

October 28

Most High Reigns In Ojai

Most High Reigns in Ojai is a community of people across America and beyond, praying the Psalms together via an opt-in 5 day a week email of a Psalm turned into prayer for Ojai, a tiny city with a big megaphone to the world's ear. In subsequent years with may be praying Scripture over other influential cities. I'd love to hear any wisdom, experience or comments others might have. Our website is www.MostHighOjai.info most high final.tiff

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  • Hi Fawn. I invite you to join a group. We are worshiping Christ and praying for His lordship in every part of our lives and across the nation, using 153 names and attributes of Christ (one for each day, Aug. 1 - Dec. 31). You can go to: http://www.prayersummits.net/articles.html, then click on daily names of Christ. CHRIST IS ALL, Steve Hall
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