Christians today face the challenge of sharing truth (with grace) in a society betting the ranch on its humanistic redefinitions of Truth, Justice, Identity and Morality – definitions that run directly
#ReimagineEVANGELISM (78)
Let's Build A Disciple-Making Culture Together
Our churches are often suffering from a lack of fully-formed disciples because, in part, there is a large divide in our thinking --- a divide between evangelism (the announcing that God has made a way back to him) and discipleship (the intentional g
Read more…A Message to Chatham Baptist Church: Lost People Matter to God
Lost People Matter To God
Luke 15
Thom Rainer, President and CEO of LifeWay, has done a great amount of research in regard to the church and the Christian faith. He is the author of several books and has served as both pastor and teacher in the Sout
Read more…Putting Evangelism Into Your Lifestyle
Putting Evangelism Into Your Lifestyle

He sees you not as just another neighbor or co-worker. He has heard you acknowledge a strong belief in Jesus Christ as someone real and special to
Interview ~ Staying Is The New Going
Phil Miglioratti's interview with Alan Briggs, author of Staying is the New Going
Alan, I see your position description is "multiplying pastor" ... How does that indicate your position and your passion?
I get to spend a majority of my energy du
I believe that this article gives words to things we intuitively know, but maybe reluctant to acknowledge. It gives us a creative perspective on the "Love2020" or the author's "Zip Code Presence" strategy, and the in-road to emerging generations,
Read more…Evangelism = Neighborly + Conversational
10/22 NEIGHBORLY Just being neighborly... Singer JIMMY NEEDHAM tells of a recent opportunity he had to share Christ with a man who attended church much of his life. |
Interview ~ Following Jesus and Loving the World
Making Friends, Not Disciples

The term “evangelism” gives many Christians the willies. We immediately think of canned presentations that seem stiff and unnatural. We a
Evangelism Is Not Enough to Change the World
Evangelism Is Not Enough to Change the World
Although it has been written out of most secular accounts, historical evidence demonstrates that Christians have had a culture-shapi
Evangelism or Discipleship?
Evangelism or Discipleship:
Can They Effectively Work Together?
Evangelism and discipleship are not two things; they are one. Jesus has commanded us to “make disciples.” In this new eBook, veteran discipleship leaders Bobby Harrington and Bill Hull
Six Tips for Reading the Bible with Friends Who Don't Believe It
Here are six tips he offers to get things started.
1. Set the atmosphere. Choose a comfortable, normal meeting place, like a home or an office.
Songs, prayers, and religious language don’t fit here. If you decide to meet in a home, rotate
between h
Digital Discipleship-as-Evangelism Issues
Digital Evangelism Issues |
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Mobile Phone Ministry – unique distance-learning course starting: places still available Posted: 16 Sep 2013 05:00 AM PDT [Please Share]
Three Story Evangelism
What comes to mind when you think of the term, "Evangelism?"
I think my first exposure to Evangelism was at a "tent meeting" where a preacher was preaching a "hell-fire and brimstone" message in which people were being converted through fear.
Read more…The Pray - Care - Share Discipleship Lifestyle
Serving Outside of the Box--S.F. YWAM Service Project
My husband is a Youth Pastor and one of the mission trips that we have done is through the SanFrancisco YWAM base.
We were sent into the Tenderloin District and the Haight/Ashberry area to minister to homeless, drug addicted, prostitutes, etc. For
Read more…Lausanne 2010 Conclusion: Make disciples. Love one another.
The following is an excerpt from the document entitled The Cape Town Commitment: A Confession of Faith and a Call To Action from the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization conducted last fall.
Some 4,000 leaders from 198 countries attended
Chat with the Author: Lynda MacGibbon
Chat With The Author: Lynda Mac Gibbon
My Vertical NeighborhoodHow Strangers Became a Community
1. Please explain how your move from a small city to an urban high rise apartment prompted you to pursue a "vertical neighborhood."
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