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We had seen some mighty works done by Jesus. James and John and Andrew and I were the only ones to see Jesus fill a boat with fish from only one dip of a net. After that Jesus said we would fish for men, and we left our boats to follow him. Believe me, we told others about the miracle catch until they were tired of hearing us. We also saw Jesus turn water to wine. Most of the people at the wedding never knew what happened, but we did. He healed the official's son. That too was done in a way that most people didn’t know what happened. His fame had spread through Galilee. But up to now most of his mighty works were not widely known. All of us were excited to go to the feast in Jerusalem. He had demonstrated his power at a previous feast. Who knew what he might do at this one. Everyone would see and understand who Jesus was.

When we arrived we walked together around the city. That was always a treat for those of us who didn’t live there. And we had the sense that Jesus was looking for just the right person to heal. We were wondering what would make him known to the nation. Jesus had hinted that he only did what his heavenly Father told him to do. I understand now that he was looking for the person his Father wanted him to heal

We came to the pool of Bethesda near the sheep gate. Many people were there who needed to be healed. I’m not sure how the rumor got started, but people said an angel stirred the water from time to time. They believed the first person into the pool after the water was disturbed would be healed. The sick wanted to desperately believe it was all true. Occasionally someone would shout that the water was disturbed. Each one would try to be first to get into the pool. People who brought the infirm to the pool would help them into the water. From time to time someone would start shouting that he had been healed. But all I ever saw were quarrels over who was first or whether the water had actually been stirred. 

A big crowd there to see whatever Jesus did. There was a guy who had been there as long as anyone could remember. People said he had been coming there for nearly 40 years. Jesus went straight to him.

“Do you want to be healed?” Jesus asked. “Or have you given up on that altogether?”

The man answered. “I cannot be healed. I’m left here alone in the mornings. I don’t have anyone to help me into the pool when the water is stirred.”

“Stand up!” Jesus said “Take up your mat and walk.” And the man was healed immediately. He stood shakily and then grabbed his mat and almost ran away in front of the whole crowd. While the man had everyone’s attention, Jesus disappeared into the crowd. We were still standing there and saw the funniest thing. A Pharisee stopped the man before he got far. 

“This is the Sabbath,” he said. “It is not lawful for you to carry your mat.” A crowd gathered around evidently to help accuse the man of breaking the Sabbath. The Pharisee spoke with enough authority that the crowd who saw the man healed were cowed into silence. We may have been the only ones there who were trying to keep straight faces. Bartholomew laughed out loud. Could they not see what a great miracle had been done? The fellow answered them. “The man who healed me told me to pick up my mat and leave.”  

Someone in the crowd, probably another Pharisee, raged, “Who is this that dared tell you to break the Sabbath?” It seemed to us like a guard from Jericho trying to arrest Joshua for making too much noise with the trumpets. I suppose the Pharisees would have been even angrier if they realized how ridiculous they looked. After it was all over and we had found Jesus, we went with him into the temple. The man who was healed was there giving thanks.

Jesus approached him and said, “See, after all these years you are well. Stop sinning lest something worse happen to you.” Jesus evidently knew the man would immediately go tell the Pharisees. We followed him to them. They turned and attacked Jesus for abusing the Sabbath. 

Jesus said, “My Father is at work, so I am also working.” The Pharisees didn't understand that Jesus taught that it was his Father who worked miracles through him. But they did understand that Jesus was saying he was the Son of God. This became the primary reason they persecuted him. 

This story is taken from the 5th chapter of The Gospel of John.











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We were camped on the Mount of Olives outside of Bethany on our way to the feast in Jerusalem. And even though the Pharisees had not yet unleashed their wrath on us, I was surprised when Jesus invited Peter, my brother John, and me to go with him to meet secretly with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. This man was actually a member of the Sanhedrin.

A storm was blowing up from the West and it had begun to rain when Nicodemus arrived. John met him at the door and took his cloak, shaking the rain off as Nicodemus stepped up to warm himself at the fire. I had been steeping some tea. He gladly accepted a cup as he sat down with Jesus. Jesus welcomed him, and Nicodemus greeted him respectfully.

After he had relaxed a little Nicodemus said, “Rabbi, we know that you must have come to us from God, for no one could do the signs that you do if God Himself were not with him.”

Peter, John and I were surprised that a Pharisee would treat anyone who was not a Pharisee as an equal. This man even recognized that Jesus had come from God. I suspect Nicodemus was surprised at how little Jesus was impressed. We were not surprised.

Jesus said, “I am telling you the truth, Nicodemus. You cannot see the kingdom of God unless you have been born again.” We had not heard Jesus say it this way, but we had learned from many others and even in our own experience that understanding what Jesus did and taught required a radical change of heart.

Nicodemus asked, “How can this happen? Can an old man enter his mother’s womb and be born a second time?” 

Jesus said, “You need to understand that unless one has been born through the water of physical birth and also of the Spirit, he can never enter the realm of the God. That which is born of flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said you must be born again.” As Jesus said this the wind lashed rain against the house. Jesus continued. “The wind blows where it wants. You hear its sound but you do not know where it has come from or where it is going. So it is with the purposes and direction of anyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Nicodemus said, “How can this be”

Jesus marveled. “You are a teacher of Israel and yet you do not know how my father works in the lives of people. I am telling you the truth. We speak what we know and give testimony about what we have seen. And you still do not believe.”

This was the first time we had heard Jesus put things this way. And I don't know about Peter and John, but as he spoke I was just beginning to understand the difference Jesus was making in me. None of us is close to being like Jesus. This constantly reminds us how much we still sin. But we have changed a great deal. I suspect many people, possibly including this Pharisee, see the difference Jesus makes in people.

