.”  Jesus must not only be your Savior but your Lord!  When you cry out, “Dear Jesus, forgive me of my sins and deliver me from my addiction and I will serve you the rest of my life!”– Not only will you be set free, and have a healthier lifestyle, you will inherit eternal life, know true joy and receive God’s blessings!

Remember to find help for addiction through prayer and Christian ministries log on to our web site:

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In the early '70s, shortly after Alice and I were married, we had the unique privilege of meeting revivalist Manley Beasley.

The first time I saw Bro. Manley he was in Houston, Texas' Methodist Hospital. After many fruitful years in ministry he had become very ill. Diagnosed with five diseases, three of which were considered terminal, he had dwindled down to what appeared to be little more than 100 pounds and was as white as the bed sheet on which he lay.

His doctors had given up all hope of him ever recovering until one day his Bible fell open to Psalm 128:6 where God said, "Yea, thou shalt see thy children's children..." In a moment, the logos became ramah revelation, personalized to his heart. He knew that he knew that God had spoken to him saying that he would be healed and would live to see his grandchildren. At the time he had no married children.

Truly he did live. In fact, there was such a complete turnaround in his condition that doctors from across the United States converged on the hospital just to study his condition and read his charts.

Alice and I led the music for a revival in a Louisiana church. Manley preached the sermons each night from the phone in his hospital room in Houston, Texas. We had major revival.

A few weeks later we were with him in a revival meeting at Castle Hills Baptist Church in San Antonio, where Jack Taylor was pastor. Manley was so weak he could not stand to preach. He preached sitting on a stool. One night all he could do was slowly read "the love chapter," 1 Corinthians 13. As he read each verse, the entire congregation seemed stunned by its significance. Many groaned, most cried, some wailed with conviction.

Revival broke out and ministers from across America came to San Antonio to experience and study the revival. Professors from Asbury College, where a historic U.S. revival had occurred years before were among them. For two weeks people were gathered at the building 24/7 weeping, worshipping and praying. Manley waited seven days before he gave the first altar call. And 110 adults were born again that Sunday morning.

Bro. Manley's personal message was faith. He preached it. He lived it. He wrote books about it. And anyone who worked with him knew to, as the Boy Scouts would say, always "be prepared." Why? Because with no warning at all, Bro. Manley made it his practice to ask you, "Friend, what are you believing God for?" He wanted to know what need in your life you were expecting God to meet. Not only that, he expected you to have written it down and kept it in your wallet or purse. Everyone who knew him knew that he was asking to see what you had written down. It was his way of challenging us to trust God in all things.

One night during that San Antonio revival we sat down at dinner. He leaned across the table, smiled cordially, and said, "Eddie, what are you believing God for?" I reached into my wallet and pulled out a piece of paper where I had written "I'm believing God for a new suit." I'm sure I must have breathed a sigh of relief because I was prepared for his challenge.

A moment later, a lady walked in and sat down at the table across from me. Before anything was said, she reached into her purse and pulled out a small white sealed envelope and stuck it in my hand.

"What's this?" I asked.

"The Lord told me I was to buy you a new suit," she replied.

I was stunned! In the envelope was several hundred dollar bills.

Bro. Manley sat there quietly smiling like a proud father.

For twenty more years Manley continued to travel in evangelism. Remarkably, he still tested positive for the diseases. But his body functioned almost normally. One day I asked him if he regretted that the Lord hadn't healed him from those diseases.

He said with a smile, "No, not at all. That would be a one-time healing that I would always look back to. As it is, every day I live is another miracle I receive!"

Your life and mine are also daily miracles. But how many of us actually regard life as such? How many of us overlook and take for granted our health? How many of us worry rather than write out that for which we are trusting God?

As Manley would ask you, were he still here:  "What are you believing God for?"

For more than 30 years of our ministry Alice and I have trusted God for our support and the support of a dozen or more ministries that we assist in other nations.
      If our other messages have blessed you, please prayerfully consider becoming our ministry partner to make it possible for us to continue to help God's people here and abroad. God bless you! How?

Online:   DONATE NOW

  Make your check or money order payable to:
U.S. Prayer Center
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Oh, I know, some folks think God hears every prayer. But that's just not the case. I can think of at least three categories of people God refuses to listen to.

First, God won't hear a person who regards iniquity.

David the psalmist wrote, "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear" (Psalm 66:18 nkjv, emphasis added). To regard iniquity is not synonymous with a failure to confess sin. If God can't hear us unless we've confessed every sin, then we'll never be heard. Why? Because at any given time we are aware of only a fraction of the sins we've committed. Like the psalmist David concluded, "Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults" (Psalm 19:12).

This verse about "regarding iniquity" is about preferring sin. When I tell someone, "Give my regards to your wife," I'm saying, "Tell her that I honor her." The Message version of Psalm 66:18 brings it into focus. It says, "If I had been cozy with evil, the Lord would never have listened." The person who is heard in heaven isn't a person who doesn't sin. It's a person who doesn't prefer sin, isn't cozy with it, doesn't think fondly of it or honor it. He has the same opinion about sin that God has. He hates it, shuns it, and longs to be free from it. The most committed Christian among us will occasionally sin. But a person of integrity hates sin and quickly repents.

The second type of person God refuses to hear is someone who tries to manipulate Him when he or she prays.

Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 6:7 that the pagans thought they would be heard for their "much speaking." The implication was ... they weren't! As we say in Texas, "God doesn't take kindly to manipulation."

There are many ways that people try to manipulate God when they pray. However, in most cases, they don't even know they are doing it. Two that come to mind are when people spend the bulk of their prayer time informing a God who knows everything. Somehow they apparently feel they need to break it down for Him. <smile>

More seriously (it seems to me) are those who instruct God in prayer. They literally order Him as if He is their slave. But as I said, most who do that don't even realize how they sound. Frankly, I would never have addressed my earthly father in the tone and approach I hear some people address our Heavenly Father.

Paul said, "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me" (1 Corinthians 13:11). Growing requires becoming aware of certain things we are doing wrong and putting them away.

Third, God won't hear the prayer of a "double-minded person."

James tells us: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks [prays], he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man [or woman] should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does" (James 1:5-8).

Here God promises NOT TO answer the prayers of those who are double-minded. A double-minded pray-er is one who prays in faith, believing. Then after doing so, thinks doubtful thoughts and speaks doubtful things about the very thing they were believing God to do. To pray single-minded prayer is a powerful strategy. I deal with it quite thoroughly in my book "How To Be Heard In Heaven." But for now, I DO HAVE some good news!
In every generation there have been those whom God has heard and answered. He hears the righteous, the expectant, and those who celebrate His responses. He hears those who celebrate in advance having received what they have yet to receive. May God expand our spiritual horizon that we'll receive a greater revelation of God's gracious offer to hear and answer us. As I write these words, I'm praying that you will see, perhaps for the first time, the unique position you have as a result of His death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and the coming of His Holy Spirit. Only then can you take full advantage and see miraculous things happen when you pray.

