insights (2)


Over the entire course of my ministry I have been drawn to thunderous things in the Bible. I love Elijah's prayer as he called fire from heaven, and the day the sun stood still for Joshua, Isaiah's seeing the Lord in Isaiah 6, the angels at the birth of Jesus, the voice from heaven at His baptism, the mount of transfiguration, the earthquake at the cross, the angel rolling the stone from the tomb, and hundreds more.
But lately God has been drawing me to quiet things, especially in the life of Jesus. These are things like Jesus reaching out to touch a leper who had not felt a human touch for years, or His giving His mother to John at the cross. There are quite a few of these as well. They are not usually the foundations of major doctrines, but the Holy Spirit can give amazing insights from them. Some of these are difficult to understand. And we have to think about them before they begin to make sense. Many of them are recorded in the Gospels simply because they happened.
I want to share some of them with you because God often touches my heart with His peace through them. And I am convinced that He will bless you as we look at them together.
These may be the foundation of a book that I will yet write. I have been praying for God to give me time to write a book on peace. My granddaughter Olivia’s name was particularly chosen in connection with God's Olive Branch to and through us. And she occasionally reminds me of that, and half a promise that I will write such a book. And I pray God's peace will touch your heart through these scriptures.
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Have you ever been too sick to pray? I doubt it. Unless you were unconscious, you were not. You were probably never hurting too much to cry out to God. You were never too upset to pray. When you most upset you had to tell God.

But did you pray as much or as fervently after you began to feel better? I seldom have, and that is a shame. God often speaks clearly to us through illness, even if it is no more than a cold. But it is hardest to hear His voice when we are distracted by discomfort. When you are feeling a little better, you need to pray for sound insights. That is the time you will be able to fathom the depth of what God has been saying.

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