Jesus went on, “If you do not believe when I tell you how God works on earth, how can I tell you heavenly things? No one has ascended into heaven except the son of man who came from heaven. As Moses lifted up the servant in the wilderness so must the son of man be lifted up that whoever believes in him would have eternal life.”

I am sure Nicodemus did not understand any more of this than we did at that time. We could not fully understand how much Jesus loved us, or what it would cost him to be lifted up. I know now that he was speaking of the cross. He was saying God loves the world so much that he gave his only son that whoever believes on him will never really die, but has eternal life. Jesus was not sent into the world to condemn us, but so that the world might be saved through him.

Jesus is the light that came into the world that we might truly see the signs of God. But people hate the light because our deeds are evil. Most of them run from the light lest their deeds be exposed. But those who believe the truth come to the light so everyone may see that God has brought about the change in them.

This story was taken from Nicodemus's meeting with Jesus recorded in John 3:1-21.









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Water To Wine


I have, of course, always known that Jesus was special. I was convinced by the angel who appeared to me so long ago telling me he would be called the Son of God. But that is difficult to think about in the everyday passage of life. I had almost forgotten that he had a special calling when he put James and Joseph in charge of their father's carpentry business and began to teach.

Salome, the daughter of Leah, my closest friend, was married recently. Everyone we knew was invited to the wedding. I'm afraid they overdid it somewhat. Leah asked me to invite our whole family including my grandchildren. That includes two children who have still not been weaned. Simon is not yet married. Jesus had begun gathering disciples around him. Leah said she wanted him to bring them too. Several of them brought their families. The synagogue was stuffed to the gills. They were no better off than anyone else in our little town. And I wondered if Leah’s husband Isaiah could afford to buy everything for the feast. He was never very wise about such things. But many of our closest friends helped with food. The father of Benjamin who was marrying Salome, roasted a goat. But there was no way they could afford wine for everyone who would come. Isaiah assured Leah that he had enough from last year's grapes. The wine was too sour, even after being watered down. Isaiah was evidently not not able to mix it with wine from a better vineyard.

The feast was well underway when Leah came out to where I was working in the kitchen in tears. 

“Mary, Mary, what will we do? We are completely out of wine! We have asked Isaiah's cousin who is a magistrate from Capurniam to be the master of the feast. Isaiah will be ashamed to have to tell him. Salome will never be able to live it down if we have to send everyone home early.”

Of course there was nothing to be done. But then I thought of Jesus. I had never seen him perform a single miracle. I had asked him if he were going to do such things. He said it was not yet time. I thought the need of close friends made this a good time to start. I went and found him. I knew he would be aware of the problem. He always seemed to know things like this.

I said, “They have no more wine.”

He answered roughly. “What does this have to do with me? I have told you, Woman, my time has not yet come.” I didn't know what he would do, but he was our only hope. I turned to the servants who had gathered around us in anticipation. 

“Do whatever he tells you to do.”

There were six stone jars there for the rites of purification. Each held 20 or 30 gallons. He told the servants to fill the jars with water. The well was nearby, and it didn't take them long to fill them to their brims.

Then he said, “Draw out a cup and take it to the master of the feast.” The servants looked doubtfully, but did what he said. They carried the cup to the master of the wedding. He took it and tasted it. Then he frowned. Benjamin and Salome were watching nervously with Leah standing behind them. They cringed when he stood.

He spoke to Benjamin. “What have you done here? Most people serve the good wine first. And when people have drunk freely, they serve the lesser wine. But you have saved the best wine until now!”

The musicians began to play again. Salome and Benjamin embraced one another in relief. Most of the wedding guests had no idea of what had happened. At first I think only the servants who had drawn the water knew. Among those of us who did know, only his disciples and I had any notion of what Jesus began at this wedding feast.

This story is based on John 2:1-11









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This is the second of the stories in a book I am writing called SIGNS.


Philip and I didn't really have a fight or even a quarrel, but it was certainly a separation of some kind. I suppose he just got tired of my discontent. But I miss seeing him. We both grew up on the south end of the Sea of Galilee. He was from Bethsaida. And I came from a little fishing village near there. We both came to Capurniam to make a living. But things are different here. We were both outsiders to some extent. And we naturally hit it off. Someone who grew up in Jerusalem would probably not see any difference from the south end of the sea to the north. But the differences are real. Here they usually call the sea Tiberius. That was a little hard to get used to. The nearness to Ft. Tiberius is a bigger problem. The whole country is under the thumb of Rome, but this near the fort we are always in danger. Soldiers dominate everything. 

In the South we were surrounded by Syrians. But the two groups pretty much left one another alone. Here we almost have to become Romans. We all speak more Greek more than Hebrew. To operate a stall in the market we have to understand some Latin. In the synagogue I am not sure whether we are Galileans trying to become Greeks or Romans pretending to be Jews. It hardly feels like we are the people of God. Philip of course agrees with all this, but he gets tired of my complaining about everything. And I guess I have been a lot worse lately. What has really been bothering me is wondering where God is. I mean, if we are still chosen by God, why does He seem so far away?

Today, I just had to get alone and pray about it. I could not go to our synagogue. I didn't want a rabbi questioning me about my feelings and warning me not to blaspheme. There is a fig tree near where I live that I go to sometimes when I want to be alone. The figs on it are small and dry. No one wants them. But the leaves are thick this time of year. It not only shades me from the sun but hides me from prying eyes. I crawled under its branches and poured out my grievances to God.

I ended by asking, “Do you care about me God? Do you even see me? Have you forgotten Israel? Are we still your chosen people?” I stayed there in my hiding place for about an hour. Then I crawled back out into the hot sun.

I was stretching myself from squatting under the tree when I saw Philip. I thought about going the other way, but he had seen me. 