Most Christians have never recognized the remarkable contrast between the ways David and other Old Testament saints approached God and the way New Testament believers (especially after Pentecost) approached God--people like the apostle Paul. As we begin to get a clearer perspective of who God is, who we are, and a better understanding of how we fit into His plan, we will begin to pray from the redemptive side of the cross, and begin to recognize the awesome opportunity that's ours as New Testament believers.

You'll have to agree that the wickedness of this world increases by the moment. The international dilemmas are staggering. Nations are beginning to recognize and admit their helplessness. Whether they know it or not, they are looking for a messiah.

The evil that lies in wait for our families is increasing exponentially. The Ozzie and Harriet, Leave It to Beaver, and Father Knows Best days are gone forever. Our ability to engage in effective prayer, prayer that God hears and delights to answer, is critical for the days ahead.

If you'd like to step up to a new level in prayer, I encourage you to get "How To Be Heard In Heaven."

May God HEAR and answer your prayers!
The above article is adapted from Eddie's book "How To Be Heard In Heaven."
As we enter the 2013 holiday season, ministry support typically drops off dramatically. Alice and I always have and will continue to offer our ministry without charge. However, it is not without cost. At least a dozen other deserving ministries around the world look to us for support each month.

Please consider helping us this month with an income tax-deductible gift to the ministry of the U.S. Prayer Center.  How?

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U.S. Prayer Center
7710-T Cherry Park Drive
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"It's not about you, it's not about me, it's about the kingdom." Mistakenly, many Christians view spiritual warfare simply as the enemy's assault on them and their stuff. Some go so far as to assume that out of seven billion people on earth, the devil (who is not omniscient at all) actually knows their name, address and telephone number--even their thoughts! Not so.

Though they'd never admit it, many treat him as if he is omnipresent, which he is not.

We read of the bombing in Pakistan and the mall-assault in Kenya. To many of us, this is simply an attack on Christians.

While it is true that suicide bombers took almost 100 lives and severely injured many more than that in Pakistan last Sunday, it wasn't really about the people at all.

Sure. In the mind of the bombers it was. But they were demonized. They only facilitated the enemy's plan. What they, and many of us, haven't realized yet is that it is (and will continue to be) an assault on the Jesus Christ, Son of God and His kingdom.

It's not about us. We came along a few thousand years too late. The battle that began in Isaiah 14 isn't a battle against Christians. It's a battle for who will be worshiped as God.

Remember when Saul of Tarsus (later the Apostle Paul) was on his way to Syria to kill Christians. At the point of his Damascus Road experience, where he was so unceremoniously dismounted from his horse, Jesus didn't say, "Saul, why are you persecuting my people." He said, "...why are you persecuting ME."

You see, we were born on an ancient battlefield, in the midst of a war that has been waged for millennia. The main reason we are involved is because our Father is one of the participants.

Many live as though the goal is to survive. Surviving isn't to be our highest goal. Our highest goal should be to successfully complete the assignments we are given. While some of us will be called to live our lives to reach our kingdom potential; others of us may be called to give our lives to reach our kingdom potential. If you're a true child of God, you are no mere earthling.

Many assume their job is to overcome the devil. They focus virtually all of their attention on him and his activities. I asked a group of warfare intercessors in the Northeast, "Can you tell me 10 things the devil is doing in your city?" They threw up their hands, some jumped to their feet, and all shouted, "I can. I can!"

Ignoring their reply, I asked, "Can any of you tell me 10 things God is doing in your city?" They looked at me as if I were speaking a foreign language. None of them had a clue.

I explained, "Jesus said in John 5:19 that of Himself, that He could do nothing.He said, 'I only do what I see the father doing.' If you don't have a clue what God is doing in your city, how can you formulate your first prayer? ...Is it possible that what the devil is doing is what directs your prayer-life?" Frankly, I'm convinced that most of us pray according to what the devil is doing, rather than what the Father is doing. Remember, we are instructed to focus our attention on the Son of God. ("Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee.")

Are we given assignments related to this war? Absolutely. However, we must realize as Jesus pointed out that of our selves, we can do nothing; and that we are only to do what we see the Father doing. (Jn 5:19)

We must also understand that our authority is granted one assignment at a time. That's why we can't heal people at will, empty hospitals, or do anything of our own initiative. We are only empowered as we are God-directed.

What else could you learn about spiritual warfare?

You may find my book, "Making Sense of Spiritual Warfare" helpful.

Making Sense of Spiritual Warfare
Prayer Bookstore is the online bookstore for Eddie and Alice
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Corporate prayer loses its effectiveness when intercessors get off track. Here's how you can stay in the flow of the Holy Spirit.As I walked down the corridor toward the large prayer room, several women rushed past me in a panic. They had been praying with more than 50 intercessors from various denominations for pastors in the United States. Eager to find out what was happening, I hurried into the room.

An unbelievable sight met my eyes. Lying on the floor in the middle of the room was a woman intercessor, curled up in a fetal position and groaning as though she were being tortured. Crouched over her was a male intercessor, who was stroking her hair and speaking words of encouragement.

Standing around “the entertainment” were dozens of intercessors—watching. No one was praying now. Their faces revealed many emotions: Some were in shock; others didn’t know what to think; most were simply disgusted.

Asked to correct the situation, I bent down, asked the man to move away and softly whispered into the intercessor’s ear: “Please stop what you are doing. This is not the way the Holy Spirit would lead.”

Gruffly the woman turned her head toward me and growled, “This is the Holy Spirit.”

These kinds of activities are becoming too common in prayer rooms across the nation. If the prayer movement does not establish biblical boundaries and acceptable corporate conduct within the next few years, the work of prayer could be drastically derailed.

Here are some of the flaky intercessory activities with which we should be concerned:

1. Competition in prayer. Moses’ and Aaron’s authority to lead was challenged by Korah and his band with the argument, “You take too much upon yourselves, for all the congregation is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the Lord? So when Moses heard it, he fell on his face” (Num. 16:3).

Notice Moses’ answer to Korah and his rebellious associates: “Hear now, you sons of Levi: Is it a small thing to you that the God of Israel has separated you from the congregation of Israel, to bring you near to Himself, to do the work of the tabernacle of the Lord, and to stand before the congregation to serve them; and that He has brought you near to Himself, you and all your brethren, the sons of Levi, with you? And are you seeking the priesthood also? Therefore you and all your company are gathered together against the Lord” (Num. 16:8-11).

