Book Review

Books (and other resources) have had a profound impact on my understanding and experience of prayer and praying.  You too?

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  • I definitly agree with your view. I have for the time being several different books on the topic of prayer.
    They certainly are great prayer starters and I use to read a passage each time before my prayer time.
    Terje Leigre.
  • Hope you can take the time to post one or two of them ...

    Terje Leigre said:
    I definitly agree with your view. I have for the time being several different books on the topic of prayer.
    They certainly are great prayer starters and I use to read a passage each time before my prayer time.
    Terje Leigre.
  • I have two prayer resources that have helped me bring depth to my prayer life. One of "Pray Magazine's" contributors lives close to me. She was so gracious to meet with me and share vision and shape for a prayer ministry. Her book "God-His Nature, His Character, His Sovereignty, His Name" is almost always near my prayer-place. Pat Conway is her name. I think it has been formerly printed by now. I have one of her first copies.
    Secondly, Suzette Cauldwell's book called "Praying to Change Your Life" describes her way of organizing prayer. She often writes prayers that are shared with large groups. I do this as a worship leader sometimes, so her book was helpful there, but I didn't think it would affect my daily prayers so much. Great book!
  • Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage & Adoption Loss is the book I wrote (author, Jennifer Saake) walking readers through the story and prayer of Hannah found in 1 Samuel 1.

    The publisher is NavPress :) and you can find more information at

    This book is designed as a companion for women facing conception/pregnancy - related struggles and takes us back to the heart of a woman who poured her pain out before the Lord when no one else understood her depth of grief.
  • I hope it's OK to add my own book here!

    This is my signature teaching, birthed in a place of dramatic breakthrough.

    We take teams into caves in the Colorado Springs area, and pray through this model of prayer in perfect darkness for 4-5 hours. Amazing things have happened there.

    The book is titled Revelation Driven Prayer and is published by Revival Nation Publishing.

    You can see the book at

  • I love Stormie Omartian's book.. "The Prayer That Changes Everything". I love this book, because it has helped me understand that prayer and worship are all interconnected, and not to treat them as two separate things. Good stuff.
  • There have been so many books, but one of my favorites is The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence, Whitaker House publisher. The edition I have goes back to 1982. It's a very small little book and an easy read (it was written by Brother Lawrence and his friend, Joseph de Beaufort, over 300 years ago and has been translated and edited using modern language).
    Brother Lawrence's goal in life was to continually live in the presence in God. He knew that it was possible to encounter God in every task, through every trial and to be in constant communication with God. He knew that God was a Holy God and how important it was to quickly repent of any sin so he would not be separated from God.
    I think the book teaches us how to encounter God throughout our ordinary days. We don't have to be in a sanctuary or alone to meet with God - He is with us, as His word tells us, always.
    • the practice of the presence of God is one of the first books i read on prayer. his words gave me prayers to pray. i grew up in the catholic church and through catholic charismatic christians i found Jesus as my LORD and Savior. for those who might remember the birthing of that movement you've probably figured out that i'm over fifty! i was so blessed. i found a wealth of knowledge on contemplative prayer from centuries ago up to and including now. that's how i found brother lawrence. growing up you end up without effort memorizing the prayers said in the mass. for example, to this day i still pray "i worship You, i give You thanks, i praise You for Your glory." and i'm a big believer in the worth of public, pre-written prayers. not all are good of course, but growing up in a liturgical church gave me many prayers i can still pray and speak true love to our God.

      i no longer go to mass, i go to an evangelical church, i don't care where, as long as the Word is preached. so it's been different churches depending on where i've lived, but when i think of such a blessed beginning i had i am so grateful. if i could i'd still go to catholic charismatic prayer meetings, plus my own church.

      i veered off topic here, but i wouldn't have been exposed to so books on prayer if i had grown up in a different church
  • I love her books as well. I have especially enjoyed The Power of a Praying Mother and The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children.

    Angela Marshall said:
    I love Stormie Omartian's book.. "The Prayer That Changes Everything". I love this book, because it has helped me understand that prayer and worship are all interconnected, and not to treat them as two separate things. Good stuff.
  • Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference
    Philip Yancey
    Zondervan (October 1, 2006)
    Yancey points out that sometimes it's hard to pray and sometimes we don't want to pray. He says that prayer is not "one-size-fits-all." He encourages us to relax. There's no right way to pray. The only wrong way is not to try. "Prayer is a way of relating to God, not a skill set like double-entry bookkeeping…. It should hardly surprise God that we respond in a way that reflects our true self."
    If you need to be encouraged in your prayer life or if you're just beginning a prayer life, this is a great book.
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