“Nathaniel,” he called, “I have the answer to everything that has been bothering us. We have found the one Moses and the prophets wrote about! Jesus, the son of Joseph, the carpenter from Nazareth.” I had never been impressed with people in the mountain villages above Capurniam.

I said, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Philip simply told me to come and meet him myself. So I went along with him. We came down to the sea and saw a group of men sitting on rocks near the shore. I recognized several of them. Some of the men were from around Bethsaida. Jesus, the man Philip was bringing me to meet was holding the attention of the others. He looked up as we approached.

He looked right at me and said. “Look everyone. Here is an Israelite who is honest in the depths of his soul.”

I asked him, “How do you know me at all?”

Jesus said, “Before Philip called you, Nathaniel, I saw you under the fig tree.” I fell to my knees before him. 

When I was able to speak I said, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the king of Israel!”

"Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree?” Jesus said. “You will see greater things than this. I am telling you the truth. You will see Heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the son of man.”

“I don't know what we will yet see, but only the Son of God could see my heart and hear my private prayers.”

This story is based on Nathaniel's encounter with Jesus recorded in John 1:43-51









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My oncologist has not been very positive about how much time I have. I know that is in God's hands. Still, I had made peace that EARS TO HEAR might be my finale. But I now have a new idea for a book. I am calling it, SIGNS. It will be a collection of short stories on events surrounding the miracles of Jesus recorded in The Gospel of John. I want to join the apostle and reflect the Holy Spirit in exploring why people believe in Jesus. And I intend to post condensations of these stories as I write them in my Writing Prayerfully blog. So, here is the first story.


“John started preaching to a handful of us, mostly laborers, farm hands and fishermen. He called us to repent because the kingdom of God was near. He preached against everything we were guilty of. And he baptized everyone who came in repentance. Before long, everyone was coming to him. In his thundering sermons he called us unrepentant sinners and worse. The harder he preached the more people came.

“Yesterday we who are among his closest disciples were standing around him because a delegation from the priests and Pharisees had come from Jerusalem to examine him.

“‘Who are you?’ they demanded. ‘Who do you claim to be?’ They were probably afraid he was the Messiah. And even though they, along with every rabbi in the country, had taught for hundreds of years that the Messiah had to come, they weren’t sure they were ready for him. All the people were longing for deliverance, but their leaders were going to fight it, no matter what.

“John answered them boldly. ‘I am not the Messiah.’ 

“Then they ask him, ‘Are you Elijah?’

“He answered, ‘No.’

“‘Are you the prophet Moses wrote about?’

“‘I am not,’ he said.

“Finally, they asked, ‘Who are you? What do you say about yourself? We have to give an answer to those who sent us.’

“Loud enough for everyone to hear, John said, ‘I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, “Make straight the way of the Lord! The prophet Isaiah wrote these words about me.’’

“So, they asked, ‘Why are you baptizing if you are not the Messiah or Elijah or the prophet?’

“John answered them, ‘I baptize with water, but among you stands one whose sandal straps I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire!’ 

“We had not seen Jesus there that day, but he must have been in the crowd.

“By the next day the atmosphere around John seemed to relax a little. And John saw Jesus walking in the distance.

“He pointed him out and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is he of whom I said, “After me comes a man who ranks before me, because he was before me. I didn't know him then, but I came baptizing with water that he might be revealed to Israel.”

“A little later John said, ‘Even though I did not know who he was at the time, the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, “He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. And you who were there remember the day I baptized Jesus.”

“We could never forget that day. Jesus himself asked John to baptize him. And as Jesus came up out of the water, something that looked like a dove descended from heaven and stayed there. That was unusual enough. None of the rest of us understood what was happening until a voice came from above saying, ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’

“Frankly, I was not surprised when John concluded, ‘I have seen and borne witness that this is the Son of God.’”

The roots of this story come from John 1:19-34 in the Bible.









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"I have been all over the world.

I have seen many religions 

and heard many philosophies.

How can I know that this is the truth?"

Years ago several of us visited an army captain whose wife attended our church. He welcomed us into his home and allowed us to talk with him about Jesus. When we asked if he would like to accept the forgiveness of Jesus and devote his life to Him, he politely asked a difficult question.

He said, “I have been all over the world. I have seen many religions and heard many philosophies. How can I know that what you say about Jesus is the truth?”

I said, “If God sent his son to die for you, that is surely important. I suggest that you ask God Himself to show you if this is true or not.”

In chapter 5 of The Gospel of John in the New Testament, Jesus dealt with this very question. Beginning with verse 31 He said if He alone bore witness about Himself His testimony could not be deemed to be true. But He said, “There is another who bears witness about me, and I know that his testimony is true.”

Jesus first mentioned John the Baptist. John said Jesus was the son of God. John the Baptist may have been the most impressive man to walk the earth in those days. Jesus called him a burning and shining light. He noted that they rejoiced for a time in his light. There are many today who will tell you that you can personally experience Jesus in your life. Some of them are impressive people. Astrophysicist/astronomer, Hugh Ross of the University of California is one who comes to mind. I also think of preachers like Tim Keller, and Ravi Zacharias who died earlier this year. Billy Graham also died this year. Years ago the church that I served was starting home-churches in a mountain valley that did not have a church. In house after house where we were invited to lead Bible studies people brought up Billy Graham. Everyone seemed to be impressed with Billy. He indeed bore witness to the truth. But people, no matter how impressive, are not the great witness Jesus spoke of. Jesus said He did not accept human testimony. He mentioned John so that the people might be saved, but He said there was a greater witness yet.

Jesus next spoke about the works that he was doing. His miracles were a powerful witness about him. God continues to show us his mighty works today. The more we know about the Earth, and life, and the universe the more astounded we become. Is it rational to believe that the most complex things we know anything about, including life, eyesight, human consciousness, and intelligence, and even the universe itself happened by accident? 