Intercessors have a unique position. We are called to draw near to the throne, hear the voice of God and stand on behalf of others. We who occupy this position should set an example of love, grace, mercy and humility.

Yet I find that among intercessors there is sometimes strife, jealousy and competition, just as there was among Korah and his band. In some cases, the prayer room resembles the New York City stock market trading floor, with each participant trying to pray more frequently, prophesy longer and shout louder than the others do.

Why the spiritual tug of war?

No doubt about it—all intercession is war! But like all of life, intercession has its ebbs and flows. Our friends would wonder about Eddie and me if, after three decades of marriage, we were passionately kissing every time they saw us in public. You might see this type of thing in the movies, but meaningful, real-life relationships are developed in private. Eddie and I don’t need to impress anyone or prove our love to others. Our outward displays of affection are merely an indication of an already secure and stable private relationship.

There are times when, in the heat of battle, the corporate prayer room seems intense, loud, demanding and pushy. After all, Scripture says the violent take the kingdom by force! (See Matt. 11:12). But constant warfare should not be the way every prayer time is handled.

Effective, sincere corporate prayer should reveal all the attributes of God—His gentleness, His tender mercy, His unconditional love and His burden for the lost. There are times when the group will experience total silence before God. At other times, a deep travail for the condition of lost souls will be felt. Joy, expressions of love and celebration should occur occasionally among the intercessors. To reduce group prayer to anything less reveals our immaturity in the private place before God.

2. Emotionalism. Our emotions are a part of our soul (mind, will and emotions). They were given to us by God to serve His purposes. But to function properly, they must be brought under His dominion. Paul instructs us, “Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts [emotions] on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Col. 3:1-2, NIV).

Our emotions are as flexible and undependable as an elastic measuring tape. One minute we feel happy; the next, we’re sad. We can have a wonderful time of intimacy in prayer, and in five minutes be yelling at our child for spilling milk on the carpet. Emotional expressions are not necessarily an indication of either the presence, or the lack of the presence, of God.

Amazingly, some corporate prayer groups base their entire prayer time on emotions. Hebrews 11:1-2 tell us, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it [faith] the elders obtained a good testimony.” It is faith that moves the heart of God, not emotion.

By faith the elders obtained a good testimony. Yet some of these giants of the faith were tortured, jeered at and flogged, while others were chained and put in prison. They were stoned, sawed in two and put to death by the sword (see vv. 35-37).

Most of these mighty men and women didn’t flinch when they were mistreated, misunderstood, persecuted or left destitute. Hebrews 11:38-39 (NIV) says of them, “The world was not worthy of them...These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised.” Their mind-set was one of faith, not feelings.

God knows I am emotional. Eddie calls me radical. In his book Help! I’m Married to an Intercessor (Regal) he describes me in his own terms:

“Alice is radical about everything! This woman would rather watch the Houston Rockets professional basketball team play than eat. She was a cheerleader in school when her father was the football coach. Alice is a Dallas Cowboys football fanatic as well. When the Cowboys game is being televised, everything at our house comes to a screeching halt.

“Now, I like football. I tend to watch the game casually from my recliner. I drink coffee, read the paper and talk on the phone during the game.

Not her! Alice watches the game on her feet—even in our living room! Pacing, lunging, warning and encouraging the players and coaches, my radical wife is not bothered at all that they can’t hear a word she’s saying!”

Being radical is not bad as long as you work to maintain balance in all areas of your life.

3. Inappropriate behavior. Intercessors have a responsibility to represent the Lord both inside and outside the prayer room. We need to learn that that which is biblical is not always appropriate. Ongoing “weird” activity in the prayer setting is likely to be soulish, if not demonic.

An undisciplined mind confuses soulishness and spirituality, allowing the soul to rule over the spirit. An unruly mind has to be “renewed day by day.” The apostle Paul reminds us: “Be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18, KJV).

To be filled with the Spirit is to exercise the qualities of the Holy Spirit. What are they? “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law” (Gal. 5:22-23).

Egrates, the Greek word for temperance, is translated “self-control.” The Holy Spirit will not control you. You must control you!

One form of inappropriate behavior I am concerned about is an alarming manifestation I will call “ecstasy.” This manifestation is misdiagnosed as travail, but it is not genuine godly travail. When it occurs, a glazed expression forms on the intercessor’s face, and he or she voices utterances resembling expressions of sexual gratification. I have actually seen intercessors positioned in a manner that suggests a sexual act is happening.

Beware, women! We must ask the Lord for spiritual discernment concerning such matters. Proper travailing prayer will not cause physical arousal.

Dutch Sheets makes an interesting point about travail in his book, Intercessory Prayer (Regal):

“First, I believe biblical travail is an important, if not essential, part of intercession for the lost. Second, I don’t believe it is defined by groaning, wailing, weeping and hard work. Natural travail certainly is, and spiritual travail can include these things. I do not believe, however, it must include them, and I’m convinced it is not defined by them.”

Dutch goes on to define travailing intercession. It is “a form of intercession that releases the creative power...of the Holy Spirit into a situation to produce, create or give birth to something.”

Not long ago at a conference, I called for repentance by all intercessors who had ever experienced false travail such as I have described. One woman who came forward for prayer told me that she was a seasoned intercessor who had been praying for over 20 years. But recently she went to a conference where a person laid hands on her for impartation. Impartation is right!

After that incident, whenever she tried to pray she would see Jesus as her lover and experience a physical orgasm. She had opened herself to a false spiritual experience she did not ask the Lord about first. At the conference she received deliverance from the evil spirit that had seduced her.

It is clear that we must be discerning. Ephesians 5:15-16 tell us to “walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (NKJV).

Evil or not, these are exciting days in which to live, for spiritual awakenings are being seen throughout the earth. I pray we see one here in the United States! To help bring this about, we must be committed to maintaining our credibility in prayer. Decide now to keep a spiritual eye on what’s going on in the prayer room and be a Spirit-led—not a flaky—woman of prayer.

