Amplify 2017 will feature 9 tracks, plus a post-Amplify Organic Outreach Intensive
When you register for Amplify 2017, you will be asked to sign up for a track. We ask that you stick to your track as much as possible during the event due to space.
Creative Arts: Without question, we live in a time when visual communication, storytelling, and empathetic connection are top cultural currencies. . LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>
City Reaching–Every Man, Woman, and Child: Do you have a vision for your city? Join the leaders of Christ Together to discover what God is doing to bring The Church together in 60 plus cities across the US to saturate their geographies with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>
Evangelism & Leadership: The Evangelism and Leadership track is for senior pastors and senior leaders who have a desire to bring change to their churches, denominations, organizations, and movements in the area of evangelism. . LEARN MORE ABOUT THE TRACK >>
Evangelists: The office of evangelist noted in Ephesians 4:11 is a gift to the Body of Christ. Evangelists help equip the Church for winning the lost to Jesus Christ, utilizing many creative means for sharing the good news. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>
Everyday Evangelism: The radical shifts and rapid changes in our culture demand a serious review and revision of how we think-and-do evangelism. This track will create a 6-segment, 6-topic, learning community to help you rethink your assumptions and and recalibrate methodologies. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>
Justice & Evangelism: Poverty & power, gender and sexuality, immigration and the movement of peoples, race and racialization–these are some of the issues the justice track will address. This track is designed to equip the Church to missionally respond to key kingdom areas of justice. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>
Workplace: Are you called to live out your faith in the workplace and business? Are you a shepherd called to serve those in the workplace? LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>
Next Generation: Churches today struggle both to keep and to reach the next generation. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>
Rural Evangelism & Church Planting: With over 48 million people in rural America, there is an emerging movement to plant churches in rural areas. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>
1 Thess. 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
We have much to rejoice about, pray about and be thankful for!
Prayer and worship is the foundation and atmosphere of everything we do.
1Tim. 2:1,8 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people...I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling
We aim to unify the Church to consistently demonstrate and communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ to every man, woman, and child in America.
As Christ Together, we are seeing faithful leaders and churches partner together to see the whole Church bring the whole Gospel to the whole Nation. We are churches and kingdom leaders, networks and denominations, and we desire to serve churches and their leaders through providing a way for THE CHURCH to join God on His mission. We initiate conversations and create environments for kingdom leaders to pray, learn, strategize and act in concert with God’s mission in their community, town, city or region.
Youth for Christ has over 190 centres in the USA ministering to the nation’s youth through Junior and Senior High campus clubs; Teen Parents; Youth Guidance; drop-in centres (neighbourhoods); foster care; concerts; camps; retreats; evangelism training; service projects, mission trips and much more.