Of course, admitting that there had to be a Creator, does not make Christianity true. But the miracles of Jesus can still be seen to this day. I have heard people accuse Christianity of perpetuating slavery. And they are right. In the 19th Century some people actually used the Bible to justify slavery. God forgive us. However, it should be noted that slavery has been prevalent in every part of the world. We do not know of a time in history when human bondage did not exist. And no other philosophy, no other influence besides Christianity ever abolished slavery from whole nations or from human approval and law.

Angola prison in Louisiana was once one of the most dangerous prisons in the United States. Because of a Christian witness, that whole prison has been turned around. Despite the fact that some of the most violent criminals in our country have been incarcerated there, almost all violence has been eliminated within its walls. Is there any example in the entire world of anything else turning a prison around like that? 

A large hospital in the city where I used to live is dedicated to scientifically curing people of alcohol and drug addiction. They saturated the city with advertisements about their treatment plan. According to their own statistics, only 20% of their patients were still alcohol or drug-free three years after their treatment. 20% is certainly better than nothing. And I will admit that the statistics this hospital provides are better than many other treatment centers. However, Christian treatment programs are much more effective. I have a friend who began an outpatient treatment program in the same city. After 20 years more than 60% of those who have gone through his program are still alcohol and drug-free. Nothing else changes people like the message of Jesus Christ.

But Jesus does not quite say that the works that He accomplishes are the testimony about which He referred. He says that by those miracles which still take place God himself to testifies about Jesus. If you are considering these things I would encourage you to ask God to show you if this is the truth. You might pray something like, “God, if there really is a God and if you really care about me, show me if this is the truth, and help me understand what you show me."

Early on a Sunday morning several weeks after we visited the Army officer that I began by telling you about, he came to our church dressed in fatigues. He had duty that day and could not come to the service. But he told me he had not been able to forget the prayer that I had suggested to him. In the next 10 years God did a number of stunning things in that man’s life. And he eventually gave his life to Christ. I am still in regular contact with him even though I live in a different state. For nearly 30 years now he has been one of the strongest leaders in the church that he joined.

My new novel, EARS TO HEAR O_K86-CPa6OZdsOvGXPuLAGQ3TQeYI2c97u4727fgvHvoEjBOW_8YJt6Hwv-zxr2ALj9LTVJksSLx74_LV6x4fDEp0U5U3Z7EkwYTqGC7kGo3jYs7PrlKXQHDKCdAtfIF5TomgQW=w63-h95, 

will soon be released! 

Some of you know that I recently published the collection of short stories, THE GATHERING OF OUTCASTS fn64u0me_M8rArgTUH_gVrPArxFQxumEXz7iwqK62YSYhfSbv6cpLZy21A1FO41R8lQH2RVGKosIxxX4DfFbECSudgrrIAMzbdV8-J2XL70hkWxkykya6LbmtR1KuCDw7lDO3FWI

It may be easiest to access my books from my Amazon Author Central page,


You can learn more about me and about my books on my website, http://daveswatch.com/









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The Seeds of Abortion



I am grieved over the reality of abortion in our midst. In America alone we have put to death nearly 60 million unborn babies since the Roe v. Wade supreme Court ruling in 1973. It is a little encouraging that the number of abortions each year has decreased significantly. I am sure that is largely because of protests of this insidious evil primarily by Christians. 

However, I think it is important to note that simply making abortion illegal will not, in and of itself, solve the problem. That is because the seeds of abortion are much deeper than law. I believe one of the things that has helped to reduce the number of abortions in these later years has been the efforts made to help women deal with the crises that they face when they discover that they are pregnant. I also think we need to do more to help care for the needs of single mothers and others in difficult situations.

But none of these efforts will deal effectively with the root of the problem. Abortion arose en mass because of attitudes that have swept over us in the sexual revolution. We have lost all sense of the purpose and joy of sexual relations. In and out of marriage we have come to think of sexual relations as recreational activity. However, the primary purpose of sex is procreation. And children are the joy of sex. Of course, the immediate pleasure of sexual activity is a wonderful thing, but it is reduced tremendously as it is severed from its purpose.

We face a number of problems in dealing with this reality. What are our chances of making such a change in the thinking of our whole society? The realization of this overwhelms me. However, there are certainly things that we can do. We must continue to oppose abortion. And we can seek to reason with individuals in a world that may not wish to hear about our values. It may be more important to redouble our efforts to teach a more godly mindset to our children and those who come to Christ in our midst. Compassion calls us to increase our efforts to minister particularly to women and children in crisis. 

And consistent prayer for our society and our world is essential to bring about transformation on a wholesale basis. This problem goes back further than the sexual revolution. Its seeds go back to the sin of man in the Garden of Eden. Its terrible fruit can be seen in every generation from the beginning of the world. Without extraordinary prayer our efforts will be futile in trying to stop the title wave of public opinion. Nothing short of radical revival or a new heaven and a new earth will change what we face.











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“Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.”

John 4:48                                      

Our visit to Sychar was as amazing us as it was to the Samaritans. We had always been taught that they were unclean. And at least James and I had reason to fear them. I won't go into that now. But Jesus marched us into Samaria as bold as you please. We stopped at the ancient well of Jacob. Jesus rested by the well and sent the rest of us to the nearby town of Sychar to buy food. I wondered if it was safe to leave Jesus alone, but no one would come to the well in the hottest part of the day. And, to be honest, we felt that it would be safer if we went with a larger group into town.

When we returned Jesus was talking with a woman. But none of us dared ask him what he needed or why he was talking to a Samaritan woman. Whatever they were talking about seemed to upset her. She left her water jar and ran off toward town. 

When she was gone, we started urging Jesus to eat, but he refused. We were wondering how he could have found anything to eat. He said his food was to do his father's will.