Alice Smith is co-founder and executive director of the U.S. Prayer Center in Houston. She is also an internationally known conference speaker and  best-selling author. Consider booking Alice for your next prayer conference, leadership training, banquet speaker, retreat leader, etc. Books and other resources by Alice can be found at:

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New Covenant Praying By Eddie Smith

“God wants to perform in ways beyond our expectation. His desire is to respond ‘exceedingly above all that we can ask (pray) or think (imagine).' So, if we can imagine it, or ask it, it’s likely too small!”    

bk_eddie_howtobeheard__59769.1315355561.1280.1280.jpg?width=150Picture Alice and I hope your summer 2013 has started smoothly and that it will hold many blessings for you and your family. We’re looking forward to some fun times with friends and family, woven into our work and ministry schedule. Summertime usually brings financial challenges to ministries as ours. Please pray with us that won’t be true this year.
        Have you ever been told, or heard someone told, “You are never satisfied, are you?” Well, has it ever occurred to you that dissatisfaction with the status quo is a basis for petitionary prayer (intercession)?
        You see, praying Christians like us will never be satisfied until God’s kingdom comes and His will is done on earth as it is being done in heaven. We continually live with a holy dissatisfaction with what exists, and are committed to, as Alice wrote last month, see it changed through prayer.
        If this describes you, here are three tips that may help. In this letter, I’m offering more along the line of Alice’s excellent May letter.

  • Discern and accept the burdens of the Lord.  Perhaps one of the most difficult things for us to do today is to discern that for which we are to pray. Because of the Internet and other modern conveniences, we can be easily overwhelmed with requests and the needs around us. We must remember we aren’t primarily here to meet needs. We are here to engage with the Father in what He is doing. (Jn 5:19) What is the Father doing? What does He want to do?

We can only know this if our hearts are closely entwined with His. We can’t share the burdened heart of someone we hardly known. God, as a gentleman, will never force us to bear burdens unwillingly. Instead, He invites us to co-labor with him in His kingdom work. He is looking for co-laborers. (Isa 59:16) That’s why we describe His assignment as “the great CO-mission.” (Mt 28:19-20)
        Notice the burdens we are called to bear are His burdens--“the burdens of the Lord.” True God-assigned prayer begins in the heart of God. When He deposits His burdens into our hearts, if we don’t understand what He’s doing; what we should do and how we should do it; we may easily miss the point. In fact, we are saddened to see how many of the Christians who are diagnosed as emotionally or mentally depressed are in reality experiencing the Father’s call to intercede. They neither know that what they sense is the burden of the Lord, nor how they should respond to His call to intercede. One of our mandates is to offer training resources. Once we discern and accept a burden from the Lord, we are to…

  • Identify with God’s desire to intervene in the matter. (2 Pet 3:9)  God shares His burden with us to orchestrate a “heavenly intervention.” Satan is at work today to destroy people, and to disrupt God’s plans on the earth. (Jn 10:10b) Much of what is happening around us today breaks the Father’s heart. His desire is to expose and defeat evil, and to extend mercy and grace. (Jas 2:13).

        However in His plan, the Father has limited Himself to some degree by giving us responsibility for what happens here. (Gen 1:28; Psa 115:16) So mysteriously, He awaits our prayerful invitations to operate in the earth realm. As His kingly priests (Rev 5:10), if we are to see His activity here, we must discern and accept His burden and desire regarding the people, places and things around us; and invite Him to operate accordingly. Notice that Revelation 5:10 doesn’t suggest some of us are kings, and some are priests. All who are in Christ are kingly priests, or priestly kings (male or female). Remember, there is no “laity” in the body of Christ. All are ministers. (Eph 4:12)

  • Pray in faith for a breakthrough.  God wants to perform in ways beyond our expectation. His desire is to respond “exceedingly above all we can ask (pray) or think (imagine). So, if we can imagine it, or ask it, it’s likely too small! But there is a fight of faith in prayer.

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if Jesus would ask the Father on our behalf? Great, perhaps, but that isn’t the way it works. Jesus said, “In that day...the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name…Ask and you will receive…you will ask, I’m not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf.” (Jn 16:23-26) So, to ask is clearly our responsibility.
    IMPORTANT:  The following does not apply to what’s commonly referred to as the false teaching: “name it and claim it.” Remember our premise. We are praying according to the Father’s desire, His burden-- our heaven-given assignment. Got it? Great! Now hold on.   
    Do we really believe that He hears us when we ask in His name, according to His will? If so, then He commands us to consider it done. Amazing, isn’t it? He specifically says, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it (already), and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24) One of the most difficult verses of Scripture for us to believe is Mk 11:24, where Jesus said, “…whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have (already) received it, and it will be yours.”
    There is clear evidence that we understand and practice prayer that is based on our belief that we have received that for which we are asking. What is the evidence? Paul said, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer…, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” If we truly believe we have received that for which we are asking our praying will be void of anxiety and filled with gratitude to the Father for His faithfulness.

    What about perseverance? What about wrestling in prayer? There is perhaps no greater struggle, no greater spiritual warfare, than the battle against our fleshly minds, the faithless testimonies of others, and the contrary things that we see around us that say “your God doesn’t hear, and isn’t going to answer you.” Our fight of faith is to stand convinced that He already has heard us, and that we already have that for which we’ve prayed in His name, according to His will. He is the Only Faithful One!
    If this lesson has blessed, enlightened or encouraged you, will you ask the Father how you can support the ministries of the U.S. Prayer Center? Thank you SO MUCH for standing with us financially this summer.

In His love,
Eddie and Alice

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U.S. Prayer Center
7710-T Cherry Park Dr, Ste 224
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Some time ago, in preparation for a class I was to teach, as I searched the dictionary for the word “intimate,” my eyes fell upon the words “intercept” and “interchange.” In that moment it seemed that the Holy Spirit spoke to me, “Alice, this is how the Kingdom of God destroys the kingdom of darkness.”

The word “intercept” is an action verb. To intercept something one must stop or interrupt its course. “Intercession,” as you know, is to stand in the gap between what is actually happening and what God wants to happen.

The word “Interchange” means to put one thing in the place of another. So, the intercessor intercepts the plan of the enemy and initiates a spiritual interchange.

Professor David F. Wells states, “What, then, is the nature of petitionary prayer? It is in essence, rebellion—rebellion against the world and its fallenness; the absolute and undying refusal to accept as normal what is pervasively abnormal. It is in this negative aspect, the refusal of every agenda, every scheme, and every interpretation that is at odds with the norm as originally established by God.”

In other words, petitionary prayer (intercession) is a holy dissatisfaction with the way things are, and taking steps to bring change through prayer. Here are three steps we intercessors should follow.

Step 1:  Accept the burden from the Lord.  The Lord is a gentleman who will never force us to bear a burden unwillingly. He has chosen to partner with each of us that together we may see the Great Commission fulfilled; but when we won’t help, He’ll find another. Isaiah 59:16 says, “He saw that there was no one, he was appalled that there was no one to intercede: so his own arm worked salvation for him, and his own righteousness sustained him.” God “triggers” us to intercede in various ways. Sometimes for no apparent reason we may sense a heaviness come over us. In our minds we know we are not in sin; our families are fine; and things are great. Yet, an unexplainable heaviness hangs over us. This is often God’s way of saying, “go pray.”