We divided what we had purchased among ourselves and sat down to eat. As we were finishing, Jesus said, "Don't you have a saying, 'Four more months, and then the harvest?' Lift up your eyes and see. The fields are white for harvest." We automatically looked up and saw hundreds of people were coming from the town. Their robes were the color of a ripe wheat field. 

Evidently on the word of the woman he had been talking to, many of them believed Jesus was the Christ. They asked him to stay for a while. We stayed there two more days, and in that short time, hundreds of Samaritans came to believe that Jesus was the Savior of the world.

As we went on from there Jesus reminded us of something He had said earlier. "A prophet has no honor in his own country." But as we came back into Galilee, the people received him after all. They had been to the Passover in Jerusalem and had seen the amazing signs that he did there. We went first to Cana where he had turned the water into wine at the wedding feast.

One morning when he rose early to go out and pray, we roused ourselves and went out with him. It was getting light in the east when he rose from prayer and began to talk to us.

"Why do you think I have been received here in Galilee where they tried to stone me earlier?" We talked about it among ourselves. It seemed obvious to us that it was because they had seen him perform signs and wonders at the Passover. 

Then he asked us, "Why then did the Samaritans put their faith in me? Had they been to Jerusalem as well?" Several of us chuckled at this. There is no way Samaritans had been to the Passover. He continued, "There is danger for people to only believe because they see miracles." Simon argued a little with this. 

"Master I believed because I saw you fill our nets with an impossibly large catch of fish."

Jesus said, "Was that your only reason, Simon? Had your heart not already been convicted by some of my teaching?" Simon ducked his head. "I knew that you would believe, Simon, when you saw the miracle. But there is a danger of people who see signs and wonders believing against their will. They are not repenting. They don't want to follow me. But they know that I have to be the Christ to have done such signs."

My brother James said, "Then why do you perform signs and wonders?"

"My father gives these signs so people will know that I am indeed the Christ. I have given you authority to do some of the same works that I do. And as the gospel spreads to the ends of the earth, he will often do such miracles so people who will come to me will know that I am the Savior of the world. But those who only believe because they see signs, will search hard for some explanation that will not require them to continue to believe in me. Some will only continue to believe if they see a miracle every day."

Just then the sun peaked over the mountains and shown down on us. We could not help but turn and look at the glorious sunrise. 

Jesus said, "Is that not a wonderful sign? Only my father could set the sun in the sky or create the stars you see at night."

Thomas said, "That's not a miracle. It happens every day."

Jesus answered, "And if people saw signs and wonders everyday, they would begin to say, that's not a miracle. It happens all the time."











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Have you discovered the truth of this statement by Jesus in the Bible?

“Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again.” 

Whatever you are living for will not satisfy or fulfill. You may think, if you just had a faster car, a  nicer house and bigger toys, you would have what you want. It is more likely that you are reaching for bigger things like success and power or love and family. But in fact, these things do not bring the satisfaction that we long for either.

Some of you are still more optimistic than this. If you long for a mate and family, it is difficult to believe that will not fulfill all your needs. Some of you are striving for some goal that consumes you. You may be working on a college degree. You may be striving for success in your business or your job. You may be an athlete trying to move up in the competition. There is nothing wrong with these things in and of themselves. But none of these are ultimate. They will not bring ultimate satisfaction.

I suspect many of you have come to agree with Jesus, and you are now trudging through life without hope of fulfillment. Your heart is souring in cynicism. You may blame yourself, saying something like, if I had just done this or done that, or had not done something, I would be happier. You may blame circumstances in this fallen world. You may be bitter at other people who failed you or harmed you intentionally. 

Even if you reach all your goals, if you get what you long for most, you will still have an internal emptiness. You long for something that is beyond the satisfactions of this world.

The fuller context of what Jesus said offers hope for our thirsty hearts.

“Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

John 4:13-14











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I want to address a subject that is in some ways difficult for all of us. I want to speak first to you who are not religious. There are many reasons for not being religious. And I cannot address all of them. Some of you may say that what I am about to deal with is not one of your reasons for not believing in God or for avoiding spirituality. Interestingly enough, the fact that this is not an issue for you may help you see this more objectively. However, some of you will find this difficult or even painful. But this is important, and I urge you to struggle through it with me. In chapter 3, verse 19 of The Gospel of John in the Bible, says light has entered the world in which we live. 

“And this is the judgement: the light has come into the world.”

John 3:19

How is light judgment? That is because this light shines into us and reveals our inmost selves. That can be terrifying. The reality of God comes as a floodlight into our lives. We don't want God or anyone to see what we are really like. And we don't want to think about it ourselves. We fill our lives with many things, seeking anything that might satisfy, and with little success. Sometimes we are busy just to keep from coming to the light and looking into our own hearts. 

Later in the New Testament we find the letters written by the Apostle John. In 1 John, the first of these, chapter 1, verse 6, John says that God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all. The very nature of God is a floodlight. When we seriously consider God or dare to come near him, his light shines into our lives.

Look with me at the broader context of the verse I began with. John 3:19-20 reads,

“And this is the judgement: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.”

I would like us to consider some related promises that may give you the freedom to step into God’s floodlight.

  • Forgiveness

God does not reveal what is in your heart to condemn you. John 3:17 says God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world. God sent his son to die on a cross to forgive you and pay the very real consequence of greed, and pride, lust, resentment and hatred that are in us.

  • Cleansing

When I was a boy we had barn cats. And I remember a number of times that I was scratched by a cat. When that happened, I would go to great lengths to hide the scratches from my mother. Even though cats are always cleaning themselves, a cat scratch will almost always become infected. I suspect this is even worse with barnyard cats. My mother’s remedy was a very painful cleansing of the wound. 1 John 1:7 says the blood of Jesus cleanses us of all sin. And while the honesty before God necessary for this cleansing is painful, there is relief in having been cleansed.

  • Love

Even when my mother was pouring alcohol on those scratches, I knew she loved me. John 3:16 begins with the words “For God so loved.” Very few things in life are as comforting and sustaining as knowing we are loved. And God's love is unconditional. He loves us in spite of our faults. He will not force his love on us, but he offers it to us without any limit.

  • Transformation

The Bible promises heart transformation to those who come to Him through Jesus. He gives the power to change us internally. John 3:21, just after verses 19-20 which tell us why we hate the light, says those people who live by the truth come to the light so everyone can see that it is God who is working in us. If you have to clean up your own life you are in trouble. But God changes our deepest motivations. 

  • Fellowship

1 John 1:7 says, “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with each other.” Our pretenses and deception, along with criticism of others form barriers to deeper relationships. But when we have come clean before God he brings us closer and closer to others who live in his light.

Are you willing to step into the floodlight of the presence of God? 











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Most of us have been troubled at one time or another by these words of Jesus. 

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Matthew 6:14-15

This morning I heard a marvelous testimony relating to this concept. I am still stirred by what I heard, but I need to be careful not to breach a confidence in sharing it. However, I know that most of you have had similar experiences, and can understand without my giving too many details.

A lady shared this in a prayer request for someone she knew. She had given this person a Bible several years ago, but she had not read it until now. When she came to these verses in Matthew 6, she was stumped. She said, “For God to forgive me, I have to forgive the man who raped me and ruined my life. I could never do that, so I can never be forgiven by God.”

The lady who was sharing with her told us that she understood, because she too was sexually abused as a young girl. And she told about being on a retreat of sorts, where in a very emotional prayer, God gave her the ability to forgive the man.

I told her she was the right person to share with the lady who was struggling with this. She felt she needed to forgive the man, so she could enter into the grace of God. But that is something only God can do in us. We come to Him in our weakness, admitting that we cannot change our hearts. And God, who is drawing us to Himself, transforms us, doing in us what we could never do.

Forgiveness is the sort of thing we will have to struggle with until the metamorphosis that God has begun in us is complete in His presence. And every victory that we have over our unforgiving hearts must be done in us by God.









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Last week I wrote about coming to the light from John 3:21

“Whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”


I pointed out that this verse says wanting others to know that any good in you was done by God is evidence that you have been born again. That is clearly the point of this statement in the context of John 3. But this truth requires some practical application for those of you who have come to Christ. In the real world we need encouragement. Even if you have seldom thought about this, your tendency as a believer is to reach for His light like plants reach for the sun. We too are Heliotropes. But in our daily lives we need to develop the willingness to be honest about ourselves before God and the world. Let me point out four aids to such honesty.


First we need a Willingness to Repent.

You had to repent to come to Christ in the first place. But repentance needs to be a lifestyle. You continually God to search your heart. Psalm 139:23-25 prays,

“Search me, God, and know my heart; 

test me and know my anxious thoughts. 

See if there is any offensive way in me, 

and lead me in the way everlasting.”

I need to pray regularly for God to deliver me from the willingness to look better than I am, while asking God to change my heart.


We need to Desire to Please Him.

Often our willingness to give impressions of ourselves that are less than honest comes from fear of what other people will think of us. The only way to combat this in your own heart is to increase your desire to please our Lord.


We need a Willingness to Trust Him.

You can trust God to grow this desire in your life. You can trust that pleasing Him will be satisfying to you.


And we need a Desire to Praise Him.

Living in the light does not mean we go about moaning over sins. Instead, we are to focus on giving Jesus all the glory for what He is doing in our lives. You can only combat your desire to be honored by growing in your desire to praise and glorify God. You can regularly pray for His name to be glorified.











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Coming To The Light


Whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God..”

John 3:21

Do you like people to notice when you do what is right? Are you offended when you are not recognized for the good that you do? If so, you are showing your need for a spiritual heart transplant. It is important to see that this statement of Jesus in John 3:21 is given to us in the context of the new birth. I am not sure there is any greater evidence of having been born again than the willingness to be truly seen in our Lord's light.

You have to recognize your need. This is akin to Paul's quotation from Isaiah that our righteousness is like filthy rags. You have to admit that there is absolutely  nothing that is good in you. If God doesn't plant good in you, it will never grow there. Coming to God’s light will make it obvious that every good thing you are, or have, or do, is given to you. 

This includes what you may do for God. The Holy Spirit illustrates this truth in the life of John the Baptist. John's disciples told him everyone was going to Jesus to be baptized. John answered, “No one can receive anything that is not given him from heaven.” John knew his great ministry was given by God. He was a great preacher. He knew that was given to him. You might say, “I worked hard to develop my skill.” Where did your willingness and ability to discipline yourself come from? You might say, “What I did was ingenious.” Who gave you your intelligence? Who put you in those situations and around those people that you learned from?


Coming to the light of God is more than admitting your need to yourself. You need to be willing for everyone else to know. Do you seek the light of our Lord to show everyone your great lack and His wonderful sufficiency?

There is more that needs to be said about this. I will deal with it later. But what Jesus says here needs to be digested first.









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“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

John 1:12

I have always had some trouble understanding the phrase, “believing in His name.” What does it mean to believe in His name? Like many things in Scripture there are depths to this phrase that are beyond any of us. The deeper we look into one of these, as with other Scriptures, the more God will give us. We seldom use anything like this phrase in common speech. When I came to it in Scripture I would scratch my head and read on past it. God finally got my attention this week and I spent some time meditating on the words believing in His name. And God showed me some things I needed to see. I could write a great deal about what God gave me in these words, but there were two things that especially struck me..