At other times an overwhelming desire to weep comes upon us, and for no apparent reason. Again, the Lord may be asking us to slip away and intercede for something or someone. Most often He will not reveal to us the next step until we obey the first.

I’m amazed at the number of Christians who take anti-depressant medication, feeling they are emotionally and mentally depressed. In many cases they are receiving a call to intercede. Should this happen to you, say like Samuel did when he realized the Lord was speaking to him: ”Speak Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Sam 3:10).   

Step Two:  Identify with God’s desire to intervene in the situation. Once we accept the assignment to pray, we must recognize that God desires to intervene. “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Pet. 3:9).

We are being asked to “stand in the gap” between what the enemy is doing and what the Father wants to do. Entering into prayer, we should thank the Lord for the opportunity to see the Kingdom of God displace the kingdom of darkness.

Next, exercising our priestly authority, we should ask the Lord to intercept and thwart the devil’s plan to “steal, kill and destroy” (Jas. 2:13).

Step Three:  Intercede by faith for breakthrough in the matter.  Pray for God’s plan to be established in the situation. Pray until you feel that the breakthrough and the interchange have occurred. The Lord is looking for those of us who will persevere in the prayer closet. The prayer closet is the arena which produces the overcomer! Around our group of intercessors we have a slogan, “P.U.S.H.!  Pray until something happens.”

George Muller, a great intercessor of days gone by said, “When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it ‘til the end comes. I never give up ‘til the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is that they do not continue in prayer. They do not preserver. If they desire anything for God’s glory, they should pray until they get it.”

I envision a day when millions of praying Christians with militant and abandoned love for Jesus will stand up on behalf of lost humanity and refuse to quit until the Lord answers. John the Baptist was radical! Paul was radical! When it comes to prayer, are we radical?

The story is told that in the darkest hour of the war with Germany, when the destiny of civilization was trembling in the balance, the Congress of Allied Women, meeting in Paris adopted the ringing slogan, “Believe victory! Preach victory! Live victory!”

We would do well to adopt this slogan in these turbulent days of fierce spiritual battle.

When we launched the U.S. Prayer Center by faith in 1993, as requested by Dr. C. Peter Wagner, I (Eddie) asked him how much it paid. He said, “Whatever you can trust God for.” <Smile> I was warned by some that “Christians will support missions, missionaries and evangelism; but they’ll never support prayer ministries.” It’s true that prayer seems to “fly under the radar” of some in terms of their giving; and that many aren’t aware that our ministries extend far beyond the topic of prayer. We continually invest ourselves in equipping and assisting Christians around the world with various discipleship issues.

Now, 20 years later, we are so grateful for you and people like you who continue to underwrite the ministry of the U.S. Prayer Center, which isn’t to say things are easy today. In fact, in the past year we’ve seen our support drop approximately 30% from the year before. As a result we’ve tightened our fiscal belts and reduced expenses to compensate, yet things are still tight; as they likely are for you and yours. Secondly, we’ve focused on the needs of a dozen or so other effective, life-giving ministries around the world that we support, some of which we’ve supported for years. We’ve been “on the ground” with them, know and love them. We’ve seen the result of their efforts. We must do what we can to see that their needs not go unmet.

Plus, we’ve learned in our almost 43 years of marriage and ministry that we’re more blessed to give than to receive, and that the Father who monitors our giving will bless us accordingly. Obviously you agree or you would not be receiving this letter. So, thanks again for your support. Enclosed you will find a self-addressed, postage-paid envelope in which you can send your best offering this month.   

God bless you for your generosity!


Alice and Eddie

P.S. Will you join us in ministry. Your investment today will bear kingdom interest tomorrow!

Or mail checks payable to:
        U.S. Prayer Center
        7710-T Cherry Park Dr
        Suite 224
        Houston, Texas 77095
Phone donations via credit card, toll free, Mon-Thu, 9-5 Central


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Some Christians feel like they are the prime target of Satan's attacks. But Scripture does not teach this. Here are some important things to keep in mind about him and how he works:

First, Satan isn't omnipresent like God, who is everywhere. Like us, the devil can only be at one place at a time. So he's most likely never laid eyes on us, although he has minions who know us quite well and who serve his purposes.

Second, he's not omniscient like God, who knows all things. He has limited knowledge. It's inconceivable to think that Satan even knows our individual names.

Third, Satan isn't omnipotent like God, who can do anything. The devil's true enemy is our heavenly Father. Satan was at war with our Daddy for thousands of years before we came along.

Now, read carefully. This next section could change the way you've understood your Christian life. I've discovered only three things Satan can do to hurt his enemy--God.

First, Satan keeps people separated from God. He knows that God is a father who wants a house full of kids. Because God created everyone to live with Him forever, the enemy blinds them from seeing the truth of the gospel. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4.) His goal? His goal is to rob God of His children. (Isaiah 10:14)

Second, Satan hurts us. He hurts God by hurting us. When we hurt, God hurts. Alice and I have four precious children. When one of them hurts, we hurt. And if you hurt one of our children or grandchildren, you've hurt us.

Third, Satan tempts us into doing things that hurt God. If you're a parent, you know this is true. No one can hurt parents more than their children can. And no one can make them prouder. Why? Perhaps it's because children are extensions of their parents.

God's ways are above our ways. As we begin to realize this, we'll discover that we've wasted a lot of words instructing God and praying for things that He won't do because they conflict with His ultimate plan.

Rather than create our lists of requests determined by our needs, we ought to focus on God, and what He's doing on the earth. God has a purpose and a plan. Our job is to find out what they are and pray accordingly.

What's God Doing in This City?

I was teaching at a spiritual warfare conference in the northeast. At one point I asked, "Can anyone tell me what the devil's doing in this city?"

Hands flew into the air; many exuberantly jumped to their feet and cried, "I can, I can."

"Please be seated," I encouraged as I tried to regain some semblance of order.

"I'm really not concerned with what the devil is doing. Can any of you tell me what God is doing in this city?" I asked.

Suddenly the room grew silent. They cocked their heads to one side and looked at me quizzically with their brows furrowed, as if I were speaking Mandarin Chinese!

"Isn't it interesting?" I continued. "All of you can tell me ten things the devil's doing in your city, but you can't…                                                                                       

Don't miss the audio interview with Alice (below)
about her recent Indonesian trip!

…tell me what God is doing?" No one could.