  1. First, we believe in The Identity of our Lord.

In Exodus 34:6-7, the Lord passed before Moses and proclaimed His name. 

“The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children's children, to the third and the fourth generation.”

His name means all of this and more. His character is spoken in His name. His glory is in His name. His grace is in His name. His power and holiness are in His name. When you begin to realize who our Lord really is, it will transform your life. 

Do you see why John 3:18 says,

“Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”

  • And believing in His name means trusting in The Paternity of our Lord.

I bear the surname of my earthly father because I am his child. To believe in the name of Jesus is to trust that you are His because you have been born again into His eternal family. 

To believe in His name is to realize that He calls you by His name, and you are His. You have become a child of God!

In the model prayer Jesus taught us to begin with the words, “Our Father in heaven.” That prayer is an expression of faith in His compassionate fatherhood of His children. It is putting our trust in His name.









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Do you ever find yourself praying, maybe even urgently, about things that really don't matter very much? Interestingly enough, we find some prayers like that in the Bible. In fact, Jesus began his supernatural ministry by answering a prayer for something that really didn't matter a great deal. In the second chapter of John Jesus performed his first public miracle. He turned water into wine at a wedding feast. No one was going to starve to death if he did not perform this miracle. Some people at a wedding party might have been embarrassed that they could not afford enough refreshments for all who came. It was not a crucial time in the plans of God. When Mary told Jesus about the need, He told her the timing was bad. And yet the Gospel says that Jesus manifested His glory and His disciples believed in him by answering this little prayer. This ought to encourage us to take the everyday things in our lives to our Lord in prayer.

I think of another miracle that Jesus did early in His ministry. He told fishermen who had fished all night without catching anything, to lower their nets in the day time. And they brought up enough fish that their partners in the other boat had to help them bring them into shore. I suspect those fishermen had a hard time selling that miraculous catch of fish. They might even have glutted the market for a week or so on the Sea of Galilee. As far as I can see the only goal of Jesus was to show those who would become his disciples that He was Lord in the everyday issues of life. Faith became something practical and fearful for His disciples. Peter came to him and said, “Depart from me Lord, for I am a sinful man.”

God uses such prayer to reveal His glory and grow our faith in Him.










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Are you growing nearer to God in prayer?


We are familiar with John 15 that says our Lord is the vine and we are His branches. Jesus applies that wonderful picture in the verses that follow.

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”

John 15:7,8

This morning I prayed, “Lord, help me find the remote control.” Many of our prayers are trivial. In fact from God's perspective most of our prayers are trivial. I am reading Munich Signature as I re-read The Zion Covenant series. In the book a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany wonders how her husband could have longed to have a radio, and how she could have wept that all five of their children needed shoes at the same time. Now they wept with thanksgiving that all of them were alive and together on the deck of a rusty steamer that left Hamberg without a destination. We will someday see that most of our prayers are less important than we once thought.

Many of our prayers are actually counterproductive. We pray, “Lord take me out of this difficult situation.” or “Make my life easier.” when God has appointed us to bear witness to people there who will come to Christ, or to minister to others who are hurting there. In another series by Bodie Thoene, the author of The Zion Covenant books, a black man in a dire situation wants to pray for God to let him die. His wife reminds him that he had prayed that way before. And now he could thank God for not answering that prayer.

James 1 advises us to give thanks for tribulation because that develops steadfastness in our lives. In Romans 5 Paul says we are to allow that growth in spiritual stability to become character and hope in God that will never disappoint.

But even when our prayers are shallow and misdirected, they are prayers. And God uses them to draw us nearer and nearer to Himself. By our continual praying we abide in Jesus. Through the power of His word and the trials of life our prayers grow us nearer and make us more like Him.









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“And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.”

John 1:16

It is important for us to understand something theologians have called, "Common Grace." God is not simply working in the lives of believers. He is at work in every human being. “We have all received grace upon grace.” Every throb of your heart muscle, every breath of air and the ability of your body to draw oxygen is given by God through His Creator/Sustainer Son. The universe and the Earth that sustains life are given by grace. All human ability and ingenuity comes through Jesus. John 1:14 says His glory is the glory of the only Son from the Father, “full of grace and truth.” He lavishes grace and truth upon all humanity.

The ability to understand anything comes through the Word of God who became flesh and dwelt among us. Believers are sometimes confused about the value of abilities that we developed before we came to know Christ personally. But when you understand that your ability to sing or play the piano, paint or speak eloquently is given you personally and individually by Christ, you see how your natural ability works together with spiritual gifts given you after the spirit of God has come to dwell in you. Of course they sometimes form a counterbalance to our spiritual gifts. Moses had a speech impediment, and yet the book of Deuteronomy is a record of the marvelous sermons Moses preached to the children of Israel at Mount Horeb. I remember hearing the testimony of a high school wrestler who had a learning disability that had kept him from reading anything. Yet when he came to Christ he began to voraciously read God's word with amazing understanding.

However our natural abilities usually work in perfect union with the gifts and calling that God gives after we come to Christ. The great intellect of someone like Blaise Pascal, C.S. Lewis or Francis Schaeffer was certainly active before they came to know Christ. But God mightily used their intellect in conjunction with their spiritual gifts in the calling of God upon their lives.

Some of that grace comes through the conscience. The Bible says the law of God is written on the hearts of men. No one is shocked to discover that God forbids bearing false witness. People know innately that murder and theft are wrong. This is from common grace. You also find people who do not know Christ sacrificing in love for other people, being honest to their own hurt, and living in peace with their neighbors. These are all expressions of common grace.

We can rejoice that God is at work throughout the world around us. In these troubled times there is a peace that comes from the assurance that God is at work all around us. His Spirit touches people whose mindset and world view reject God at every turn.









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As writers we deal with words, and most of us love them.

*Every poet looks for…
Words that cry, words that sting
Words that shine, words that ring
Words that fly, words that sing,
Words that say the many splendored thing.

The biblical languages are filled with vivid metaphors to help us understand deep and crucial truths. Three of them come to mind that apply wonderfully to us as Christian Writers. They are Angel, Apostle, and Deacon.

“To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: ‘The words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstand”

Revelation 2:1

The word angel means messenger. And while it is certainly applied to heavenly beings like in John 1 where Jesus told Nathaniel he would see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man. But it doesn't always refer to heavenly beings. When Jesus quoted Malachi saying "I will send my messenger before you." He used the word angelos, but John the Baptist fulfilled that prophecy. In Revelation 2 and 3 when Jesus addressed the angels of the churches, I suspect He was telling John to take His words to the messengers or preachers in the churches.
As a writer you too are an angel. You have a message from God for the hearts of your readers.

“Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God,”

Ephesians 1:1

Apostle is another important metaphor for you. The word Apostle is used for more than the 12 chosen by Jesus at the beginning of His ministry. Of course Paul calls himself an apostle. He also calls Barnabas and Silas apostles. Hebrews 3:1 calls Jesus our apostle and high priest. In Romans 16 Paul greeted Andronicus and Junia who were well known among the apostles.

The word means sent out. In John 1:6 the verb form of apostle is used to say, “There was a man sent from God.” You have also been commissioned by God to write. There is an urgency to your mission.

“For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.”

1 Timothy 3:13

The word deacon was one of the primary words used for a servant in the Roman world. The church applied the word to those who minister to the needs of others.

In Romans 16:1 Paul wrote the church about a lady named Phoebe.

“I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae.”

Here the word translated, “servant,” is the word deaconos-deacon. Without slipping off into the question as to whether the term was used formally here, let me point out that you are called to address human needs.

*From Worth A Thousand Pictures, from the book, Take Me To The Garden




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I am astounded by the number of deep truths that rise to the surface of John chapter 1. Some of them are expressed by the reciprocating metaphors of the word and the light. Look with me at these verses.

John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:4

In him was life, and the life was the light of men.

John 1:9-14

The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

All reality is explained in these metaphors. Here are a few things that are revealed.

All Creation Is Explained.

Astronomers have discovered many evidences that we live in an information rich universe. So many variables had to be precisely what they are for the universe to exist and accommodate life. From the discovery of the complex code of DNA, we have learned that instructions produce every characteristic of plant and animal life.

Your genes are not an accident

Detailed instructions never are.

These all demonstrate intent

By the Creator of the Stars.*

Jesus was the living word that burst forth when God said, “Let there be light.”

All Consciousness Is Explained.

In Him was life and His life shines through all humanity. The bright light of human consciousness does not come from inanimate matter, plus chance, plus time. It comes from the living, creating, producing person of God through His Son. All your ability to understand anything is given you by a living, conscious, personal, loving God. Growing in spiritual consciousness comes in relationship with Jesus, the Word of God.

All Communion Is Explained.

Those who receive Him trusting in His name become children of God. We were not made to be independent beings. By His authority and transforming power, and at His invitation you can become God's own child, we are reborn into His family.

All Glory Is Explained.

Light is not simply a metaphor for understanding. The glory of God is depicted as light. Through the light of Jesus in creation, history, and in our lives we bask in the everlasting glory of God.

*From A Poem Penned by God, in Take me to the Garden 









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I have recently been enthralled by some of the writing of Rachel Held Evans. She has written some powerful things illuminated by thrilling stories. It may not surprise you that I do not agree with her in some points. But I do recognize her as a fellow believer in Christ.

In honest disclosure, at the beginning of her book Inspired she gave a long list of theologians who had influenced her thinking. I had only heard of one of them. I looked up each one, but I would not dare describe their positions without having read a single book by those I didn't know. It was interesting to me that her list began with some pretty far out Old Testament scholars, and proceeded to some really sound New Testament scholars climaxing with N.T. Wright whose books I have read and love.

I have read two of Rachel Held Evans's books, Looking For Sunday, and Inspired. Especially in Inspired, Rachel (if you will grant me the privilege of calling her by her given name here) tells marvelous stories. She is one of the best storytellers I have ever read. Her portrayal of the gospel as story is accurate and illuminating. Even when I didn't agree with Rachel's point, I was captivated by her stories. But her main arguments for her doubts were close to tantrums that God did things and others believed things of which she didn't approve. I have to admit that I also hold some of her criticisms. And I recognize that she tried to balance criticism with love. But she presents things like authorship of Leviticus or Colossians as well as statements about the dates of certain books of the Bible as unquestioned facts. She admirably makes fun of her doubts, but I would have been happier had she pointed out that some of the arguments for those things don't make sense. But I come from a different perspective. And I recognize that there are people who have been taught those things and believe them to whom she speaks more clearly than I ever could.

C.S. Lewis often dabbled with things in fiction that he would never have said in nonfiction. He was surrounded by people who were not believers. To them he was pointing out that even if things you believe are true, God is still God.

While Rachel undoubtedly adopted theological, moral and social notions that I believe are wrong and harmful, I believe she was also aware that she addressed a culture that has embraced them.

While I admit that I may be wrong in my convictions, I wish she had more doubts about her doubts.

If Rachel were still with us and writing, she might think my convictions are as gullible as I think her doubts are. From an earthly point of view it is a tragedy that she died so young. But she is in the presence of our Lord. I will be there before long. From the perspective of history and eternity we will all stand before God in the blink of an eye. At that point I doubt if we will care about the answers to these issues. Until then, I will seek to broaden my perspective while writing what I am convinced is true. I do wish I could tell stories as thrilling as she did. I pray that God will improve my ability with everything I write.




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