As the bride of Christ, we are His "helpmeets" or helpmates. We are here to help Him do what He's doing. Jesus said that He only did what He saw the Father doing (John 5:19). He also said, "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you" (John 20:21). We are to serve on the same basis.

==> If we haven't bothered to identify what God is doing, how can we help Him do it?

==> How would we know the first thing to do?

==> Can we conclude, then, that what the devil is doing is most often directing our prayer lives?

==> Yikes!

Sadly, in many (if not most) cases, it is. We are engaged in the ritual of finding problems Satan has caused and praying for God to solve them. Indeed, we seem to view ourselves as "God's troubleshooters." We've lost all sight of God, His activity, His glory, and His kingdom!

Alice and I are increasingly concerned with the level of prayer in the American church that is based more on superstition than truth. To some of us, prayer has been reduced to little more than spiritual damage control rather than being used to extend God's kingdom, accomplish His purposes, establish His lordship, and unleash damage to the prince of darkness. It's reactive prayer rather than proactive prayer.

God has two overriding purposes:

First, the glory of His name. (Exodus 3:15; 9:16; Malachi 1:11)

Second, the establishment and extension of His kingdom. (Psalm 145:11-13; Habakkuk 2:14; Matthew 6:10)

Rest assured that anything God does for you, in answer to your prayer, will be done in accordance with these two primary goals. Let’s formulate our prayers accordingly and move from need-driven to purpose-centered praying!

This article is an excerpt from Eddie’s book, How To Be Heard In Heaven.

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Kindle Version:


A personal word.
Alice and I loved the years we served in local pastorates. To spend at least part of every day with those you love and who love you is priceless. My father was a pastor. When he retired I asked him one day what he missed most.

He said, “I miss being with my deacons.” <smile>

We understand all too well. And there many other blessings we miss as well, having now traveled and taught around the world for 20 years. Our blessings today are different, of course. But at the end of each engagement we must sadly say “goodbye.” Of course are always grateful for return visits to renew those relationships.

Another aspect of local VS trans-local ministry is the issue of support. Although our ministry today is as demanding, and often much more than it was in the local church; for 20 years we have had no congregation. It's been the generosity of friends like you who share our values that enable us to continue to serve as we do today. We are always praying for additional “underwriters.”

If our ministry has blessed you, would you please help us today. How?

You will notice to the left a QR (quick response) code. You can scan the code with the app on your smartphone and make an income tax-deductible contribution to the U.S. Prayer Center and ministries of Eddie and Alice. If you don't find a QR code scanner on your smart phone, open your "App Store" and download our free app. In it, you'll find a QR scanner. Search for:  Eddie And Alice.

If you'd prefer to contribute by credit card over the phone, our office number is: 713-466-4009

Or by mail:   U.S. Prayer Center, 7550-T Cherry Park Dr, Suite 224, Houston, Texas 77095

An Audio Interview With Alice

I believe you’ll be blessed by this interview I did with Alice upon her return from Indonesia last week.

Listen now, via streaming audio. Goto:  

Or, download the interview and listen later. Even save to CD, iPod, iPad, iPhone, etc.  Goto:

THANK YOU, our 2013 partner!
Eddie and Alice
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It seems as if a lot of bad things happen to America in September. It is almost as if September is the hangover from summer madness. We all know about September 11, 2001. However in September 1856, the signs were all around the developed cities. New York City was already the financial capitol of the world.  Exhibits A to Z are thus: the economy and accompanying social decline were picking up speed. Bankruptcy was high and morale was low. Preachers were just as ineffective as they are today and fast becoming irrelevant. Many of them had predicted doom and gloom and the end of the world which never happened. Politicians were just as horrible as they are today and unemployment just as high as 2012. Civil War talk was in the air. America was in a bad place. The enemy was domestic.

With this background, 156 years ago, a humble employee of the North Dutch Reformed Church named Jeremiah Lanphier, was given a vision by the LORD GOD, to call many to prayer. He wrote up a flyer inviting people to a prayer meeting in the church consistory on Fulton Street - anyone who could come. The prayer meeting was just that - an hour of prayer from noon to 1pm. The flyer indicated the room was open to anyone from the store clerk to the business owner. On the first day of the prayer meeting - September 23, the first man showed up at 12:30pm. Finally 6 men showed up and they prayed. There was no preaching or worship band or hysteria or... you name it. Just quiet humble prayer as the Lord delights in it. Weeks later, the numbers had doubled and tripled. 

Finally on October 10, the New York Stock Exchange crashed. Did you know that 10,000 immediately showed up for the noon prayer meeting called by Lanphier on Fulton Street?! They had run out of space on Fulton Street, so the prayer meeting expanded across the street to the larger John Street Methodist Church...then all over New York City....and then Chicago, Philadelphia, Louisville (Kentucky) and so on! This led to the greatest Revival ever in America - the Third Great Awakening. There has been nothing like it since, and it began with one layman, like you and I, who was used by God.

America has lost its way and does not even turn to God in evil and terrible times as we have seen this week. There is no righteous, moral or faithful leadership. We have the best and fastest of social networking and instant media, yet those who are called by God to be the leaders of the church are not proclaiming "THUS SAYETH THE LORD" or calling for National Prayer Meetings or Fasting as President John Adams once did when the hounds of hell were nipping at our heels. If the preachers and pastors of America would rather play church and lose their credibility just like the preachers of September 1856, then you and I have to do it.  The wonderful thing is, there is nothing to it. All we need is a Bible, a quiet room and a love for Jesus and the Lost! Are you ready?

Here is the rest of Psalm 35. Choose the verse, or the verses of the passage which Holy Spirit custom fits to YOUR calling as a His Prayer Warrior, then press in. I see several which appear to match up with the situation in America today - terrorism, moral and religious crisis and more. Our enemies are not just the islamic terrorists, but even worse than them are the enemies from within....the kinds we have allowed because of our own sin of sloth, laziness and unfaithfulness to God. The only remedy is Repentance and Restoration. Here is Psalm 35 (NKJV) in full. Therefore, place names in the appropriate verse, in place of personal pronouns. This will not alter the inerrant word of God:

Plead my cause, O Lord, with those who strive with me;
Fight against those who fight against me.
Take hold of shield and buckler,
And stand up for my help.
Also draw out the spear,
And stop those who pursue me.
Say to my soul,
“I am your salvation.”
Let those be put to shame and brought to dishonor
Who seek after my life;
Let those be turned back and brought to confusion
Who plot my hurt.
Let them be like chaff before the wind,
And let the angel[a] of the Lord chase them.
Let their way be dark and slippery,
And let the angel of the Lord pursue them.
For without cause they have hidden their net for me in a pit,
Which they have dug without cause for my life.
Let destruction come upon him unexpectedly,
And let his net that he has hidden catch himself;
Into that very destruction let him fall.
And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord;
It shall rejoice in His salvation.
10 All my bones shall say,
Lord, who is like You,
Delivering the poor from him who is too strong for him,
Yes, the poor and the needy from him who plunders him?”
11 Fierce witnesses rise up;
They ask me things that I do not know.
12 They reward me evil for good,
To the sorrow of my soul.
13 But as for me, when they were sick,
My clothing was sackcloth;
I humbled myself with fasting;
And my prayer would return to my own heart.
14 I paced about as though he were my friend or brother;
I bowed down heavily, as one who mourns for his mother.
15 But in my adversity they rejoiced
And gathered together;
Attackers gathered against me,
And I did not know it;
They tore at me and did not cease;
16 With ungodly mockers at feasts
They gnashed at me with their teeth.
17 Lord, how long will You look on?
Rescue me from their destructions,
My precious life from the lions.
18 I will give You thanks in the great assembly;
I will praise You among many people.
19 Let them not rejoice over me who are wrongfully my enemies;
Nor let them wink with the eye who hate me without a cause.
20 For they do not speak peace,
But they devise deceitful matters
Against the quiet ones in the land.
21 They also opened their mouth wide against me,
And said, “Aha, aha!
Our eyes have seen it.
22 This You have seen, O Lord;
Do not keep silence.
O Lord, do not be far from me.
23 Stir up Yourself, and awake to my vindication,
To my cause, my God and my Lord.
24 Vindicate me, O Lord my God, according to Your righteousness;
And let them not rejoice over me.
25 Let them not say in their hearts, “Ah, so we would have it!”
Let them not say, “We have swallowed him up.”
26 Let them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion
Who rejoice at my hurt;
Let them be clothed with shame and dishonor
Who exalt themselves against me.
27 Let them shout for joy and be glad,
Who favor my righteous cause;
And let them say continually,
“Let the Lord be magnified,
Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”
28 And my tongue shall speak of Your righteousness
And of Your praise all the day long.
(Scripture is courtesy
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Standing Up In Truth for Injustice

9651006698?profile=originalThen Nahash the Ammonite came up and encamped against Jabesh Gilead; and all the men of Jabesh said to Nahash, “Make a covenant with us, and we will serve you.” And Nahash the Ammonite answered them, “On this condition I will make a covenant with you, that I may put out all your right eyes, and bring reproach on all Israel.” Then the elders of Jabesh said to him, “Hold off for seven days, that we may send messengers to all the territory of Israel. And then, if there is no one to save us, we will come out to you.” So the messengers came to Gibeah of Saul and told the news in the hearing of the people. And all the people lifted up their voices and wept. Now there was Saul, coming behind the herd from the field; and Saul said, “What troubles the people, that they weep?” And they told him the words of the men of Jabesh. Then the Spirit of God came upon Saul when he heard this news, and his anger was greatly aroused.  So he took a yoke of oxen and cut them in pieces, and sent them throughout all the territory of Israel by the hands of messengers, saying, “Whoever does not go out with Saul and Samuel to battle, so it shall be done to his oxen.” And the fear of the Lord fell on the people, and they came out with one consent.” 1 Samuel 11: 1-7

The above text from 1 Samuel takes place during a time when the tribes of Gad and Reuben have been tormented by this King of the Ammonites named Nahash. If you recall, these two tribes were the ones who settled on the other side of the Jordan and chose to take the good pasture land there instead of staking a claim on the Promised Land. But, not neglecting their duties as full members of the tribe of Israel they left of their families and flock on the other side of the Jordan to fight with the rest of Israel to defeat the inhabitants of the land God had set before them, even though they knew the fighting gave their families no personal gain and it would put them in harms way.

So now fast forward to the time of 1 Samuel 11. The historian Josephus states that this King Nahash “had been grievouly oppressing the Gadites and Reubenites. He would gouge out the right eye of each of them and would not grant [them] a deliverer. No one was left across the Jordan whose right eye...had not been gouged out...[except] seven thousand men who had escaped from the Ammonites and had entered Jabesh-gilead.” Do you not think the rest of Israel knew what was going on? Was there any account in the above text to indicate they were doing anything about this injustice? Not even their newly appointed King was doing anything – he was in his field plowing with his oxen. It was not until the people cried out and the Spirit of God led Saul to generate dread in their hearts, that the nation of Israel began to rise up against this injustice and fight.

9651007253?profile=originalAs I sat and read this story this morning, my thoughts were quickly brought to places of injustice and the more typical response we as a Christian people have in those instances. It is sad but true, but we live in a nation defined by a lot of complaining and very little action to rectify the problems we see before us. We simply turn our backs on injustices when we hear about them, or if we do put out any effort we then speak words of disgust about them, but then go back to our own lives not wanting the bad news we have heard interrupt what we have planned for our own happy futures. But listen to what the following scripture verses have to say about that type of attitude:

For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.  For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.  But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.  You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.  Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.  For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night.  But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.  For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,  who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him. Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing. And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. Be at peace among yourselves. Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all.  See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit.  Do not despise prophecies.  Test all things; hold fast what is good.  Abstain from every form of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5: 2-22

I don't know about you, but in light of all I have shared above, added to these verses here, I find it very hard to justify a lifestyle which turns its back on the injustices heard about in the world and pursues personal gain. And not only the injustices we by chance hear about, but those we are to be sobering searching out as is our calling as we watch and wait on the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As the scripture verses from 1 Thessalonians states with the weapons of faith, love and salvation we are to comfort and edify one another in Christ as well as warn those who are laboring among us who are moving out of the will of God in their work for the kingdom (that is what admonish means). We are to stand up and speak out to those who are doing things against the law of the Lord. We are to bring comfort to those who have been pushed down by the injustices this world, as well as stand next to those who need someone to lean on if the weight of this world is crushing them in mind, body and/or spirit. We are to persevere with the best and the worst of this world, hoping and praying for salvation for all mankind. We are to show the world how good prevails by returning good for evil no matter what.

And as we seek to do these things, the way we stay on track is by rejoicing in the love of the Lord, by praying and keeping in communion with Jesus every moment of every day making sure all we do and say are directed by Him and are supplied by His overabundance of grace, mercy, and love for the world we live in. It is when we live in communion with the One true Judge that we are able to help in spreading the works of righteousness and justice through our land.

9651007273?profile=originalFinally, the warning we all must not ignore. Where the Spirit of the Lord grieves your heart you must lean into that injustice and pursue the way God is moving your heart to act out against it. Whether you are called to pray against it, comfort those who are hurt by it, speak out for those who are unable to speak for themselves in the midst of it, or be a strong pillar among a group that needs your spiritual strength to lean on, you cannot turn your back if you are to call yourself a Christian and a true follower to Christ.

The time is coming soon when Christ will return and we do not have the luxury of pursuing our own interests and seeking out happy havens in this world of evil. We must willingly put ourselves before the Lord daily and say, “Here I am Lord. Send me.” when the Lord shows us through His word and through the circumstances in our lives how we are each individually called to work as His kingdom and reign approach the coming day.

I leave you with theses words of encouragement today from 2 Chronicles 32:7-8:

Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid nor dismayed ...[for]with [man] is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.”

Feel free to visit my personal blog at

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Shouting at God

Today, I am going to write the first of a series of devotional thoughts about Psalm 13. In this psalm there can be found a desperate man, David, calling out to God with all that he had.
First, a little background. It is likely that David wrote this psalm/song/prayer while being pursued by Saul in the mountains. This prayer was used by the Israelite's (and us) to ask for help in the face of long term struggles, illness, persecution, poverty, etc.
One of the keys to this psalm is found in the first two verses where David asks the same question four times. "How long?" I know for sure that we have all asked that question many times. In this prayer David is weeping in grief. These four questions form the basis for the devotional today.

1. How long will you forget me, Lord? Will it be forever?! This is a question that people of all eras of history have asked. But just like us they expected God to give them a microwave answer. They wanted an instant solution. Sometimes God says wait awhile because He wants us to learn something.

2. How long will you hide from me? In the heat of the battle we all wonder where God is. He is not absent as we suppose. He is busy working out all things for our good. 

3. How long must I worry and feel sad in my heart all day long? This is another ageless question. Every person has asked this question. The answer is not an easy one, but a clue is found at the end of Matthew 6. Jesus says each day has enough trouble of it's own. He says to concentrate on today and to do all you can to make things right and then trust Him for the rest. In other words the worries for tomorrow should be left to Him.

4. How long will my enemy win over me? Yikes, that is close isn't it? It seems that everybody has had someone taunt, bully, discourage us by attacking us physically, verbally or emotionally. 

These four questions come from the depths of our souls and deserve an answer. In the next day or two you can read here what has been learned.

But for today, know this: It is alright to ask God these tough questions. He is not bothered by honest and brutal questions. He doesn't remove His love from us because we question Him. In fact, He uses these times of questioning to build us up for His purposes. Because He works all things together for His purposes.

A simple prayer: Oh Lord, I need relief. I trust in You for that relief. I am waiting patiently (sort of) for Your answer and teaching.

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13,372 (written) Prayers ... and still counting


It sounds rather simplistic, but I just "pray and write" ... about whatever is on my mind!  (I could say, "however God leads," but some of my prayers surely don't please Him as much as I wish they did) ...


On June 1, 1975, I began keeping two journals: "A Thought Journal" and "A Prayer Journal."  There are days when I don't write but, if so, I catch up; on other occasions, I write ahead.  Nevertheless, for these 36 1/2 years, I have an entry for every day. I have no particular discipline re: subject or length, but the "Thought Journal" entries are always at least one-page in length, sometimes longer; the "Prayer Journal" entries tend to be shorter, but can range from one line to a few pages.


I have a "Ten Things to Enjoy" (TTTE) mailing list; I send these items out on the 10th, 20th, and 30th of each month (35 editions per year).: On November 5, 2005, I put ten items together qand sent the combined list to five friends; I titled them "Ten Things to Enjoy" ... and the response was excellent; so, I continued to send these mailings on a regularly scheduled basis ... and have now been doing this for 6+ years -- (#CCXV -- or #215) was forwarded to my list of almost recipients as of December 20, 2011.

 On June 1, 2010, I began including/adding an item called "PDQ" (Prayers, Daily journal entries, and Quotations from one of the four books I have written); in other words, some "samples" of my prayers have been included with each edition of TTTE for the past 18 months [as you can surmise, though, 18 of 13,37 is a rather small sample].  My TTTE/PDQ mailing list has almost 500 names.  It began after I retired and, at age 75, it is one of the ways I minister and engage in interaction with people across the US and around the world ...


I'm afraid I am a much better writer than marketer; I sell very few books, TTTE/PDQ involves no income on my part nor expense on anyone else's part; it has been and continues to be a labor of love.


The Prayer Journal simply keeps me in touch with God and myself; for me, I need more than an intangible spiritual relationship.  I read voraciously, write extensively and, in the process, grow in knowledge, grace and, hopefully, wisdom and discernment.  I write in longhand on notebook paper and there are more than 100 loose-leaf volumes of "journals" in my home office in Oregon.


A little bit about me: I have been blessed beyond belief: born in the Arkansas Ozarks, educated (formally) in Missouri (BA, MA, Ph.D.), served at the Dean's level or higher for nine colleges and universities, eight of which were church-related (three kinds of Baptist, two UCC colleges, one Episcopal, one ELCA Lutheran); I am an Emeritus Professor and Emeritus Senior Vice President for Advancement and Marketing at Judson University in Elgin, Illinois; I am also an Emeritus member of the Board of Directors for Holt International Children's Services in Eugene, Oregon -- the largest adoption agency in the world.  My wife and I have been married for 54 1/2 years, we have six successful children (three of whom are Korean adoptees), seven grandchildren (two of whom are Korean adoptees), have had 60 foster kids (licensed in Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan and Virginia), etc.  Three of our children live in Oregon and three live in Virginia; and we spend six months in each state.  Although I have been a member of 17 Baptist churches in my lifetime, we presently belong to a Presbyterian church in Glen Allen (Richmond), Virginia and are Associate members of a Presbyterian church in Aloha (Portland), Oregon.   I have lived in ten states, visited all 50 states (often), been around the world twice -- including visits to 30+ nations.


To quote the final line in the blind, anonymous Confederate soldiers' poem, "I am, among all men, the one most richly blessed."


If you would like to receive "Ten Things To Enjoy"/"PDQ", just send me your e-mail address.  There is no charge ...

and remember to "Pray without ceasing ..." (I Thes. 5:15)

C. Neal Davis, Ph.D., ACFRE /

80 SW 172nd Avenue, Beaverton, OR 97006 (April-September)

9710 Candace Court, Glen Allen, VA 23060 (October-March)

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AwakenUs: 40 Days to Fast and Pray

See to learn about nation-wide fasting & prayer event!  We're calling prayer warriors and churches all across America to unite in prayer for a Spiritual Awakening in our land Nov 21 - Dec 31, 2011. Thousands have already joined the effort nationwide. Millions will be hearing about this united season of prayer over the next month. Please spread the news!
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